OptinMonster vs. Justuno

Looking to ramp up your website conversions? Let’s break down the pros and cons of OptinMonster and Justuno
to see which one is the best option for you.

To help you navigate, we’ve also created a table of contents:

Which Is Right for You?

Are you looking for the best way to grow your email list, reduce shopping cart abandonment, drive traffic to your site, and get higher conversion rates? If so, you’ve likely been shopping around for various conversion optimization kits.

Two popular choices you may have come across are OptinMonster and Justuno.

Both companies are dedicated to helping their users create powerful campaigns to strengthen their business. But while looking at each company’s services, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you.

And while OptinMonster and Justuno may seem similar from the outside, they are very unique products. As such, you should be aware of their features before choosing which one to go with.

That’s why we’ve created an in-depth OptinMonster vs. Justuno comparison to help you out. And yes, though we love our product here at OptinMonster, we’ll remain as unbiased as possible! 😉

Pressed for time? Feel free to use this table of contents to jump to the section that you want to learn about most:

  1. Campaign Creation
  2. Campaign Targeting and Triggers
  3. Documentation and Support
  4. OptinMonster vs. Justuno: Which Is Best for You?

Otherwise, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to learn which platform can bring you the most bang for your buck.

Let’s get started!

OptinMonster vs. JustUno: Pricing

Before we reach any conclusion, we know that pricing is a factor. So let’s take a quick look at what each service costs.

Justuno has two packages: Justuno and Justuno Plus, both of which are priced by traffic:

Justuno’s pricing looks like this when billed monthly:

  • $29/month for 10k traffic
  • $49/month for 20k traffic
  • $99/month for 50k traffic
Justuno pricing min

From there, pricing goes up as your traffic increases:

Justuno extra pricing min

Justuno Plus includes managed services and Commerce AI, an AI-powered product recommendation engine. Justuno Plus packages require a demo call, but you can expect it would be much higher than their standard package.

OptinMonster, on the other hand, has much more competitive pricing, even when billed monthly:

  • $19/month for Basic (3,500 page views)
  • $39/month for Plus (15,000 page views)
  • $59/month for Pro (50,000 page views)
  • $99/month for Growth (250,000 pageviews)
OptinMonster Pricing

Here’s another important difference to make: Justuno prices by website traffic whereas OptinMonster charges by campaign views.

And that’s a huge difference. Why?

Because if you’re creating targeted campaigns for your visitors, not all of your website’s traffic will see your optin campaigns. But with Justuno, you’re paying for that traffic either way.

OptinMonster, on the other hand, only charges for when campaigns are seen by your clients. So not only are we comparatively less expensive and offer more functionality, but we also make sure you’re getting your money’s worth by basing our pricing model on when you’re using our services.

OptinMonster vs. Justuno: Campaign Creation

For a lot of our users, building the right kind of campaign is crucial for growing their email list and driving conversions. Our clients want beautiful templates to start with, and an intuitive editor for customization.

So let’s begin our OptinMonster vs. Justuno comparison there.


When you start with Justuno, you need to choose your targeted device before deciding which template you’d like. They separate your options into Desktop/Tablet or Mobile:

Justuno campaigns desktop or mobile min

For today’s comparison, let’s go with Desktop/Tablet (though the template options look identical for both with a few formatting changes).

You then have your choice between 4 campaign types:

  • Fullscreen
  • Center
  • Banner
  • Corner/Edge
Justuno Campaign types min

We’ll choose a Center campaign because it’s the closest to a Lightbox Popup, which is one of our most popular campaigns here at OptinMonster.

From there, you can choose your goal. You can either:

  • Capture Leads
  • Message your users with campaigns, promotions, or other marketing reinforcements
Justuno lead capture or website messaging min

If you choose Lead Capture, you’ll be asked if you want a standard optin form or an introduction page as well.

As a reference, the introduction page with Justuno is the same as OptinMonster’s Yes/No feature. But we’ll talk about that later in the post.

And now you’re ready to choose your template:

Justuno Choose a template min

Justuno is more limited than OptinMonster in their choices here.

For their Featured templates, they have 11 options. And they have 15 templates under Email Capture (though some of these overlap their Featured themes).

And then they have a few templates for seasonal campaigns such as Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and so on.

Overall, you have a handful of quality templates to choose from, but certainly fewer options than OptinMonster.

One thing that we did like, though, was their live preview that lets you see the theme before deciding to customize it:

Justuno Preview min

OptinMonster, of course, offers that feature as well. In fact, it’s pretty standard for most lead generating software. The only downside to Justuno’s preview is that they open this in a new window and display the preview over their site’s background.

It’s not a big deal, but a little annoying to be redirected in the middle of choosing your campaign.

Once you’ve chosen a theme, you need to pick your audience:

Justuno Select your audience min

You also have the option to build your audience, if you’d like.

Finally, you get to design the campaign. You can either edit the features that were in the default template:

Justuno edit default

Or you can go to the canvas editor to make more custom changes:

Justuno go to design canvas min

One of Justuno’s strengths in the canvas editor is that it’s a true “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG). That means you can move things freely throughout the editor and have a good idea of what it will look like:

Justuno WYSIWYG min

You can also drag and drop elements into place. Plus, you have a wide variety of options to choose from.

Now, at the start of this article, we promised to be as unbiased as possible. And we’re happy to deliver on that promise.

Justuno has a nice drag and drop campaign builder with some excellent features you can put in your campaigns. In fact, out of all our competitors, their campaign was the most design-friendly.

In other words, Justuno did a great job with their canvas editor! So kudos to them.

Ok, now it’s our turn. 😉

When you decide to Create a New Campaign with OptinMonster, you have 5 campaign choices:

  • Popup
  • Fullscreen Welcome Mat
  • Slide-in Scroll Box
  • Floating Bar
  • Inline Forms
OptinMonster choose your campaign min 1

But you can also create sidebar widgets to make the perfect optin campaign stick to the side of your site’s content:

OptinMonster sidebar widget 1 min 1

Just from this alone, we can see that OptinMonster has more campaign choices than Justuno.

Once you choose your campaign type in OptinMonster, you can then select a template. Now, here’s the thing:

Our template selection is awesome. 

Again, we want to remain as unbiased as possible, but there’s just no way around it. OptinMonster has over 50 templates to choose from, all of which can be filtered by goal and device:

OptinMonste choose your campaign type min

Plus, you can preview each template before selecting which one you’d like:

OptinMonster template preview

Another small thing to point out is that our previews are shown directly on the template selection page. That means you won’t be redirected, and no other windows will popup.

Which, again, can be annoying when you’re selecting your template.

Once you’ve chosen your template, you move to the editor:

OptinMonster campaign editor min

This is where you have tons of options for customization. Click on any element you want to change, and you can do so on the left-hand side menu:

OptinMonster lefthand side editing tools min

Stay TunedA WYSIWYG-style editor is on its way to OptinMonster, so keep your eyes peeled. 👀

Coming back to our current editor, you can always add or remove any elements you’d like. In our Blocks section, we have tons of options to customize any campaign:

Choose your block elements min

These include:

  • Buttons
  • Chatbots
  • Countdown timers
  • Dividers
  • Custom HTML
  • Icons
  • Images
  • Optin fields
  • Spacers
  • Text
  • Video
  • Yes/No blocks

These options allow you to build just about any campaign you’d like. And our Yes/No feature helps you turn these campaigns into super-efficient lead converters:

OptinMonster yes no editor

The Yes/No option allows people to optin faster by leveraging the Zeigarnik effect. This psychological principle suggests that people are more likely to finish the processes they’ve started.

When someone does something as simple as clicking Yes, they’re more likely to enter their email on the next page by finishing their signup.

The Verdict? OptinMonster has more options for templates and campaigns. And while Justuno has a good editor, they unfortunately have more limited templates and fewer options to customize triggers.

On that note, let’s take a look at how each platform lets you target your users.

Campaign Targeting and Triggers

Ok, so once you’ve created your campaign with Justuno, it’s time to build a ruleset for your triggers. To do that, you hit Create Trigger and then decide between a basic rule set or an advanced ruleset:

Create Rule set with justuno min

Since we’re going to do some advanced triggers with OptinMonster later, it would only be fair to do the same here. So we’ll choose the Advanced Ruleset. Now you’ll be taken to your Rule Library:

Justuno advanced ruleset min

As you can see on the right-hand side, you can add different rulesets for your custom campaign. You can target by:

  • URL
  • Visitor frequency
  • Geolocation/language
  • User engagement
  • Date & time
  • Various technological rules
  • Cart & past orders
  • Custom values

With OptinMonster, you can set the exact same triggers, with two crucial advantages: reCaptcha integration and overcoming adblocking technology.

One of the benefits of working with OptinMonster is the ability to easily add reCAPTCHA to your lead capture form. You’ve likely seen reCAPTCHA before:

Lead capture form with captcha min

This helps our clients prevent getting spammy leads. Bots can easily fill in most optin forms, so CAPTCHA adds a step that makes it difficult for these spambots to perform.

With CAPTCHA, you can rest assured that your leads are actual human beings. Not spam.

And then we get to the second and arguably most significant advantage of OptinMonster vs. Justuno:

We aren’t affected by ad blockers.

This is a huge distinction to make. Why? Because over 616 million devices use AdBlock or a similar service to prevent ads that you’ll build with sites like Justuno.

OptinMonster isn’t affected by ad blockers, which means your message will get to the right people every time.

And activating this feature with OptinMonster couldn’t be easier. You simply set up a Yes/No campaign that asks users to disable their adblocker. That would look something like this:

Adblock detected with OptinMonster min 1

Then you set the display rule to show your campaign directly to your audience who have ad blockers enabled:

OptinMonster adblocker min 1

That means the same technology that would prevent a Justuno campaign from appearing actually triggers OptinMonster campaigns to show up.

And 77% of visitors click Yes to disabling their AdBlock!

Why? Because most users are trying to prevent ads while they’re streaming their favorite shows from shady websites.

Ok, people use ad blockers for other reasons, but you get the point. Most online visitors are trying to block SPAM. They don’t want to block content and promotions that they’re actively engaging with.

That’s why OptinMonster made sure that our campaigns are unaffected by AdBlock technology.

The verdict? With OptinMonster and Justuno, you can target and trigger your audience very effectively. But with OptinMonster, you’re able to get 77% more campaign views from your audience who use ad-blocking technology. And, again, most of your site’s visitors probably do.

With that in mind, it’s safe to say that OptinMonster comes out ahead in this category, too.

OptinMonster vs. Justuno: Docs and Support

Sometimes when you’re working on building a campaign, you’ve got some questions. No worries, it happens to all of us.

Both OptinMonster and Justuno have various methods of support: blogs, YouTube channels, and email tickets.

But there are two differences between the companies when it comes to their documentation: live chat support and video tutorials.

OptinMonster has added live chat to their website. That means during regular business hours (9am–5pm EST), you can live chat with a representative to help solve your problems.

This is a big deal, especially if you have a time-sensitive campaign that you need help with.

Our customer support team is the best in the business. They’re experts in our technology and, above all, they just treat you like real human beings.

If you’re more of an autonomous learner, though, that’s fine too. Our documentation has videos embedded to help you crush whatever problem you’re having, all on your own.

We’ve found (and our clients have confirmed) that these videos are an effective supplement to the text provided in our answers. That’s why most of our documentation pages look like this:

OptinMonste Adblock detected documentation min

They have a helpful video first and in-depth response to your question afterward. More often than not, however, our short tutorials do the trick.

Justuno, on the other hand, has mostly text-based tutorials, which is ok, but not suited to all learning styles.

OptinMonster vs. Justuno: The Final Word

We recently came across a page from Justuno’s website claiming to be “the best OptinMonster alternative:”

Justuno competitor page min

Which, to be fair, is both flattering and accurate.

They probably are the best alternative to us, in the same way that the band Oasis is the best alternative to the Beatles. The former has some great hits, but the latter defines the market.

In other words, we appreciate Justuno acknowledging that we’re the industry standard. But we also don’t know why anyone would want to pay more money for an alternative.

To be fair, out of all of our competitors, Justuno has an editor that is easiest to use and that we enjoyed playing with the most.

Again, kudos to them!

But they still have a ways to go before catching up to our software. Because OptinMonster isn’t just another software to capture emails:

It’s an entire conversion optimization toolkit.

With OptinMonster, you can do everything from driving traffic, growing an email list, boosting affiliate sales, and pretty much anything else you need to boost revenue for your company.

You can do that through cool features like:

  • Fullscreen campaigns (that can also function as landing pages)
  • Content locking
  • Dynamic countdown timers
  • Promotional coupon distribution
  • Bypassing ad blocking software
  • Preventing spammy leads with CAPTCHA

And so much more!

The bottom line?

We enjoy playing around with Justuno. Their technology impresses us, but it’s far from intimidating us.

Because when you take into account our larger campaign base, our more targeted triggers, or the fact that OptinMonster isn’t affected by ad blocking technology, it’s simply a no-brainer.

Oh, and that doesn’t even take into account our more competitive pricing model.

But why not learn for yourself? Check us out and get started with OptinMonster today at no risk with our 14-day unconditional money-back guarantee!

Start Getting More Leads & Sales Today with OptinMonster!

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today in minutes. What are you waiting for?

Create and launch smart capture forms today in minutes. What are you waiting for?

Effective Lead Gen Solutions Made Simple

OptinMonster’s Drag & Drop Builder and simple but powerful triggers and targeting make it easy to get started.

Simple yet Powerful Targeting

Easily create and launch beautiful campaigns that are proven to convert in 5 minutes or less without needing a coder or designer!

Easy to Customize Templates

Quickly create stunning campaigns using proven playbooks, ready to customize templates or your own custom design.

Affordable AND Scalable

Use behavior personalization to display page-specific campaigns based on each unique visitor’s interactions on your website.

Proven, Ready-to-Use Playbooks

Convert abandoning visitors into subscribers and customers at the precise moment they attempt to leave

Verifiable Leads using TruLead

Create a 2-step optin campaign from any link to improve lead generation and grow your email list fast. Proven to boost conversions by over 785%.

Award Winning Support

Easily personalize your website with dynamic smart content for higher engagement and conversions.

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Popups work, and you can get started for a few bucks a month. What are you waiting for?

Create and launch smart capture forms
today in minutes. What are you waiting for?

In only 7 months, we added more than 95,654 names to our email list using OptinMonster’s Exit Intent™ technology. We strongly recommend it!

Michael Stelzner - Best Lead Generation Tool

Michael Stelzner

Founder Social Media Examiner

I hate popups, so I was hesitant to try one on my site. But the results from OptinMonster exit-intent popup speak for themselves. I doubled my subscription rate immediately without annoying my users. I haven’t had a single complaint. My only regret is that I didn’t start using OptinMonster sooner. I can only imagine how many subscribers I could have added to my email list! If you have a blog, then I highly recommend you start using OptinMonster. I’ve researched them all, and it’s the best in market.

Michael Hyatt - WordPress Lead Generation

Michael Hyatt

New York Times Bestselling Author Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Exit-intent popups have doubled my email opt-in rate. When done right, you can see an instant 12% lift on driving sales. I highly recommend that you use OptinMonster for growing your email list and sales.

Neil Patel - WordPress Popup Plugin

Neil Patel

Founder QuickSprout

OptinMonster vs. Justuno: Campaign Creation Comparison

Campaign Targeting and Trigger Comparison

Documentation and Support

OptinMonster vs. Justuno: Which One Is Right for You?