How to Greet Returning Visitors With a “Welcome Back” Popup

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how to create a welcome back popup for returning visitors

Are you making the most of returning visitors to your site? If not, maybe it’s time to create a website popup campaign to get their attention.

By the end of this post, you will know exactly how to create an eye-catching welcome note for returning visitors.

Advantages of Welcome Back Emails

If someone comes back to your site a second or third time, they already like your content. That means it’s more likely that they’ll be happy to join your email list. All you have to do is ask.

Why get them on your email list? So you can form a connection with them, and encourage them to visit your website even more. The stats show that people who return to your site are most likely to engage and buy. That means engaging repeat visitors is good for business.

If you’re using digital marketing to reach your customers, you may have heard about segmentation and personalization in digital marketing. Differentiating between new and returning visitors is one of the easiest ways to get started with both.

Of course, you could create a welcome page for your website.

And it’s easy to do with OptinMonster.

OptinMonster is the best tool for creating a welcome note for your visitors. With OptinMonster’s drag and drop editor, you can build stunning welcome back popups to show returning visitors. On top of that, it allows you to show your welcome back note only to repeat visitors without you needing to write any code.

OptinMonster homepage

OptinMonster comes with 50+ welcome back popup templates that you can easily customize in a drag and drop builder.

So, how does OptinMonster when to show your welcome back popup to returning visitors?

When new visitors land on your site, their browser collects a small file called a cookie. If that’s there when they come back, OptinMonster immediately knows they’re a returning visitor.

That makes it simple to target a website popup campaign specifically to those who have already visited your site, and it can really pay off. uses cookie detection to target returning users and visitors and adds tens of thousands of new members to its site every month.

You can use this same functionality to grow your email list simply by welcoming back returning visitors with a website popup and asking them to join. We’re going to show you just how to do that.

Here’s the campaign we’re going to create.

welcome back campaign

How to Create a Welcome Back Website Popup for Returning Visitors

Before we begin, though, you may want to start with this article which includes 11 of the best welcome website messages you can start using today.

That post might inspire you to come up with ideas before building your welcome message popup to returning visitors.

First, you’ll need to get OptinMonster to use this campaign to get more leads and subscribers. Then follow these steps to start engaging returning visitors.

Get Started With a Welcome Back Popup Today!


Let’s dive in.

1. Create a Campaign

Login to your OptinMonster account, and press the green Create Campaign button.

create a new campaign

Choose a campaign type. We’ll use the Popup campaign, an attention-grabbing campaign that converts well for OptinMonster customers.

select your campaign type

Choose a theme. We’ll use Entice.

choose a campaign template

Next, give your campaign a name that’ll help you to recognize it later. You can also add the website where you plan to use the campaign at this stage.

name your campaign

Click Start Building. That’ll take you to the OptinMonster campaign builder where you’ll see the default Entice campaign.

default entice campaign in campaign builder

2. Edit the Campaign

The first step is to replace the default image with an image that relates to your campaign. To do this, click on the image. This will bring up the editing tools to the left.

change campaign image

Clicking on Select to Replace Image will take you to the image gallery where you can choose an image you’ve already uploaded or upload a new one.

choose a new image for your campaign

If you don’t have a suitable image, check out our list of Creative Commons image sites, and grab one from there.

Next, click on the default headline text, and change it to something welcoming.

We’ll use “Welcome back! Can we keep in touch?”

To change the text, all you need to do is click on the popup. Then, you’ll be able to edit the copy on your optin form using OptinMonster’s inline text editor.

Entice inline text editor

It’s a good idea to save your campaign at regular intervals. You can do that with Save button at the top of the screen.

save your campaign regularly

You can edit the body text the same way you changed the headline text. Just click to bring up the editing tools to the left.

edit campaign body text

If you want, you can use this same process to edit your optin form and your button! Here, we’ve edited our button color to match the colors in our image:

change button color

3. Set Display Rules

Next, it’s time to set display rules. These will control when your website popup shows and who sees it. To make sure only returning visitors see your website popup we’ll use OptinMonster’s advanced targeting.

Go to Display Rules and set a condition of If visitor is returning.

returning visitor display rule

Now, only returning visitors will see your welcome back popup. You can even add your campaigns to specific pages and blog posts by using our page-level targeting feature.

4. Add an Email Integration

Go to Integrations » Add New Integration then choose Constant Contact from the dropdown.

add a new integration

Choose Add New Account from the Email Provider Account dropdown, then click the Register with Constant Contact button:

register with constant contact

Log in to Constant Contact and click the Allow button. Then, add an account label and click Connect to Constant Contact.

connect to constant contact

OptinMonster will pull the email lists you have available from your Constant Contact account. Choose the email list you want to use for this optin.

choose your email list

Save your optin and you’re good to go. Now, any leads that sign up through this popup will be automatically added to the list that you selected.

If you’re using another email marketing service, check out these instructions for other OptinMonster integrations.

5. Publish the Campaign

Once you’re finished, it’s time to publish the campaign. To do this, click the Publish button at the top of the screen and toggle the Status to Live.

publish your campaign

Scroll down the page. OptinMonster offers a range of publishing options. For instance, you can publish campaigns to WordPress or Shopify.

campaign publishing options

Here’s some more guidance on embedding OptinMonster on your site.

Now you know how to get the attention of returning visitors with a “Welcome Back” website popup.

Get Started With a Welcome Back Popup Today!

A welcome note for visitors is a great way to personalize how you engage with your site visitors. In addition, you might enjoy learning about these other practical strategies:

Ready to turn your returning visitors into email subscribers? Get OptinMonster today.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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Over 70% of visitors who abandon your website will never return! Learn how to unlock the highest conversion revenue from each of your website visitors!

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One response to “How to Greet Returning Visitors With a “Welcome Back” Popup”

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Popups work, and you can get started for a few bucks a month. What are you waiting for?

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today in minutes. What are you waiting for?

In only 7 months, we added more than 95,654 names to our email list using OptinMonster’s Exit Intent™ technology. We strongly recommend it!

Michael Stelzner - Best Lead Generation Tool

Michael Stelzner

Founder Social Media Examiner

I hate popups, so I was hesitant to try one on my site. But the results from OptinMonster exit-intent popup speak for themselves. I doubled my subscription rate immediately without annoying my users. I haven’t had a single complaint. My only regret is that I didn’t start using OptinMonster sooner. I can only imagine how many subscribers I could have added to my email list! If you have a blog, then I highly recommend you start using OptinMonster. I’ve researched them all, and it’s the best in market.

Michael Hyatt - WordPress Lead Generation

Michael Hyatt

New York Times Bestselling Author Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Exit-intent popups have doubled my email opt-in rate. When done right, you can see an instant 12% lift on driving sales. I highly recommend that you use OptinMonster for growing your email list and sales.

Neil Patel - WordPress Popup Plugin

Neil Patel

Founder QuickSprout