OptinMonster Announcement and News https://optinmonster.com Wed, 26 Jun 2024 21:37:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://optinmonster.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/cropped-archie-1-32x32.png OptinMonster Announcement and News https://optinmonster.com 32 32 [Announcement] New Omnisend Integration, and Campaign Ideas to Generate Qualified Leads https://optinmonster.com/announcement-omnisend-integration/ https://optinmonster.com/announcement-omnisend-integration/#respond Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:35:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=191508&preview=true&preview_id=191508 Great news! OptinMonster is now integrated with the popular email service provider Omnisend. Omnisend is an Email Marketing Provider (ESP) and Marketing Automation Platform focused on helping ecommerce businesses deliver personalized messages through email and SMS. What does this mean for you?🤔 You’re able to instantly send and collect the leads you generate through OptinMonster, …

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Great news!

OptinMonster is now integrated with the popular email service provider Omnisend.

Omnisend is an Email Marketing Provider (ESP) and Marketing Automation Platform focused on helping ecommerce businesses deliver personalized messages through email and SMS.

What does this mean for you?🤔

You’re able to instantly send and collect the leads you generate through OptinMonster, to Omnisend.

So, if you’ve been on the fence unsure about whether to use OptinMonster because you weren’t sure how to pass leads to your Omnisend list, now you can, and with just a few simple clicks.

How to Use Omnisend with OptinMonster

Connecting OptinMonster to your Omnisend email list is a simple and straighforward process.

To send leads to Omnisend, follow these steps:

Step 1. Get your Omnisend API Key.

Before you start, you’ll need an Omnisend API Key. To generate and copy the key from your Omnisend account, follow this simple guide. Make sure to give permission for “Contacts.”

Step 2. Navigate to Integrations and select Omnisend.

Go to the Integrations view in the OptinMonster campaign builder, search for Omnisend, and select it.

Search for and select OmniSend from the OptinMonster campaign builder.

Step 3. Enter your Omnisend Account Name and API Key.

In the appropriate fields, enter an Omnisend Account Name (internal use only) and your Omnisend API Key, then click the “Connect to Omnisend” button.

Enter your details for OmniSend and select the connect button.

*The Omnisend Account Name can be anything that helps you identify the specific integration within OptinMonster. It’s possible to add more than one Omnisend integration to your account and this is an easy way to differentiate between them when assigning integrations to individual campaigns.

Step 4. Configure Optional Settings
The following options can also be configured for Omnisend:

  • Tags: Assign any tags you want by typing the tag name and pressing Enter. Omnisend uses Tags instead of Lists
  • Send welcome email: To have Omnisend send a welcome email when a lead is saved, check the “Send welcome email from Omnisend” box (you’ll need to configure the email in your Omnisend account).
Configure additional options for your OmniSend integration in OptinMonster.

Step 5. When you’re finished, Save your campaign.

That’s it. For a more detailed walkthrough, see our documentation.

Capture Better Leads to Increase Sales Conversations💰

Lead quality plays a big role in the sales process.

If your leads are poorly targeted prospects that share their 4th email address with you, your email list won’t generate much revenue.

However, if your leads are prospects interested in what you have to offer, and you’re able to gather more information from them to use in the selling process… you will have a much easier time to convert, even when sending boilerplate emails.

Easily add radio buttons, phone fields, text areas, number fields, lists, and more to your OptinMonster campaigns, then pass that data on to Omnisend automatically.

Having these additional details about your prospects will help you capture better leads every single time.

Before you begin the OptinMonster integration for Omnisend, please consider the following:

  1. Custom fields are referred to as Custom properties in your Omnisend account.
  2. You do not need to create custom fields in Omnisend. OptinMonster will create custom fields once you map your fields.

The following custom fields are reserved in Omnisend and cannot be mapped to:

  • email
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • Lead_Source
  • privacy_consent
  • phone (use the Phone field to send data to this custom field)
  • coupon_code (the Coupon Code won when creating a Gamified spin-to-win campaign)
  • coupon_label (the Coupon Label when creating a Gamified spin-to-win campaign)

For more details on how to do this, see our documentation.

3 Easy-to-Use OptinMonster Campaign Ideas to Grow Your Omnisend Email List 📩

Once you’ve chosen Omnisend as your integration, it’s time to finally grow your email list.

There are many ways to do that with OptinMonster, depending on what type of website you have, what kind of business you’re running, and what products or services you’re selling.

Let’s walk through some of the most popular and high-converting campaign types, to get you set up for success.

For each campaign type, we’ll give you a real-life example.

Exit Intent® Campaign

Shockbyte, a game server provider from Australia, used an Exit-Intent® campaign to show an offer to website visitors that were about to leave the website or close their browser.

It’s a simple optin popup that asks for a single piece of information (an email address) in exchange for a nice discount, making it easier for the visitor to agree.

This simple campaign converts at 13.73%.

As you can see, it all comes down to making a good offer, at the right time, in the right place.

“Through OptinMonster’s exit-intent popups, we have more than doubled our sales conversion rate. Best of all is the compound effect of using OptinMonster over a long period of time—more conversions mean more customers, which means more word of mouth.” – Mitch Smith, Managing Director, Shockbyte.com

2-Step Optin Popup Campaign

Cosmetic Packaging Now, a distributor of laboratory-grade cosmetic packaging containers, implemented a 2-Step Optin popup campaign to show an offer to visitors who’ve either been on the page for at least 7 seconds, have scrolled at least 20% of the page, or were going to leave the website.

It used the Yes/No view to segment the visitors: The “Yes” button takes the visitor to the “Optin” view, and the “No” button closes the campaign.

Even though this is an extra step when compared to showing the Optin view alone, it actually prompts interested visitors to follow through with signing up by employing the Zeigarnik Effect.

Cosmetic Packaging Now optins

The result? This single campaign increased Cosmetic Packaging Now’s list by 753.8%, growing it from just 396 subscribers to 2,985!

You could easily do something similar on your website, and grow your Omnisend list much faster than your average competitor.

“Our conservative calculation puts our return on investment from using OptinMonster at 49,900%!” – Roman Randall, Founder, Summit Digital Marketing

Content Locking Campaign

Casey Stubbs, founder of Trading Strategy Guides, added a Content Locking campaign to one of his most popular blog posts on bitcoin trading.

Content locking denies access to content until the reader completes a specific action, for example providing their email address. Any content below the placement of the campaign will be blurred out, or removed altogether until the reader subscribes.

A content locking script restricts access to content until a reader subscribes.

In just under two months, Casey added almost 7,500 subscribers to his list from this single content locking campaign.

Content locking scripts helped to increase conversions 17%

Seems easy, right?

That’s because it actually is. OptinMonster makes it super simple to generate leads and grow your email list, even if you have no marketing or design experience.

Here’s what other businesses have done to grow their email list with OptinMonster:

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[Announcement] Automate Website Conversions with OptinMonster and Uncanny Automator https://optinmonster.com/announcement-uncanny-automator-integration/ https://optinmonster.com/announcement-uncanny-automator-integration/#respond Thu, 11 Apr 2024 13:40:59 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=187128 Want to generate more leads from your website, but don’t have the time or energy to do it? Or maybe you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on developers, marketers and designers to create the marketing automations you’d need to generate leads and sales on repeat, hands-free. In both cases… We have a solution. …

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Want to generate more leads from your website, but don’t have the time or energy to do it?

Or maybe you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on developers, marketers and designers to create the marketing automations you’d need to generate leads and sales on repeat, hands-free.

In both cases… We have a solution.

You can now automate your entire lead generation flow using OptinMonster’s Uncanny Automator Integration.

What’s Uncanny Automator All About?

Uncanny Automator is the most the most popular automation plugin for WordPress. It’s like a Zapier for WordPress but without the high cost.

Uncanny Automator’s integration with OptinMonster lets you connect OptinMonster to dozens of other WordPress plugins and applications, like Google Sheets, LearnDash, BuddyBoss, FluentCRM, OpenAI and many, many more!

The process is very simple.

You create “recipes”, which are simple if-this-then-that instructions that run automatically.

For example, if someone subscribes to your email list through an OptinMonster campaign (that’s the “if”), Uncanny Automator can then do things like send a welcome email or text, share a coupon from your WooCommerce store, or even update your CRM software (those are the “then” actions).

It saves you tons of time and makes your website lead generation a breeze!

To get started, install the Uncanny Automator plugin on the same WordPress website using our OptinMonster for WordPress plugin, then create a recipe.

Let’s take a look at some practical examples of how Automator + OptinMonster will help you WIN, and win MORE OFTEN.

The Dynamic Duo for Your Lead Generation Needs

Pair OptinMonster campaigns with Uncanny Automator, and you’ll unlock a whole new world of automated actions that you can take to engage with your website visitors, and convert them into subscribers and paying customers.

Let’s look at a few practical examples of how you can use OptinMonster together with Uncanny Automator, no matter what type of business you run.

Example 1: The Personalized Welcome

  • Business: Imagine you’re running a real estate company that helps people find properties on the East Coast of the US. You already used OptinMonster’s Smart Tags feature to create a personalized campaign on your website like the one above.
  • Problem: You know that the faster you respond to a lead, the more likely they are to choose you as their realtor.
  • Solution: If someone completes your inquiry popup with their name and email address, OptinMonster adds them to your email list for automated follow ups, then Uncanny Automator sends their contact information via Twilio to your phone as a text, so you can immediately call the lead, no matter where you are!
  • Result: You close 50% more leads because you responded before the other realtor they were considering.

Example 2: The Surprise Gift

  • Business: Imagine you sell marketing and management online courses for entrepreneurs and in-house employees.
  • Problem: Your customers are skeptical one-time buyers.
  • Solution: If a user completes a MemberPress course and fills out the WPForms survey you created to gather feedback, then Uncanny Automator sends a trigger to OptinMonster to display a campaign that congratulates them with a reward for completing the course (ebook, voucher, etc.).
  • Result: You build trust and loyalty by making customers feel special, driving repeat business.

Example 3: The Cross-Sell

  • Business: Imagine you run a WooCommerce store that sells educational materials for kids.
  • Problem: Low sales for one specific book.
  • Solution: After a user purchases a specific book, Uncanny Automator sends a trigger to OptinMonster to display a popup with a personalized coupon code for a discount the low-selling book.
  • Result: Increase your revenue and average order value, while at the same time clearing your inventory of the low-selling book so you can move on.

Example 4: The Targeted Email List Invite

  • Business: You have a publishing company with multiple websites and forums in the pet niche.
  • Problem: Your email list is not growing well, and website visitors don’t subscribe.
  • Solution: When a user posts a topic in a specific bbPress forum, Uncanny Automator sends a trigger to OptinMonster to display a campaign that’s relevant to the topic they posted about, and ask them to subscribe to your email list.
  • Result: Show visitors you have what they need, and it’s easy for them to get it.

Example 5: The Deal Closer

  • Business: You’re selling high-ticket offers in the financial niche.
  • Problem: It takes too long for your sales people to contact new leads.
  • Solution: When a new leads submits a form on your OptinMonster campaign, use Uncanny Automator to send a notification with their contact details to your sales Slack channel.
  • Result: Engage with leads quickly, increasing the chance of closing deals.

Even more ways to generate leads and drive action with OptinMonster and Uncanny Automator:

  • Reward new website members for completing their profiles with special bonuses or access to exclusive content.
  • Trigger popup campaigns to promote your upcoming webinar with sign-up links and teasers.
  • Build anticipation for a sale or product launch with targeted popups leading up to the big day.
  • Use OptinMonster campaigns to gather feedback at specific points in a customer’s journey.
  • Offer proactive support popups based on specific keywords searched by your website visitors.

There are dozens if not hundreds of additional ways to automate your marketing with OptinMonster’s Uncanny Automator integration.

But that’s not the only way we’ve made it easier to grow your business this month.

New Popup Templates to Grow Your Email List

We’ve published 3 more popup campaign collections that you can use to grow your email list. All of them were tested and proven to work by our team, so you can implement them right away with full confidence.

Feature A Video Popup Collection

Do your visitors need to see it to believe it? Consider using our new collection, “Feature A Video” to tease a video collection. Share a short video that describes what the visitor will receive when they optin to receive access to the entire collection, then collect an email address and share directions for how to access the collection.

Registering for a Webinar Popup Collection

Invite your visitors to join you for an informational webinar with the new “Register for a Webinar” popup collection. Use it just as it is, or customize it to your brand using our easy drag and drop popup builder.

Subscribing for Ebooks Popup Collection

Perfect for authors, writers, illustrators, and teachers who want to build a list of engaged, repeat e-book readers, the “Subscribing for Ebooks” popup collection will help ensure your subscribers never miss a new release.

Ready to get started? Claim your FREE Done-For-You Campaign ($297 value)!

OptinMonster is the #1 Lead Generation software on the planet. It’s the easiest way to grow your lists, leads and sales without a coder or graphic designer. And we’re so confident you’ll love OptinMonster, we’ll even build your first campaign for you for free!

Plus, you get a 14-day money-back guarantee with your account. There’s absolutely nothing for you to lose in this scenario.

Register for an OptinMonster account below!

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

As always, we’re grateful for your continued support of OptinMonster, and we look forward to bringing you even more ways to grow your business as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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[Announcement] New Zapier Field Mapping to Supercharge Your Lead Generation https://optinmonster.com/announcement-zapier-field-mapping/ https://optinmonster.com/announcement-zapier-field-mapping/#respond Wed, 27 Mar 2024 13:55:37 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=186699 The way most business owners do lead generation is wrong. They focus on getting as many “leads” as possible into their funnel. For them, it’s all about the volume of data they get. And they use that data to contact people with generic messages in hopes of making sales. It’s no surprise they lose a …

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The way most business owners do lead generation is wrong.

They focus on getting as many “leads” as possible into their funnel.

For them, it’s all about the volume of data they get.

And they use that data to contact people with generic messages in hopes of making sales.

It’s no surprise they lose a high percentage of their prospects.

Lazy marketing brings poor results. And luckily for you, that’s the norm.

If others are lazy with their marketing, and you put a bit more effort into how you engage with your audience and prospects, you’ll get ahead.

People will pay you if you show that you understand them better, and you place their needs and interests higher than the competition does.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to help you do.

We’ve just made it possible for you to connect and engage with your leads in hundreds of new and needle-moving ways.

Introducing Zapier Field Mapping

We’re proud to announce Field Mapping is now available for our Zapier integration!

Up until this point, you were only able to send basic lead data (name, email, phone number) to Zapier. With the Field Mapping update now available for Zapier, you have access to all of these fields to enrich the information sent to Zapier:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Text
  • Text Area
  • Number
  • Dropdown Select
  • Radio Button
  • Checkbox
  • Privacy Notice

We’re always fighting for our customers’ success, and this new update unlocks hundreds of new opportunities for our users to convert their leads.

This means you can take a wide variety of actions to connect with your prospects, with the help of the thousands of integrations Zapier provides.

And all it takes is a few clicks.

Instead of focusing on the theory, let’s look at some clear examples of what you can do:

  • Use lead data to target your prospects with Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn ads

You can target or retarget leads with paid advertising on multiple platforms, to push them further down your marketing funnel.

Additionally, you can create lookalike audiences, so you can find new leads that have a higher chance of converting.

  • Send leads to any Email Service Provider or CRM tool that Zapier connects with

OptinMonster integrates directly with dozens of the most popular Email Service Providers and CRM tools.

However, using Zapier Field Mapping, you get access to hundreds of additional tools, so you can use the one you like best.

Even if the tool is not one of our native integrations, as long as it’s part of Zapier’s integrations, you can send your OptinMonster lead data to it. Here’s an example for Acumbamail:

This is helpful, because the more you can personalize your emails, SMS messages and overall content, the easier it will be for you to convert those leads into paying customers.

  • Save your lead data in Google Drive

You can easily secure all of your lead data into a spreadsheet, which can act as a backup for those times when your Email Service Provider or Marketing Automation tool is crashing.

Each lead saved is a potential customer, that’s why doubling down on backing up your data is always a smart idea.

And if you choose to store your leads in a Google Sheet, you can use the functionality it provides to transform, analyze and visualize the data in a better way.

Here are just a few of the most common ways you can use OptinMonster lead data with Google Sheets:

  • Send instant SMS messages to your new leads 

If you’re selling products or services that require a 1 on 1 conversation with your prospects, then you want to know exactly when a new lead comes in.

The longer you wait to contact a lead, the harder it will be to close a sale.

Good news is… you’ll never have to worry about this if you create a Zapier workflow that send an SMS to your OptinMonster lead as soon as it comes in.

Similarly, you can choose to send an SMS notification to your sales staff, to let them know a new prospect is ready to be contacted.

  • Add lead data into Asana, Monday, Basecamp, Trello, or any other Project Management tool.

The best way to make sure your leads are being nurtured is to track the tasks you’re doing to nurture those leads. That’s why adding your leads into a project management tool can be a great move for your marketing efforts.

Keep a detailed description of each phase you’re taking your leads through, and create specific tasks that can help with the conversion process from one phase to the next.

  • Save time by validating phone numbers 

Don’t waste resources on leads that won’t convert.

It’s super easy to automatically validate phone numbers for prospects that are based in the US.

  • Analyze leads with ChatGPT

Give ChatGPT a set of instructions to automatically analyze the leads you’re getting, to save time and get insights into the best ways of engaging with each prospect.

You can also ask ChatGPT to write a personalized email for each lead you get from OptinMonster.

That’s just scratching the surface. There are dozens if not hundreds of other ways of using the new Zapier Field Mapping. Use your imagination to find use cases for your unique situation.

New Campaign Templates to Help You Generate More Leads

We’ve also just launched three new OptinMonster campaign templates to give you more options and opportunities for lead generation.

Free Legal Consultation

Get an Insurance Quote

Achieve Fitness Goals

If you’re looking for more templates, we have one for almost every context you can think of.

And if you want to make your campaign creation process even easier, you can give Playbooks a try. Playbooks are ready-to-use campaigns, with design, copy and display rules already implemented.

We care about YOUR SUCCESS, and introducing the Zapier Field Mapping is only the beginning. 

We’re constantly working on creating new ways for you to grow your email list, generate leads, and increase sales. Whether that’s updating existing solutions, or building new ones.

We have dozens of high-converting features, hundreds of campaign templates, and the best customer service team in the entire market.

And more updates are in the process of coming out.

So if you have a website that gets 15,000+ pageviews per month, you’re just one click away from getting a crazy good ROI.

Ready to get started? Claim your FREE Done-For-You Campaign ($297 value)!

We think OptinMonster is the #1 Lead Generation software on the planet. It’s the easiest way to grow your lists, leads and sales without a coder or graphic designer. And we’re so confident you’ll love OptinMonster, we’ll even build your first campaign for you for free!

Plus, you get a 14-day money-back guarantee with your account. There’s absolutely nothing for you to lose in this scenario.

Register for an OptinMonster account below!

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

As always, we’re grateful for your continued support of OptinMonster, and we look forward to bringing you even more ways to grow your business as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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OptinMonster Acquires Beacon Lead Magnet Creator To Help Small Businesses Easily Generate More Leads https://optinmonster.com/optinmonster-acquires-beacon-lead-magnet-creator/ https://optinmonster.com/optinmonster-acquires-beacon-lead-magnet-creator/#respond Thu, 15 Feb 2024 13:53:21 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=185222 I’ve got very exciting news to share with you today, but first, a question: If I said there was a simple way to grow your email list 600%, would you be interested in knowing what it is? Of course, because you’re a SMART marketer. Smart marketers know that one of the best ways to grow …

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I’ve got very exciting news to share with you today, but first, a question:

If I said there was a simple way to grow your email list 600%, would you be interested in knowing what it is?

Of course, because you’re a SMART marketer.

Smart marketers know that one of the best ways to grow your list is by offering your website visitors a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content offered to website visitors in exchange for contact details, like an email address.

Here’s how they work…

  1. You create a lead magnet, usually a piece of digital, downloadable content, such as a free PDF checklist, report, eBook, whitepaper, video, etc.
  2. Your visitor gains access to the lead magnet by joining your email list.
  3. You deliver the lead magnet.
  4. You continue to build a relationship with that visitor based on the needs they expressed by opting in to your lead magnet.

Lead magnets are how Social Media Examiner added over 250,000 subscribers to their list in just one month, and how Nick Gray grew his list by 600%.

It’s a bullet-proof formula that’s proven to work.

But creating and delivering lead magnets can be a complex process. It involves copywriters to create the content, designers to make the deliverable look great, and developers to automate delivery.

Not to mention the endless collection of software it takes to do all of that:

  • Most small businesses cobble together Google Docs to write the content…
  • Adobe Illustrator or maybe Keynote to lay out the document…
  • Canva or Photoshop to create the included graphics…
  • An email marketing service like Mailchimp to deliver the lead magnet…
  • Plus a website to share the optin!

And before you can even start writing, you have to think of an idea for a lead magnet first! It’s a truly overwhelming process for most small businesses.

For years, OptinMonster customers like you have begged me to build a lead magnet creator that would simplify that entire process. Something that would let you easily create a lead magnet, then share it in your OptinMonster campaigns, on your website, in emails, on social… all of the places you already generate leads.

And for years, I’ve been quietly working on solving this problem for you…

Until today.

Welcome Beacon to the OptinMonster Family

I’m proud and excited to share that we’ve acquired the world’s best lead magnet creator, Beacon.by, as part of the OptinMonster family of products.

Beacon makes it easy for anyone to create and deliver professional lead magnets, without needing a writer, graphic designer or developer.

Here is a quick overview of the powerful lead generation solutions Beacon offers:

Lead Magnet Creator

Working with designers is great but when budgets and time are tight, it’s easier if you can create, edit and publish lead magnets independently. With Beacon’s Drag and Drop Editor, you can make stunning lead magnets without breaking a sweat by dragging and dropping elements onto the page.

With dozens of beautifully designed templates you can get started, then customize as much or as little as you want.

You can even create your own reusable templates to help reduce repetitive tasks like changing colors, fonts and uploading logos.

Beacon's Lead Magnet Drag and Drop Editor Makes It Simple To Create Lead Magnets

Don’t know what to offer as a lead magnet?

Beacon’s Blog Post Recycle will convert your best blog posts into lead magnets in just a few clicks. Work smarter, not harder by activating your existing content as lead-generation machines.

And if you don’t have any blog posts yet, sit back and let Beacon’s AI Copywriter write your lead magnet for you!

Instantly convert blog posts into lead magnets by pasting the web address with Beacon

Resource Library

If you’re like most businesses, your marketing resources are scattered everywhere. Your content team adds lead magnets to your blog, while Sales shares white papers via email, and Customer Success shares case studies through your help desk. Your best conversion tools end up scattered and underutilized as a result.

The truth is, if leads can’t find your best resources at the moment they need them, they may as well not exist.

But trying to build your own Resource Library is a pain!

Creating a separate landing page for each resource is time consuming, and setting up a custom library search involves developers who are expensive.

Beacon simplifies everything with its Resource Library.

Beacon makes it easy to create and publish Resource Libraries

Easily create and publish robust Resource Libraries that funnel leads to your email list based on the resource they downloaded.

Embed your Resource Library on your website, or share it directly from Beacon.

Use Beacon’s Analytics to learn which resources are performing best then optimize those assets…

All without needing a developer or designer.

What’s Coming Next?

Here at OptinMonster, our mission is to help small businesses grow and compete with the big guys. We think every small business deserves access to the same powerful lead generation tools that giant corporations use, but at a price you can afford.

While I have some ideas and features I’d like to add in Beacon, including a deep integration with OptinMonster itself, it’s already a fantastic product that will help grow your lists, leads and sales even now.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketer, I think you should give Beacon a try today. It’s free to get started at beacon.by.

As always, I want to thank you for your continued support of OptinMonster.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to help your business grow, and appreciate the trust you place in me and my team.

Just as you have come to love OptinMonster, I’m sure you will love Beacon just as much.


To your success,

Angie Meeker
General Manager, OptinMonster

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[Announcement] OptinMonster Introduces AI Popups with Smart Optimizations for a Higher Conversion Rate https://optinmonster.com/announcement-ai-popups/ https://optinmonster.com/announcement-ai-popups/#respond Tue, 09 Jan 2024 14:30:29 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=184305 If you want better results, whether that’s more leads, more email subscribers, or more sales, OptinMonster’s new AI Popups will get you there. Marketing is all about communication, so it’s no surprise to know that one of the biggest factors that can make or break a marketing campaign is copy. Bad copy will instantly put …

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If you want better results, whether that’s more leads, more email subscribers, or more sales, OptinMonster’s new AI Popups will get you there.

Marketing is all about communication, so it’s no surprise to know that one of the biggest factors that can make or break a marketing campaign is copy.

Bad copy will instantly put off prospects.

Good copy will make them excited to take action.

That being said, writing good copy is not always easy, especially as a small business owner.

It might not be something that aligns with what you normally do in your day to day activities.

Or you might not have the time or energy needed to think, plan, and then write effective headlines, slogans, calls to action and other pieces of copy for your OptinMonster campaigns.

We get that, so we found a way to solve this problem for you.

Introducing OptinMonster’s AI Popups with Smart Optimization (It’s FREE)

With the new OptinMonster’s AI Popups with Smart Optimizations, you’ll be able to improve any piece of copy in your campaign with the click of 2 buttons.

Here’s how it works:

You go to any text field in your campaign builder, and click on the button to improve the copy inside of that field.

OptinMonster AI Integration

A modal will open with details including the text that will be improved by a Smart Optimization. When you’re ready to proceed, click on the Start Smart Optimization button.

OptinMonster AI Integration

The AI popup will improve the copy, just like an expert copywriter would.

You’ll instantly get 5 different variations for your text, and you can choose to continue with any one of them, or refresh to see additional options.

OptinMonster AI Integration

When you find the perfect piece of copy for your AI popup, you just select it and it will automatically transfer to the text field you initially chose.

That’s it.

This process works for any type of text, of any length.

We wanted to make sure you can benefit from this new feature in a way that’s straightforward and doesn’t require a lot of time investment from your part.

That being said, as you start using our AI popups, you might be faced with a dilemma. How can you know what piece of copy is good copy?

That’s a fair question to ask, and we have an answer for you, as well as a few great resources you can use to improve your campaigns, and also become a better marketer overall.

First, we programmed the AI with knowledge from our team of veteran experts, and they have decades of combined experience in creating and publishing successful OptinMonster campaigns. When we say successful, we mean campaigns that convert website visitors into leads, and leads into sales.

This means the variations you will receive from the AI popup will have a higher chance of converting, as they’re written using time-tested and proven copywriting principles.

Second, we put together a list of guides and articles to help you develop your copywriting eyes. As you learn more about what makes a piece of copy good, you’ll be able to spot exactly what you need for the type of OptinMonster campaign you want to create.

And third, our Customer Success team is always available to offer you support and clarity anytime you’re stuck or have a problem to deal with.

But that’s not all.

In addition to our AI Popups, we’ve worked on improving your OptinMonster experience even more.

Better and Faster Campaign Delivery

We spent the last half of 2023 improving the one thing that’s most vital in today’s marketing landscape.


Speed of implementation is often much more important than perfection when it comes to delivering a marketing campaign to a specific market.

Those who implement campaigns faster and with less friction tend to get better results.

This is true for OptinMonster campaigns, and also for other types of marketing strategies that use different distribution channels.

So, without boring you with too many technical details, we’ve:

  1. Updated to faster servers. This allows us to serve more campaigns, at a faster rate than before. The already short downtime we had was cut even more.
  2. Updated to a better, improved, and faster PHP version… which again helps us deliver your OptinMonster campaigns at record speeds.

This means your website visitors will get to engage with your campaigns quicker, which means more visitors will get to interact with your campaigns, and a higher engagement rate inevitably leads to a higher conversion rate.

In short, more speed = more conversions.

On top of all this, we also added additional layers of security thanks to the implementation of brand new technologies. We’re always on the lookout for ways to make OptinMonster better, and we don’t shy away from investing in the best there is on the market when it comes to security, experience, product development and customer success.

Our users come first.

We care about YOUR SUCCESS, and introducing AI Popups with Smart Optimizations is only the beginning. 

We’re constantly working on creating new ways for you to grow your email list, generate leads, and increase sales. Whether that’s updating existing solutions, or building new ones.

We have dozens of high-converting features, hundreds of campaign templates, and the best customer service team in the entire market.

And more updates are in the process of coming out.

So if you have a website that gets 15,000+ pageviews per month, you’re just one click away from getting a crazy good ROI.

Ready to get started? Claim your FREE Done-For-You Campaign ($297 value)!

We think OptinMonster is the #1 Lead Generation software on the planet. It’s the easiest way to grow your lists, leads and sales without a coder or graphic designer. And we’re so confident you’ll love OptinMonster, we’ll even build your first campaign for you for free!

Plus, you get a 14-day money-back guarantee with your account. There’s absolutely nothing for you to lose in this scenario.

Register for an OptinMonster account below!

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

As always, we’re grateful for your continued support of OptinMonster, and we look forward to bringing you even more ways to grow your business as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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[Announcement] FREE Done-For-You Black Friday Popups (plus 20 others for Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and New Year’s, too!) https://optinmonster.com/done-for-you-black-friday-popups/ https://optinmonster.com/done-for-you-black-friday-popups/#respond Tue, 24 Oct 2023 13:50:29 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=182315 Did you know the average business lost 80% of their prospects during Black Friday in 2022? That’s a boatload of money that could’ve gone straight into their bank account. They lost money because they didn’t have a good enough plan to convert those prospects into paying customers… during the busiest and most profitable period of …

The post [Announcement] FREE Done-For-You Black Friday Popups (plus 20 others for Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and New Year’s, too!) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Did you know the average business lost 80% of their prospects during Black Friday in 2022?

That’s a boatload of money that could’ve gone straight into their bank account.

They lost money because they didn’t have a good enough plan to convert those prospects into paying customers… during the busiest and most profitable period of the year.

We don’t want that to happen to you.

These high traffic days are golden opportunities to generate massive amounts of sales in a short period of time. People are mentally prepared to pay for products and services during the holidays.

In fact, most people wait for Black Friday to buy something new.

When prospects are coming to your website, they’re coming with their credit cards ready. They know they’ll buy something because they have a need or a desire to solve… they just don’t know exactly what they’ll buy, and from where.

Your offer has to get in front of them in the most compelling way possible, so when they finally decide to pay, they will pay YOU and not your competitor.

And that’s exactly what we want for you.

That’s why we’re offering you this (for free)…

OptinMonster’s FREE VIP Holiday Campaign Bundle

We hand-crafted four holiday campaigns collections (totaling TWENTY campaigns) that will help you increase your sales over this year’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, and New Year’s.

Each campaign has done-for-you copy, design, targeting and scheduling… and was created based on years of experience and proven knowledge creating high-converting holiday campaigns.

This way, you’ll be able to convert website visitors into paying customers this year without lifting a finger.

Here’s what you get when you claim your VIP Holiday Marketing Campaign Bundle…

For each of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and New Year’s, your holiday bundle includes:

  • An Exit-Intent popup designed to convert abandoning visitors for both Desktop and Mobile…
  • A Floating Bar for both Desktop and Mobile to keep your offer top of mind as visitors browse…
  • And a Desktop Slide-In to remind your visitor of your offer at the moment they’re most interested…

Click any link to preview the campaign live in a new tab!

Black Friday Marketing Campaigns

Perhaps the most important of the Q4 holidays, Black Friday is the day shoppers have been waiting for all year long!
Scheduled to appear Friday, November 24, 2023 Visitor’s Local Time
Countdown Timers expire Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 12:00AM Visitor’s Local Time

  1. VIP Black Friday 2023 Exit Popup
  2. VIP Black Friday 2023 Floating Bar
  3. VIP Black Friday 2023 Mobile Exit Popup
  4. VIP Black Friday 2023 Mobile Floating Bar
  5. VIP Black Friday 2023 Slide In

Cyber Monday Marketing Campaigns

Don’t sleep on Cyber Monday! It’s become a can’t-miss sale date, especially if you’re selling a digital product.
Scheduled to appear Monday, November 27, 2023 Visitor’s Local Time
Countdown Timers expire Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 12:00AM Visitor’s Local Time

  1. VIP Cyber Monday 2023 Exit Popup
  2. VIP Cyber Monday 2023 Floating Bar
  3. VIP Cyber Monday 2023 Mobile Exit Popup
  4. VIP Cyber Monday 2023 Mobile Floating Bar
  5. VIP Cyber Monday 2023 Slide In

Giving Tuesday Marketing Campaigns

We didn’t forget our non-profit friends this quarter! And, for the rest of you, don’t underestimate the power of offering to donate a percentage of sales to the charity of your choice to encourage sales!
Scheduled to appear Tuesday, November 28, 2023 Visitor’s Local Time
Countdown Timers expire Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 12:00AM Visitor’s Local Time

  1. VIP Giving Tuesday 2023 Exit Popup
  2. VIP Giving Tuesday 2023 Floating Bar
  3. VIP Giving Tuesday 2023 Mobile Exit Popup
  4. VIP Giving Tuesday 2023 Mobile Floating Bar
  5. VIP Giving Monday 2023 Slide In

New Year’s Marketing Campaigns

The last chance to start over, and the first chance to start anew! New Year’s Day sales were HUGE last year and are expected to be strong again this year.
Scheduled to appear Sunday, December 31, 2023 – Monday, January 1, 2024 Visitor’s Local Time
Countdown Timers expire Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 12:00AM Visitor’s Local Time

  1. VIP New Year’s 2023 Exit Popup
  2. VIP New Year’s 2023 Floating Bar
  3. VIP New Year’s 2023 Mobile Exit Popup
  4. VIP New Year’s 2023 Mobile Floating Bar
  5. VIP New Year’s 2023 Slide In

Of course, each of these campaigns is easily personalized using our simple Drag and Drop builder to match your unique offers and sales. And, once you claim your bundle, you’ll receive detailed instructions on exactly how to customize these pre-configured campaigns to match your own messaging and sales.

How to claim your FREE Holiday Marketing Campaigns?

These expertly designed, pre-configured, personalized campaigns are available to all OptinMonster Pro and Growth subscribers. Just login to OptinMonster and look for the special message from Angie for instructions to learn how to claim yours.

And if you’re not yet an OptinMonster Pro or Growth subscriber, this is your chance!

Subscribe today to unlock FREE access to these 20 Holiday Marketing Campaigns and watch your Q4 sales explode like never before!

What else?

We also created six MORE holiday template collections for your upcoming sales, available to ALL OptinMonster subscribers right now in our template library of over 400 templates. These campaigns are guaranteed to catch your visitor’s attention, create urgency, and convert browsers into sales at every opportunity.

Each collection includes a matching popup, floating bar, inline, slide-in, fullscreen, spin-to-win fullscreen, and TWO mobile-optimized templates (a slide-in and a floating bar). Everything you need to slay your Q4 holiday marketing is within these campaigns. 

We care about YOUR SUCCESS, and helping you sell more this Black Friday is only the beginning. 

We’re constantly working on creating new ways for you to grow your email list, generate leads, and increase sales. Whether that’s updating existing solutions, or building new ones.

We have dozens of high-converting features, hundreds of campaign templates, and the best customer service team in the entire market.

And more updates are in the process of coming out.

So whether you’re new to marketing online or you’re a seasoned pro, you’re just one click away from getting a crazy good ROI this holiday season.

Ready to get started and get access to your 2023 VIP Holiday Marketing Campaign Bundle?

We think OptinMonster is the #1 Lead Generation software on the planet. It’s the easiest way to grow your lists, leads and sales without a coder or graphic designer. And with these holiday campaigns in your pocket, we’re confident you’ll see a great return on your investment in OptinMonster!

So confident that we’re offering a 14-day money-back guarantee with every subscription account. If you get started using OptinMonster and aren’t completely sold on our product and our team within the first 14 days, just shoot us a message and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. There’s absolutely nothing for you to lose in this scenario.

Register for an OptinMonster account below!

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

As always, we’re grateful for your continued support of OptinMonster, and we look forward to bringing you even more ways to win, and win more often!

The post [Announcement] FREE Done-For-You Black Friday Popups (plus 20 others for Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and New Year’s, too!) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
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The Untold Story of OptinMonster’s 10-Year Journey (and how we ALMOST didn’t make it!) https://optinmonster.com/happy-birthday-optinmonster/ https://optinmonster.com/happy-birthday-optinmonster/#respond Mon, 11 Sep 2023 10:00:33 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=181512 Hey everyone – Thomas here from OptinMonster. Today, I have the incredible privilege of celebrating OptinMonster’s 10th birthday with you! Honestly, it feels surreal typing this out. Blessed beyond measure doesn’t begin to describe the immense gratitude and thankfulness in my heart. If you would’ve asked me where OptinMonster would be now 10 years ago, …

The post The Untold Story of OptinMonster’s 10-Year Journey (and how we ALMOST didn’t make it!) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>

Hey everyone – Thomas here from OptinMonster. Today, I have the incredible privilege of celebrating OptinMonster’s 10th birthday with you!

Honestly, it feels surreal typing this out. Blessed beyond measure doesn’t begin to describe the immense gratitude and thankfulness in my heart.

If you would’ve asked me where OptinMonster would be now 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to fathom what it has become today.

Someone once said that the days are long but the years are short, and as I reflect on the last 10 years, I wholeheartedly believe that to be true.

But this post and OptinMonster almost didn’t happen…

Our Crazy Origin Story

In late 2012, I connected with my business partner Syed Balkhi at a WordCamp event in North Carolina. After the event, we exchanged emails discussing ideas for a new product. Syed was convinced that there was a market for a particular kind of marketing technology: exit-intent popups.

He had seen the power of well-timed popups on his popular blog, WPBeginner, and he wondered if that could be turned into a solution for other smart marketers and business owners to use.

At the time, existing solutions were clunky, poorly built and very difficult to use for even the most seasoned professional. And, the industry as a whole was not in good repute.

So in January 2013, Syed and I met up at a hotel in Savannah, GA, to put together plans for building OptinMonster.

But unlike other product planning sessions, we began with a different approach: a principles-first approach to make sure we agreed on the truly important things first.

Some of those things were:

  • Level the playing field. We believed that great technology should be accessible to everyone, from small business owners to DIY website assemblers.
  • People first. We believed that great products begin and flourish with great relationships. We’ve been fanatical about customer support from Day One.
  • No debt. We believed that long-term, strategic thinking would be the best approach for building a lasting product that customers loved.
  • Easy to use without sacrificing power. Too often, we saw that products were either easy to use (but lacked the power necessary to achieve above-average results) or extremely powerful (but so difficult to use you needed a training manual with continuing education to work with it). We believed both were possible at the same time, and we were absolutely determined to make it a reality.
  • Zealous for performance. We both cared deeply about website performance. Because marketing tech tools had a bad reputation for being bloatware, we believed we could flip that script and change the narrative. And by all accounts, we have – just look for OptinMonster in PageSpeed reports…you won’t find it anywhere!
  • Steeped in innovation. We believed that the industry had great potential, and we wanted to change the landscape to help our customers win more often by innovating with powerful features.

Only then did we begin to plan the product.

We put together plans for popups, floating bars, slide-ins and inline content offers. We discussed the various triggers needed to display those campaigns including our signature Exit-Intent® technology that we pioneered. We discussed ways to report and allow customers to split-test to get better results.

And after a few full days of writing and refining our plans, we got started building OptinMonster.

Little did we know of the unforeseen challenge we would face along the way.

The Big Challenge

As the summer of 2013 rolled around, we were ready to begin testing OptinMonster live.

Back in January, we had decided to build OptinMonster as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product. That meant it could run on any kind of website.

We are big believers in using our own products, so we made the decision to use it on WPBeginner first, the most popular WordPress resource site.

We placed the embed pixel on the site and watched as the requests started to flood in.

It was working! People were signing up, leads were being captured and the product was keeping pace with the traffic demands.

And then things went dark.

The servers crashed, and OptinMonster stopped working.

I frantically tried to debug what was happening. We called in some additional people we knew to help us solve the problems we were facing.

And after about a week of ups and downs, we made no real progress.

We simply didn’t know how to scale a SaaS product, and we were coming to terms with that reality.

We were at a crossroads, and we had a big decision to make.

Do we cut our losses? That seemed exceedingly painful, and neither of us wanted to do that.

Do we pay someone to help us figure this out? That seemed very expensive, and we were bootstrapped. And it also seemed like it would take a lot of time…and we weren’t guaranteed the result we wanted.

Do we pivot to something else? We had seen the results, and we knew it would be a hit, so we didn’t want to shift to working on a different idea.

So, we decided to go back to our roots and do what we knew how to do best: create WordPress products.

30-Day Product Launch

It was the end of August 2013, and we had just made the decision to transform OptinMonster from a SaaS product to a WordPress plugin.

And we set a crazy deadline to do it: one month.

I worked furiously day and night to adapt what we had built and package it into a plugin to sell.

And miraculously, after three weeks, I had a working version of the plugin to use.

We put it in WPBeginner, and it worked! And not only did it work. It worked exceptionally well.

Later that week, we met together for our first company retreat together in St. Augustine, FL.

Our plan: launch OptinMonster before the end of the retreat.

We hardly slept. Powered by Mountain Dew and an awesome restaurant called Mango Mango’s, we worked to meticulously refine the product and prepare something we could be proud of for launch.

After some stressful back and forth with a payment provider, we officially launched on September 24, 2013.

But we didn’t stop at the launch. We had lots of work left to do.


As I mentioned earlier, one of our founding principles was exceptional customer service.

We absolutely love helping our customers succeed with our tools.

As we continued to improve the product, launch new features and listen to our customers, we noticed a pattern emerging.

Many customers were buying OptinMonster, but they were requesting refunds because they couldn’t use it on their sites.

Why couldn’t they use it?

Because their website ran on something other than WordPress!

You see, we were pioneers in the advanced lead generation popup space. We blazed the trail for and popularized Exit Intent® technology. We introduced display rule triggers that no one had attempted before, like Geolocation Targeting, OnSite Retargeting® and OnSite Follow Up Campaigns®.

And the word was out. Smart marketers from every corner of the internet wanted to use OptinMonster to get more subscribers, leads and sales.

But because they used website platforms other than WordPress, they couldn’t take advantage of the proven results people were seeing.

And, our ability to innovate was being squeezed by the limitations of self-hosted products.

So we had a decision to make: do we stick with just being a WordPress plugin, or do we try our hand at a SaaS product again?

In an effort to put our customers first to help them grow and compete, we decided to change the game once more and go all-in on the SaaS route again.

And this time, we were determined to make it work.

Re-Launch and Re-Invest

We invested a lot of time and resources into developing the OptinMonster app with a singular focus: to help our customers get even more subscribers, leads and sales.

And in late April 2015, we officially launched the OptinMonster app you know and love today.

We had learned from our mistakes before, and we built the app to be more resilient and scalable than ever.

And, thanks to being platform agnostic, it allowed us to continue blazing the trail of innovation in the customer acquisition and lead generation industry.

Since then, we’ve continued to invest in the platform by building new features and solutions such as:

  • Fullscreen welcome gates and welcome mats that were optimized for SEO.
  • Tons of new integrations with email marketing and CRM platforms.
  • Hundreds of new templates and playbooks
  • Campaign scheduling, countdown timers and smart success screens
  • TruLead® Lead verification and revenue attribution
  • Custom field mapping and MonsterLeads
  • Spin-to-Win campaigns
  • Custom Domains
  • …and so, so much more!

OptinMonster now serves multiple billions of requests each month and is used on well over 1 million smart websites.

And the happy truth is we’re not done innovating. We are practitioners, and we will continue to make OptinMonster better every day because we use the product just like you.

That’s just one of the reasons why G2 recently showered OptinMonster with 20 different awards including best ROI, easiest setup and market leader.

A few of the OptinMonster G2 Awards for Popup Builder Software

What’s Next + Huge Giveaway

You might be wondering: what’s next for OptinMonster?

That’s a great question, and it’s one I am very excited to answer.

(And if you’d like to play your part in shaping the future of OptinMonster, come join our team)

For starters, you can continue to expect exceptional customer service at every part of your journey. It’s part of our DNA, and that won’t be changing.

And for the product?

Well, I can’t leak all the details, but I can give you a brief sneak-peek behind the curtain:

  • More AI integrations to make creating high-converting campaigns easier and quicker than ever before.
  • New smart blocks and rule triggers to help you personalize campaigns like never before
  • New ways to analyze your campaigns to see what’s working and take action on areas to improve
  • Doubling down on our commitment to a “Core Web Vitals Approved” philosophy of performance and SEO optimization
  • Expertly crafted templates to help you get more subscribers, leads and sales FASTER
  • New add-ons to help you get the most out of the subscribers and leads generated with OptinMonster
  • …and maybe even some new products 😉

To commemorate this incredible milestone, the amazing team at OptinMonster has put together an epic sale and giveaway. It’s a celebration that you don’t want to miss out on!

And, since OptinMonster is part of the Awesome Motive family of products, we’ve pulled some favors to get you exclusive access to some impressive deals and prizes, too!

Thank You

None of this would be possible without you, our amazing customers.

I’m so grateful and thankful for each one of you.

OptinMonster is dear to my heart, and I hope it has been a great source of growth for you.

My promise to you is that we will do everything in our power to continue to earn your trust and business for many, many years to come.


Thomas Griffin
Co-Founder of OptinMonster

The post The Untold Story of OptinMonster’s 10-Year Journey (and how we ALMOST didn’t make it!) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
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G2 Awards OptinMonster 20 Honors Including Best ROI, Easiest Setup and Leader (Summer 2023) https://optinmonster.com/g2-awards-for-popup-builders-summer-2023/ https://optinmonster.com/g2-awards-for-popup-builders-summer-2023/#respond Tue, 15 Aug 2023 13:45:42 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=181121 G2, the largest software marketplace and services review platform, recognized OptinMonster as the “Best ROI” Popup Builder and Personalization software, in both the Small Business and Mid-Market segments. Best ROI was just one of 20 honors awarded to OptinMonster for the Summer 2023 awards. G2’s Best Software Awards rank the world’s best software companies and …

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G2, the largest software marketplace and services review platform, recognized OptinMonster as the “Best ROI” Popup Builder and Personalization software, in both the Small Business and Mid-Market segments. Best ROI was just one of 20 honors awarded to OptinMonster for the Summer 2023 awards.

G2’s Best Software Awards rank the world’s best software companies and products based on hundreds, if not thousands, of real reviews from actual users. 

Angie Meeker, General Manager at OptinMonsterAngie Meeker here, General Manager at OptinMonster. I’m so proud of our team for earning these awards… we’ve barely stopped celebrating since they were shared with us.

More than that, I’m so thankful to you, our customers, for every day we get to help small businesses like you win, and win more often! You’re the reason why we do what we do, and we’re honored to be a part of your journey.

OptinMonster sweeps the G2 Awards for Pop-Ups and Personalization!

At OptinMonster, we have five core values that drive everything we do:

  1. We put people first, always.
  2. We do the right thing every time.
  3. We fight for our customer’s success.
  4. We commit to excellence by paying attention to details.
  5. We labor for simplicity.

Our team relentlessly drives these values into everything we do. It’s not always EASY, but it’s always worth it to equip small businesses like you to grow and compete with the big guys.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the G2 Awards we were given, and how those values made OptinMonster the clear winner for Popups, and Personalization, in 2023.

OptinMonster wins G2 Leader Award

OptinMonster won a total of 20 G2 Summer 2023 awards. The one we’re most proud of is the G2 Popup Builder Leader award.

This is the first quarter we’ve earned a spot in the Leader quadrant, and there’s a good reason why…

Because it’s hard to do!

In fact, we’re one of only THREE true Popup Builders who earned a Leader award.

G2 Leader Grid Includes OptinMonster

The other Leaders are landing page builders who squeezed in a simple popup element. Or, they’re behemoth email marketing platforms and CRMs that provide only the most basic popup.

They’re not lead generation tools.

Their focus is on something else entirely… and they’re spreading themselves thin as a result.

For them, lead generation popups are just another way to unlock a few extra dollars from their existing customers, but not something they understand well enough to dedicate themselves to like we do.

It’s kind of like going to the dentist, and finding out dentistry is just their side-hustle.

In reality, they’re a veterinarian who doesn’t have a clue how to clean your teeth, let alone perform a root canal!

How much trust would you have in their skills as a dentist? Not much!

OptinMonster wins Best ROI from G2

Best Estimated ROI

At OptinMonster, you don’t have to wonder if your campaigns are driving revenue for your small business. 

With our Revenue Attribution feature, View Through Revenue and Click Through Revenue for every campaign are ready for your review as soon as you log in. 

You can simply watch OptinMonster pay for itself as the money stacks up. And speaking of paying for itself…

Remember I said that there were three other Popup Builders in the Leader grid with us?

You want to know why they didn’t win Best Estimated ROI?

They didn’t win because they’re up to 12 TIMES more expensive than OptinMonster, without providing 12 times more value! 

Simply put, you’ve got to work twelve times harder to earn back your investment using competing products.

At the time of these awards, our most full-featured subscription starts at just $588. How many leads or sales would you need to make to justify spending just $588 on OptinMonster this year? One well-placed Exit-Intent campaign could easily return that much in additional subscribers and recovered abandoning visitors.

$588 is less than $12/week! You probably spent more than that this week on Chipotle. 

…I know I did.

…and that Chipotle’s not trying to make me money! 🤣 ♥ 🌯

At OptinMonster, our mission is to help small businesses grow and compete with the big guys. Our pricing reflects that.

Yes, we could do the same as our competitors and offer OptinMonster for somewhere between 12x and 50x more than we do now, but we’d be going against our mission if we did. 

OptinMonster is the Fastest to Implement Popup Software, according to G2

Fastest Implementation for Small Businesses

You know by now that Small Businesses are our BFF’s, and our BFF’s are BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! Learning new software like OptinMonster isn’t always their highest priority.

Fortunately, it only takes a few minutes to learn how to get started using OptinMonster.

We offer hundreds of predesigned templates, blank templates for those who want to do it themselves, and even pre-configured Playbooks ready to launch with just a few clicks, all based on your goals.

And to help you get started even faster, we’ll even set up your first campaign for you, for FREE!

No need to hire an agency, developer or designer to create your first OptinMonster campaign. Just ask, and we’ll do it for you based on your unique goals and your branding as our way of saying thank you for choosing OptinMonster.

OptinMonster is the easiest to setup popup builder for mid-market, according to G2

Easiest Setup for Mid-Market

It’s not just the Small Business who benefits from the ease of implementing OptinMonster, though.

Even more established, experienced marketers with complex marketing needs and goals rated OptinMonster Easiest to Setup.

That’s because OptinMonster can be used on any HTML website with just one simple script. We also maintain a powerful popup plugin for WordPress, and a popup app for Shopify that extends the functionality of OptinMonster just for those platforms.

We integrate with nearly every major email marketing platform or CRM on the market. And if we don’t integrate with yours, you’ve got great options with our Embedded Form block, Webhooks, Zapier, Uncanny Automator, Google Tag Manager or even using our public API.

Our easy setup, combined with our low pricing, let our mid-market friends get started without involving developers or IT teams, and without completing lengthy procurement processes.

OptinMonster is the best at meeting business requirements, according to G2

Best Meets Requirements for Mid-Market

Our team understands deeply how professional marketers and their teams generate leads because we are practitioners ourselves. 

We built the lead generation software we wished we had, and we offer the support we would want, too.

From powerful Display Rules like query parameter targeting and JS variable targeting

To the efficiencies we built in like Saved Rulesets and Saved Blocks

To Sub-Accounts complete with Role Management…

To OptinMonster’s API that lets you do pretty much anything your heart can dream up…

To exceptional support from our award-winning Customer Success team…

We’re the best at meeting your requirements because we’re the best at understanding your needs.

These were just a few of the G2 awards we received this summer.

Here are all 20 G2 Awards given to OptinMonster during the Summer 2023 season.

OptinMonster G2 Awards for Personalization Software


OptinMonster G2 Awards for Popup Builder Software


OptinMonster is the #1 Lead Generation software on the planet and G2 reviewers seem to agree. We’re the easiest way to grow your lists, leads and sales without a coder or graphic designer. If you’re not using OptinMonster yet, you should be.

In fact, I’m so confident you’ll love OptinMonster, I’ll even give you a no-questions asked, money back guarantee. If you try OptinMonster and don’t love it, just ask for a refund within the first 14 days of your subscription and I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. There’s absolutely nothing for you to lose in this scenario.

Register for an OptinMonster account below.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

As always, I’m grateful for your continued support of OptinMonster, and look forward to bringing you even more ways win, and win more often.

To Your Success,

Angie Meeker, General Manager, OptinMonster

Angie Meeker
General Manager, OptinMonster

G2 Awards Presented to OptinMonster, Summer 2023

Personalization Category
Best Estimated ROI
Best Estimated ROI, Small Business
Easiest Setup, Mid-Market
Fastest Implementation, Small Business
Easiest Admin, Mid-Market
High Performer, Mid-Market
High Performer, Small Business
Momentum Leader

Popup Builder Category
Best Estimated ROI
Best Estimated ROI, Small Business
Easiest Setup, Mid-Market
Easiest Admin, Mid-Market
Fastest Implementation, Small Business
Most Implementable, Mid-Market
Best Usability, Mid-Market
Best Requirements, Mid-Market
Momentum Leader
High Performer, Mid-Market
Users Love Us!

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[Announcement] Improved Display Rules to Convert More Website Visitors https://optinmonster.com/announcement-improved-display-rules-to-convert-more-website-visitors/ https://optinmonster.com/announcement-improved-display-rules-to-convert-more-website-visitors/#respond Wed, 12 Jul 2023 13:50:19 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=180617&preview=true&preview_id=180617 Converting website visitors is not as easy as it used to be. A few years ago, a simple page with a “buy now” button would convert. Nowadays, users are much more sophisticated… and unless you have a vital product they need with extreme urgency – you need to put a bit more effort into planning …

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Converting website visitors is not as easy as it used to be.

A few years ago, a simple page with a “buy now” button would convert.

Nowadays, users are much more sophisticated… and unless you have a vital product they need with extreme urgency – you need to put a bit more effort into planning and implementing your conversion strategy.

You need to be more specific, personal, and aware.

You need to understand the process your prospect goes through, and you need to meet them where they’re at, instead of trying to forcefully move them to a different phase of their buyer journey.

And doing this requires better tools.

You need to be able to implement complex strategies without friction, and without relying on multiple software and a team of developers on your payroll.

So, as always, we came up with a solution.

A solution that is a direct representation of our core values – we labor for simplicity, we fight for our customer’s success, and we pay attention to the details.

We made Display Rules better for YOU!

Increase Conversions with OptinMonster’s Improved Display Rules!

Knowing how to use Display Rules is what makes the difference between low conversions and high conversions.

It’s the secret sauce to getting your website visitors engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

Simply put, Display Rules help you control where and how your campaign appears to visitors. The more specific you can be with this, the higher the chance of success.


Because not all visitors are the same, so it doesn’t make sense to show the same campaign to all of them, in the same place, at the same time.

You need to plan based on:

  • Where the visitor is coming from
  • Who the visitor is
  • What page they land on
  • What kind of action it would make the most sense for them to take on that specific page

❌ Selling cooking courses on a page about shoes would be a waste of traffic.

❌ Showing a popup that promotes a blog post on the checkout page would be a waste of traffic too.

As you can see, it’s as much about what NOT to show, as it is about what to show.

Because Display Rules are so important, we improved them for you.

We pay attention to where our customers experience friction when using OptinMonster, and by doing this we realized Display Rules needed a revamp.

We want you to have a clear, simple, and efficient experience that leads to more conversions for your business.

Now you can create and implement Display Rules in your campaign much easier, without confusion.

Let’s go through some of the changes.

New Efficient Setup

Up until now, configuring your Display Rules was not the most straightforward experience.

However, we create a new efficient setup that is nicer to look at, and easier to go through.

Here’s what’s different:

  • You now have the ability to choose what campaign view you want to show directly in the conditions tab. 

  • We made it very easy for you to switch entire groups of rule from the ALL condition, to the Any One condition.

When you select the ALL condition, your campaign will only show when ALL of the rules are met.

When you select the Any One condition, your campaign will show when any one of the rules are met.

  • You are able to easily add multiple values of the same condition without adding the entire rule again and again.

  • We better surfaced features and settings in the Actions tab. Features that were previously hard to discover, and that can help increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Depending on what type of campaign you’re creating, you will have different features to choose from in the Action tab.

For example, if you create an Inline campaign, you will see options for Content Locking and Attention Activation, both features being unique to this type of campaign.


  • We moved the cookie settings in the Actions tab, so they’re part of the flow of publishing a campaign. Previously these settings were only accessible in the sidebar of the Design tab.


Find Additional Conversion Opportunities

OptinMonster offers a wide variety of Display Rules, and it’s not always easy to figure out what each rule does.

And being humans, we have a tendency to stick to what we know and are used to… so you might find yourself using the same Display Rules over and over again, missing out on others that could boost your lead generation and sales.

So, to help you create better campaigns, and find new conversion opportunities:

  • We added inline documentation and videos for every rule and setting.

You just have to click on the “View documentation” button, or the video play button that’s right next to it, in order to get a clear and in-depth explanation of what the rule or the setting does, and how you can best use it to your business advantage.

Faster Testing

Testing is key when it comes to finding winner campaigns, and this applies to Display Rules as well.

Let’s say you have a campaign with 4 rules, and you want to see how it performs with only 3 of the rules being active. Up until this point, in order to do this, you’d have to delete the 4th rule entirely.

  • Now you have the ability to disable/enable rules as you see fit.

You’re no longer forced to delete and recreate a rule if you want don’t want to use it as part of a test, or for any other reason you might have.

Additionally, for the sake of making the campaign creation process faster…

  • You have the ability to save an entire ruleset, and then use it again in other campaigns.

Previously, you’d have to start over from scratch each time you created a new campaign.

Simpler Display Rules Organization

Organizing your Display Rules got easier too.

  • We added the ability to drag and drop conditions into any order or group that makes sense for your company


  • We also added the ability to duplicate rules.

You’re now in full control of how you organize your rules, groups, and rulesets.

You can move rules around as you like, duplicate them, disable them, or delete them entirely.

We hope these Display Rules updates will make your OptinMonster experience smoother. It’s a pleasure to do work that has a direct positive impact on you, and your success.

Giving you the tools you need to generate leads, make more sales, and grow your business is what we’re passionate about, and we’ll keep fighting to offer you a fair chance at competing and winning against the big guys in your industry.

We care about YOUR SUCCESS, and making Display Rules better is only the beginning. 

We’re constantly working on creating new ways for you to grow your email list, generate leads, and increase sales. Whether that’s updating existing solutions, or building new ones.

We have dozens of high-converting features, hundreds of campaign templates, and the best customer service team in the entire market.

And more updates are in the process of coming out.

So if you have a website that gets 15,000+ pageviews per month, you’re just one click away from getting a crazy good ROI.

Ready to get started? Claim your FREE Done-For-You Campaign ($297 value)!

We think OptinMonster is the #1 Lead Generation software on the planet. It’s the easiest way to grow your lists, leads and sales without a coder or graphic designer. And we’re so confident you’ll love OptinMonster, we’ll even build your first campaign for you for free!

Plus, you get a 14-day money-back guarantee with your account. There’s absolutely nothing for you to lose in this scenario.

Register for an OptinMonster account below!

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

As always, we’re grateful for your continued support of OptinMonster, and we look forward to bringing you even more ways to grow your business as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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[Announcement] New Templates to Supercharge Your Lead Generation Campaigns https://optinmonster.com/announcement-new-templates-to-supercharge-lead-generation/ https://optinmonster.com/announcement-new-templates-to-supercharge-lead-generation/#respond Tue, 13 Jun 2023 13:50:55 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=179706&preview=true&preview_id=179706 Have you ever found yourself struggling to generate leads, despite getting traffic on your website? Looking at the data, and seeing high bounce rates, and barely any conversions. Why would people visit your website if they don’t take any action? What is it that you’re missing, that’s stopping you from converting these visitors into leads? …

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to generate leads, despite getting traffic on your website?

Looking at the data, and seeing high bounce rates, and barely any conversions.

Why would people visit your website if they don’t take any action?

What is it that you’re missing, that’s stopping you from converting these visitors into leads?

If you’ve been thinking about this, then keep reading.

The key to lead generation is knowing your audience.

You have probably heard this idea many times before. It’s nothing special, but it’s important.

The reason people don’t take action on your website is because they don’t see the value in doing so.

This means you have to find out what they value, what they’re interested in, and then find a way to present that to them.

To help you in this process, we’ve created new templates to supercharge your lead generation campaigns.

We also improved the campaign filtering screen in the app, to help you find templates easier based on your goals and the type of business you run.

Let’s take a look at these new updates:

New Campaign Filtering Screen

We simplified the process of searching for templates, to take out the guess work when it comes to campaign creation.

You no longer have to spend minutes scrolling and trying to find the best template for your objective.

You can now filter based on:

  • The type of seasonal campaign you want to run

OptinMonster templates seasonal filtering

  • Goals

OptinMonster templates goal filtering

  • The industry your business is in

OptinMonster templates industry filtering

  • OptinMonster features you want to use in your campaign

OptinMonster templates features filtering


New Lead Generation Templates

We added 6 new campaign templates to help you shorten the time needed to convert website visitors into leads and paying customers.

Each template has a different use case, and it’s fully customizable based on your needs and brand identity.

  • Get a Quote

Get a Quote OptinMonster template

You can successfully use this template to create a lead generation campaign targeted at potential customers.

This would work best for freelancers offering services or customized products, but it can also be adapted and used if you’re a small-medium business and you offer customized packages that require a quote.

If you’re just starting out as a solo entrepreneur, or even if you’re simply looking for a new job opportunity, you can build a portfolio website, and then use this template to capture the contact information of potential customers or employers.

  • Birthday Discount

Birthday Discount OptinMonster template

This is a simple template you can use to increase sales without much effort. It piques the interest of the user, increasing the chance of them taking an action.

You can use this no matter what type of business you run, but it would probably be most effective when used on an eCommerce website.

  • Get More Volunteers

Get More Volunteers OptinMonster template

If you’re running a non-profit organization and you’re lacking manpower… this is the template for you. It does what it says it does – helps you get more volunteers to support the cause you’re fighting for.

  • Bulk Order Quote

Bulk Order Quote OptinMonster template

Show this campaign on your product or checkout page to those users who add a large number of products from the same category to their cart.

They might be looking to order for a group, and if that’s the case, this campaign can make the difference between losing or winning a customer.

  • Download a Sample

Download a Sample OptinMonster template

There are very few conversion optimization strategies that offer better results than a free sample or free trial campaign. You can’t go wrong with this template, because it’s been proven to work since the early 20th century.

  • Get a Custom Quote

Get a Custom Quote OptinMonster template

We’re constantly working on creating new ways for you to grow your email list, generate leads, and increase sales.

We have dozens of high-converting features, hundreds of campaign templates, and the best customer service team in the entire market.

So if you have a website that gets traffic, you’re just one click away from getting better results.

Ready to get started? Claim your FREE Done-For-You Campaign ($297 value)!

We think OptinMonster is the #1 Lead Generation software on the planet. It’s the easiest way to grow your lists, leads and sales without a coder or graphic designer. And we’re so confident you’ll love OptinMonster, we’ll even build your first campaign for you for free!

Plus, you get a 14-day money-back guarantee with your account. There’s absolutely nothing for you to lose in this scenario.

Register for an OptinMonster account below!

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

As always, we’re grateful for your continued support of OptinMonster, and we look forward to bringing you even more ways to grow your business as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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