Smash Balloon Review: Is This Social Feed Plugin Any Good?

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Smash Balloon Review: Is It the Best Social Feed Plugin?

Want to display beautiful social media feeds on your website to grow your following and boost your sales?

You need a social media feed plugin that’s both powerful and easy to use.

Smash Balloon is the most popular suite of WordPress social feeds plugins. We often get asked if it’s really the best tool to help you show social media feeds on your site.

That’s why in today’s post, we’ll walk you through our in-depth Smash Balloon review. We’ll take a look at its features, pricing, and performance so you can decide if it’s the best social media feed plugin to grow your business.

What is Smash Balloon?

smash ballon social media feeds plugin

Trusted by over 2 million users, and with an average rating of 4.8 stars out of 5, Smash Balloon is the best social media feeds plugin for WordPress.

Smash Balloon is a combination of 6 WordPress plugins. Each of these plugins makes it super easy for you to create and display social media feeds on your website.

Even without hiring a developer, you can use Smash Balloon to add custom Facebook feeds, Instagram feeds, Twitter feeds, YouTube feeds, and reviews feeds to your WordPress site.

You can also use Smash Balloon to combine your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube feeds and display them as a single social media feed on your website.

The best thing about their plugins? You don’t need to be a WordPress pro to use them.

All of the plugins look great right out of the box, so you can display your social media feeds in just under 5 minutes. And if you want to customize them, all you have to do is check or uncheck choices. No coding is needed.

Now that you know what Smash Balloon is, let’s talk about why we believe it has the best social media feed plugins for WordPress.

Smash Balloon Review: Why Social Media Feeds

When you embed social feeds on your website, users can see your newest and best content. And they see it right on your website, without having to navigate away to open their social apps.

By embedding social feeds, you can:

  • Use the power of social proof with hashtag feeds on WordPress
  • Show interactive X feeds to boost user engagement
  • Embed YouTube videos to skyrocket your subscribers
  • Add authentic Facebook or Google reviews to your site to increase sales
  • And more!

If these benefits sound exciting, then Smash Balloon is the perfect partner for you.

In the Smash Balloon review below, we’ve covered the most helpful features we’ve found while using the suite of social feed plugins from Smash Balloon. Take a look at what makes these plugins so worth it:

1. Super Easy to Use

Out of all the social media feed plugins available on the market, Smash Balloon is the easiest solution to use, hands-down. You just need to click on different options to activate them. This simplicity makes these the perfect plugins for small businesses.

Screenshot of the Smash Balloon Facebook Feed Plugin

In fact, after getting a Smash Balloon plugin, you can easily set it up in under 30 seconds! That’s because you don’t need to be tech-savvy just to get your social feeds up and running.

It’s newbie-friendly because of its intuitive interface. It’s also packed with lots of powerful features that are designed to take your social media marketing to the next level.

2. Responsive and Mobile-Optimized

You’ll be glad to know that Smash Balloon plugins are 100% responsive and mobile-ready.

This means that your social media feeds will always look awesome on any screen size and all mobile devices, so your users can always consume your social media content clearly.

GIF showing a YouTube feed that is responsive as the browser is resized

This feature is helpful to you as a website owner, too. Because Smash Balloon makes your feeds look great on both desktop and mobile, it can help your website rank higher on search engines as well.

3. Ultra-Fast Performance

Worried about plugins slowing down your website?

With Smash Balloon plugins, you don’t need to be.

Since the plugins are built with users in mind, they’re designed to be powerful but bloat-free to help you achieve the fastest page speeds possible.

All plugins also efficiently process data to minimize requests from different social media platforms so your feeds will only show what you want your visitors to see.

As a result, your social feeds load lightning-fast on your site.

4. Fully Customizable Design

As mentioned, the plugins look great right out of the box. They’re built to inherit the same fonts, colors, and other styles in your existing theme so your social feeds look consistent with your brand’s design.

But what if you want to customize your feeds to match your website and WordPress theme?

With the help of Smash Balloon, you can easily customize your social media feeds without coding or hiring a designer.

Screenshot showing the simple customization bar for a Smash Balloon Youtube feed.

Each plugin also has specific customization options to help you personalize your feed’s style even more.

Here are a few of the customization options available from Smash Balloon:

  • Customize the background color, size, and fonts of any feed.
  • Select sources for your X feeds, such as user timelines, hashtags, and search terms.
  • Decide which information from YouTube videos should be displayed in your feed.
  • Choose a photo layout for your Instagram feed, as seen below.

A screenshot of layout options in Smash Balloon's Instagram Feed Pro

You can accomplish any of these customizations with just a few clicks, thanks to Smash Balloon’s simple interface and excellent functionality.

5. SEO-Friendly

Unlike other social media feed plugins that don’t help improve your SEO, Smash Balloon makes it super easy for you to skyrocket your website’s rankings.

Even though it’s not a direct factor, social media is super influential in SEO rankings.

In fact, the higher a website’s search ranking is, the stronger the website’s social presence is.

Smash Balloon knows how important it is to boost your website’s SEO, so they use server-side code in their plugins.

This means that Google bot can read your available social media feeds and treat them as blog posts.

As a result, you can add dynamic and search engine-crawlable content directly to your website, with minimal effort on your part.

facebook seo

And since this content is relevant to your business, it reduces bounce rate and encourages your visitors to check out other pages when they visit your website.

Another factor that Google considers when ranking your website is dwell time. That’s how long visitors stay on your site when coming from a Google search.

The longer your dwell time is, the more likely Google will reward you by giving you a boost in your rankings.

And the easiest way to increase your dwell time?

Embed relevant video feeds on your website with the help of the YouTube Feed Pro plugin.

Example of a Smash Balloon YouTube Feed

These features, together with Smash Balloon’s lightning-fast performance, help make your website more visible in organic search results.

6. Awesome Customer Support

With over 2 million active users and thousands of 5-star user reviews, Smash Balloon is happily recommended and trusted worldwide.

Smash Balloon reviews

The customer support team behind Smash Balloon is some of the best in the business. Fast and friendly, these WordPress experts are happy to guide you as you create, customize, and display your social media feeds on your website.

Users also appreciate how helpful and efficient the team is. Here are some Smash Balloon reviews that show just how much users love their top-notch service:

  • “Joel from support was ON it, and took care of us in no time flat. Great plugin, and even better support!!” (@iamediaworks)
  • “All of my requests have been responded to in less than a day (hours sometimes) and all resolved quickly. Every response has been personal and provided a fast resolution. Great product, great support.” (@dmcvie)
  • “A quick email to their support team and I had a response within an hour and a fix. Mind blown! Not many developers provide this level of support. I HIGHLY recommend this plugin.” (@akasimonsearle)

On top of the great support team, Smash Balloon offers comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and social media marketing guides for all of their plugins.

We love the fact that the team covers every feature in their tutorials so you can easily use their plugins, even if you’re a WordPress newbie or an advanced user.

Check Out Smash Balloon Suite of Plugins

Now, let’s check out some of the best features of each of the individual Smash Balloon plugins. Then, you can decide if they’re the best WordPress social feed plugins for your business.

Custom Facebook Feed Pro

facebook feed

Facebook oEmbed Support for WordPress

WordPress removed Facebook oEmbed support, but Facebook Feed Pro added it back. That means you can use the plugin to activate and support all your existing and future Facebook oEmbeds across your WordPress website.

Multiple Feed Types With Comments and Reactions

Unlike other plugins, Custom Facebook Feed Pro allows you to display Facebook feeds from both your Facebook page and Facebook group.

You don’t need to get a separate plugin just to integrate your Facebook group into your website: you can boost user engagement with just one tool!

The plugin also allows you to display tons of feed types on your website, such as:

  • Facebook post timeline
  • Facebook photos
  • Facebook albums
  • Status updates and link posts
  • Facebook videos (including live videos and support for 360° video)
  • Facebook events calendar

To encourage user engagement, you can also choose to display likes, shares, and comments in a customizable drop-down box below each post in your Facebook feed.

Boosts Your Sales Using Positive Social Proof

Did you know that customers would spend 31% more if they see you have good reviews?

Facebook review widget from Smash Balloon

That’s why we love Custom Facebook Feed Pro’s feature that lets you show off Facebook reviews on your website.

This way, you don’t need to spend lots of time copying and pasting single Facebook review codes. You don’t even need to hire a developer. Instead, you can let the plugin handle it all for you.

Want to know what else the plugin can do for your business? Check out Custom Facebook Feed Pro’s full list of features here.

Instagram Feed Pro

Example of a Smash Balloon Instagram Feed

Shoppable Instagram Posts

You can use Instagram Feed Pro to display a shoppable Instagram feed on your website.

How does it work? It’s simple.

Every post on your Instagram feed links to your website’s product pages.

So whenever a site visitor clicks on your embedded Instagram post, they’re automatically taken to your product catalog page where they can take their time browsing and shopping.

The cool thing about this feature is that you don’t need to undergo Instagram’s strict approval process anymore. Just use Instagram Feed Pro, enter the website URL in the post’s caption, and watch your sales grow with your embedded shoppable feed.

Instagram oEmbed Support for WordPress

Worried your Instagram posts won’t show up on your site anymore because WordPress discontinued its support for Instagram oEmbeds?

If you’re using Instagram Feed Pro, then you don’t need to be. Simply install the plugin and let it power all your existing and future Instagram oEmbeds across your website.

Tons of Beautiful Instagram Feed Types and Layouts

With the Instagram Feed Pro plugin, you can show several feed types to help you get more followers, more leads, and more sales for your business.

After all, Instagram Feed Pro is an approved Instagram partner that’s 100% compatible with the newest version of Instagram API, so the plugin works seamlessly with this social media platform.

Some of the available feed types you can display are:

  • User feed: Display a feed of your latest Instagram posts
  • Hashtag feed: Display an Instagram hashtag feed using your chosen hashtags
  • Tagged feed: Show a feed of photos you’re tagged in by other Instagram users
  • Mixed feed: Display a single feed containing multiple feed types
  • IGTV feed: Display a feed of your IGTV videos
  • Bonus: Show Instagram stories on your website in a popup lightbox

Smash Balloon Instagram Feed from beauty brand Fenty

Plus, you can also choose from the plugin’s built-in layout options: grid, carousel, masonry, and highlight so you can display your Instagram feed in the way you want.

Those are just some of Instagram Feed Pro’s top features to grow your business. Interested to see what else makes the plugin stand out from its competition? Take a look at Instagram Feed Pro’s full list of features here.

Twitter Feed Pro for X

testimonial tweet

Show off Testimonial Tweets to Encourage Sales

Want to use the power of social proof to boost your sales and supercharge your business’ growth over time?

With Custom Twitter Feeds Pro, you can easily display a customer testimonial feed by adding testimonial tweets that mention your Twitter handle while happily recommending your brand.

Infinite Loading

You can use the plugin’s “load more” button to keep your visitors as engaged as possible. Your users can simply click the button or scroll down to load more tweets, right on your website.

Twitter Cards and Lots of Twitter Widgets to Choose From

Instead of displaying boring links in your feed, Twitter Feeds Pro will automatically create and show Twitter cards to help you capture your audience’s attention.

And that’s not all.

You can also level up your X marketing campaigns because the plugin lets you cross-promote different types of X feeds on your website. Here are some X feeds you can choose from:

  • User timeline feed
  • Hashtag feed
  • Search feed based on the results of an advanced X search
  • Home feed featuring tweets from yourself and the accounts you follow
  • Mentions feed
  • Lists feed based on your specific X lists
  • Twitter slideshow that displays your feed in a scrolling carousel
  • Twitter widget that you can add to your sidebar or footer areas

twitter feed

Wondering what else makes Twitter Feed Pro the best Twitter feeds plugin for WordPress? Take a peek at the full list of features of Twitter Feeds Pro here.

YouTube Feed Pro

Smash Balloon YouTube Feed for WPbeginner

Super Fast Loading

Unlike other plugins, Feeds for YouTube Pro only loads the YouTube video player on the page when your visitor starts to engage with your feed. That means it won’t negatively affect your site’s performance.

This is also a great way to improve user experience on your website. And the more visitors enjoy browsing your site, the more likely they are to come back.

Customizable Pauses and End Actions

Here’s another powerful feature of the plugin: customizable actions. This means you can control what to show to your viewers when they pause or finish watching your video.

For example, you can display thumbnails of your other YouTube videos to encourage your viewers to watch them.

Or you can also display a link to your product pages or contact form to increase your conversions.

YouTube Feed Types That are Readily Available and Customizable

Since there are readily available YouTube feed types you can choose from, you don’t need to tweak any lines of code when you decide on the YouTube videos you want to show.

Instead, you can just click on the YouTube feed type you’d like and the plugin will do the rest. The plugin allows you to choose from 6 feed types, such as:

  • Channel: Embed a specific YouTube channel’s videos
  • Playlist: Embed multiple videos from your chosen YouTube playlist — great for showing a playlist feed of your video testimonials

youtube testimonials

  • Favorites: Display videos marked as “favorites” by your selected YouTube channel
  • Search: Embed multiple YouTube videos based on specific search words or phrases
  • Live Streams: Embed multiple videos of upcoming or existing YouTube live streams
  • Single Videos: Display individual videos sorted in order

Check out this full list of features to see how Feeds for YouTube Pro can boost your followers and grow your business today.

Social Wall Pro

social wall

Since 51% of the world’s population now uses social media, having a solid social media marketing plan is now more important than ever. That’s why we love Smash Balloon’s Social Wall Pro plugin.

We appreciate Social Wall Pro’s features which can help you:

  • Reach a wider target audience: Social Wall Pro displays all your social media feeds from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube and shows it to targeted traffic — website visitors who are already interested in your brand.
  • Supercharge your social media followers: Get more followers on not just 1, but 4 social media accounts. Choose from 3 beautiful layouts to display your social feeds: grid, list, and carousel.
  • Boost your sales: Want to show testimonials that your customers posted about your business on different social channels? That’s easily done with Social Wall Pro. You can create a single feed of all social media posts that happily recommend your business.

Reviews Feed Pro

Webpage that has a sidebar displaying Google reviews

Add Social Proof to Your Website With 3rd Party Reviews

3rd party reviews are one of the strongest forms of social proof to boost your brand. Smash Balloon’s Reviews Feed Pro plugin lets you easily display those reviews on your website.

Reviews Feed Pro integrates with all of the top review platforms:

  • Yelp
  • Google
  • Trustpilot
  • TripAdvisor
  • Facebook

You can choose reviews from any of these platforms or combine multiple platforms in a single feed.

Highlight Your Best Reviews to Impress Website Visitors

Put your best face forward by showing your highest star reviews on your feed. Review Feed Pro’s star filter lets you accomplish this with just a few clicks.

Screenshot of Smash Balloon's Reviews Feed Pro dashboard. It shows that a filter where the user has selected to only display 5-star, 4-star, and 3-star reviews in their feed

The Allow and Block Lists give you even finer control. You can use them to select specific reviews to include or exclude. When you get a new stellar review, you can put it front and center on your review feed. You can update the Allow and Block Lists at any time.

Create a Sales-Driving Review Feed Without a Developer

As with all of Smash Balloon’s plugins, Review Feed Pro is user-friendly even for beginners. The simple user interface lets you quickly choose your feed layout and customize your feed to match your website design.

And when your feed looks perfect, you can quickly embed it on your website in seconds, without needing to write any code.

Smash Balloon's Reviews Feed Pro builder. The Embed button is in the upper right corner.

Take a look at the full list of Reviews Feed Pro’s features to learn more about how this plugin can help you boost sales through social proof.

How Much Does Smash Balloon Cost?

With all these amazing features, you may be thinking that Smash Balloon costs a fortune.

Thankfully, you don’t have to pay top dollar for these top-rated plugins.

Smash Balloon has various plans suited for every business and every budget. If you want to use all 5 plugins, the All Access Bundle provides an even better annual price.

Smash Balloon pricing page. The All-Access Bundle has a discounted price of 9 per year. Each individual plugin has a discounted price starting at  a year.

Want to know if Smash Balloon is free? Yes, there are free versions of Smash Balloon available from They have limited features, but you can use them if you don’t have room in your budget for social media feed plugins right now:

  • Smash Balloon Social Post Feed (Custom Facebook Feed)
  • Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed (Instagram Feed)
  • Custom Twitter Feeds
  • Feeds for YouTube

We recommend that you get the Pro versions of Smash Balloon plugins so you can unlock all the best features to help you create, customize, and display social feeds on your WordPress website.

Verdict: Is It the Best Social Media Feed Plugin?

Smash Balloon is super easy to use, has powerful social media marketing features, and has lightning-fast performance. It’s clear that it’s the best social media feed plugin for WordPress.

Plus, its customer support team is unrivaled, with every member going out of their way to help you successfully display social feeds on your website.

We believe it’s worth the investment. Also, Smash Balloon has a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can request a refund if you feel that it’s not the right fit.

Want to start succeeding in your social media marketing?

Boost your followers and increase your sales.

Get started with Smash Balloon today!

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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