Best Lead Generation Tips and Tricks from Conversion Experts Mon, 01 Jul 2024 08:01:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Best Lead Generation Tips and Tricks from Conversion Experts 32 32 What Is Bounce Rate and How You Can Improve It Sun, 30 Jun 2024 13:00:36 +0000 Ever felt like you’re pouring your heart and soul into your website, but visitors just aren’t sticking around? A high bounce rate might be the culprit. In this guide, we’ll break down what bounce rate is and why it matters. We’ll also equip you with actionable strategies to keep visitors engaged and lower that bounce …

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Ever felt like you’re pouring your heart and soul into your website, but visitors just aren’t sticking around? A high bounce rate might be the culprit.

In this guide, we’ll break down what bounce rate is and why it matters. We’ll also equip you with actionable strategies to keep visitors engaged and lower that bounce rate.

Plus, we’ll show you exactly where to find bounce rate in the new world of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Let’s get those visitors sticking around and exploring all your website has to offer!

Table of Contents

What is Bounce Rate?

A bounce is when a visitor lands on your website, checks out a single page, and then disappears. In Google Analytics terms, a bounce is a visit where someone only triggers one request to the system. This basically means they viewed one page and didn’t click anything else or navigate further before leaving.

A bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who check out a single page and then leave, without clicking anything or exploring further. These quick visits are counted as sessions lasting zero seconds because there’s no additional activity for Google Analytics to track.

Bounce rate is a key metric for understanding your website’s effectiveness, and here’s why:

  1. Conversions: High bounce rates often mean missed opportunities. When visitors leave after just one page, they’re not converting into leads or sales. By lowering your bounce rate, you can increase conversions and get more value from your website traffic.
  2. Search Engine Love (Maybe): While the exact impact is debated, some studies suggest search engines like Google might favor websites with lower bounce rates. This means bounce rate could be an SEO ranking factor and better bounce rate could potentially boost your search ranking.
  3. Website Health Check: A high bounce rate can be a red flag for issues with your website. It might indicate confusing content, poor user experience, or unclear calls to action. By analyzing bounce rate, you can identify areas for improvement and make your website more engaging for visitors.

Does a high bounce rate mean trouble? Not always!

Bounce rate matters when your website thrives on visitors exploring multiple pages. Think news sites with in-depth articles or eCommerce stores with product categories. If people are bouncing from your homepage, it might indicate that you are missing the mark.

Bounce rate is less concerning when your website is designed for single-page engagement. This applies to blogs with self-contained articles or landing pages with clear calls to action. In these cases, a high bounce rate is simply visitors finding what they need quickly.

What is a Good Bounce Rate?

You may be wondering what a good bounce rate is, which is a valid question. Here’s a baseline to start:

  • 26-40% is optimal
  • 40-70% is average
  • 70-90% is poor
  • 90%+ is very poor
  • 80%+ is very bad

Don’t get too excited if your bounce rate is lower than 20%. This is likely because of an error like duplicate analytics code, incorrect implementation of events tracking, or third-party addons such as live chat plugins.

While the above metrics are good starting points, bounce rate varies across industries, your content type, and even the device used. These bounce rate patterns give us a clue about why visitors bounce and what, if anything, to do about it.

Average Bounce Rate by Industry & Website Type

Take a look at the chart below to see an average bounce rate by industry:

Retail and eCommerce sites have the lowest bounce rates because there are so many webpages on a typical shopping site. Most shoppers will visit one page, then see another product that interests them and click there. Or they’ll purchase that item, which will take them to the checkout page. There’s a clear pathway for visitors to follow.

On the other hand, landing pages, dictionaries, portals, and blogs typically have much higher bounce rates. But this doesn’t mean all these websites aren’t converting. It just means that they serve a specific purpose that is usually filled in a single page.

Someone looking for the definition of a word will leave as soon as they’ve found that definition. Portal websites, by definition, link to content on other sites, so visitors likely only spend one session on the portal itself. And landing pages are often specifically designed without navigation or internal links so that visitors don’t get distracted from the one desired conversion event.

Average Bounce Rate by Channel

Next, let’s look at the average bounce rate by channel or traffic source:

As you can see, display and social have the highest bounce rates. That’s because visitors from those channels are likely to just be clicking casually on a banner ad or social media link, and then leaving to get back to their originally intended action.

On the other hand, referral and email tend to have the lowest bounce rates. Visitors coming in through a link from a similar website are more likely to already be interested in your content. Email subscribers are even more invested in your business, since they opted into your email list. As you’re thinking about how to reduce the bounce rate on your site, make sure to look at which channels bring in most of your traffic.

Average Bounce Rate by Device

Finally, another factor that affects bounce rate is device. Unfortunately, you don’t have any control over what devices your visitors are using, but you can still use this data to improve bounce rate.

As you can see, mobile users have a higher bounce rate across all industries. This makes sense, since people browse on their phones while waiting in line, riding the bus, and doing other things that might pull their attention away at any time. If you get a lot of mobile users, your bounce rate may appear higher than a site with mostly desktop users. This is just good to keep in mind as you work to reduce your bounce rate.

So the definition of a good bounce rate is complicated. Perhaps more important than comparing your bounce rate to other websites is monitoring your own bounce rate over time. If you have a content-heavy site like a blog, your bounce rate may always be higher than your neighbor’s eCommerce site. That’s okay! Bounce rate is not the only metric of how well your site is converting, and it’s definitely not the most important one.

How to Find Bounce Rate on Google Analytics (GA4)

GA4 redefines bounce rate by focusing on engagement. It considers a variety of factors beyond mere page interaction.

A session in GA4 is considered engaged if it:

  1. Lasts longer than 10 seconds,
  2. Triggers a conversion event,
  3. Generates at least two page views or screen views.

In GA4, the bounce rate is essentially the inverse of the engagement rate. A lower bounce rate in GA4 indicates higher engagement, meaning more sessions meet the engagement criteria.

This approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of how users interact with a site. It acknowledges that engagement can take many forms, not just clicking through to another page.

Here’s how to find bounce rate on  Google Analytics 4 (GA4):

Step 1: Navigate to Engagement » Pages and screens

Step 2: Click the pencil icon in the upper right of your screen; a sidebar will open

Step 3: Click on Metrics

Step 4: Click on the bottom Add metric option, then type “bounce” to find and select Bounce rate

Step 5: Once it’s been selected, you’ll see Bounce rate added to the list of Metrics. Click Apply.

Step 6: Click the Save button. A dropdown will appear – choose Save changes to current report.

Step 7: A popup will appear asking if you’re sure you want to save your changes. Click Save

Why Do People Bounce?

Website visitors bounce for a variety of reasons, but some of the most common reasons are:

  • Unrelevant Content: If the content on your page doesn’t match what the visitor was searching for, they’ll likely bounce to find a better fit.
  • Poor User Experience (UX): A confusing or cluttered website layout, slow loading times, or difficult navigation can frustrate visitors and lead them to bounce.
  • Mobile Unfriendliness: In today’s mobile-first world, a website that’s not optimized for smartphones and tablets will quickly lose visitors.
  • Technical Issues: Broken links, error messages, or website crashes will send visitors scrambling for the exit button.
  • Misleading Headlines and Descriptions: If your page title and meta description don’t accurately reflect the content, visitors might feel deceived and bounce.
  • Slow Page Speed: People are impatient! If your website takes too long to load, visitors will likely bounce before they even see your content.
  • Hidden Costs or Unexpected Information: If visitors discover surprise charges or unexpected requirements after clicking through, they might bounce out of frustration.

How to Reduce Bounce Rate

1. Suggest Other Content

Perhaps the content on a particular webpage really wasn’t what the visitor was looking for. Rather than just shrug your shoulders and let them go, you can use OptinMonster’s signature Exit-Intent® Technology to help them find what they need before they leave your site.

You can use a related post plugin to suggest other posts that might be more helpful. And because WordPress shortcodes work beautifully in OptinMonster, you could even create an exit intent popup showing related posts.


You can also use exit popups to offer a content upgrade, discount, or free shipping code. OptinMonster’s gamified campaigns are a great way to recapture wandering attention.

discount wheel popup demo
Reduce Your Bounce Rate With OptinMonster Today!
BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

2. Show Targeted Content to Engaged Users

Remember, not all bounces are bad. A user may read your article, find exactly what they wanted, and then leave. This is normal and very common for blog posts and resource sections.

But that doesn’t help your bounce rate or conversions. In this case, you want to show these users with the most relevant offer.

For example, if a user lands on a blog post about cooking, then your offer should be a recipe book instead of fashion items.

Using OptinMonster’s page-level targeting, you can show visitors customized offers based on the pages they visit, traffic source, and more. You can even specify that a campaign only displays to visitors who have scrolled a certain distance down the page or spent a specified amount of time on the page.

Showing targeted content will help you reduce your website’s bounce rate, boost engagement, and conversions.

3. Give Users Something Else to Do

Every page on your website should have a clear call to action (CTA).

Some CTAs include purchasing a digital or physical product, opt into your email list, share your article, or fill out a contact form.

OptinMonster can serve all kinds of CTA campaigns to precisely targeted audiences.

For example, you could use WPForms to create a survey that displays right before visitors exit.

4. Display External Media Onsite

Many businesses embed feeds of their own social media or video content as a way to show the latest updates.

But this can unintentionally create too many opportunities for visitors to bounce. They might see an interesting image from your Instagram feed and click on it. If this was the only page on your site they visited, this counts as a bounce even though they’re going to your social media.

You can use Smash Balloon plugins to build beautiful social media feeds right on your site. With Smash Balloon, visitors can click on an image or video to see the caption, description, and comments, all without leaving your site.

Another major cause of bouncing is from search engine result pages (SERPs). When a visitor clicks on a search result, they’re looking for something specific. If they don’t find the answer or solution quickly, they’ll bounce.

MonsterInsights can help you understand what visitors are searching for.

Then you can use a premium SEO plugin like AIOSEO to optimize your content for the most-searched keywords.

6. Improve Your Site Speed

One of the easiest ways to improve bounce rate is to improve your site speed.

Users are in a hurry and decide whether to stay on a site within the first few seconds. If your site doesn’t load quickly, they might assume it’s broken, or simply run out of patience and leave.

You can measure your site speed with tools like Pingdom and Google Page Speed. These tools also give you recommendations for boosting your site speed.

Use speed tests like Pingdom to help reduce the bounce rate on your website

To speed up your site, you should optimize your images, use a Content Delivery Network (CDN), add better caching, and consider switching to a faster hosting provider like Bluehost.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to keep your website speedy is by using a CDN. Find the right one for you on our list of the best CDN providers to speed up your website.

7. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Users

Many users are browsing on mobile devices while on the go. If they see a full desktop site squashed into a tiny screen, they won’t stick around trying to figure out a way to access your site.

Make sure your site is easy to use on a smartphone. Consider creating mobile-only landing pages or using click-to-call and click-to-scroll buttons to make the mobile user experience better. You can read other best practices for mobile landing pages here.

8. Make Your Text Readable

While images and video capture the attention, most of the important information on a website is still communicated with text. Don’t pay so much attention to pretty visuals and fancy design that you ignore basic readability.

For example, this site looks nice but is very difficult to read. The navigation links are low contrast and lightweight. There is even a banner that says the site is best viewed on desktop, and that banner itself is low contrast and hard to read. This all creates a poor user experience, especially for mobile users!

You need to make sure that the text on your website is easily readable on all devices. It shouldn’t be too small or else users will have to squint or zoom in to read it. Use font sizes that are large enough on smaller screens.

Choose fonts that are clear and easy to read. Cursive or handwritten accent fonts are fine when used sparingly. Use contrasting colors and enough line spacing, font weight, padding, and margin for the text to be clearly readable. This example does a good job balancing high contrast body fonts with accent fonts, and also uses a high contrast button call to action.

Another important point to consider is the language and style you choose to use on your website. Use easy-to-understand language in a normal conversational tone.

9. Split Test Headlines and Page Design

It’s possible that your content does match the visitor’s intent, but the headline or call-to-action doesn’t make that clear.

That’s why A/B testing different elements on your site is important. A/B split testing is when you create 2 versions of the same page with different headlines, copy, imagery, social proof, or CTAs. Then you see which version performs better.

You can also create different landing pages targeting different audiences, regions, or keywords. If you are serving an international audience, then you can detect a user’s location and show them a localized landing page. Showing users content in their own language, currency, and cultural background greatly improves user experience and can help improve page bounce rate.

10. Help Visitors Find Their Way

Your webpage may actually be exactly what your visitor is looking for, but if they have to scroll 80% of the way down the page to find it, chances are they’ll bounce.

Make sure your content answers the question or gets to the point quickly. If your blog post or webpage has multiple sections, consider adding a table of contents or button that jumps to the most interesting part.

For example, many recipe blogs include a long explanation of the recipe development process along with step by step photos. Some visitors may find that content interesting, but many just want the recipe to cook from. Recipe bloggers often place a Jump to Recipe button on all their posts. This lets the visitor who needs something to cook right now find the most helpful part of the post.

11. Match CTA to Intent

You always want make sure that your CTAs are clear and that they match the intent of the visitor.

User intent can fall into 4 categories:

  • Informational: they want a specific answer or general information
  • Navigational: they’re looking for a specific website or webpage
  • Commercial: they’re investigating products or brands with future intent to purchase
  • Transactional: they’re intending to purchase or complete an action

A user wondering how to clean sneakers is unlikely to appreciate an intrusive popup selling new shoes. Instead, perhaps at the end of your sneaker-cleaning tutorial, you could link to your post reviewing a brand of machine-washable sneakers. On the other hand, someone searching for that same review might be interested in your affiliate coupon for that brand. It all comes back to understanding your visitor’s intention and making sure all your content aligns with that intent.

12. Optimize Call to Action Placement

Most users decide whether or not they like a website in the first couple of seconds. So the content in the very first part of your webpage is important. You can optimize this area to immediately describe what you are selling and include a prominently visible call to action.

Make your call to action clear and honest. Misleading users will create a bad user experience which is the number one reason for high bounce rate and low conversions.

There you have it, our favorite ways to reduce website’s bounce rate. When you match your content with the visitor’s intent, you can keep your visitors happy and your bounce rate low.

If you’re looking for other ways to capture more traffic and boost your conversions, check out this article on how to Create a Promotional Strategy for Higher Conversions.

What are you waiting for? Start increasing pageviews with OptinMonster.

More on Conversion Rate Optimization:

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13 Proven Marketing Hacks to Generate Guaranteed Leads Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:15:07 +0000 Do you want to grow your business rapidly? Want to learn how to use digital marketing hacks to generate more leads? Marketing has become extremely competitive in recent years. In every niche, you’ll find brands that sell similar products and lookalike features within a similar price range. And if you do what others are doing …

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Do you want to grow your business rapidly? Want to learn how to use digital marketing hacks to generate more leads?

Marketing has become extremely competitive in recent years. In every niche, you’ll find brands that sell similar products and lookalike features within a similar price range.

And if you do what others are doing in your industry, you won’t achieve your brand’s true potential.

With all the noise and competition around you, finding new and creative ways to capture your audience’s attention can be extraordinarily challenging.

So how do you build a healthy lead generation pipeline to ensure rapid business growth?

In this post, I’ll share 13 digital marketing tips that will give you a leg up over the competition and help you improve your lead generation.

You can click on any of the hacks linked below to jump directly to that section.

  1. Use Various Growth Marketing Tactics to Get Leads
  2. Leverage Video Marketing
  3. Spread the Word With Influencer Marketing
  4. Use Ads to Reach Goals Faster
  5. Focus on the Data
  6. Always Test Your Campaigns
  7. Be Informed About the Latest in Marketing
  8. Use FOMO to Improve Lead Generation
  9. Introduce a Freemium Pricing Model
  10. Host Webinars and Online Workshops
  11. Start an Affiliate Marketing Program
  12. Go All Out with Content Marketing
  13. Give Out Lead Magnets for Free

1. Use Multiple Tactics to Get Leads

Generating quality leads is the #1 priority for most small business owners. If you aren’t generating leads for your website, metrics like website traffic or ranking on the search engine results page don’t mean anything.

Here are 3 marketing hacks that you can use to capture leads on your website.

Use Popups to Entice Visitors

On average, popups convert between 1-8%. Some OptinMonster customers report improving their conversion rate by as much as 600%.

With popups, you can convert casual visitors into leads before they decide to drop off. OptinMonster offers powerful triggers and targeting features to help you personalize your popups for higher conversions.

For instance, triggering an Exit-Intent® popup can help you recover customers who are about to leave your website or abandon their shopping carts.

Here’s an example from Rich Page, a conversion rate optimization (CRO) expert, who used OptinMonster to create an interactive popup. The campaign improved his website conversions by 225%.

marketing hacks

Run Giveaway Contests

Giving away a freebie that your audience wants or running an online competition is an excellent growth marketing hack to help you generate leads in bulk.

At OptinMonster, we have witnessed this first-hand. When we were preparing to launch our annual Black Friday marketing campaign in 2020, we wanted to get more people to participate in the sale and improve our revenue.

We decided to use RafflePress to run an online giveaway contest. RafflePress is the best, beginner-friendly giveaway plugin for WordPress websites.

Here’s a quick summary of the social media campaign we created to promote the Black Friday sale:

  1. First, we created an offer we knew our audience would love: a chance to win a brand-new 13-inch Macbook Pro.
  2. To enter the giveaway contest, people had 2 options:
    1. They either had to share the contest on social media platforms.
    2. Or, they could refer a friend from their network.

As a result, we achieved amazing results with the campaign:

  • 24,372 contest entries
  • 3,500 new users
  • 3X increase in our email list
digital marketing hacks

Running giveaway contests or online quizzes is like managing your lead generation in automation. You just have to set it up once and see the leads flow through the website.

You too can create a giveaway like this with RafflePress. It also has bonus entry actions you can use to increase your leads.

For example, participants can get extra giveaway entries for completing specific tasks like signing up for your email list, referring a friend, or liking your page on Facebook.

Make Use of Gated Content

Do you have high-quality long-form content, such as an ebook, white paper, or other downloadables published on your website? If yes, you can use them as a marketing hack to generate qualified leads.

You simply have to put them behind a lead capture form that requires visitors to sign up with their contact information in exchange for the download.

The content that you behind sign-up forms or paywalls is called gated content or lead magnets. We’ll cover how to create lead magnets in more detail in just a bit.

HubSpot uses its buyer persona templates as a piece of gated content in its resource library. Marketers have to sign up with HubSpot to download the templates. Then they can easily develop buyer personas from one of the templates instead of starting everything from scratch.

growth marketing hacks

To create a great offer like this, you first should know your audience and where they are in the customer journey.

For more ideas like these, read our guide about proven growth hacking strategies. Or, check out how to create a paywall to reserve premium content for paying subscribers.

2. Leverage Video Marketing

Video is one of the most popular forms of media across the board. Over 90% of marketers admit that using videos helps their brands increase website conversions and generate more leads.

Video marketing is a powerful tool that’s growing in popularity. Research shows that 68% of people would rather learn about a new product or service from a short video than other mediums.

Here’s a great video marketing hack from Marketo. One of its landing pages offers visitors the option to watch demo videos in exchange for a sign-up.

growth hack

This is great not only for lead generation but also will make the follow-up and closing of the sale more personalized.

But have you wondered what makes some videos more successful than others? The key differentiator is visual storytelling.

Animoto provides the following tips that can help you tell your business’ story more effectively:

  • Craft an easy-to-understand script with a simple call-to-action (CTA).
  • Use a character in your video to make your storytelling more effective.
  • Break up the video into a beginning, a middle, and an end to make it easy to follow.
  • Conclude it with a clear CTA for the viewers to act on.

This short video ad from Barbie uses storytelling to enforce that the viewer ‘Can Be Anything.’

3. Spread the Word With Influencer Marketing

According to Nielsen’s Trust in Advertising report, 71% of buyers trust ads, opinions, and product placements from influencers.

Influencer marketing is a great way to earn your audience’s trust by using a face and name that they recognize and admire.

But it’s crucial that you identify the right influencer for your audience. For example, if you’re running a makeup business like Revlon, a celebrity such as Emma Stone could be a convincing influencer to your audience.

growth hacks

On the other hand, it makes more sense to use Seth Godin or Gary Vaynerchuk as influencers for your enterprise-focused software startup.

To help you identify the ideal influencers for your campaign, you can leverage growth hacking tools such as BuzzSumo, Tagger, or Afluencer.

Related Content See our ultimate guide to growth hacking to find out the shortcuts Groupon, Airbnb, and Dropbox used to skyrocket their success.

4. Use Ads to Reach Goals Faster

Advertising doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you invest in pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

PPC ads or ‘paid search’ lets you place various ad formats on search platforms, such as Google or Bing, paying the platform each time someone clicks the ad.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can take a long time to get you the organic results you want. But if you run targeted Google ads, for example, you can keep down your marketing costs and get faster results.

Here are a couple of marketing hacks to use paid search to your advantage.

Create Your Search Ads

You’ll lose a lot of money if you don’t have a proper PPC campaign strategy. While the exact steps to create a PPC ad campaign vary by the platform, here are the most common steps you can follow to create ads on search engines such as Google:

  • Set goals on what you want to achieve such as brand awareness, website traffic, or lead generation.
  • Include the right keywords to attract the right audience. Use a keyword research tool to identify the best keywords.
  • Write your ad copy, use suitable images or videos, and craft a compelling CTA.

For more tips on crafting the best PPC ad campaign, read our guide on PPC best practices to get the most out of your marketing budget.

Create Conversion-Optimized Landing Pages

Once visitors click your ad, the page that they land on can either make or break your campaign. A landing page is often one of the first impressions your prospect will have of your brand.

Optimizing your offer, messaging, and CTA on this page is very important for maximizing your ad ROI.

You’ll lose your time and money if there’s a mismatch between your paid search ads and the landing page that it links to. Consistency and message match are essential characteristics of an optimized search ad.

Justin Rondeau, a PPC expert, suggests the following:

“Make sure your copy (on your landing page) answers these 3 questions within the first 5 seconds of a page load:

  • Who you are
  • What you’re offering
  • Why that matters to the visitor

If you can do this, then most of the heavy lifting is done.”

Want more tips on creating the perfect landing page? You can go through the following resources to improve your landing page conversions:

5. Focus on the Data

Being data-driven in marketing is important, especially when you consider that leading marketers are 58% more likely to use analytics compared to others.

As a start, you can use SeedProd to build your campaign-specific landing page. SeedProd offers native integration with Google Analytics, major email service providers, and Zapier which makes it easy for you to track your landing page performance.

digital marketing tips

Other tools such as Google Analytics, Heap Analytics, and Mixpanel can help you understand your real-time and historical website data, traffic attribution, and the ROI from your ongoing marketing efforts.

6. Always Test Your Campaigns

A/B testing is a crucial part of an effective marketing strategy. It allows your brand to bank on data to make important business decisions.

You’ll need to always test and optimize your campaigns to offer a delightful user experience and yield the best results. A/B testing allows you to compare multiple versions of a page to determine which one converts better.

You can test only one element within a campaign, such as longer copy versus shorter copy, images versus videos, and red versus blue CTA button. Or, you can test between 2 campaigns to track which one gets more views, clicks, and signups.

You should run the test until you reach conclusive evidence on what works best. A/B testing works not just on your website, ads, or landing pages, but also for your popup campaigns.

The importance of A/B testing is indisputable. In most cases, changing something as small as the placement of your popup or the headline copy gets you drastic results.

Here’s one such example from Escola EDTI. The Brazilian management firm used OptinMonster to split test their popup’s color variations and increased their conversions by 500%!

marketing tips

Similarly, Logic Inbound split tested its free trial optin copy which improved its conversions by 1500%.

marketing tricks and hacks

7. Be Informed About the Latest in Marketing

Staying up to date with relevant marketing trends in your industry is a digital marketing hack that doesn’t get talked about much.

But have you heard about Facebook’s new Creator Studio? How about the latest with Amazon programmatic advertising?

The above are growth hacking examples that are popular among marketers. It’s helpful to stay on top of them if you don’t want to miss out on something that may help you generate more leads.

At OptinMonster, we publish blogs that offer practical tips to boost your site’s conversions. You can subscribe to OptinMonster blogs to get free conversion optimization tips and resources directly in your inbox.

email marketing hack

There are plenty of other resources sharing the latest and greatest in marketing. Here are 8 growth-related blogs to get you started that regularly share valuable information and insights as it breaks:

To know more about the latest marketing trends, you might want to read the mind-blowing digital marketing statistics to learn from.

8. Use FOMO to Improve Lead Generation

‘FOMO’ stands for the fear of missing out, a psychological trigger that compels people to take action when faced with scarce or fleeting opportunities.

In marketing, FOMO taps into people’s emotional responses triggered by the potential loss of a valuable opportunity by creating a sense of exclusivity, scarcity, and limited-time offers.

FOMO works like a charm when you use it right. According to research:

If you want to improve your lead generation with FOMO, you need to create urgency-based campaigns, such as:

  • Flash Sales
  • Social Proof
  • Exclusive Access
  • VIP Memberships
  • Limited-Time Offers
  • Influencer Partnerships
  • User-Generated Content

Here are 3 examples of real-life brands that have used FOMO in their marketing campaigns to generate more leads.

Human Food Bar generates 1800+ monthly email subscribers by using countdown timer popups like this:

content marketing hack

DateID offers its users a chance to upgrade their subscription plan to a Gold Membership, but adds a sense of urgency with the countdown timer. Their campaigns built on OptinMonster have yielded a 175% email list growth.

clever marketing hack

And at OptinMonster, we use social proof in our optin campaign to grow our email list.

lead generation hack

Want to learn more about how to leverage FOMO to create urgency in customers? Here are 3 resources to help you get started:

9. Introduce a Freemium Pricing Model

Freemium is a pricing model that online businesses use to offer products with basic features for free while charging money for products that have more advanced features.

The best freemium products give customers enough features that they can use to get hooked on and make them want to upgrade to higher plans with more advanced features.

For example, HubSpot gives the basic version of its CRM completely free for users. But users feel the need to upgrade once they start to see results and exceed the limitations in the freemium product.

free trial hack

Freemium is not just great at improving your free trial conversion rates, but it’s also a genius marketing hack that can help you improve your free-to-paid conversions.

10. Host Webinars and Online Workshops

Hosting webinars and workshops can establish your brand as an authority in your niche, attract a targeted audience, and generate leads in bulk.

Research shows that webinars are highly effective in improving brand awareness and generating leads. According to the findings:

To make your online event successful, identify topics that your audience will be interested in. You can use platforms like Zoom or GoToWebinar to host your events.

Promote these events through email campaigns, social media, and partnerships with influencers in your industry.

At OptinMonster, we host live free webinars every Wednesday on topics ranging from lead generation to email marketing, topics that are relevant to our target audience.

webinar hack

Pro-tip: Want to know how to create a webinar marketing strategy? Here’s everything you need to know about leveraging webinars for lead generation.

11. Start an Affiliate Marketing Program

An affiliate program is a marketing strategy that lets online businesses partner with 3rd-party partners, known as affiliates, to promote their products. Investing in an affiliate program for your business means letting your most loyal customers share your success.

The return on investment (ROI) for an affiliate marketing program is also great because you only have to pay your affiliates if you actually make a sale.

For businesses that haven’t dabbled with an affiliate program before, starting one sounds a bit complicated. But setting up an affiliate program is easier than you think.

You can use affiliate tracking tools such as ThirstyAffiliates, AffiliateWP, or AffJet to manage your affiliate partners, track your campaigns, and handle payments.

For an in-depth understanding of how to create an affiliate program from scratch, read our guide on what is an affiliate program and how to create one.

12. Go All Out with Content Marketing

Content marketing means promoting your business with content, such as blogs, ebooks, podcasts, videos, or even social media marketing.

Content is one of the most popular marketing tools because of how effective it is. According to research by Content Marketing Institute, 57% of businesses they surveyed use content to generate more sales while 64% of them leverage it to nurture leads.

Content marketing can help you elevate your online presence and generate a steady stream of leads. But for your brand to succeed with content, you first need a thought-through content marketing strategy.

With a good content strategy, you can:

  • Improve Brand Awareness: Quality content can increase organic traffic to your site, exposing your brand to a wider audience.
  • Build Trust with Your Audience: Regularly posting valuable content makes your brand a thought leader in your industry.
  • Boost SEO Efforts: Search engines favor brands that publish high-quality content consistently since content is a powerful ranking factor in SEO.
  • Generate Leads: Content marketing helps generate leads by providing potential customers with the information they need to make informed decisions.

13. Give Out Lead Magnets for Free

Many businesses use lead magnets on their websites to grow email lists. They are also one of the best ways to acquire more leads online.

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content that businesses provide to potential customers in exchange for their email addresses. It can be an ebook, a template, an infographic, or other downloadable that you have published on your site.

Generating leads is a breeze when you have the perfect lead magnet. And Beacon is the perfect lead magnet tool that can help you do exactly that. Beacon is a user-friendly tool that offers 3 products to help you acquire more customers:

  • Lead Magnet Creator to create ebooks, checklists, or workbooks without hiring an expensive designer.
  • Lead Capture Forms to build highly customizable lead-gen forms on your best-performing landing pages.
  • Free Resource Library to create a library of gated content without any technical setup.

The Lead Magnet Creator comes with a drag-and-drop builder and multiple templates to save you time. The Lead Capture Forms also handles the content delivery to customers and lets you track conversions from Beacon’s dashboard.

And you can use the Free Resource Library to create a library of lead magnet content within 23 seconds!

Want to learn how to create the perfect lead magnet for your business? Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a lead magnet (with examples).

If you aren’t sure about what lead magnet ideas to offer, check out our guide of lead magnet ideas to grow your email list.

What Marketing Hacks Will You Try?

These marketing hacks are only half the story if you never apply them to your campaigns.

Take a look at your ongoing marketing efforts that aren’t giving you desired outcomes. Replace them with one of the hacks we discussed in this post. Or look for ways to incorporate new ideas to hack your marketing for generating more leads.

Want to start with the simplest marketing hack to get more leads on your website? Create engaging popups that grab people’s attention and make them want to sign up for your email newsletter. Get started with OptinMonster today.

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What Is Gated Content and How to Create It (Examples & Best Practices) Sun, 23 Jun 2024 16:00:12 +0000 Did you know that gated content could be the ultimate key to getting more email subscribers and customers on your website? When you require sign-up or sign-in to see some of your best content, you create a fantastic incentive for your website visitors. A gated content marketing strategy helps you boost your lead generation efforts …

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Did you know that gated content could be the ultimate key to getting more email subscribers and customers on your website?

When you require sign-up or sign-in to see some of your best content, you create a fantastic incentive for your website visitors. A gated content marketing strategy helps you boost your lead generation efforts and grow your email list.

In fact, our client Photowebo increased their conversions 3806% by using gated content!

Do you want to learn how to get results like this?

In this detailed guide, I’ll walk you through the ins and outs of content gating, so you can effectively engage your audience and generate high-quality leads.

Quick links:

  1. What Is Gated Content?
  2. Gated vs. Ungated Content
  3. When Should You Gate Content?
  4. Gated Content Examples
  5. Gated Content Best Practices
  6. How To Create Gated Content
  7. Which Content Gating Tool Should You Use?

What Is Gated Content?

Gated content is online material, such as articles, videos, infographics, or downloadable resources, that you can only access after taking a specific action.

Usually, this action involves the user sharing information, like their email address or name. It’s basically an exchange: users provide some details and get access to premium content in return.

As we’ll discuss later, gating content has pros and cons. But when done right, it can

  • make your content more appealing
  • help you to engage with your target audience
  • result in better leads

OptinMonster is the most robust lead-generation software on the market, and our content-locking feature lets you implement a gated content strategy in minutes. Our clients have seen excellent results from content gating, including one website that got 11,000 new subscribers monthly with a simple content upgrade.

Case Study See how one digital agency used gated content to boost conversion rates by 62% and 2x their email list.

For more details, keep reading!

Gated vs. Ungated Content

Now that you know the basic meaning of gated content, let’s talk about the difference between gated and ungated content. Picture two paths in a garden:

  1. Gated Content: This path is like a VIP entrance. When you go down the gated path, you agree to provide some personal information, like your email or zip code. In return, you can access more in-depth, valuable, or exclusive content. Think of it as a way for websites to get to know you better and offer you something special in return.
  2. Ungated Content: Conversely, the ungated path is like a stroll in the park. You can enjoy the content without sharing any personal information. It’s a lot like watching a movie trailer. You get a taste of what’s inside but don’t have to give anything in return.

In essence, gated content is a secret club where you exchange a small piece of information to access premium content. In contrast, ungated content is freely available for anyone to enjoy without any strings attached.

When Should You Gate Content?

Let’s explore when you should consider gating your content.

1) When It’s Extra Special

Like you save your favorite treats for special occasions, consider gating your most exceptional, high-content. Do you have a post or guide packed with insights, solutions, or secrets? One that has information your audience can’t easily find elsewhere? It might be a good candidate for gating.

2) For In-Depth Guides and Resources

Long-form pieces are also excellent candidates for gated content. Gating content like comprehensive guides, ebooks, or webinars that dive deep into a topic can be a great idea. People are more willing to share their info for valuable, in-depth resources. Often, these are offered as downloadable lead magnets.

3) For Exclusive Events and Experiences

You can also think of content gating as a lot like handing out VIP passes to an exclusive party. Locking content can create excitement and exclusivity if you’re offering something unique, like a live webinar with an industry expert or early access to a product launch.

4) For Valuable Tools and Templates

Imagine you’re giving someone a toolbox filled with handy gadgets. One smart gated content strategy is to offer practical tools, templates, or checklists. These should be resources that your target audience can use to solve real problems. People are often willing to trade information for tools that make their lives easier.

5) When Building Your Email List Matters

Any great email marketing strategy starts with a strong list of highly-interested leads. Just like you’d collect keys to open different doors, gating content can help you build a list of interested people. If growing your email list or capturing leads is a priority, gating certain content pieces can be an effective way to achieve that.

6) For Advanced Learning

Imagine you’re sharing advanced secrets with those who are ready to learn. You can deliver true value to your users by gating content that caters to a more experienced or specialized audience. The leads you gain with this strategy are likely to become some of your most engaged users and customers.

7) When You’re Testing Waters

Think of gating content as trying a new recipe. You want to see if people like what you’re making before making a big batch. If you’re experimenting with new ideas, products, or offerings, gating the content can help gauge interest and gather feedback.

8) Balancing Gated and Free Content

Imagine you have a buffet with some special dishes behind the counter. If customers have to ask for every dish that they’re interested in, they’ll likely just go somewhere else.

That’s why it’s essential to strike a balance between gated and free content. Gating everything might turn people away, but offering a mix of both can help you provide value to different types of audiences.

You must make sure that you have a wide variety of high-quality content that website visitors can read for free. Once they trust your expertise, they’ll be more likely to sign up when they come across locked content.

Ultimately, the decision to gate content boils down to the value you’re providing, as well as your goals. Just like protecting precious items, gating content adds a layer of exclusivity, making your audience feel like they’re part of something special.

Understanding when and why to use gated content can create a strategy that enhances engagement, builds relationships, and opens doors to exciting opportunities.

Gated Content Examples

Here are some real-life examples of gated content that companies and organizations have used to engage their audiences and generate leads:

1) HubSpot’s Marketing Resources

HubSpot's Marketing Resources - Gated Content

HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing platform, offers a variety of gated content resources such as ebooks, templates, and guides. Users can access these valuable materials by providing their contact information, which helps HubSpot build their email list and nurture leads.

2) Neil Patel’s Advanced Marketing Guides

Neil Patel's Advanced Marketing Guides - Gated Content

A prominent digital marketing expert, Neil Patel, provides in-depth guides and courses on topics like SEO, content marketing, and social media. Access to these advanced guides often requires users to opt in with their email addresses and other information.

Due to the advanced nature of his content, Patel asks for a lot more information than you’d usually want to require. Neil Patel also has established authority in his field, which makes it more likely for users to be willing to fill out so many fields. With the information he gains from this form, he’ll have the data he needs to segment his leads and personalize his marketing strategy.

However, for most websites, your initial optin forms should just ask for an email address and first name.

3) Moz’s Whitepapers and Webinars

Moz's Whitepapers and Webinars - Gated Content

Moz, a well-known SEO software company, offers whitepapers and webinars on topics related to search engine optimization. Users can access these resources by filling out a form, allowing Moz to capture leads and provide valuable insights to their audience.

4) Salesforce’s Reports and Surveys

Salesforce's Reports and Surveys - Gated Content

Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, publishes industry reports and surveys that provide valuable insights into trends and best practices. These reports are often gated, requiring users to provide their information before accessing the data.

5) DigitalMarketer’s Training Videos

DigitalMarketer's Training Videos - Gated Content

DigitalMarketer, a platform focused on digital marketing education, offers training videos on various marketing strategies. Users may need to sign up and provide their email addresses to watch these videos.

6) The New York Times (News Publishing)

The New York Times (News Publishing) - Gated Content

The New York Times offers non-subscribers a limited number of free articles each month while gating the rest of their premium content behind a paywall for subscribers.

7) Medium (Content Publishing Platform)

Medium (Content Publishing Platform) - Gated Content

Medium offers a membership program where subscribers can access premium articles, curated content, and exclusive features created by a community of writers. As a major publication, they’re able to offer account creation through Google, Facebook, or manually with an email address.

The examples above illustrate how companies leverage gated content to offer valuable resources, insights, and education in exchange for user information.

Gated Content Best Practices

Now that we’ve thoroughly examined content gating, let’s look at some best practices.

1) Know Your Audience Inside Out

Before you create gated content, gaining a deep understanding of your target audience is crucial. It would be best if you answered the following questions:

  • Who are they?
  • What challenges do they face?
  • What information are they hungry for?

Tailor your gated content to address their needs, pain points, and aspirations, ensuring it offers real value and resonates with their interest along the buyer’s journey.

2) Choose the Right Format

Gated content comes in various shapes and sizes. From ebooks and webinars to templates and case studies. Select the format that aligns best with your audience’s preferences and the nature of the information you’re sharing.

A well-chosen format enhances engagement and encourages users to provide their information willingly.

Bonus content: What is a Lead Magnet? Proven Lead Magnet Ideas and Examples

3) Craft Irresistible Headlines and CTA

A compelling headline and call to action button are your golden ticket to capturing interest in the digital age of short attention spans. Craft headlines that promise a clear benefit or solution, sparking curiosity as we move along the customer’s journey.

A well-crafted headline is the first step toward convincing users that your gated content is worth their time and information.

Bonus content: 130+ Proven Opt-in Headline Ideas to Get More Email Subscribers (Cheat Sheet)

4) Deliver Value Beyond Expectations

Gated content should surpass your audience’s expectations. Offer insights, knowledge, or solutions they can’t easily find elsewhere. Strive to provide actionable takeaways that empower your audience to apply what they’ve learned in their own endeavors.

5) Design User-Friendly Landing Pages

A seamless user experience is essential. Design landing pages that are clean and intuitive, guiding users through accessing your gated content. Keep forms concise, asking for only the necessary information, and assure users of the value they’ll receive in return.

Bonus content: Expert Tips for Writing Landing Page Copy That Converts  & Anatomy of the Perfect Optin Landing Page (Tips & Best Practices)

6) Promote Strategically

Gated content is a treasure waiting to be discovered. Promote it across your marketing channels – from social media and email campaigns to your website and partnerships. Leverage teasers, snippets, and compelling visuals to create anticipation and drive interest.

7) Leverage Social Proof

Incorporate social proof, such as testimonials and user reviews, to boost credibility and increase conversions. When seeing others benefit from your gated content, people are more likely to provide information.

8) Decide How Visitors Will Access the Content

Knowing how you’ll give new subscribers access to the content you’ve gated is important. Some of the options include:

  • Unlock on-page content immediately. This is easy to do with the instructions we’re about to share for content-locking campaigns.
  • Sending the content by email, which I always recommend for downloadable content.
  • Providing an immediate download link.
  • Opening the content in a new window or redirecting subscribers to a page where they can access the content.

You can use any of these options in any OptinMonster campaign by customizing the success view.

The next section will show you how to gate content with OptinMonster.

How To Create Gated Content

Now, I’ll show you how to gate content by creating an inline form campaign for a particular page with OptinMonster. This type of campaign locks access to a particular blog post or page. Users must then sign up for your email list to access your content.

This tutorial assumes that you’ve already installed OptinMonster on your WordPress site or any other type of site. You’ll also need to integrate your email marketing software.

Step 1: Create Your Content Gating Campaign

First, click Create New Campaign from your OptinMonster dashboard.

Create new OptinMonster campaign button

You’ll asked whether you want to use one of OptinMonster’s Playbooks or Templates, or if you want to design your own campaign from scratch using our Canvas designer.

For our purposes, we suggest choosing Template:

Choosing the "Template" option under "Start Creating Your Campaign"

Next, you’ll need to choose a campaign type.

OptinMonster offers different campaign types, including:

  • Lightbox Popup
  • Floating bar
  • Fullscreen
  • Slide-in
  • Inline

We’ll need to select an Inline Campaign to create a content lock campaign and choose a template.

OptinMonster offers 65+ templates, and all work beautifully across all devices.

In the search bar, type in “gated content” to easily find the Unlock Gated Content template.

Selecting the "Unlock Gated Content" template in OptinMonster

Once you click Use Template, you’ll be prompted to name your campaign and choose the website you want to display it on.

Step 2: Activate the Content Lock

First, we’ll activate the content lock feature.

Choose the Display Rules tab at the top of your campaign design screen.

The Display Rules tab is at the top of the screen when designing your gated content campaign

Next, select the Actions tab at the bottom of the screen and click the Enable Content Locking toggle so it turns blue. In the dropdown menu, you’ll be able to choose whether you want to blur your locked content or remove it completely.

Enabling content locking in OptinMonster

Now, we’re ready to customize our content lock campaign.

Step 3: Design Your Content Lock Campaign

Changing anything about your content lock campaign form is easy in the OptinMonster drag-and-drop builder and editor. Go back to the Design tab to return to the editor.

All you need to do is click on any part of the campaign to change it.

To edit the text, click on it or highlight the text. This will bring up the editing tools, and you’ll be able to change the text, as well as the font, color, and alignment.

Editing a content locking campaign in OptinMonster

You can also change the images and button colors, or add or remove blocks.

Be sure to use the tabs at the bottom of the page to also edit the Success View. That’s the message users will see after signing up for your email list, informing them that the post will now be unlocked.

Step 4. Choose Your Display Rules and Publish Your Campaign

Next, go to Display Rules. Here, you’ll be able to precisely control who sees your gated content campaign and when.

Here we’ve set the optin to display when the content URL path exactly matches the URL of the page where we want the campaign to display. This allows you to choose which blog post you want to turn into gated content


More display rule options include:

  • How long a user has been on a page
  • How many pages the user has viewed on your website
  • The geographic location of the user
  • and much more

For more on OptinMonster’s Display Rules, check out our documentation:
How to Use Display Rules to Customize When a Campaign Will Appear

When you have everything set the way you want it save your campaign and choose the Publish tab at the top of the page. Change the Publish Status to Publish and follow any instructions based on your website platform.

Which Content Gating Tool Should You Use?

OptinMonster is the best content gating tool. It’s built-in content locking feature is proven to get results. Remember those stats I mentioned earlier?

You can deliver your gated content immediately with OptinMonster’s success themes.

OptinMonster also integrates with all the major email marketing platforms and content management systems, so you can use it for gating content on any site.

Want to learn more about gated content before you get started? Here are a few helpful resources:

Once you’re ready to start skyrocketing your leads with gated content, sign up for OptinMonster! Choose the Plus plan or higher to access our Content Locking features.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!
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When Is the Best Time to Post on Social Media in 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:00:02 +0000 When is the best time to post on social media? When it comes to social media, timing is everything. The moment you choose to share your content can significantly impact its reach and engagement. If you are getting less engagement and fewer conversions than you’d like from your social media posts, it might be as …

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The best time to post on social media is from Tuesdays through Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Facebook is the most used platform for marketers, with peak engagement times during mid-morning on weekdays.

Instagram comes second with peak engagement times on weekdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., with Tuesdays and Wednesdays extending to 4 p.m.

LinkedIn, a professional-focused platform, sees high engagement midday on weekdays, especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and noon.

TikTok, the youngest platform, shows peak engagement on weekdays, particularly on Tuesdays and Fridays from 4 to 6 p.m. and mid-mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

When is the best time to post on social media?

When it comes to social media, timing is everything. The moment you choose to share your content can significantly impact its reach and engagement.

If you are getting less engagement and fewer conversions than you’d like from your social media posts, it might be as simple as posting at the wrong time for your followers.

With various social media platforms bustling with activity at different times, understanding when your target audience is most active becomes crucial. This insight improves visibility and boosts interaction, ensuring your message resonates with its intended audience.

In this article, you’ll learn the best time to post on social media based on research from Sprout Social and Hootsuite.

By the end, you’ll have a great starting point to find out what posting schedule works for you and your followers to get more likes, comments, and shares.

Best Time To Post on Social Media – Overall

best time to post on social media - overall

Best time to post on social media:

  • Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon
  • Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Thursdays 9 a.m. to noon
  • Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m.

Best day of the week to post on social media: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Worst days to post on social media: Sundays

When determining the best time to post on social media, consider each social platform’s unique characteristics, your goals, content type, target audience, demographic, and location.

Data suggests midweek mornings, mainly Tuesdays to Thursdays between 9 a.m. and noon, are generally the best time to post on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn

However, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Pinterest and TikTok, for instance, show higher engagement in the afternoons.

Remember, these trends can vary significantly by industry and other variables, so it’s crucial to tailor your strategy and review your social media KPIs for the best results.

Best Times To Post on Facebook

Best time to post on Facebook:

  • Mondays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Thursdays from 8 a.m. to noon

Best day of the week to post on Facebook: Mondays through Thursdays

Worst days to post on Facebook: Sundays

best time to post on social media - Facebook

Facebook remains a crucial platform for digital marketers, with peak engagement times aligning with general business hours.

The best times to do a Facebook post are from Monday to Thursday, beginning at 8 a.m. and extending to early afternoon around 1 p.m. Avoid posting during the early morning hours, especially from Friday to Monday.

A successful Facebook strategy involves timing, frequency, and type of content posted. Tailoring content specifically for Facebook can significantly impact engagement rates.

Best Times To Post on Instagram

Best times to post on Instagram:

  • Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon
  • Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m.

Best day of the week to post on Instagram: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Worst days to post on Instagram: Sundays

best time to post on social media - Instagram

Instagram, a close second to Facebook in marketer usage, excels in customer service and short-form video content, with Reels being top-rated.

Best posting times for Instagram are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. It’s advisable to avoid early morning hours for posting.

Success on Instagram, with its diverse content options and nearly 2 billion monthly users, hinges on balancing high-quality, engaging content with the unpredictability of the Instagram algorithm. This strategy is vital for effective Instagram marketing.

Best Times To Post on LinkedIn

Best times to post on LinkedIn Company Pages: Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon

Best day of the week to post on LinkedIn Company Pages: Tuesdays through Thursdays

Worst days to post on LinkedIn Company Pages: Weekends

best time to post on social media - LinkedIn

LinkedIn, known for its professional focus, sees highest engagement during typical workday hours, especially around midday. Posting on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and noon is most effective.

The platform is more than just a job board; it’s a space for professional storytelling and advocacy, attracting over 900 million members globally. Businesses leverage LinkedIn for lead generation, co-marketing, and talent attraction, aligning their engagement strategies with standard business hours.

Best Times To Post on Pinterest

Best times to post on Pinterest:

  • Tuesdays at 1 p.m.
  • Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m.
  • Thursdays from noon to 2 p.m.

Best day of the week to post on Pinterest: Wednesdays through Fridays

Worst days to post on Pinterest: Sundays and Mondays

best time to post on social media - Pinterest

A visual search engine, Pinterest is optimal for brands focused on products, trends, and designs.

The best times to post are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays around 1 p.m., with an additional peak time at 6 a.m. on Wednesdays. This timing could be influenced by user activity and the platform’s algorithm.

Brands should consider these optimal times when planning their social media content calendars to gain the most engagement on Pinterest.

Best Times To Post on TikTok

Best times to post on TikTok:

  • Tuesdays from 2 to 6 p.m.
  • Wednesdays from 2 to 5 p.m.
  • Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m.

Best day of the week to post on TikTok: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Worst days to post on TikTok: Sundays

best time to post on social media - TikTok

TikTok, a rapidly growing platform with over 1 billion active users, finds its peak engagement during weekday afternoons, especially Tuesdays to Thursdays.

The best times to post are generally between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. on these days. This timing aligns with users seeking entertainment in the afternoon.

Understanding and proactively engaging with TikTok trends is crucial for effective social marketing strategies on this dynamic platform.

Best Times To Post on X (formerly Twitter)

Best times to post on Twitter:

  • Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Fridays 9 a.m. to noon

Best days to post on Twitter: Tuesdays through Thursdays

Worst days to post on Twitter: Sundays

best time to post on social media - X Twitter

Twitter, vital for real-time conversations (known as tweets) and news, has seen its highest engagement times shift to late mornings and midday during weekdays. The best time to post on Twitter is starting at 9 a.m. and tapering off around noon, from Tuesday to Friday.

This reflects the social platform’s role in sharing developing news, trends via hashtags and entertainment. Brands also use Twitter for customer service, enhancing trust and customer experience through proactive social listening and engagement.

How To Find the Best Time To Post on Social Media

Finding the perfect timing for your social media posts can be tricky, but each platform offers built-in analytics to help you crack the code. Here’s a breakdown for some major platforms:

1. Facebook

Analytics Tool: Facebook Insights

How to Find Best Times:

  1. Navigate to Insights > Posts.
  2. Select a specific post or a date range to view performance data.
  3. Look for the “When Your Fans Are Online” section. This graph shows the days and times when your followers are most active on Facebook.
  4. Based on this data, identify recurring patterns for peak activity.

2. Instagram

Analytics Tool: Instagram Insights (accessible through your business or creator profile)

How to Find Best Times:

  1. Go to your profile and tap “Insights.”
  2. Select “Audience.”
  3. Scroll down to “Most Active Times.” This section shows the days and times when your followers are most active on Instagram.
  4. Look for patterns and identify the days with the highest peaks.

3. Pinterest

Analytics Tool: Tailwind offers advanced analytics specifically for Pinterest (free trial available)

How to Find Best Times:

  1. While Pinterest doesn’t have built-in analytics for best posting times, Tailwind provides valuable insights.
  2. Look for data on pin reach and engagement throughout the week.

4. Twitter

Analytics Tool: Twitter Analytics

How to Find Best Times:

  1. Go to Analytics and navigate to the “Tweets” tab.
  2. Select the time frame you want to analyze.
  3. Look for the “Top Tweets” section, which shows your tweets with the most impressions.
  4. Note the days and times these tweets were posted. This can give you clues about when your audience is most receptive.

5. LinkedIn

Analytics Tool: LinkedIn Analytics (built into your company or personal profile)

How to Find Best Times:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Analytics.”
  2. Select “Posts.”
  3. Here, you’ll see engagement metrics for your posts. Look for patterns in terms of the days with the highest impressions or clicks.

6. TikTok

Analytics Tool: TikTok Analytics (requires a TikTok account) is accessible through your Pro account settings within the app

How to Find Best Times:

  1. With TikTok Analytics, you can see follower activity throughout the week.
  2. Look for the section on “Follower Activity.” This will show you the days and times when your followers are most active.

Use Social Media to Grow Your Email List

My most important tip, though, is to use social media to grow your email list.

Why? Glad you asked.

On social media, you don’t own your followers. If at any pocint the social network decides to delete or suspend your account, your audience will be gone.

However, if you’ve converted your followers to your email list, you’ll still have your leads. You own your email list which means no one can delete or suspend it at any time without warning.

The best way to grow your email list is with OptinMonster. Here’s how to do it:

1. Create a New Campaign

Start by logging into OptinMonster and clicking Create New Campaign from the Campaign Dashboard.

create a new campaign

Then, you’ll choose a campaign type. We’re going to use a Fullscreen campaign to create a landing page feel.

choose fullscreen campaign type

Next, choose a campaign template. We’re going to use Entrance for this tutorial.

choose campaign template

Once you click Use Template you’ll name your campaign, choose the website you’ll use the campaign on, and click Start Building.

start building your campaign

2. Edit Your Campaign

After you click Start Building, you’ll be taken into the campaign builder. You’ll see the default optin view design of the template you chose.

default campaign optin view

You can customize everything about your campaign.

To edit, just click on the element you want to edit on the live preview (right side of the builder). This will bring up the editing tools on the left side of the builder.

campaign editing tools

You can change fonts, colors, sizes, and so much more! If you want more guidance on editing, check out this tutorial to create a simple campaign.

Once you have your campaign edited to your liking, click Save in the upper right corner before moving on to the next step.

3. Set the Display Rules

Now we’ll set up the display rules to show the campaign when users click on the link. To do that, we’ll use MonsterLinks™.

MonsterLinks™ require a Pro account or higher.

Adding a MonsterLink™ to your campaign is as easy as choosing visitor clicked MonsterLink™ from the conditions dropdown.

add a monsterlink

Save your campaign.

4. Add Your Email Provider

To collect email addresses, you’re going to need to add an integration. Don’t worry if you haven’t chosen the right email service provider for you; you can still collect email addresses just using OptinMonster.

For this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to connect Constant Contact, our number one recommendation for email service providers.

From the Integrations tab, click + Add New Integration.

add email integration

Choose Constant Contact from the Email Provider dropdown:

choose email service provider

If this is your first time connecting Constant Contact to OptinMonster, you’ll click Register with Constant Contact and login to your Constant Contact account on the screen that pops up.

register with constant contact

Once logged into Constant Contact, click Allow to give OptinMonster permission to connect to your Constant Contact account.

allow constant contact access

Add an account label to easily identify the account (internal use) and click the Connect to Constant Contact button.

click connect to constant contact

Once connected, choose the email list you want to add new subscribers to:

segment your emails lists using OptinMonster's integrations

Pro TipConnect Monster Leads to your campaign to create a backup of your leads.

Save your campaign.

5. Publish Your Campaign

Go to the Publish tab and toggle the Status to Live.

publish campaign

Save your campaign.

6. Add MonsterLink™ to Your Social Media Profiles

Now that you’ve created your campaign, you can copy and paste the MonsterLink™ wherever you want!

While you’re still on the Publish tab, scroll down to the Platform section and click on Shareable MonsterLink™. From there, copy the link provided and add it to your social media profiles.

copy monsterlink

Here’s what happens when someone clicks the link from your profile:

how the monsterlink works

Ridiculously cool, right?

Also read How Social Media Examiner Added 250,000 Email Subscribers Using OptinMonster.

Boost your social media marketing ROI (and build an email list that you own) with OptinMonster. Join OptinMonster today!

Best Time To Post on Social Media – FAQ

1) When is the best time to post on social media?

The best time to post on social media is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during midweek, from Tuesday to Thursday.

2) What is the best time to put a post on Instagram?

The best time to put a post on Instagram is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

3) Do posting times matter on social media?

Yes, posting times do matter on social media. Posting when your audience is most active increases the likelihood of social media engagement, which is crucial for visibility due to the algorithms prioritizing popular posts.

However, it’s also important to consider the quality of content and consistency in posting.

4) What is the best time to post on Facebook for maximum exposure?

The best time to post on Facebook is 8 a.m, Monday to Thursday, extending to early afternoon around 1 p.m.

More on Social Media:

The post When Is the Best Time to Post on Social Media in 2024 appeared first on OptinMonster.]]> 3
What Is Value Proposition & How to Write It (Examples & Templates) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Value Proposition Definition: (in marketing) an innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers. Oxford Languages A great value proposition instantly shows your worth to potential leads and encourages them to buy from you.  In this article, I will teach you, using my years of experience, how to write …

The post What Is Value Proposition & How to Write It (Examples & Templates) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Value Proposition Definition:

(in marketing) an innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers.

Oxford Languages

A great value proposition instantly shows your worth to potential leads and encourages them to buy from you. 

In this article, I will teach you, using my years of experience, how to write a value proposition that will make you stand out from the competition and boost your conversion rates.

I’ll also share 9 of the best value proposition examples I’ve found to inspire you and templates to get you going.

Let’s get started!

What Is a Value Proposition?

A value proposition is a fancy way of describing a company’s unique benefit to its customers. It’s a concise statement that explains why someone should choose the company’s product or service over the competition.

Here’s what a good value proposition typically covers:

  • The problem it solves: What pain point or need does the product or service address?
  • The benefits it delivers: How does it make the customer’s life better or easier?
  • What makes it different: Why should someone choose this company over others?

Think of it as an elevator pitch for a company’s value. It should be clear and compelling and convince customers that this business is the best solution for their needs.

How to Write a Value Proposition: A Step-by-Step Breakdown

Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step to help you write a value proposition that converts:

Step 1: Know Your Ideal Customer Like Your Best Friend

  • Demographics: Age, gender, income, location, occupation, etc.
  • Behaviors: How do they shop? What information do they consume? What are their online habits?
  • Challenges: What are their biggest pain points? What keeps them up at night? Are they struggling with time management? Budget constraints? Lack of expertise?

Action Plan:

  1. Conduct market research: Surveys, polls, and focus groups can provide valuable insights into your target audience.
  2. Analyze customer data: Look at your existing customer base to understand their demographics and buying behavior.
  3. Talk to your sales team: They’re on the frontline, interacting with potential customers daily. They can provide invaluable insights into customer needs and challenges.

Step 2: Deep Dive into Their Problems

Think of your ideal customer’s life as a puzzle. Your value proposition should be the missing piece that completes the picture. Here’s what you need to uncover:

  • Functional Needs: What tasks are they trying to accomplish? What are the specific functions they need your product or service to perform?
  • Emotional Needs: How do they want to feel when using your product or service? Do they want to feel empowered? Secure? More productive?

Action Plan:

  1. Create customer personas: Develop detailed profiles that represent your ideal customer, including their goals, frustrations, and motivations.
  2. Conduct customer interviews: Talk to potential customers directly to understand their challenges in detail.

Step 3: Showcase Your Solution as the Hero

Now that you understand the villain (your customer’s problem), it’s time to introduce the hero (your product or service). Here’s how to position your offering as the ultimate solution:

  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Don’t just list features; explain how those features translate into tangible benefits for the customer.
  • Quantify the Impact (if possible): Can you put a number on the results you deliver? For example, “Increase sales by 20% in 3 months.”
  • Address Emotional Needs: Show how your product or service helps them achieve their desired emotional state.

Action Plan:

  1. List all the features of your product or service.
  2. For each feature, brainstorm the benefits it delivers.
  3. Consider how you can quantify the benefits with data or testimonials.

Step 4: Become the Chosen One: Differentiation is Key

The market is crowded. What makes you stand out? Here’s how to differentiate your value proposition and convince customers you’re the one:

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes your product or service fundamentally different from the competition? Do you have a proprietary technology? Unmatched customer service? A focus on sustainability?
  • Competitive Advantage: How does your USP translate into a clear advantage for the customer?

Action Plan:

  1. Research your competitors: Analyze their value propositions and identify any gaps you can fill.
  2. Highlight your USP: Clearly communicate what sets you apart.

Step 5: Craft Your Compelling Statement

By now, you’ve identified your ideal customer, understood their problems, and positioned your product or service as the solution. The final step is to craft a concise and compelling statement that captures your value proposition. Here are three popular templates to help you brainstorm:

Template 1: The Steve Blank Method

This method emphasizes benefits over features, focusing on a simple sentence that connects the target market’s pain points to your solution.

Formula: “We help (X – Target Customer) do (Y – Desired Outcome) by doing (Z – Your Unique Solution).”

Example: “We help (busy professionals) do (learn a new language in a fun and convenient way) by doing (providing bite-sized lessons and gamified learning through our mobile app)” (This could be a value proposition for Duolingo).

Template 2: The Geoff Moore Method

This template is more specific, identifying the industry category alongside the benefits customers value.

Formula: “For [Target Customer] who [Needs or Wants X], our [Product/Service] is a [Category of Industry] that [Benefits].”

Example: “For [small businesses] who [want to grow their email list and engage with customers], our [Mailchimp] is an [email marketing platform] that [offers easy-to-use tools and free plans].”

Template 3: The Harvard Business School Method

This method focuses on core questions to ensure your value proposition is clear and differentiated.

Questions to Consider:

  • What is my brand offering?
  • What job does the customer hire my brand to do?
  • What companies and products compete with my brand to do this job for the customer?
  • What sets my brand apart from competitors?

By answering these questions, you can craft a value proposition that highlights your unique strengths and the value you deliver to customers.

Remember: Regardless of the template you choose, keep your value proposition concise, clear, and benefit-oriented. It should resonate with your target audience and make them say, “Yes, that’s exactly what I need!”

By following these steps and putting your customer at the center, you can craft a value proposition that cuts through the noise and positions your product or service for success.

9+ Value Proposition Examples (Drive Conversions On Your Website!)

For our list of value proposition examples, we’re going to look at the homepages of a few popular websites. Not every website features its value proposition on its front page. However, it’s an excellent way to showcase your value for every new website visitor, as these examples show.

We’ll look at the heading, text, and visual element of each example and discuss why they work. Since these propositions are all on website homepages, we’ll also look at each example’s call to action (CTA). After all, once you’ve convinced a website visitor of your value, you want them to be able to easily take the next step.

Let’s dive in!

1. Uber: “Go Anywhere With Uber”

Screenshot of value proposition on Uber's homepage

About Uber:

  • Product: Well-known ride-share service.
  • Target market: People who need low-cost, on-demand transportation.
  • Primary benefit: Eliminates the frustrations of travel.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Go anywhere with Uber.”
  • Description Text: “Request a ride, hop in, and go.”
  • Visual Element: A colorful illustration of a professional woman getting out of a car in a city.
  • CTA: Text fields to enter your pick-up and destination locations and a button that says “See prices.”

What makes this value proposition work? Uber emphasizes the ubiquity of their service by saying they can take you anywhere. They also focus on the ease of using Uber with their “Request a ride, hop in, and go” text. They double-down on that ease by letting you start your ride request right there on the homepage.

Because Uber is such a well-known company, they don’t need to explain who they are. Therefore, they can keep their text extremely short.

2. Skillshare: “Explore Your Creativity With Thousands of Hands-on Classes”

Screenshot of Skillshare homepage

About Skillshare:

  • Product: Online classes and lessons.
  • Target market: Artists, entrepreneurs, and creative minds.
  • Primary benefit: The ability to learn via bite-sized lessons.

About the Value Proposition: 

  • Heading: “Explore your creativity with thousands of hands‑on classes.”
  • Description Text: A subheading that says “Get 7 free days of Skillshare.”
  • Visual Element: A collage of colorful photos showing people cooking, drawing, knitting, taking photos, and more.
  • CTA: Skillshare offers multiple ways to create an account and begin a free trial. There are buttons for logging in through Facebook, Google, and Apple accounts. There’s also an option to sign up with an email address.

What makes this value proposition work? This homepage focuses completely on highlighting their free trial. If you are extremely confident in the quality of your product, this strategy is very smart! Skillshare obviously believes that once a visitor tries their classes, they’ll want to subscribe.

Skillshare also shows value through their visual element. Look how much fun those folks are having! And look how great their projects look. Skillshare is showing visitors that they can have the same experience by taking their classes.

NoteWant to make your own online course? Check out this article on the best learning management system (LMS) plugins to build a virtual class. Then follow that up with our 12 ways to promote your online course.

3. LegalShield: “Affordable Legal Help Does Exist”

Screenshot of LegalShield's homepage with value proposition

About LegalShield:

  • Product: Affordable, prepaid monthly plans for legal services such as estate planning, family law, and small business plans.
  • Target market: Individuals, small businesses, and entrepreneurs.
  • Primary benefit: Prepaid legal protection you can trust to be there whenever you need it.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Affordable Legal Help Does Exist.”
  • Description Text: “Hire a lawyer the smart way, not the hard way.”
  • Visual Element: A photo of a smiling woman with a cell phone at her ear.
  • CTA: A bold button that says “Get started”.

What makes this value proposition work? Every part of this proposition is designed to give visitors a feeling of relief. LegalShield emphasizes that their services are affordable and easy to use. The photo of the woman on the phone implies that legal help will always be just a call away with one of their plans.

4. Tortuga Backpacks: “Pack Everything You Need Without Checking a Bag”

Screenshot of the value proposition on Tortuga Backpacks' homepage.

About Tortuga:

  • Product: Travel backpacks and accessories
  • Target market: Young travelers and weekend road trippers.
  • Primary benefit: The ability to travel light.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Pack everything you need without checking a bag.”
  • Description Text: The preheader text says, “Over 3,000 5-star reviews.”
  • Visual Element: A photo of a man wearing a backpack while exploring a city.
  • CTA: A bright green button that says “Take the Bag Quiz.”

What makes this value proposition work? In that one-sentence heading, Tortuga communicates that their backpacks will save you money and hassle on every trip. They also leverage the power of social proof by pointing out that they have 3,000 5-star reviews.

5. Dollar Shave Club: “If Santa Shaved He’d Probably Use One of These”

Screenshot of Dollar Shave Club homepage in December 2023

About Dollar Shave Club:

  • Product: Subscription-based razors and shaving products. They also offer one-time bundle purchases.
  • Target market: Cost-conscious millennial males who want to look great with less hassle. And in this instance, anyone who’s doing holiday shopping for that target market.
  • Primary benefit: A high-quality shave that’s convenient and low-priced.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “If Santa Shaved He’d Probably Use One of These”
  • Description Text: “Shop our holiday gifts, including new handles and new additions to our electric line!” At the bottom, they give more important information:
    • “Free shipping for orders $18+”
    • “30-day money back guarantee”
    • “Order for 12/15 for holiday delivery”
  • Visual Element: A slideshow of illustrations depicting their products in the North Pole.
  • CTA: A “Get Gifting” button, which leads to a list of their top gift recommendations.

What makes this value proposition work? This proposition has 2 huge things going for it: its humor and its focus on holiday shopping. Dollar Shave Club also immediately answers the most important questions for holiday shoppers: shipping cost, return policy, and shipping time.

Behind the silly joke about Santa shaving, they present real value here: When you shop with us, you can quickly order high-quality gifts, without hassle or worry.

6. Constant Contact: “Take Your Marketing From Meh to Marvelous”

constant contact homepage

About Constant Contact:

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Take your marketing from meh to marvelous.”
  • Description Text: “Give your email and digital marketing a glow up with our easy-to-use tools.”
  • Visual Element: A photo of a woman using a laptop. Colorful graphics are added to indicate that she is sending marketing emails and monitoring their success.
  • CTA: An email optin field with a button that says “Sign up free.”

What makes this value proposition work? This proposition promises to transform your marketing, and it does so in casual, approachable language. Constant Contact makes success feel even more attainable by mentioning that their tools are easy to use. They also offer a no-risk free trial that doesn’t require entering a credit card.

Every aspect of their value proposition and CTA is designed to remove any barrier to giving Constant Contact a try.

7. WPForms: “Smarter Forms and Surveys”

Homepage of WPForms- the best WordPress form plugin

About WPForms:

  • Product: A WordPress plugin for building forms on your website.
  • Target market: Owners of WordPress websites.
  • Primary benefit: Builds online forms to capture leads, take orders, receive payments, get feedback, and much more.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Drag & Drop WordPress Form Builder”
  • Description Text: “Join 6,000,000+ Professionals Who Build Smarter Forms and Surveys with WPForms”
  • Visual Element: The visual element here is a row of labeled icons listing WPForms’ top uses and features:
    • Contact Forms
    • Payment Forms
    • Survey Forms
    • Newsletter Forms
    • Registration Forms
    • Over 1,200 Templates
  • CTA: A large button that says “Get WPForms Now.”

What makes this value proposition work? Every aspect of this proposition showcases the versatility and ease of use of WPForms. Website owners know that “drag & drop” and “over 1200 templates” mean they can create forms without any coding or advanced design skills. The text uses social proof by stating that over 6 million professionals already use the plugin. And the labeled icons give a quick preview of the many uses of the software. Icons like these are common in SaaS value propositions.

8. Ooma: “Sophisticated Communication Solutions Made Simple”

Screenshot of Ooma homepage, 2023

About Ooma:

  • Product: VoIP phone service.
  • Target market: Business owners and residential users.
  • Primary benefit: Provides internet-based phone service for businesses of all sizes. They also offer home phone and security systems.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Sophisticated Communication Solutions Made Simple”
  • Description Text: The text under “Business” reads “Phone, video, and messaging solutions customizable for any size business.” The text under “Residential” reads “Home phone service and smart security solutions that keep you connected from anywhere.”
  • Visual Element: Side-by-side photographs. The 1st is a person using Ooma phone services at a work desk. The 2nd is a couple lounging on a couch, with an Ooma phone system near them
  • CTA: Visitors can click to get more information about Ooma’s products for Business or Residential. There is also a footer floating bar with links and phone numbers for customer support, for sales reps, and to request a quote. There’s even a chat box to get quick answers.

What makes this value proposition work? Ooma’s proposition offers high-tech communications products that are easy to use. They also make it very clear that they have products for both businesses and individuals. That’s a lot of information in just a few words! Plus, they offer multiple easy ways for interested users to contact them.

9. Shopify: “Making Commerce Better for Everyone”

Screenshot of Shopify's homepage in 2023.

About Shopify:

  • Product: An eCommerce website builder.
  • Target market: Business owners and entrepreneurs.
  • Primary benefit: Allows people to build eCommerce websites to sell their products online.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Making Commerce Better for Everyone”
  • Description Text: “Shopify is supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs, the world’s biggest brands, and everyone in between.”
  • Visual Element: A people-heavy background video, which is a preview for a longer video.
  • CTA: This proposition offers 2 CTAS. The “Start Free Trial” button is perfect for visitors who are ready to get started. The “Watch the Shopify story” button helps move new visitors further along the sales funnel.

What makes this value proposition work? The emphasis here is that anyone can create a website to start selling online.

This is very appealing to non-technical business owners who want a simple solution for selling online FAST.

BONUS – OptinMonster: “Convert and Monetize Your Website Traffic”

Of course, we have to share our own homepage’s value proposition! At OptinMonster, we’re experts at lead generation, A/B testing, and revenue building. So you know that every aspect of our proposition has been thoroughly analyzed and optimized.

optinmonster new homepage

About OptinMonster:

  • Product: The world’s #1 lead generation software. We help you easily create website popups to grow your email list and improve conversion rates.
  • Target market: Business owners, digital marketers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and startups.
  • Primary benefit: Helps people grow their email list, boost conversions, and drive direct sales.

About the Value Proposition:

  • Heading: “Convert and Monetize Your Website Traffic.”
  • Description Text: Instantly grow your email list, get more leads, and increase sales with the #1 most powerful conversion optimization toolkit in the world.”
  • Visual Element: A row of labeled icons highlighting various features:
    • Lightbox Popups
    • Floating Bars
    • Scroll Boxes
    • Gamified Wheels
    • Page Level Targeting
    • Exit Intent Detection
    • Geolocation Targeting
    • 100+ Templates
  • CTA: A green button that says “Get OptinMonster Now

What makes this value proposition unique? We pack a lot of information in our heading and description text. We focus on what our product can help you achieve: more conversions, more sales, and a bigger email list.

Whereas many lead generation tools focus on growing your list, OptinMonster’s strong value proposition goes one step further: converting and monetizing your site’s traffic.

This CAN be done through growing your list, but our tools can also be used to:

  • Reduce cart abandonment
  • Upsell/cross-sell products
  • Distribute coupon codes for more sales
  • Redirect users to popular posts (to boost SEO)
  • Increase webinar registrations
  • And so much more…

We also use power words such as “instantly” and “powerful.” These words are evocative, but they’re also accurate. Our software is easy and quick to set up, gets results quickly, and has more powerful features than our competitors.

Learn more about OptinMonster’s extensive features.

Now that we’ve seen some compelling value proposition examples, let’s take a look at some templates to help you entice potential customers with your company’s products.

4 Effective Value Proposition Templates

What if you get stuck trying to write the copy for your value proposition? Don’t worry! Here are a few templates to help. You don’t have to use these templates word-for-word, but they are great starting points. Many of these have been around for a few years, but their lessons haven’t aged.

1. Geoffrey Moore’s Value Positioning Statement

In Geoffrey Moore‘s seminal book, Crossing the Chasm, he suggests the following template for writing your value proposition.

For [target customer] who [statement of the need or opportunity], our [product/service name] is [product category] that [statement of benefit].

Example: “For busy parents who don’t have time for meal planning, [name of meal box company] is a meal delivery service that’s easy, affordable, and picky-eater-friendly.”

You would most likely use this template for your description text.

2. Steve Blank’s XYZ

Here is perhaps the most straightforward value proposition template from Steve Blank.

We help [X] to [Y] by [Z].

Example: “We help small businesses succeed by saving them time and money.”

Depending on the length of your sentence, this template can help with your headline or description text.

3. Venture Hacks’ High-Concept Pitch

Our next value proposition template is from Venture Hacks. It helps you leverage businesses that already exist in your industry to craft your unique value proposition.

[Proven industry example] for/of [new domain].


  • “Netflix for video games.”
  • “The Amazon of Pet Supplies.”
  • “eBay for Glass Collectors”

This template can help you craft a short, simple, and effective headline for your value proposition.

4. Dave McClure’s Elevator Ride

Dave McClure’s has a frequently cited value proposition template that suggests a 3-step checklist for writing your unique value proposition.

  • Short, simple, memorable; what, how, why.
  • 3 keywords or phrases
  • KISS. That means “keep it simple, stupid.” In other words, don’t use specialized jargon.

Example: “OptinMonster is the easy, effective way to get more subscribers and sales.”

Since the Elevator Ride is more of a checklist than a specific template, it can help you with all aspects of your value proposition.

Transform Your Business With a Killer Value Proposition

That’s it! Now you can use these steps, examples, and templates to craft the perfect value proposition for your company.

Want to learn more ways to increase conversions and sales? Check out these articles:

Once you have a value proposition that stands out from the competition, you need to optimize more of your website. As visitors browse your pages, show them your most enticing offers at just the right time.

OptinMonster is the perfect tool to build on your great value proposition. With our software, you can create beautiful and compelling popups in minutes. Our extensive targeting and triggering tools give you full control over who sees your offers and when.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!
BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →
The post What Is Value Proposition & How to Write It (Examples & Templates) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]> 8
How To Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Marketing Tue, 11 Jun 2024 12:53:36 +0000 Are you looking for the best and easy-to-follow Black Friday marketing guide? Look no further! For eCommerce businesses, holiday sales marketing like Black Friday represents more than just dates on a calendar. They are golden opportunities to skyrocket sales, attract new customers, and improve brand loyalty. But with great opportunity comes great competition. Every brand, …

The post How To Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Marketing appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Are you looking for the best and easy-to-follow Black Friday marketing guide? Look no further!

For eCommerce businesses, holiday sales marketing like Black Friday represents more than just dates on a calendar. They are golden opportunities to skyrocket sales, attract new customers, and improve brand loyalty.

But with great opportunity comes great competition. Every brand, big or small, is gearing up to grab a slice of the BFCM pie. So, how do you ensure your business stands out in this bustling marketplace? 

In this post, I’ll share a marketing calendar specifically tailored for Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) marketing. This to-do list will help you ensure that you remain on track at every step.

Whether you are a seasoned pro looking for a fresh Black Friday marketing strategy or a newbie looking for actionable Black Friday marketing ideas, this guide will have you covered.

With this calendar, you can plan ahead and avoid the last-minute rush. For ease of navigation, I have organized the post into a week-by-week plan you can follow throughout the holiday season.

If you want to read about what exactly to do for Cyber Monday marketing, for instance, you can click on the 2nd week of November to jump directly to that section:

Note: Don’t forget to check out the ultimate holiday gift guide designed specifically for entrepreneurs and small business owners:

Let’s get started with the week-by-week overview of the BFCM marketing plan!

1st and 2nd Week of October: Planning

To begin with, I’ll discuss what must happen in the 1st couple weeks of October.

Although Black Friday doesn’t come until the end of November, the excitement for the Black Friday sales starts picking up in early October.

Plus, brands that prepare themselves for holiday sales marketing seasons in advance have more time to craft effective marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

1. Plan Your Sales

Refrain from deciding on a whim what products you will put on sale on a given day. You’ll inevitably run into inventory issues or forget to turn the sale pricing off.

Considering slashing 75% off on certain products because your rival brand is doing it? You might eat into your margins by forgetting to turn off the promotion!

That’s why it’s much better to plan out your sales in advance.

You can use something as basic as Google Sheets to create a tracking spreadsheet for your sales. Here’s the information you’ll want to track:

  1. Product
  2. Regular price
  3. Sale price
  4. Sale start date and end date
  5. Type of sale (e.g. Flash, coupon, limited-time offer)
  6. Promotion channels (e.g. email, social media platforms, paid ads)
  7. Discount code, if any

You don’t need to list all your products in this spreadsheet. Instead, use it for only special deals that you plan to promote during the BFCM season. Also, you don’t need to use it if you’re marking down sitewide.

If you use an eCommerce platform like BigCommerceWooCommerce, or Shopify, be sure to check out what’s available in their app stores. You’ll most likely find an app like Sale Scheduler or PW Sales Scheduler that will make scheduling sales easier if you don’t want to track it manually.

2. Test Your Tech

Do you know what’s the worst nightmare for most digital marketing professionals?

You create a beautiful site, plan your Black Friday Cyber Monday marketing strategy to the finest detail, and craft the perfect email marketing copy. You even see an uptick in your site traffic since 5 am on your sale.

It’s 8:30 am, and you now have a significant influx of traffic from your latest email that you knew would be good.

And then, your site crashes.

Here’s an example from Lowe’s that had its website crash probably due to a sudden influx of visitor traffic:

black friday marketing

Here are a few tips for you to test your tech in advance to avoid the last-minute tech meltdown during Black Friday and Cyber Monday:

  • Performance Testing: Simulate load testing to see if your site or app can handle the Black Friday rush. Identify bottlenecks that could slow things down.
  • Security Testing: Ensure your systems are secure from cyberattacks that might target increased holiday traffic.
  • Usability Testing: Make sure your checkout process is hassle-free on both desktop and mobile. Test functionalities like adding items to a cart and applying discounts.
  • Internal Communication: Conduct dry runs of campaign launches with internal teams like sales and customer service to ensure everyone is prepared for potential customer inquiries.
  • CRM and Marketing Automation: Test integrations between your CRM system and marketing automation tools to avoid campaign delivery issues.
  • Landing Pages and Promo Codes: Test landing pages for smooth customer experience and mobile responsiveness. Ensure promo codes automatically apply discounts and don’t lead to errors.

Testing early can help you fix issues beforehand and ensure a smooth holiday shopping experience for your customers.

3rd and 4th Week of October: Build Your Marketing Campaigns

During the last 2 weeks of October, you’ll need to spend most of your time creating the campaigns and copy to build excitement and get buyers to your store.

Here are some actionable tips on how to build campaigns that spark curiosity in your customers and convert them:

  • Roll Out Limited-Time Offers: Generate a sense of urgency with flash sales, exclusive deals for early birds, or limited-edition product bundles.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Host online contests or giveaways with exciting prizes to generate excitement and encourage social media sharing.
  • Personalize Your Campaigns: Tailor your marketing through email segmentation or paid ads to cater to specific customer preferences.
  • Offer Free Gifts: Offer free shipping or other incentives for a limited time or with a minimum purchase amount to encourage customers to buy from you.

Here are some useful resources for more tips to help you craft the perfect campaign copy:

3. Create Your Images and Themes

People expect the typical holiday imagery to go along with Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing.

They usually expect marketing campaigns to feature the bright red and white colors of a winter wonderland because these elements are strongly rooted in tradition and nostalgia.

For instance, red and white are prominent colors of Santa Claus and candy canes, while winter wonderlands evoke feelings of childhood memories and cozy holiday cheer. This familiarity creates a sense of comfort and nostalgia for customers.

black friday marketing strategy

You can leverage these positive emotions by using bright colors and happy imagery to create an emotional connection association with the customers.

You don’t need to be a graphics design whiz to create beautiful images for your website or Black Friday marketing campaigns. Check out these free visual content creation tools to make it easier for yourself.

Related Content: Looking for ready-to-use Black Friday marketing designs? Check out our Done-for-You Black Friday Popup templates!

4. Start Writing Your Copy

There are several different types of holiday sales events and announcements. But not all have to include the words ‘Black Friday’ or ‘Cyber Monday’ to attract buyers looking for those deals.

Here’s a list of several different types of Black Friday Cyber Monday marketing pieces you can create for your email, social media, and print campaigns:

  • Doorbuster sale announcements: Standard in-store Black Friday offers with special discounts.
  • Exclusive sale announcements: These sales events are for loyal customers, such as online-only, mailing list–only, or Instagram-only members.
  • Time limit sale (24 hours only!): These sales take advantage of psychological marketing triggers like fear of missing out (FOMO).
  • Black Friday sale announcement: Standard marketing campaign aimed at getting people to shop from you at discounted prices.
  • Cyber Monday sale announcement: Standard Cyber Monday marketing aimed at improving online sales on the heels of Black Friday promotions.
  • Sale reminders: A way to keep your customers informed about upcoming BFCM sales and promotions via email, SMS, social media, or mobile apps.
  • Reminder sent before the sale ends: A marketing tactic brands use to nudge customers into buying before a sale or promotion expires via email, popup, notification, or SMS.
  • Order deadline announcement: Marketing messages that brands send, especially during peak sale seasons, to inform customers about the latest date and time by which they need to place an order to ensure they receive it by a specific date.
  • Abandoned cart emails: Automated emails that brands sent to customers who added items to their shopping carts but left the website without buying them.

There’s no shortage of content to produce, and this doesn’t even scratch the surface of everything you could choose to offer.

If you are looking for more ways to step up your email content game, check out these tips for writing better emails.

Interested in creating better content overall? Have a look at our beginner’s guide to content marketing.

5. Create Content for Early Shoppers

According to a Bankrate survey, 50% of holiday shoppers plan to begin making purchases before Halloween (end of October). Buying early allows consumers to budget and spread out the financial burden over a longer period.

It’s critical to create content for the early shoppers before it’s too late and they’ve already done their holiday shopping.

Retailers like Best Buy plan their Black Friday deals earlier than their rivals:

black friday marketing tips

Another great way to engage with early shoppers is by creating gift guides.

You can add these to your website, print them on glossy paper for your brick-and-mortar store, and share them on social media.

Here’s an example from Macy’s who have their gift guide published on their website:

black friday marketing plan

These are just a couple of ways to engage with early shoppers.

You can also use popups to encourage shoppers to follow you on social or by signing up for your email list to be the first to get early access to the shopping event.

black friday marketing ideas

6. Run a Contest

Online contests are a great way to grow your email list, boost social media followers, increase referral traffic, and generate targeted leads. 

You can create, manage, and run an online contest quickly and easily with RafflePress.

how to prepare for black friday and cyber monday

RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market. It has a drag-and-drop builder that makes it ridiculously easy to build a stunning contest landing page or giveaway widget in no time.

With its awesome list of features, you can easily drive website traffic, increase social media follows, and grow your email list. 

And a free RafflePress Lite plugin is available in the WordPress plugin repository!

Bonus Content: RafflePress Review: Is This Giveaway Plugin Any Good?

7. Use Social Proof

Research suggests that close to 98% of online shoppers check out product reviews before purchasing.

Why? Because they want to know that other folks are happy about doing business with your company.

Adding TrustPulse is one of the best ways to add social proof to your site (and get an instant lift in conversions of up to 15%).

black friday marketing calendar

TrustPulse lets you show off the most recent site activity from your customers in the form of small, eye-catching popups.

You can show purchases, registrations, signups, any verified site activity, and use cool ‘on fire’ notifications when you have a really popular product.

These notifications work really well for leveraging FOMO on homepages and checkouts.

black friday marketing tips

Plus, TrustPulse only takes about 3 minutes to set up, from signup to running on your site.

Click here to get started with TrustPulse for free.

1st Week of November: Optimize for Conversion

Before you launch your BFCM campaign publicly, there are a few things that you need to do on your site’s category and product pages to optimize them for conversions.

8. Optimize Your Content

Go through your category and product pages to make sure that your descriptions contain useful keywords and information to help shoppers find your products.

Northmen ditches conventional product descriptions altogether and tells the story of their product. This is how they describe one of their products, an American Felling Axe:

black friday products

Writing original product descriptions also allows you to incorporate the right keywords in your product page and get you the SEO ranking benefits.

Want specific tips on how to optimize your product page for higher conversions? We have an excellent blog about creating high-converting product pages that you should check out.

9. Optimize Your Checkout Process

There are quite a few things you can do to streamline your checkout process and make it delightfully easy for shoppers to complete their purchases. Here are some specific tips:

  • Minimize the checkout process to offer an easy user experience (UX). The fewer steps a customer needs to take, the fewer instances of cart abandonments you’ll see.
  • Trigger an exit intent popup that appears as shoppers try to exit your site from the checkout page.
  • Create a countdown timer to create a sense of urgency or FOMO.
  • Show total costs upfront including taxes, shipping fees, and any additional charges clearly to avoid hidden surprises.
  • Include multiple payment options to make it convenient for customers to choose what they prefer.
  • Offer guest checkout as an option alongside account creation. Many users prefer the convenience of guest checkout, especially for smaller purchases.

For more ideas, check out this detailed list of the best ways to optimize your checkout page.

10. Optimize for Mobile

A survey by Morning Consult in 2022 found that over 60% of American adults find mobile shopping convenient for online shopping.

With 59% of total online sales during Thanksgiving 2023, mobile shopping exceeded sales from desktop devices.

These statistics suggest that mobile commerce might be finally gaining ground. It also means your eCommerce store needs to make sure that your store looks good on a smartphone.

The best way to do it? Go through the entire purchasing process yourself on mobile, from browsing through checkout. This will help you know where it will break down for the customer.

How many fields does your checkout process require the shopper to fill out? If it’s too many, they may bounce.

cyber monday marketing tips

Check with your eCommerce platform to see what payment options you can offer and find one like Google Pay that lets shoppers autofill saved information to reduce keystrokes.

11. Highlight Your Policies

Don’t keep your policies hidden from customers. Your site should proudly display shipping, returns, and refund policies in simple, easy-to-understand language.

Clearly communicating your online store’s policies sets the right expectations for both you and the customer. This helps avoid misunderstandings and potential disputes down the line.

You can even show them directly on each product page. Zappos has a separate landing page dedicated to its shipping and returns policy:

improve black friday sales

Making your policies known to customers upfront can help them make informed decisions about their purchases. For example, knowing the return window or any restocking fees allows them to weigh their options before buying.

More importantly, customers who are not sure about your return policies or shipping costs might abandon their carts at checkout. Making these policies available upfront helps them complete the purchase without any doubt.

2nd Week of November: Start Marketing

The 2nd week of November should ideally see your holiday marketing in full swing. It presents a strategic sweet spot for launching your BFCM campaigns.

This is also an ideal time to start your holiday email marketing campaigns and get your social media followers thinking about sugar plum fairies and eggnog.

By this time, you have bypassed the Halloween rush and captured the attention of shoppers before they are overwhelmed by Black Friday shopping hype. This allows you to stand out and establish yourself as a thoughtful gift-giving resource.

Think of it as a festive lead-up. Use your social media accounts to share gift ideas, holiday recipes, or heartwarming stories to get people in the holiday spirit.

As a side note, remember to decorate your website with festive elements and highlight your holiday product offerings or gift bundles.

12. Schedule Your Email and Social Media Marketing

Kick off your Black Friday Cyber Monday marketing with a sneak peek of upcoming sales and promotions.

You may not be offering discounts yet, but you’re definitely getting your customers into a festive mood with emails and social media posts about the upcoming holiday season.

Related Content: How to Create a Social Media Holiday Strategy in 5 Easy Steps

Will you be open on Thanksgiving? Let them know. Are you planning any customer appreciation events? Post about those.

Also, be absolutely sure to schedule emails and posts to remind customers of order deadlines for their orders to arrive by a specific date. A few years back, Sock It To Me used this awesome calendar for its December sales:

how to improve black friday sales

Here are a few tips on how you can plan your marketing calendar:

  • One Day Before a Big Sale Event

Send an email before the big day announcing the sale and post about it on social media.

  • The Day of the Event

Send a reminder email and post it again on social media.

  • A Few Hours Before the Event Ends

Send a final reminder that the sale is ending and post once more on social media.

What is the best time to send marketing emails?

Generally, the best day to send marketing emails is Tuesday or Thursday. As for time, if you stick with traditional business hours, you’ll be fine. Peak open rates happen at 3 p.m.

Check out the best time to post on social media for peak engagement.

Throughout the Holidays: Track and Analyze

It’s important to follow your progress for each sale and marketing campaign. The best way to do that is by using Google Analytics.

For WordPress users, MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It acts as a bridge between your website and Google Analytics, allowing you to track and manage your website’s analytics data directly from your WordPress dashboard.

Get started with MonsterInsights today!

13. Track and Monitor 

It’s critical for you to track your site and campaign performance on analytics throughout the campaign period.

To effectively track your website performance and conversions, follow our step-by-step guide to Google Analytics.

black friday campaign tips

After the Holidays: Post-Holiday Retargeting

Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to stay connected with holiday shoppers to turn them into year-round shoppers.

Here are tips on how to do that:

14. Stay Connected After the Holidays

Stay connected with holiday shoppers by being active on social media and continuing to send email newsletters to your subscribers.

Offer gift cards that they can buy at a discounted price or let them know about your loyalty program to keep them engaged with your brand.

15. Segment Your Audience

Don’t blast the same message to everyone. Segment your audience based on their holiday purchases or browsing behavior.

Someone who bought a new coffee maker might be interested in coffee subscriptions, while someone who looked at winter jackets might be receptive to postseason sales.

16. Personalize Your Communication

Use the data you collected to personalize your retargeting ads and emails. Recommend related products, offer accessories for their purchases, or highlight upcoming sales relevant to their interests.

17. Shift the Focus

Move beyond the holiday theme. While some winter items might still be relevant, highlight new product lines, showcase upcoming seasonal collections, or promote access to your VIP club.

How To Boost Your Black Friday Cyber Monday Marketing Campaigns

You’ve now armed yourself with the strategies and insights needed to conquer the Black Friday Cyber Monday sales frenzy. But what if I told you there’s a tool that can amplify your results even further?

Meet OptinMonster.

Why should OptinMonster be your secret weapon this sales season?

  1. High-Converting Popups: Craft eye-catching popups that grab your visitors’ attention, ensuring they check out your BFCM deals.
  2. Advanced Targeting: Deliver personalized offers based on user behavior, location, and more. The right message at the right time can make all the difference!
  3. Seamless Integrations: OptinMonster plays well with your favorite email marketing platforms, CRMs, and more, ensuring a smooth data flow.
  4. Exit-Intent Technology: Catch potential customers right before they leave with irresistible offers, turning potential exits into conversions.
  5. A/B Testing: Not sure which offer will resonate more? Test, refine, and deploy the most effective campaigns with ease.

Just take a look at how these OptinMonster customers made out:

In the world of e-commerce, every click, every visitor, and every cart matters.

Don’t let potential sales slip through the cracks. Supercharge your Black Friday Cyber Monday marketing efforts with OptinMonster and watch your conversion rates soar!

Ready to elevate your BFCM game? Get started with OptinMonster today!

More on Black Friday Cyber Monday Marketing:

The post How To Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Marketing appeared first on OptinMonster.]]> 0
32 Best Lead Generation Software and Tools for 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:50:29 +0000 Are you looking for the best lead generation tools? Good news! I reviewed 32 of the best on the market, so you don’t have to. The lead generation process can be overwhelming, but that’s much easier when you have the right lead generation tools. In addition to my top lead generators list, I will also …

The post 32 Best Lead Generation Software and Tools for 2024 appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Are you looking for the best lead generation tools? Good news! I reviewed 32 of the best on the market, so you don’t have to.

The lead generation process can be overwhelming, but that’s much easier when you have the right lead generation tools.

In addition to my top lead generators list, I will also explain what lead generation tools are, their benefits, key features, and how to choose one for your business needs.

If you are in a hurry and wish to save time, skip to the best lead generation tools reviews.

What Are Lead Generation Tools?

Lead generation tools, also called lead generators, are software applications that assist businesses in attracting, capturing, and nurturing potential customers, commonly known as leads.

It automates and streamlines the lead generation process, making it easier for companies to identify and engage with their target audience.

By leveraging various strategies and features, such as landing pages, lead capture forms, and lead magnets, lead generators efficiently collects essential contact information from potential customers, paving the way for effective sales and marketing campaigns.

Benefits of Using Lead Generation Tools

The benefits of using lead generation tools are increased efficiency, higher conversion rates, data insights, and enhanced customer relationship.

1) Increased Efficiency: By automating lead generation tasks, businesses can save time and resources, enabling their sales and marketing teams to focus on other critical aspects of the business.

2) Higher Conversion Rates: Lead generation tools help optimize marketing efforts by capturing qualified leads. This increases the chances of converting those leads into paying customers, ultimately boosting conversion rates.

3) Data Insights: These platforms provide valuable data and analytics on lead behavior, allowing businesses to refine their marketing strategies for better results.

4) Enhanced Customer Relationships: With personalized communication and targeted content, businesses can build stronger relationships with potential customers, increasing brand loyalty.

Key Features of Lead Generation Tools

The key features that lead generation tools should have are landing page builders, forms and popups, lead magnets, email marketing integration, and lead scoring and segmentation.

1) Landing Page Builders: Create stunning and conversion-optimized landing pages to capture lead information effectively.

2) Forms and Pop-ups: Utilize customizable forms and pop-ups on your website and landing pages to entice visitors into becoming potential leads.

3) Lead Magnets: To attract and engage potential customers, offer lead magnets such as e-books, webinars, or free trials.

4) Email Marketing Integration: Seamlessly integrate with email marketing platforms to nurture leads through automated and targeted email campaigns.

5) Lead Scoring and Segmentation: Prioritize and categorize leads based on their engagement levels to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

Best Lead Generation Tools

Finally, let’s jump to our list of the 32 lead generation tools I have carefully reviewed for your help.

1. OptinMonster

OptinMonster Home Page 2023

OptinMonster is the best lead generation tool for easily converting your visitors into leads and customers.

OptinMonster, a SaaS, lets you create on-site lead generation campaigns like popups, slide-in toasters, floating bars, spin-to-win wheels and more.

optinmonster campaign examples

Even better? You can do it without needing a coder or graphic designer using our drag-and-drop editor and one of 500+ templates. Or, design it yourself using our Canvas templates.

But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not powerful.

OptinMonster’s personalization and targeting display rules put your campaigns in front of the right people at the right time. We have almost 100 different ways to choose where, when and for whom your campaigns will appear.

I’m most fond of our query-parameter condition because it lets you align your PPC campaigns with your onsite lead generation. Another feature I appreciate about OptinMonster is our Playbooks. Playbooks are fully pre-configured campaigns, eliminating the guesswork involved in launching a lead generation campaign.

OptinMonster is how AtHoc increased sales qualified leads by 141%, and how SnackNation adds 1200 segmented leads every week. And it’s not just these two companies who have seen success with our lead generation tool. OptinMonster has published dozens of lead generation case studies that prove we deserve to be #1 on this list.

Key Features:

  • Reduces cart abandonment: Offer abandoning visitors a custom-tailored offer before they leave your site with Exit-Intent® Technology.
  • Increases conversions and sales: Create upsell, downsell, and cross-sell offers to boost your customers’ average order value (AOV).
  • Improves lead quality: Increase the number of qualified leads by collecting more than just name, phone and email.
  • Shows targeted promotions: Show free shipping bars, share discount codes, promote flash sales, and more based on referral source, geo-location, previous on-site behavior, user’s device, and more.
  • Targets offers: Use what you already know about your visitors to run OnSite Retargeting® campaigns and improve conversions.
  • Automates growing your email list: Every major email marketing platform, CRM platform (customer relationship management tool) and content management system integrates with OptinMonster.

Pricing: OptinMonster pricing starts at $9/month for our Basic plan, $19/month for Plus, $29/month for Pro (our most popular plan), and $49/month for Growth.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!
BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

2. TrustPulse

trustpulse new homepage updated

TrustPulse is the best social proof notification plugin.

Without social proof, I think you’ll find it hard to generate new leads.

TrustPulse shows proof of the purchase activities taken by the real visitors and buyers on your site, like viewing or buying products, signing up for newsletters, and more.

I think adding social proof notifications is one of the most effective lead generation marketing tactics that requires the least amount of effort.

The thing I like MOST about TrustPulse is that they don’t even provide a way for their users to fake activity or purchases. Your website visitors will never be able to accuse you of faking reviews or purchases when you use TrustPulse. Every alternative to TrustPulse does, which puts you at risk.

Key Features:

  • Real-time event tracking
  • Smart targeting to boost conversions using advanced targeting rules and timing control
  • Flexible design options to match your site’s branding
  • Actionable analytics to get the stats you need to increase conversions
  • Google Analytics 4 integration
  • Easy setup on any website with no coding needed
  • Honesty

Pricing: The pricing plans start at $5/month for up to 2,500 sessions!

3. SeedProd

SeedProd landing page builder home_

SeedProd makes the list of lead generation tools because of it’s easy Landing Page solution.

SeedProd comes with a beginner-friendly drag-and-drop builder which can create beautiful landing pages for your site to capture leads. Whether it’s for sales, maintenance, webinar, or optin campaigns, SeedProd has your back. With 150+ landing page templates, you don’t even need to worry about designing responsive and mobile-ready pages. All the hard work is already done for you.

SeedProd strong-arms the conversion game by integrating with many email service providers and protecting your pages from spam, bots, and other fraudulent entries.

Key Features:

  • Edit content in real-time and preview your website exactly as your visitors would with its live preview
  • Put your website into coming soon, 404, or maintenance mode and go live whenever you’re ready, all with one click
  • Compatible with any WordPress theme and helps you ensure your website matches your branding

Pricing: SeedProd’s yearly pricing starts at $39.50 for the Basic package, $89.55 for the Plus package, and $159.60 for the Pro package.

4. WPForms

wpforms homepage

WPForms is an easy-to-use form builder that adds simple lead-generation forms to your website.

With 300+ pre-built templates, you can get the proper form on your site in just a few clicks.

While forms are limited in targeting rules as opposed to tools like OptinMonster’s popups, they’re still an excellent and reliable lead generation tool.

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-drop builder to make customization easy
  • Mobile-friendly forms let you collect leads from any visitor
  • Instant notifications allow you quickly respond to leads
  • Smart conditional logic guides you through creating high-performing forms

Pricing: WPForm’s pricing starts at $49.50 for the Basic package, $99.50 for the Plus package, $199.50 for the Pro package, and $299.50 for the Elite package.

5. Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads is a lead generation plugin that helps you grow your email list and increase conversions on your website. It’s a powerful plugin for WordPress that offers a range of features to help you capture leads and build your email list.

Key Features:

  • A variety of opt-in forms, including 2-step opt-ins, lightbox forms, and slide-in forms
  • Lead groups, which allow you to segment your list based on specific criteria
  • A/B testing
  • Dynamic text replacement
  • A lead shortcode that lets you add opt-in forms anywhere on your site

Pricing: You can purchase Thrive Leads individually for $99/year. Thrive Leads is also available as part of the Thrive Suite for $299/year for use on up to 5 sites. The Thrive Suite includes 9 WordPress plugins you can use to build your online business.

6. Constant Contact

constant contact email marketing service

If you have a more extensive contact list or prefer a MailChimp alternative, try Constant Contact. It’s a fantastic email marketing platform that will help you stay connected with your leads.

Constant Contact has an incredibly easy-to-use and lightweight interface. And as one of the largest email marketing services globally, Constant Contact can offer great deliverability rates.

Their drag-and-drop editor and email newsletter templates give your emails a polished and professional look, impressing your leads.

Key Features:

  • Integrates with other lead generating tools, so you start emailing leads right away
  • Marketing automation sends pre-designed emails to increase engagement and drive sales
  • Easy-to-read reports track email success in real-time
  • Simple contact management tools give you the power to sort, add, and manage your email contacts

Pricing: Constant Contact’s email marketing pricing ranges from $20/month for Email to $45/month for Email Plus. They do offer a free trial.

7. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is a complete marketing automation platform that combines email marketing services and SMS messages. In addition, they offer a drag & drop builder that you can use to create highly-engaging emails, build automated workflows, and segment users.

Brevo can be your home for almost anything email marketing. From automation, segmentation, and email design tools, Brevo has it all.

It also offers builders for Facebook ads, landing pages, and signup forms.

Key Features:

  • Customizable dashboard based on your business
  • All-in-one marketing suite
  • Email heat maps so you can visualize how your contacts engage with your email
  • A/B testing so you can test different emails to see which resonates best with your contacts

Pricing: Brevo offers a free plan for unlimited contacts and up to 300 emails daily. Their paid plans range from $25/month for their Lite package to $65/month for the Premium package.

8. Hunter

hunter - best growth hacks

If you want to do a quick email search, Hunter is a valuable lead generation software. Just type in the domain, and it’ll find the email address pattern.

Hunter also includes a confidence rating so you know if the email is likely to be correct.

That makes Hunter one of the best email finder tools on the market.

Key Features:

  • Email verifier checks the validity of any professional email address in bulk
  • Browser and Google Sheets extensions
  • Gmail integration to send cold email campaigns

Pricing: Hunter’s pricing depends on the number of requests you make. It’s free for up to 25 searches and 50 verifications per month. Paid plans start at $49/month and range to $399/month for the Enterprise plan.

9. AeroLeads

aeroleads home page

AeroLeads is a sales lead generator which provides a Google Chrome extension to help you search various professional websites like LinkedIn for sales leads.

All you have to do is add a name and company to your AeroLeads account. The tool will then find their business email addresses and other contact details.

AeroLeads will add these leads to your email marketing lists, so you can start working on those leads right away.

Key Features:

  • Chrome extension makes searching simple
  • Export data to a CSV file or transfer to email marketing tools
  • Verified business emails also come with job titles, company, website, location, and LinkedIn URL

Pricing: AeroLeads offers a limited free plan to help you get going. Their lowest tier is Take Off, which is $49/month for 2000 records. After that, plans go up to Enterprise, priced by special quote.

10. D&B Hoovers

hoovers home page

D&B Hoovers claims to have the world’s most comprehensive business database. You can use it to build targeted leads of new prospects.

Hoovers’ database includes company information to help you have more relevant conversations with those prospects. That aids you in turning more prospects into leads and sales.

This information can help guide your marketing decisions to deliver more relevant communication with your leads.

Key Features:

  • Filter prospects to engage the most promising leads
  • Send leads directly to your CRM tools
  • Real-time trigger alerts
  • Dynamic lists constantly update your contacts, so you always have valid contact information

Pricing: You can try Hoovers for free though you’ll need to contact their sales team for more pricing information.

11. Datanyze

datanyze home page

Datanyze is another popular and easy-to-use B2B lead generation tools in the market. With their Google Chrome extension, you can get a plethora of contact information, including email, direct dial, and mobile numbers, all without leaving your browser.

Then, you can export those to your CRM software for management and follow up.

You can use Datanyze stress-free as they promise refunds for any inaccuracies within their database.

Key Features:

  • CCPA and GDPR compliant
  • Target specific industries for B2B leads
  • Capture contact information while you browse business websites and LinkedIn
  • Icebreakers help you start meaningful conversations

Pricing: You can start with a free demo of their software. After that, you’ll need to contact their sales team for a pricing plan.

12. Lead Forensics

lead generation marketing tools - lead forensics

Sometimes you can miss out on good sales leads because you don’t know everyone who visits your site.

Lead Forensics aims to solve that problem by getting contact details for anonymous website visitors. You can also use lead scoring to spend time on those most likely to convert.

You’ll also receive contact data of key contacts that match your target profile to help continue to grow your leads list.

Key Features:

  • Uncovers the identity of anonymous website visitors and turns them into leads
  • Provides complete contact information, including business names, identities of key decision-makers, and more
  • Integrates with many of the top CRMs

Pricing: You can begin with a free trial of Lead Forensics. After that, you’ll need to work with their sales team to get the right package and pricing plan for your business.

13. Growbots

use growbots for automated lead generation

Know the market you want to target? Just tell Growbots, and it will choose your best prospects from a database of more than 200 million contacts separated by industry.

With Growbots, you can quickly contact the right decision-makers and follow up automatically.

Growbots also includes testing so you can check which approaches are most effective.

Key Features:

  • Access to over 100 million contacts
  • Only pay for the leads that fit your business
  • Self-updating database
  • Email marketing capabilities, including automation

Pricing: Growbots’ pricing starts at $49/month for their Outreach plan and goes up to $199/month for the All-in-One package.

14. HubSpot

hubspot email homepage

HubSpot is one of the world’s top CRMs available. While they offer a wide variety of tools, one of the top uses of HubSpot is its email marketing services.

With HubSpot, you can create stunning conversion-ready emails while learning valuable insights and reports into how your emails perform with your customers.

HubSpot can be one of your best assets regarding SEO, sales, marketing, and inbound and outbound lead generation.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use platform
  • Separate hubs let your focus on the areas your business needs, all in one tool
  • Live chat functionality
  • Email template, scheduling, tracking, and engagement tools

Pricing: HubSpot offers a free CRM with valuable tools. Their paid plans are for their marketing, sales, customer service, CMS, and operations hubs, which start at $45/month.

15. Pardot

pardot lead generation software

Pardot is one of the many popular B2B lead generation tools that helps you manage and qualify sales leads. By qualifying leads, you can rest assured that you’re always talking to the best leads.

Pardot includes fine-grained segmentation and marketing automation for better communication with your future customers.

There are also tools within Pardot to help you with landing page design, embedding forms, and email management.

Key Features:

  • Lead nurturing and qualification tools help you find the best potential customers
  • Detailed data that lets you customize the user experience
  • Separate tools based on industry

Pricing: Pardot’s pricing ranges from $1,250/month for their Growth plan, $2,500 for their Plus plan, and $4,000 for their Advanced package.

16. SharpSpring

SharpSpring home page

In addition to its built-in CRM, SharpSpring integrates with all the top CRM lead management tools. That allows you to manage lead data across multiple platforms.

SharpSpring includes custom deal stages, a helpful pipeline overview, and other marketing strategy tools.

Key Features:

  • Marketing and email automation all in one tool
  • Integration with many of the top marketing apps and tools
  • Detailed analytics on every interaction with your leads

Pricing: For small businesses, SharpSpring’s pricing ranges from $399/month for 1,000 contacts, $899/month for 10,000 contacts, and $1,299/month for 20,000 contacts.

17. Keap

keap home page

Keap helps you keep your customers’ information and conversations neatly organized, all in one place.

From lead capture to emails to invoicing, Keap makes essential business tasks easier to handle.

Like other CRMs, Keap also has automation tools to help you streamline marketing and lead generation efforts.

Key Features:

  • Desktop and mobile apps so you can stay connected on the go
  • Marketing automation to nurture your leads
  • Migration tools to make importing your data from email providers fast and straightforward
  • Includes a business phone line that works on your existing iPhone and Android phones (US and Canada only)

Pricing: Keap’s pricing starts at $79/month for the Lite plan, $169/month for the Pro plan, and $199/month for the Max plan.

18. Adobe Marketo Engage

adobe marketo engage home page

Adobe Marketo Engage uses behavior tracking to help you identify prime customers for engagement.

With a cross-channel engagement feature, you can coordinate 1 to 1 communication with your leads across online and offline platforms.

Plus, Adobe Marketo Engage personalizes the customer experience on your site, even for anonymous users. This makes it an effective sales lead generator ensuring high quality sales leads.

Key Features:

  • Marketing Automation rules to engage and attract more leads
  • Revenue tracking to track different marketing channels impact your bottom line
  • Works across different teams so other departments can help foster the sales process and grow your leads

Pricing: Marketo has different pricing and packaging plans. You’ll need to contact their sales department for more details on monthly costs, as pricing varies based on your database size.

19. OnePageCRM

OnePageCRM home page

Looking for another simple piece of lead generation software? OnePageCRM grabs leads from Gmail, social media sites, and business networking sites to integrate them into your CRM.

This software focuses on “next action sales,” so making sales is as simple as checking off your to-do list.

OnePageCRM is a super simple and efficient CRM, so you only focus on the actions that drive leads and sales.

Key Features:

  • Email management features, so you keep everything in one place
  • Lead Clipper feature grabs lead from any website with one click
  • Drag-and-drop sales pipeline management
  • Integrates with a variety of programs like Google, Chrome, Zapier, Dropbox, and more

Pricing: OnePageCRM is $9.95/month for a Professional account and $19.95/month for a Business account.

20. Salesforce

salesforce home page

Salesforce is among the world’s top sales and lead management software focusing on the work smarter, not harder mantra.

With tools to generate leads, manage customers, sales teams, and more, Salesforce is one of the top sales lead generation tools.

Plus, it integrates with a wide range of sales and marketing software to help businesses sell more and deliver better customer service.

Key Features:

  • Separate tools specific to your industry to give you an edge over your competition
  • Support functions like a customized help center, chatbots, and field service tracking
  • Guided setup to get you on the platform in minutes
  • Multi-device support so you can work your business on the go

Pricing: Salesforce’s pricing for Small Business Solutions ranges from $25/month per user to $1,250/month for up to 10,000 contacts, with a few options in between depending on your company’s needs.

21. HubSpot Sales

hubspot sales page

While we already discussed HubSpot earlier in this post, we need to highlight their Sales Hub in particular.

Sales is part of HubSpot’s suite of tools for small businesses, which tracks lead activity as it passes through the sales funnel. It helps you save time generating leads with a sales CRM, engagement tools, quote functionality, and more.

HubSpot Sales includes tools and templates for email outreach and follow-up to interact more efficiently with prospective customers.

Key Features:

  • Integration with over 940 tools in the HubSpot App Marketplace
  • Meeting scheduler keeps your calendar organized
  • Live chat to connect with your leads easily
  • Free plan to get you started

Pricing: HubSpot Sales has a free plan with some limited functions. Paid plans start at $45/month for their Starter plan, $450/month for their Professional program, and $1,200/month for their Enterprise plan.

22. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator home page

To the surprise of no one, the professional networking site LinkedIn has increasingly made a name for itself in the world of lead generation tools, mainly due to the vast amounts of company information in its databases. You can gain access to that info via LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

This lead generation and sales tool gives you the necessary knowledge to reach and engage the right people.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides advanced lead searches, recommendations, CRM integrations, and sales updates.

Key Features:

  • LinkedIn InMail Messages access
  • Access to LinkedIn subscription features like Job Seeker and LinkedIn Learning access
  • Customized lead suggestions
  • Integrate with other sales tools

Pricing: LinkedIn Sales Navigator’s pricing ranges from $79.99/month to $108.99/month. Enterprises with more extensive needs can contact their sales team for custom quotes.

23. Pipedrive

pipedrive lead generation software

Pipedrive prides itself on simplicity, and it’s easy to use.

This automatic B2B lead generation software tracks all interactions with leads quickly. Then you can see all the data in one unified dashboard whenever you check in.

It also makes it easy to know what action to take next.

Key Features:

  • Design sales pipelines from scratch or by using one of Pipedrive’s templates
  • Coaching to help you meet your sales targets and goals
  • Security dashboard so you can monitor how, when, where, and by whom your company data is being accessed
  • Integrates with over 250 other tools

Pricing: Pipedrive’s Essential plan is $12.50/month, with the Advanced package being $24.90/month. Their Professional level is $49.90/month.

24. Drift

Drift home page

Drift helps you deliver helpful and personal service to customers by conversing with them.

This tool runs off the cornerstones of “Conversational Marketing” and “Conversational Sales.”

Drift allows you to talk with your website visitors instead of just asking them to fill out forms and wait for follow-ups.

Key Features:

  • Integration with other sales and marketing platforms that personalize each person’s experience based on their history with your business
  • Chatbot to qualify and guide your leads
  • Eliminate back-and-forth communication with leads and connect with them in real time on your website

Pricing: Drift has a free version to get started. To get pricing, you’ll need to speak with a sales rep.

25. Intercom

intercom gives you a totally customizable messaging suite

Need a modern messaging service to engage site visitors fully? Intercom could be the answer.

A messenger app connects you with your customers to give them higher satisfaction and loyalty to your business.

Bots, live chat, and other communication-based apps within Intercom can help your leads and customers whenever they need.

Key Features:

  • Self-service chat and help features to free up your time without sacrificing customer service
  • Connects with 300+ other tools so you can talk with confidence
  • Collects information from customers so you can follow up later

Pricing: Intercom starts at $67/month for their Starter plan for small businesses. Otherwise, pricing is based on your plan’s number of employees and site visitors.

26. CallPage

CallPage home page

CallPage is a lead generating tool that creates call-based leads for your business.

With the help of a button on your site, potential leads will enter their phone number. Then, within 28 seconds, they’ll receive an automatic callback, no matter where they’re located. Of course, you can set business hours only to receive calls.

With lead qualification and sales, speed is key to communication. CallPage helps you bridge that gap.

Key Features:

  • Targeting rules, so the callback button only appears when leads are the hottest
  • Fully customizable popups
  • Call analytics dashboard to give you insight into your calls

Pricing: CallPage’s Basic plan is free, covering 15 leads a month. From there, it’s $159/month for their Professional plan and $379/month for their Premium package.

27. Google Ads

adwords content marketing

Google Ads puts ads in front of people searching for related terms. It’s also one of the most popular lead generation tools.

That way, your ads are relevant and will increase people’s chances to visit your website or call your business.

One great feature is that setting up campaigns is free. You only pay for advertising when people click your ad.

Key Features:

  • Customizable copy based on your advertising and marketing goals
  • Reach a broad audience of relevant potential leads
  • Select where your ad appears so you only reach your target audience

Pricing: Google Ads lets you set up your budget and remains a flexible option in terms of pricing.

28. AdRoll

ad roll home page

AdRoll puts your business in front of the eyes of potential leads as they browse the web, use social media, and look at their inboxes.

This lead generation tool combines the power of display ads, social ads, and email to promote your business effectively. It includes automation and rich insights so you can tweak campaigns for more growth.

Key Features:

  • Audience targeting rules make sure your ads are being placed in front of the best quality leads for your business
  • Compliant with worldwide privacy requirements
  • Insights on your campaigns so you can tweak them if needed

Pricing: AdRoll’s Starter plan is free. To remove AdRoll branding and unlock all features, you’ll need to upgrade to the Growth plan, starting at $19/month.

29. AdEspresso

AdEspresso home page

Hootsuite’s AdEspresso is an optimization tool for Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads.

With this lead generation advertising tool, you can create and test multiple ad variants with only a few clicks.

You can also run ads with various audiences and measure what’s most effective with in-depth analytics.

Key Features:

  • Create and manage all your ads with one dashboard
  • Optimize your campaigns using daily in-app tips
  • AdEspresso University offers courses and live webinars to learn more about marketing and campaigns

Pricing: AdEspresso starts at $49/month for their Starter Plan and goes up to $259/month for Enterprise. This is just the fee to use their platform. The individual platforms will bill any money spent on ads.

30. RafflePress

rafflepress home page

RafflePress is not your typical lead generation tool; it’s a viral giveaway plugin for WordPress.

So, why is it here?

Online contests and giveaways are some of the quickest and easiest ways to increase traffic to your website, grow your email list, and boost engagement. It sure sounds like a fantastic lead generation tool to us!

Key Features:

  • Create different entry options for all major social networks
  • Drag-and-drop giveaway builder
  • Marketing and CRM integrations
  • Success tracking and retargeting
  • Fraud protection

Pricing: RafflePress pricing is only $39.20/month to get started. From there, prices go up depending on your specific needs. For example, the Pro package is $79.20, the Growth package is $159.20, and the Ultimate package is $359.20.

31. ReferralCandy

referral candy lead gen tools

ReferralCandy is a lead generation tool for eCommerce stores that offer customers discounts for referring new businesses.

You can easily customize a referral program for your business and collect data on how well the program is working.

ReferralCandy also integrates with other marketing tools to track referral traffic, retarget leads, and send newsletters.

Key Features:

  • Fraud detection to protect your program and increase your ROI
  • Automated rewards payouts
  • Customizable rewards options

Pricing: ReferralCandy gives you a free 30-day trial to get started. After that, it costs $49/month plus commission to continue.

32. Zapier

zapier lead generation software

If you’re wondering what Zapier‘s doing on a list of lead generation tools, the answer’s simple. Zapier’s here because it lets you connect multiple business services, including some lead generation software, in our roundup.

In fact, they have an OptinMonster lead trigger that makes it super easy to connect OptinMonster, the #1 lead generation software in the world, with the other business services you use.

Key Features:

  • Connect different software and tools to automate your workflow
  • Simple connections make automating your workflow easy
  • Works with over 3,000 apps
  • Pre-made templates make connecting tasks a breeze

Pricing: Zapier has a wide range of pricing. They have a free version to help get you started. From there, you’ll pay only $19.99/month for the Starter plan. After that, prices scale up to $599/month for the Company plan with a few options in between.

That’s it! These were the 32 of the best lead generators to get your list popping, conversions increasing, and your sales soaring.

How To Choose the Right Lead Generation Tool?

The factors to consider while choosing lead gen tools are ease of use, accessibility, affordability, and support.

1) Easy to Use: It has to be simple. Otherwise, it will become just another piece of software sitting unused.

2) Accessible: It should be cloud-based, meaning you can access it through any internet connection.

3) Affordable: There are lead generation tools to fit every budget. Don’t overspend on one with more features or services than you can actually afford.

4) Support: You should be able to access customer support quickly and easily when needed. The software should have documentation that includes text, screenshots, and videos.

What Are The Best Lead Generation Tools?

In summary, for businesses seeking an effective and versatile lead generation tool, OptinMonster stands out as a top choice.

Its user-friendly interface, customizable opt-in forms, and advanced targeting options make it a powerful asset in converting website visitors into leads and customers.

With features like conversion analytics and A/B testing, OptinMonster helps you fine-tune your strategies for maximum conversion.

Here are just two examples of how other online businesses used OptinMonster to increase leads and revenue:

If you’re looking to boost your email list, reduce cart abandonment, or drive sales, OptinMonster offers a tailored solution to meet and exceed your lead generation goals.

Ready to generate more targeted leads? Get started with OptinMonster today.

More on Lead Generation:

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11 Ways To Get More Phone Calls From Your Website Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:47:44 +0000 People use their smartphones for everything these days. To the surprise of some, customers like to call small businesses that they want to buy from. Some business owners focus so much on their digital campaigns that they forget to integrate phone calls into their overall strategy. But online entrepreneurs shouldn’t completely write off traditional means …

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People use their smartphones for everything these days. To the surprise of some, customers like to call small businesses that they want to buy from.

Some business owners focus so much on their digital campaigns that they forget to integrate phone calls into their overall strategy. But online entrepreneurs shouldn’t completely write off traditional means of communication channels, like getting more phone calls from potential buyers.

Here are 3 statistics about why and how customers use their phones to connect with businesses:

Now that you have read these statistics, you must be wondering, “But how to get more calls for my business?” 

In this article, I’ll show you 11 ways to get more phone calls from your website. Let’s get started!

How To Get More Phone Calls From Your Website

Is your website ready to use phone calls to turn visitors into customers? Here are 11 ideas you can apply right away to get more calls for your business and generate leads:

  1. Add a Click-to-Call Button
  2. Put Your Number at the Top of Every Page
  3. Put Your Number at the Bottom of Every Page
  4. Optimize for Calls By Using A/B Testing
  5. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Users
  6. Include Your Number on Your Lead Magnets
  7. Use Your Number in Your Exit-Intent Popup
  8. Don’t Forget to Include a Number for Every Location
  9. Retarget Visitors With Personalized Popups
  10. Leverage Good Copywriting
  11. Use Call Tracking & Analytics

1. Add a Click-to-Call Button

Setting up a click-to-call campaign is easy. Just follow the steps outlined in this support doc from Google to set up a click-to-call landing page.

If you have a WordPress website, you can use the WP Call Button plugin to add a click-to-call button on your site.

This static call button generator shortcode works seamlessly with the WordPress Classic Editor. If you’re using Gutenberg, you can use the built-in WP Call Button Block to easily create and customize beautiful click-to-call buttons in minutes.

WP Call Button seamlessly integrates with all top business phone services across the world. It also works well with other popular WordPress plugins like OptinMonsterWPFormsElementorWooCommerce, and more.

2. Put Your Number at the Top of Every Page

This tip may sound obvious, but it’s surprising how many businesses forget to include their phone numbers on their website.

Make it easy for callers to find your phone number by including it at the top of every page. Not only will this help you offer a good user experience (UX), but it will also improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and ranking potential in the search engines.

Alternatively, create a call-to-action (CTA) button that includes a click-to-call link instead of showing your number. This will help visitors to call your business with a click of a button without having to manually enter your number on their phone.

Here’s an example from Security Solutions who have their phone number in the floating bar:

how to get more calls for my business

If you use WordPress for your site, head over to WPBeginner for an excellent step-by-step guide to adding a click-to-call button or link.

You can also take advantage of OptinMonster’s awesome MonsterLinks™ feature to add a click-to-call popup.

3. Put Your Number at the Bottom of Every Page

If your website design doesn’t allow you to add your phone number in the top navigation menu, you can always add it to the bottom of your landing pages.

An easy way to get this done without missing a page is to add it to your footer. Here’s a great example from Chicago Window Expert:

how to get more calls for my business

A lot of customers get frustrated when they can’t find the information they are looking for online, and that includes phone numbers.

Adding a phone number in your website’s footer has the same advantages as adding it at the top of the website:

  • Trustworthiness: Showing your phone number on the website upfront communicates transparency and accountability. It shows you’re reachable and willing to address customer concerns directly.
  • Convenience for Mobile Users: A significant portion of web traffic comes from mobile devices. Having your phone number readily available at the bottom of the page makes it easy for visitors on smartphones to tap and call you directly.
  • Increased Contact: Many people simply prefer the directness of a phone call, especially for complex inquiries or local businesses. Including your number makes it easier for them to reach you instantly.

4. Optimize for Calls By Using A/B Testing

There are many ways you can test your website to see what works and what doesn’t.

Using A/B testing, you can try things like placing your phone number on different parts of your webpage.

Did the page with the phone number on the bottom right get more conversions? Or was it the page with the phone number on the bottom left?

You can also test other elements such as copy, color, and design. Perhaps people will convert more if you put your phone number as your CTA, like this one:

how to get more calls for my business

Test regularly so you can find the best ways to drive calls from your website.

5. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Users

By 2025, the number of mobile phone users is expected to jump to 7.49 billion.

With so many people using mobile, you’ll want to make sure your mobile site is optimized for conversions.

To do this, make sure that the phone number on the website is clickable. This way, your target audience can tap the number to make a call when they visit your website from their phones.

Here’s an example from Admind Creative Agency:

how to get more calls for my business

Using their phones, visitors are automatically taken to the call screen once they click on Admind’s phone number.

6. Include Your Number on Your Lead Magnets

If you’re using lead magnets on your website, that’s another great opportunity for you to include your phone number.

With these downloadable offers, people already want the content. Therefore, it’s likely they’ll be reading it.

Share your phone number within the pages in your lead magnet so potential customers will have it within reach when they think of contacting you.

7. Use Your Number in Your Exit-Intent Popup

Exit-intent popups are a great way to capture your visitor’s attention one last time before they leave your site.

Add your phone number to the popup and get one more opportunity to generate a sale. Even better, add a click-to-call button so visitors know that you’re available to answer their questions.

You can even use display rules to show a popup with a click-to-call button during your normal business hours:

how to get more calls for my business

If you still want people to convert during your offline business hours, trigger a different popup that allows visitors to leave a message when you aren’t available.

get more calls for my business

For inspiration, check out our exit-intent popup gallery.

8. Don’t Forget to Include a Number for Every Location

If your business has more than one location, avoid listing a generic phone number that goes to an automated voicemail.

Instead, list a specific phone number for each location. Check out this example from Imo’s Pizza:

how to get more calls for my business

Sharing the respective phone numbers and locations of each of your business outlets helps new customers contact you directly.

It helps you convert people who might otherwise churn when they call a centrally operated toll-free number.

9. Retarget Visitors With Personalized Popups

Did you know that more than 70% of visitors get frustrated when the content on a website isn’t relevant to their needs?

If someone has interacted with your website in the past, consider personalizing your popup with a way for them to call you. A great way to do this is to use their first names.

how to get more calls for my business

Personalized popups are a great way to capture your visitors’ attention because you can make them feel welcome. Use this as part of your strategy to get calls from your website.

10. Leverage Good Copywriting

Sometimes, all you need to convince website visitors to take action is great copy. Compelling words can bridge the gap between a curious visitor and a loyal customer.

Write copy that speaks directly to your customer needs. Target their pain points and desires.

Use power words to trigger emotions like trust, curiosity, or even fear to make them pick up the phone and call.

To make matters more urgent, create limited-time offers and elicit fear of missing out (FOMO) in people. Fear is one of the most powerful motivators of all. You can use it to inspire your visitors to take action and call you today.

Power words such as “don’t miss out” are so persuasive that people simply can’t resist being influenced by them.

Check out this example below:

how to get more calls for my business

There’s even a click-to-call button at the bottom. Pretty cool, right?

11. Use Call Tracking and Analytics

Tools like Google Analytics provide valuable insight into understanding how your customers interact with your website. You can combine it with call tracking software like Invoca or DialogTech to bridge the gap between digital and inbound calls.

By understanding your customers, you can start to deliver a personalized customer experience. Next, take a look at the best business phone systems and VoIP providers to find just the right system to handle your calls.

Ready to Get More Calls for Your Business?

Despite the growing popularity of digital communication channels like email or live chat, phone calls remain a powerful conversion tool.

By implementing the strategies we discussed in this post, you can significantly boost the number of calls your website generates.

If you liked this article, you might also be interested in the following resources:

Ready to create a popup with a click-to-call link? Get started with OptinMonster today!

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How to Host a Virtual Conference: Everything You Need Thu, 06 Jun 2024 14:44:33 +0000 Are you considering hosting a virtual conference to build authority in your niche? Not sure where to start? Between a lack of time and budget, you might feel like it’s an impossible task. But I have got some great news for you: it’s possible when you know how to host a virtual conference. Virtual conferences …

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Are you considering hosting a virtual conference to build authority in your niche? Not sure where to start?

Between a lack of time and budget, you might feel like it’s an impossible task. But I have got some great news for you: it’s possible when you know how to host a virtual conference.

Virtual conferences are a great option for so many reasons. But now you might be wondering, ‘Wait…what is a virtual conference, anyway?’

We’ll get there in just a bit.

Plus, I’ll teach you exactly how to host a virtual conference and include every tool you need. Here’s everything I’ll cover in this article:

To begin with, let’s first understand what a virtual conference is and why traditional events are losing their sheen.

What Is a Virtual Conference?

A virtual conference or summit is an online event where participants with similar interests attend remotely, usually from the comfort of their own homes.

But how does a virtual conference work?

They are just like any other in-person conference you might have hosted or attended in the past, but online. The other big difference is that online events are way more convenient for everyone.

Hosting a virtual conference has all kinds of benefits, such as:

  • Improving your authority in your niche
  • Meeting new interesting people
  • Networking opportunities with other experts in your field
  • Adding value to your audience’s lives
  • Developing partnerships with sponsors
  • Creating more revenue for your business
  • Providing more flexible dates for attendees
  • Reaching more people
  • Boost audience engagement

These are a few advantages just off the top of my head. The list could easily go on.

It’s that last benefit that’s the most important. Hosting a virtual conference can produce a more attentive, focused, and engaged audience. Plus, online events can be real-time, multi-day, on-demand, or recorded.

Frankly speaking, in-person trade shows can be unproductive despite them appearing more exotic.

Between breakout sessions, happy hours, Q&A sessions, attendee networking, and team-building activities, many conferences tend to lose steam after lunchtime.

But when you are hosting a virtual conference, you can keep the momentum going. It’s no wonder why so many companies have decided to host online conferences that are highly interactive and have a wider reach.

Let’s look at some statistics:

Apple Events is one of the best examples of virtual conferences. Millions of people from all over the world watch Apple Events, with the latest event garnering over 3.6 million views.

Similarly, the Google I/O event had over 1.5 million views within just a week after it was live-streamed in May 2024.

Clearly, there is a desire for online conferences. Like I mentioned earlier, the pros of virtual event planning such as convenience, budget, and inclusivity are just too good to pass up.

Why Out-of-Town Conferences Are Out-of-Date

With all the technological advances over the last 10 years, it’s impressive that many of us don’t have to leave our homes for anything. Earlier, especially before the 2020 pandemic, people had to figure out how to get from Point A to B to see friends, buy clothes, or get to work.

Now, we have loads of tools that allow us to socialize, order food, or work full-time from home! In other words, the whole idea of having a Point B for anything other than fun is often non-productive.

This is all the more true with conferences.

Conferences are a great way to expand your knowledge and meet interesting people. But on top of the ticket to attend, you need to find hotels, food, flights, and all the little expenses in between.

And that’s just if you are attending.

If you are hosting a conference, you can expect those costs to skyrocket. Why? Because you need to find accommodations for all your speakers. You also need to find a suitable venue to host your guests.

In-person or hybrid event management involves managing a lot of moving parts. And more often than not, a few things tend to go haywire causing chaos and confusion for the event participants.

Simply put, planning out-of-town or in-person events can be overwhelming at best and a total nightmare at worst.

Luckily, there’s an alternative that’s more accessible to business owners who want to host an event: virtual conferences (also known as ‘virtual summits’).

Now, you may be thinking, ‘But how exactly can I host a virtual summit?’

Let’s turn our attention to some virtual summit best practices so you can offer your customers a delightful virtual experience.

How To Host a Virtual Conference

Plan Your Conference Theme Before Reaching Out

Your first task is to outline your virtual conference. If you are even considering hosting a virtual conference, you probably already have your general theme in mind related to your niche.

If not, start there.

You’ll also need to nail down a few key details before shortlisting speakers or reaching out to keynote speakers. Consider the following questions, for example:

  • Why is this an important theme to cover?
  • How would your event attendees benefit from this conference?
  • What do you expect to charge for the event?
  • When would you like to hold your conference?
  • How many days will your conference last?
  • Will each day be full, half, or quarter days?
  • How many guest speakers can you expect to participate in the event?

Questions like these can help you narrow in on what you need to host your live event. When it’s time to ask guest speakers for help, you’ll know what you are talking about.

Note: Thinking about creating an online conference without guest speakers? If yes, consider starting an online course instead. Check out this detailed article to help get you started.

Just look at this vague guest speaker request:

host a virtual conference

This kind of message shows that the organizer doesn’t have a concrete grasp of the details needed to host a successful virtual conference.

Now compare that vague message with this one that is clearer:

how to host a virtual conference

Out of the two templates, the latter has concrete information and has already answered the specific questions required to run a successful virtual summit.

Because of that preparation, you are much more likely to get better, more professional, and more reliable speakers to participate!

Assemble the Right Tools

Now that you have your outline and guest speakers lined up, you need to take those ideas on paper and put them into action.

And for that, you need the right tools.

Luckily we’ve curated a list of all the tools you need to host a successful virtual conference.

But first, a quick disclaimer: for this post, we assume you already have a website up and running for your business. If not, that’s the first step to take, and we recommend going with WordPress.

Check out this in-depth tutorial on how to create a WordPress site for beginners.

Assuming you do have your site, though, check out the following tools that will make creating your online conference a breeze.

Email Service Providers

First and foremost, you are going to want to choose an email service provider (ESP) for when your attendees sign up.

One of the many benefits of hosting an online conference is that it can drastically boost your email list. Then, in the future, you can use this list to help your overall email marketing strategy.

For instance, you can:

  • Send information about new content related to the conference.
  • Upsell your virtual attendees with related products or services.
  • Update attendees about a product launch related to your virtual summit’s theme.
  • Offer cool online courses to let attendees deepen their knowledge base.
  • Have a list of warm leads for future events to boost ticket sales.

And much more.

I personally recommend the following 3 choices for your email service providers:

1. Constant Contact

host a virtual conference

Constant Contact is a great tool that lets you manage your email list, contact list, email templates, and more. If you are looking for a service that helps with nearly every aspect of your marketing strategy, Constant Contact is worth checking out.

They also offer a free trial (no credit card required), so you can give them a try risk-free.

2. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

how to host a virtual summit

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is another excellent option for your email service provider. It has an intuitive and easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder for campaigns.

Brevo also helps you segment your email list and automate your email series to drive sales.

Pricing is also competitive, starting at just $9/month for their Starter plan.

3. Drip

how to host a virtual event

Drip is a cool email service provider to test out. It has a fun, user-friendly interface that’s easy to learn.

Its drag-and-drop builder makes creating campaigns a breeze. I prefer Drip to some other popular platforms like MailChimp.

Plus, Drip’s support team is stellar!

You can use Drip for free (no credit card required) or schedule a 1:1 demo if you want more information.

And there you have it. These 3 ESPs can help you grow your email list and boost your email marketing strategy before, during, and after your virtual summit.

Lead Generation Tools

Earlier, I mentioned that I recommend you build a site with WordPress. One of the advantages of that is having access to great plugins that can help you with hosting a successful virtual conference.

Here are 3 plugins that will help you set up your virtual conference:

1. WPForms

how to host a virtual conference

WPForms is the world’s best form builder for WordPress. With WPForms, you can set up a registration form in minutes. You can then sync up your new leads to the ESP you chose in the last section.

Creating this registration form in WPForms is surprisingly easy.

You just need to install the WPForm plugin and enable the User Registration addon. If this sounds complicated, don’t worry. You can check out the full tutorial here.

Having a registration form is crucial for letting your attendees sign up for your virtual conference in advance.

And if you are planning on charging for your online conference, be sure to check out their tutorials on adding Stripe or PayPal to your form.

2. MemberPress

tips to host a virtual conference

An alternative to putting up a registration form on your site is to turn your website into a membership site using MemberPress.

Having a members-only page on your WordPress site is a great way of providing extra value to your paying attendees. Plus, adding a members’ section creates a fear of missing out (FOMO) that you can use to enhance your marketing strategy.

MemberPress is the easiest way to turn your WordPress website into a membership site.

Also, MemberPress conforms with your site’s theme by default, making sure it doesn’t take away from your user experience (UX).

All the data is available directly on your site, and you have full control over what members can and can’t access. That means you could also have a tiered payment plan for your virtual conference and provide access to more premium features.

3. LearnDash

virtual conference examples

LearnDash is a powerful learning management system (LMS) designed for WordPress sites. With LearDash, you can create online courses, monetize your website content, and build an online learning community.

As you can imagine, you can also use the tool to enhance your virtual conference.

LearnDash lets you hand out follow-up course materials to your attendees after the conference. This creates more value for attending a virtual conference and improves the overall event experience.

When it comes to creating an online course, one idea is to have tiered payment plans (like I mentioned earlier) for your conference tickets. Then you can create follow-up courses to boost both your attendees’ knowledge and your revenue.

Live Video Platforms

1. Zoom
how to host a virtual event

Zoom is one of the most-used virtual event platforms around.

It’s super intuitive and has a low learning curve. That means it’s more accessible to your audience, who may be less comfortable with technology.

Plus, you can use Zoom to host live sessions or record and distribute the live streaming to your audience later for a wider reach.

Though Zoom does have a free version, you’ll likely want a paid version. The Business plan is priced at $18.32/month and allows up to 300 conference guests and 30 hours per meeting.

Zoom also has a great mobile app that lets you attend virtual meetings on the go.

If you are expecting a much larger group of people to attend, you may want to contact Zoom’s sales team. But no matter what plan you ultimately choose, Zoom is one of the most affordable virtual conference software you’ll find.

2. Google Meets

host a virtual event

Google Meet is a user-friendly video conferencing platform for hosting webinars and virtual conferences.

Free for basic use, it offers high-quality audio and video calls without downloads, making it accessible to anyone with a web browser.

The tool integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar and joining virtual meetings is a breeze. While it lacks some interactive features than its competitors, Google Meet’s ease of use, reliability, and affordability make it a top choice for anyone looking to connect remotely.

Google Meet’s basic functionalities are free, allowing up to 100 participants for 60 minutes. For extended meetings, recording, and other pro features, Google Workspace plans start at $6 per user/month.

Ok, so you are just about all set. So far, we’ve covered:

  • Planning and reaching out to guest speakers
  • Using helpful plugins for your online summit
  • Finding the best virtual conference platform to host your presentations

Next, we’ll jump to the most important part: getting more attendees to join your conference once you’ve built it.

So let’s check out a few strategies for marketing your virtual summit.

Attract More Attendees

One of the hardest parts of hosting an online conference is to spread the word about it. But don’t worry, I have 3 actionable tips for you to get more attendees to join your conference.

  1. Run an Online Contest on Social Media
  2. Reach Out to Your Current Email List
  3. Use OptinMonster Campaigns To Convert Site Traffic

1. Run an Online Contest on Social Media

Social media is one of the best channels to drive traffic to your site. No matter which social media platform you use for your teams, it can be one of your strongest assets in attracting the right audience to your online event.

There are a few ways that you can use social media to drive traffic to your online conference. The best way to attract people to your online conferences via social media is to create an online giveaway.

And for that, there’s no better tool than RafflePress:

RafflePress is the world’s best plugin for creating online contests that go viral. With RafflePress, you can easily create a contest and give away free admission to your online conference.

By doing that, you’ll create hype around the event.

Since RafflePress allows you to award more points for certain tasks, you can also encourage people to:

  • Visit your website.
  • Follow your social media accounts.
  • Share the contest with others.

And much more.

RafflePress has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop campaign builder. You can design your giveaway or online contest in several different ways to match your brand’s style.

RafflePress also allows you to protect your contest from getting any spam entries. You can check out a full list of its features here.

If you are serious about attracting more people to attend your networking event, a contest on social media can be one of your strongest tools.

2. Reach Out to Your Current Email List

There’s no better way to grow your business than a robust email list. That’s because email marketing helps your business explode its traffic and revenue.

If you already have an email list, you should create a series of emails to market your online conferences to your existing subscribers.

Using your email list to promote the event means you already know your audience is interested in the topic. Since they have already voluntarily given you their email address, there’s a good chance that they’ll love the online summit in your niche.

In other words, you are promoting your online course to extremely warm leads.

You may also want to pre-record parts of your virtual summit to send as a teaser video. This helps you build excitement around the event and show the audience what they can expect from it.

Pro Tip: You can use our MonsterLinks™ directly in your email campaigns. By embedding these links in the copy of your emails, you can redirect your email list to your online conference campaigns.

As you are writing your email series, remember to use the following email copywriting best practices: including:

  • Use a catchy subject line to get attention.
  • Write in an engaging, conversational style.
  • Include visual media like photos and pictures.
  • Check your text for grammar and spelling mistakes.

By applying these tips in your email copywriting, you are more likely to increase your click-through rate (CTR). That means increasing your odds of having more attendees at your online conference.

3. Use OptinMonster Campaigns To Convert Site Traffic

Besides leveraging social media and email marketing, you’ll also want to develop online campaigns on your site to convince people to attend your conferences.

And that’s where OptinMonster comes in.

With OptinMonster, you can build tons of targeted campaigns such as:

host a virtual summit

You can also Fullscreen Welcome Mats like landing pages. Because they take the entire screen when the campaign is triggered, they instantly become a new page on your site.

But the best part is that they don’t have a URL. That makes them much more flexible than traditional landing pages. With a Fullscreen Welcome Mat, you have a landing page that goes to your traffic, not the other way around. This makes fullscreen campaigns a powerful lead generation tool to boost your conversion metrics.

You can also use OptinMonster’s display rules to control when and where your campaigns appear on your site. That way, you can ensure that the right audience sees your online event marketing campaign in the right place and at the right time.

Here’s a short video that explains how OptinMonster’s display rules work:

Ready To Host a Virtual Conference?

And that’s it! You now have everything you need to host an online conference and improve attendee engagement.

If you liked this article, you might also be interested in the following posts:

Want to promote an upcoming online conference to your site visitors? Get started with OptinMonster today!

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7 Best WordPress Banner Plugins To Skyrocket Conversions Tue, 04 Jun 2024 19:25:00 +0000 Do you want to use banners on your WordPress site to get more conversions, increase sales, and keep your customers in the know? Looking for the best WordPress banner plugins? Banners can be a great addition to any website. They allow you to alert customers about company-wide updates, showcase coupons and promotions, or grow your email …

The post 7 Best WordPress Banner Plugins To Skyrocket Conversions appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Do you want to use banners on your WordPress site to get more conversions, increase sales, and keep your customers in the know? Looking for the best WordPress banner plugins?

Banners can be a great addition to any website. They allow you to alert customers about company-wide updates, showcase coupons and promotions, or grow your email list.

Banners sit at the top or bottom of your visitor’s browser so they don’t interrupt their user experience (UX). This gives you a subtle but effective solution to engage with your online store’s customers.

I use a similar banner on my website to improve my email subscription and it’s been giving me good results:

Here’s another example of a banner located at the bottom of ActiveCampaign’s website:

ActiveCampaign added over 800 free trials every month after they started using this banner. For more information on the campaign, read How ActiveCampaign Adds 800 Free Trials Each Month With One Optin.

With the right WordPress tool, you too can set up and configure a website banner to improve your lead generation and eCommerce sales.

That’s why, in today’s post, I’ll share the best WordPress banner plugins to help you increase conversions.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive straight into the list.

Best WordPress Banner Plugins (Compared)

We’ll be looking at 7 of the best WordPress banner plugins that you can start using today. In this post, I’ll cover the following tools:

Let’s jump to the list!

1. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is a premium lead generation plugin for WordPress and hands down your best bet for adding a custom banner bar to your website.

OptinMonster gives you all the tools that you need to create and display banners in minutes, even if you have no coding skills or design experience.

OptinMonster’s WordPress plugin widget comes with 100+ pre-made templates that you can use to get a headstart in the campaign creation process:

With OptinMonster, you can capture more leads and increase conversions through stunning modal popups, slide-insfullscreen welcome matssidebar contact forms, and inline campaigns.

All of OptinMonster’s templates are fully responsive and mobile-friendly. You can create all types of banners, such as:

  • Floating bar campaigns for running flash sales or online promotions.
  • Website notification bar campaign to announce site visitors about an upcoming scheduled maintenance.
  • Hello bar optins to encourage people to subscribe to your email newsletter.

Related Content: Step-by-Step Tutorial To Create a Website Notification Bar

Plus, they’re easy to modify. That’s because OptinMonster comes with a codeless drag-and-drop visual builder.

This lets you change the text and add new elements to your WordPress banner with just a few clicks.

To edit the header text in the template, for example, simply click on the header and make changes directly in the editor:

If you want to add new elements to your campaign, you can simply drag and drop them into your campaign builder.

You just need to find the right element under the Blocks menu at the top-left of your dashboard, click and drag it, and drop it in the editor.

OptinMonster has a ton of blocks that you might want to add to your campaign, such as:

  • Video
  • Image
  • Text
  • Countdown timers
  • Custom HTML
  • Embedded Forms
  • Form fields
  • Icons
  • ChatBot

And much more…

Since OptinMonster has all kinds of blocks that you can readily use for a successful campaign, you don’t need to use another 3rd-party tool to create an element from scratch.

That means you don’t need a professional designer to create a stunning WordPress banner bar.

But creating a new banner campaign is only half the battle. The other half is showing it to the right people, in the right places, and at just the right time in their customer journey.

For that, you’ll want to leverage OptinMonster’s powerful targeting rules. For popup banners, the most common targeting rules include:

  • Page-level: Personalize the UX by tailoring your banner to page-specific content.
  • OnSite Retargeting®: Keep users engaged by showing new campaigns to returning visitors.
  • Scroll depth: Boost conversions by showing your banner when users scroll a certain percentage down the page.
  • Time trigger: Display your campaign to users who show a high interest in your pages or posts by spending more time on specific pages.

These are just a few popular targeting features you can start using for your banner today, but the actual list is long.

When a new user signs up, you can send those leads directly to your email service provider (ESP). This lets you automate your email marketing strategy so you can free up more time and energy on scaling your business.

These are the same tactics that Kennedy Blue used to:

  • Recover 7% of abandoning users to fill out a survey.
  • Transform 2.56% of visitors into subscribers.
  • Increase sales by 50%.

Read more about How Kennedy Blue Increased Sales by 50% by Overcoming Sales Objections With Popups.

Or you can dive right in and start converting your site’s traffic with a WordPress banner today. Just click below to start your 100% risk-free OptinMonster account today:

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

Key features:

  • Drag-and-drop campaign builder.
  • 100+ ready-to-use templates.
  • Advanced targeting features.
  • Personalized campaigns.
  • A/B testing.


OptinMonster’s plans start at $9.97/month.

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

2. TrustPulse

TrustPulse is the world’s #1 social proof software. But you might be wondering, “What is a social proof notification addon doing on this list?”

While TrustPulse doesn’t give you banners in the traditional sense, it allows you to alert your site’s visitors of sales, promotions, updates, and much more in a non-intrusive way.

Here’s an example. With TrustPulse’s Action Message campaign, you can accomplish everything you would want from a WordPress banner.

That’s because these small notifications can be figured to be static messages across your site. Let’s say, you want to use a banner to get more followers on Instagram.

You can use TrustPulse to create a notification that functions the same way as a banner with a campaign that looks like this:

The message appears at the bottom of the screen, grabs the user’s attention, and encourages them to click on it. When users click on it, they’ll be redirected to your Instagram profile where they can follow you.

You can also use these notifications to redirect users to landing pages, optin forms, and much more.

That makes TrustPulse a great alternative to traditional banners, though they allow you to reach the same sales and marketing goals.

Plus, TrustPulse doesn’t require any coding skills or experience to get started. In just a few clicks, you can create all kinds of social proof notifications that function exactly as a banner message would.

Then you can build other campaigns to load your site with social proof and increase website conversions across your site.

Statistically speaking, TrustPulse has been proven to increase sales by up to 15%!

Key features:

  • Multiple campaign types
  • Non-intrusive social proof notifications
  • Codeless campaign builder
  • Customization control
  • Powerful targeting to personalize notifications for the UX

Price: This plugin starts at only $5/month.

Get started with TrustPulse today!

3. Popup Maker

Popup Maker is a WordPress plugin that lets website owners create popups, modal boxes, slide-ins, and banners to boost their site’s conversion rates.

Popup Maker comes with an easy-to-use Popup Editor that allows you to build popups, banners, or other types of campaigns. You can use the editor to change a campaign’s size, position, or animation styles.

Similarly, its Conditions feature lets you target who can see your campaigns.

Popup Maker also integrates with all the major form plugins including WPFormsGravity Forms, and Contact Form 7. The integration allows you to trigger a popup when a website visitor submits a form on your website.

Key features:

  • Options to create popups, slide-ins, and banners
  • Beginner-friendly interface for easy popup creation
  • Multiple popup triggers and customization options
  • Integration with popular form plugins and email marketing services

Price: Popup Maker’s pricing starts at $99 per year per website.

Get started with Popup Maker today!

4. WPFront Notification Bar

WPFront Notification Bar is another option for creating a WordPress banner for your website. This is also a free plugin but gives you a bit more features than other free tools on this list.

That’s because the WPFront Notification Bar gives you some more advanced triggers, such as:

  • Time delay
  • Scroll depth
  • Open on a button click
  • Set in a fixed or dynamic position
  • Place at the top or bottom of the browser page

These features are still more limited than premium plugins like OptinMonster. But they give you access to WordPress banners regardless of your budget.

Plus, everything is easy to customize and you can tailor the banner campaigns to match your site’s look and style. This helps you connect better with your target audience as you build your brand’s online presence.

And since you can also schedule when you want the banner to appear across your site, it’s an excellent solution for automating your online store’s sales and promotions.

Key features:

  • Customizable colors and text.
  • Interactive banners that open with a click of a button.
  • Select pages and posts where you want the banner to appear.
  • Powerful targeting rules and triggers.
  • Processes shortcodes.

Price: This is a free version of WPFront Notification’s plugin. Its Pro plans start at $49 per year per website.

Get started with WPFRont Notification Bar today!

5. HashBar

HashBar is a WordPress notification bar that’s great for small businesses to create real-time alerts and special offers.

It’s a free plugin (though there’s a premium version) that lets you create an unlimited number of banners for your WordPress website. It lets you add call-to-action (CTA) buttons to your banner, as well as email signup forms to grow your list.

HashBar comes with a customizable interface so that you can modify the banner’s text, colors, or background.

This tool creates banners that look great across all devices, including mobile. You can position this banner wizard where you want, configure it to reach your target audience, and use it to achieve your marketing goals.

It’s also compatible with WPBakery Page BuilderKing Composer, and Elementor.

Key features:

  • Easy to set up.
  • Highly customizable.
  • Mobile-friendly.
  • Compatible with popular page builders.
  • Campaign scheduling.

Price: This is a free plugin. Its paid version starts at $59 per website.

Get started with HashBar today!

6. Top Bar

Top Bar is another WordPress alert banner plugin that you can use for your site.

It lets you create very simple banner bars to get users to take action. Honestly, I think it’s a little less user-friendly than other options on the list. For example, it doesn’t have as many customization options as premium plugins like OptinMonster.

However, Top Bar is an effective tool that gives you everything you need to have a WordPress banner up and running in minutes. It also supports multiple languages, lets the bar stay visible while users are scrolling, and allows you to add features like CTA buttons and custom colors/text.

Key features:

  • Multi-language support.
  • Customizable.
  • Easy to set up.
  • Free to get started.

Price: This is a free plugin with a Pro version starting at $16/year for 1 website.

Get started with Top Bar today!

7. Easy Notification Bar

Easy Notification Bar is the last WordPress banner plugin on the list but certainly not the least qualified to be here.

This plugin allows you to easily add a banner to your website to achieve your marketing goals. You can add CTA buttons, change the text, modify the colors, and much more to create the perfect floating bars for your brand.

It comes with a ‘sticky’ option that lets the bar follow users as they scroll. Also, you can add a close button to your campaigns to improve UX.

You can place the banners across your site or on specific URLs. Easy Notification Bar has a responsive design which makes its banners look great on mobile. There’s also minimal coding involved, which means there’s little impact on your site’s performance.

If you’re looking for a simple WordPress banner plugin, then Easy Notification Bar is worth checking out.

Key features:

  • Lightweight
  • SEO-friendly
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Customizable
  • Easy to set up
  • Target to pages or posts

Price: This is a free plugin.

Get started with Easy Notification Bar today!

Which Is the Best WordPress Banner Plugin?

So far, we compared 7 of the best WordPress banner plugins. But out of all the tools, there’s only 1 that stands out: OptinMonster.

OptinMonster gives you more customization options, better targeting rules, and more campaign possibilities than any other tool on this list.

And though it’s a premium plugin, plans start at only $5.97/month. Plus, it comes with a 14-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

That means you can get started with OptinMonster at zero risk.

If you’re serious about growing your list, increasing conversions, and boosting sales across your site, then OptinMonster is absolutely the plugin you need.

Ready to see it in action for yourself? Get started by clicking below and starting your 100% risk-free OptinMonster account today:

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

And that’s all for today! These have been 7 of the best WordPress banner plugins that you can start using right now.

If you enjoyed this article, you’ll want to check out the following resources:

These resources will have all the information you need to create banner bars that bring you higher conversions and more sales.

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