How Woodside Communities Made $294,435 In Less Than 2 Months Using OptinMonster

Is your business counting on you to drive revenue this year? Are you eager to try a new strategy for increasing leads? In this case study, we’ll meet Lindsey Kelley of Woodside Communities. Lindsey used OptinMonster to increase leads 426% even as she transitioned into a new leadership role within her company, solidifying her authority. …

Increased Leads
476% Arrow Up Green
Increased Leads
Revenue Increase
$294,435 Arrow Up Green
Revenue Increase
Leads Collected
116 Arrow Up Green
Leads Collected

Is your business counting on you to drive revenue this year? Are you eager to try a new strategy for increasing leads? In this case study, we’ll meet Lindsey Kelley of Woodside Communities. Lindsey used OptinMonster to increase leads 426% even as she transitioned into a new leadership role within her company, solidifying her authority.

Meet Woodside Communities

Under the umbrella of Woodside Communities are three real estate developments:

  • Woodside, a gated, 3,000-acre community,
  • The Village at Woodside, a neotraditional, mixed-use community with residential and commercial real estate options, parks, medical facilities, a fitness center and more,
  • and a similar new development that is slated to be released later this year.

The developer of Woodside Communities also owns a private club, a construction company, a design company, a restaurant in The Village at Woodside, a fitness center, and many other business entities that are vital to Woodside’s appeal.

Woodside Communities

Because these individual businesses require marketing consistent to the community as a whole, Woodside Communities originally relied on a marketing agency to execute their marketing strategies. During that time, Lindsey Kelley functioned as an in-house Group Marketing Coordinator to drive communication and production.

Lindsey said,

We discovered over the course of our agency relationship that, while the agency was talented and responsive, their team was unable to give our businesses the attention we needed while still managing other clients. We ended that relationship on excellent terms; we had simply finally reached a point of critical mass where it was time to bring all those responsibilities in-house to perform at maximum efficiency.

In January of 2018, Lindsey moved into the role of Digital Marketing Manager and brought all of their marketing in-house. She said, “In that critical moment, it became necessary to not only prove that as a company we were equipped to scale our marketing efforts, but to prove that as an individual, I was the right person to do it.”

Cue OptinMonster.

How Woodside Communities Uses OptinMonster

Like many businesses, Woodside focuses its efforts on digital marketing. They pay very close attention to traffic and conversions through their website. While Lindsey focuses a lot of time on making small gains with SEO and ads, she continues to rely on the one marketing tool that has outlasted all the social media channels: e-mail marketing.

Lindsey knew her traffic was already well qualified. Her goal was to capture contact information from as many of those qualified visitors as possible.

She first heard about OptinMonster at Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Marketing World conference in March. She said, “I ran back to my hotel room that evening knowing that this could be the tool to help us get there quickly. I was absolutely correct about that.”

Woodside launched its first OptinMonster campaign on one of their highest traffic pages on March 14, 2018. You can view the lightbox optin on this page dedicated to planning a visit to Woodside. The optin appears 5 seconds after the visitor lands on the page.

Woodside Communities helped prospects plan a visit using OptinMonster

They immediately began seeing dramatic results. This optin converts 3.57% of visitors.

In the two weeks prior to launching OptinMonster, they received 25 leads total.

In the two weeks immediately after launching OptinMonster, they received 64 leads, 35 of which came directly from an OptinMonster optin.

Within two weeks, they had surpassed their monthly lead generation projections by almost 62%.

The next month, the results using OptinMonster were staggering.

In April 2018, Woodside Communities collected 116 leads using OptinMonster and another 126 leads from non-OptinMonster forms, for a total of 242 leads. That’s an amazing 476% increase compared to April 2017 when they collected only 46 leads total.

We can welcome visitors coming to our site from specific digital campaigns, or use it to engage existing leads visiting our site after clicking through our monthly e-newsletters, and it is working!

Before OptinMonster, it was typical for us to see a new lead submit one form. On rare occasions, maybe two. Now, we’re receiving two to three forms per site visit from new leads, which is increasing our average session duration, lowering our site bounce rate, and creating highly engaged leads who look forward to hearing back from our sales team. We’ve also re-engaged a high number of existing leads who had previously stopped engaging with our content.

OptinMonster is doing more for Woodside than just generating leads. It is shortening their average lead-to-sale time, too. Their average turnaround time is 3-6 months. They recently converted a lead referred by an OptinMonster optin in just under two weeks. That lead generated $294,435 in revenue. What an amazing return on their investment!

Lindsey said, “OptinMonster has changed our sales trajectory in a way I almost cannot believe, and I can’t wait to share the data from using the tool at the end of this year!”


Woodside Communities saw an opportunity to engage with visitors in a new way and executed quickly to get great results.

  • Woodside Communities increased leads 476%.
  • Woodside Communities increased revenue $294,435 in under two months.
  • Woodside Communities went from 46 leads collected to 116 leads in just two months.


OptinMonster is not just software for collecting leads, though it certainly does that. OptinMonster can help you position yourself as a leader in your business by bringing an entirely new lead generation strategy to the table. Take the lead and get started using OptinMonster today.

Don’t wait another second to implement this tool. If you’ve laid the foundation for your website with an intuitive digital strategy designed to build a qualified audience, OptInMonster will tip the scales in your favor. Take your site traffic from casual visitors to engaged sales prospects and watch on in excitement like we have as that starts to move the needle of your company’s revenue.
Lindsey Kelley, Digital Marketing Manager, Woodside Communities

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)

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Michael Stelzner - Best Lead Generation Tool

Michael Stelzner

Founder Social Media Examiner

I hate popups, so I was hesitant to try one on my site. But the results from OptinMonster exit-intent popup speak for themselves. I doubled my subscription rate immediately without annoying my users. I haven’t had a single complaint. My only regret is that I didn’t start using OptinMonster sooner. I can only imagine how many subscribers I could have added to my email list! If you have a blog, then I highly recommend you start using OptinMonster. I’ve researched them all, and it’s the best in market.

Michael Hyatt - WordPress Lead Generation

Michael Hyatt

New York Times Bestselling Author Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Exit-intent popups have doubled my email opt-in rate. When done right, you can see an instant 12% lift on driving sales. I highly recommend that you use OptinMonster for growing your email list and sales.

Neil Patel - WordPress Popup Plugin

Neil Patel

Founder QuickSprout