OptinMonster Tutorials https://optinmonster.com Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:53:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://optinmonster.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/cropped-archie-1-32x32.png OptinMonster Tutorials https://optinmonster.com 32 32 What Is Average Time on Page, Why You Need It, and How To Improve It https://optinmonster.com/how-to-increase-average-time-on-page/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-increase-average-time-on-page/#respond Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:53:29 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=173471 Are you wondering how to increase your website’s average time on page? A higher average time on page can help your site rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP). It also gives you more time to encourage your website visitors to subscribe, purchase, or take another action on your website. In this article, I’ll …

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Are you wondering how to increase your website’s average time on page?

A higher average time on page can help your site rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP). It also gives you more time to encourage your website visitors to subscribe, purchase, or take another action on your website.

In this article, I’ll show you what average time on page is, why it matters, and 10 easy ways to increase it.

Here’s everything I’ll cover in today’s post:

What Is Average Time on Page?

Average time on page is the average amount of time a site visitor spends on any one page on your website.

If most people who land on your eCommerce website spend about 2 minutes on your homepage, your homepage’s average time on page is likely close to 2 minutes.

To calculate the average time on page, you divide the total amount of time spent on the page by the number of non-exit pageviews.

For example, let’s say in a given month, 2,000 pageviews spent 500 minutes on a landing page. 500 of those pageviews were page exits or bounces, so we exclude those. The average time on page would therefore be:

500 minutes / (2,000 pageviews – 500 page exits or bounces) = 500/1500 = 0.33 minutes or 20 seconds

Here’s what the average time on page looks like in the Google Analytics dashboard:

average time on page

I’ll show you how to access or measure your website’s average time on page in Google Analytics in the next section.

For now, remember that the average time on page does not take into account exits or bounces.

Page exits are when the user goes to a different website after viewing a landing page or other product pages on the same website. That last page is counted as an exit page in Google Analytics.

Bounces are single-page sessions where the user visits the page but then clicks back to the search results without going anywhere else on the website.

This definition will be important later when we think about how to increase the average time on page. But first, let’s discuss why average time on page is important.

Why Does Average Time on Page Matter?

Average time on page is a measure of your website’s usability and how well visitors engage with your content.

It’s not enough to just get tons of traffic on your website. You need visitors to actually read what’s on your website, click links, subscribe to your email list, purchase products, and engage in other ways.

Because it’s a measure of user engagement, average time on page may contribute to search ranking.

Search engines tend to prioritize high-quality websites, and one indicator of that is how long visitors spend on various pages. If most visitors are leaving a page almost immediately, that may be a sign of poor user experience and low content quality.

As you work to increase your average time on page, chances are your user experience will improve. And as your user experience gets better, your conversion rate may also rise.

Average Time On Page in Google Analytics

If you have been following the news, Google will soon shut down Universal Analytics. In its place, Google is encouraging users to start using Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

However, if you have been using Universal Analytics to measure your website performance, you might not be familiar with the new metrics that GA4 uses to track your website.

But don’t worry, I’ll explain them in detail for you to understand these metrics.

To find your average time on page in GA4, go to Google Analytics.

In GA4, the average time on page is called the average engagement time.

To find it, click on Reports» Engagement » Pages and Screens. Scroll to see a report of your page engagement metrics, including average engagement time.

In Google Analytics, you can search for a specific page’s engagement metrics from the Pages report.

In the past, Universal Analytics had a few metrics that were related to average time on page. Since Universal Analytics will no longer be in use, I’ll explain the differences between the metrics that the tool used to avoid any confusion.

Average Time on Page vs Average Session Duration

In the Audience Overview screen of Universal Analytics, you’ll see another metric called the Average Session Duration.

average time on a page

While this may sound very similar to the average time on page, it’s actually quite different.

The average session duration measures how long visitors spend on your website as a whole, including multiple pages. Average time on page measures time spent on a specific page.

Another important difference is that the average session duration does not ignore exits and bounces. So bounces and exits often contribute very low-duration sessions to the overall average.

Because of this, the average time on page is often greater than the average session duration.

Average Time on Page vs Bounce Rate

You’ll also see something called bounce rate on the Behavior report in Universal Analytics. GA4 does not have this metric.

Bounce rate is the percentage of users who click directly back to the search results after viewing a page.

For the most part, all pages with a higher average time on page tend to have a lower bounce rate. But this is not always the case.

A user might spend 2 hours reading a page from start to finish, leaving comments, and actively engaging with the page. If they click back to the search results after all that, however, it’s still counted as a bounce.

That’s why you don’t need to panic if you see a high bounce rate or low average time on page in isolation. What matters is the big picture of all these page metrics put together.

What Is a Good Average Time on Page?

A good average time on page varies by industry. But generally 50-60 seconds is considered good.

Rather than comparing yourself to competitors or random brands you see on social media, focus on what’s normal for your business.

When you have a good understanding of typical visitor behavior on your website, you can make the changes necessary to increase the average time on page.

The average time on a page is influenced by a combination of factors related to both your website and your visitors. Here’s a breakdown of the key influences:

  • Relevance: Content that directly addresses user intent and offers value keeps them engaged for longer.
  • Comprehensiveness: Lengthy, in-depth articles naturally hold user attention longer compared to short snippets.
  • Readability: Easy-to-read content with proper formatting and visuals encourages users to stay on the page.
  • Page loading speed: Slow loading times lead to frustration and prompt users to bounce off the page.
  • Navigation: Clear and intuitive navigation allows users to find the information they need quickly and keeps them engaged on the site.
  • Visual appeal: A well-designed website with engaging visuals is more aesthetically pleasing and holds user attention.

I’ll cover some of these factors in more detail later. Next, let’s go over the actual strategies to improve the average time on page.

How To Increase the Average Time on Page?

Simply driving up the number of sessions or pageviews is not always enough to increase your average time on page. The traffic needs to be high quality and visitors need to engage with your pages.

Remember how the average time on page is calculated:

Total time spent on page / (Total pageviews – Page exits or bounces)

Based on this formula, there are 3 ways to increase the average time on a page benchmark:

  1. Increase time spent on page
  2. Reduce bounce rate
  3. Reduce exit rate

Now let’s look at some specific strategies that will help you achieve these 3 and increase average page engagement time.

  1. Create Good Content
  2. Use Exit-Intent Popups
  3. Optimize Page Navigation
  4. Embed Videos
  5. Run a Comment Contest
  6. Add a Quiz
  7. Use Gated Content
  8. Add a Chatbot or Live Chat Popup
  9. Improve Page Load Time
  10. Optimize Your Site For Mobile

1. Create Good Content

Good, informative, and well-written content is engaging. It grabs the reader’s attention and keeps them interested. When users are engaged, they are more likely to spend more time reading and exploring the content.

All the tech and design-based tricks in the world can’t rescue your user engagement from bad content.

If your site content is hard to read or doesn’t deliver what you promised, no one will want to stay on your site. Fortunately, a few best practices can help.

  • Tell readers exactly what they’re going to get in the first few sentences of your content. Get to the point quickly to catch their attention. You can go into more detail later.
  • Create actionable, in-depth content, not just fluff. Make sure to include calls-to-action (CTAs) in your content as well.
  • Break down your content into digestible chunks with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points. Make it easier for users to skim and find the information they need, encouraging them to delve deeper.
  • Go beyond static text and images. Embed quizzes, polls, or surveys directly related to your content. This keeps visitors engaged in actively participating in the topic.
  • Weave first-person narratives or anecdotes into your content to illustrate your points. Stories are inherently engaging and can hold users’ attention for longer stretches.
  • Aim for a Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score in the 60s to 70s range. This ensures your content is clear and understandable for a broad audience.
  • Use relevant keywords throughout your content, but naturally. Don’t stuff keywords as this can hurt readability. Using the right keywords helps you attract the right people to your page, deliver valuable content, and increase the average time on page.

To audit your content quality from the search engine optimization (SEO) point of view, you can use All in One SEO (AIOSEO) to check your content readability right in WordPress:

average session time

2. Use Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups are another great way to keep visitors on your individual pages longer.

But wait, popups are annoying, right?

Only if they appear right when visitors get to a page before they have even had a chance to read anything.

Not really. Popups can actually improve your conversions if they appear for the right people at the right time and on the right page.

Take, for example, exit-intent popups. If you trigger them when visitors are about to leave, you get an important opportunity to improve the user experience (UX).

Exit intent popups with a relevant and enticing offer can recapture abandoning visitors and turn them into subscribers or customers.

You can use exit intent popups to offer content or product suggestions based on how quickly they leave the page.

For instance, people who try to leave immediately may not have found what they were looking for. So you can direct them to content that may be more helpful.

average engagement time

On the other hand, visitors who spend a few minutes reading a page may be eager for related content. For them, you can create a popup that they might prefer.

how to improve average time on page

You can also offer discount codes, free shipping, or other incentives at checkout to win back eCommerce buyers who are about to leave without purchasing.

ways to boost average time on page

And the easiest way to create these exit-intent popups is with OptinMonster.

average time on page Google Analytics tutorial

OptinMonster is the best popup builder for re-engaging visitors throughout your website.

Its signature Exit-IntentTM Technology uses precise targeting rules to show the right message to the right visitor at the right time.

OptinMonster also features a super intuitive drag-and-drop builder that anyone can use to create a popup campaign from scratch.

You can choose from its 100+ templates to create an exit intent popup or customize a template to match your brand style:

free average time on page tutorial

If you’re curious, you can see how Flywheel increased engagement and conversions with OptinMonster.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

3. Optimize Page Navigation

One easy way to increase time on page and decrease bounces and exits is to make your pages easy to navigate.

Adding a table of contents (TOC) near the beginning of a page can provide structure and direction for readers.

You might have noticed this blog has a table of contents towards the beginning. If you check out other blogs in OptinMonster, you’ll see almost all blogs open with a table of contents.

That’s because we, at OptinMonster, understand the value of a TOC from the UX point of view and how it can impact the search engine rankings.

Many visitors see a huge wall of text and feel overwhelmed or discouraged trying to find what they need. Adding a table of contents can help them navigate instead of leaving the page.

You can also increase your page session duration by adding internal links to other pages on your site throughout your content.

To keep these links from decreasing your average time on page, just make sure you don’t have too many unnecessary links peppered throughout the post. Only add links where it matters or where they provide more depth and context.

For external backlinks, set these to open in a new tab or window. That way the user won’t leave your page by default if they click on a link to another website.

average time on page examples

4. Embed Videos

Videos are a great way to build engagement and improve the average time on page because it takes time for people to finish watching videos.

Good videos are inherently captivating. They break up text-heavy content and cater to visual learners, keeping users engaged for longer stretches.

Videos also allow you to tell stories, showcase processes, or demonstrate concepts in a way that static text can’t. This makes your content deeper and more interesting.

Recent research done in the field of video marketing states that 82% of customers are convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video.

Ideally, you should add your own video content. But you can also embed videos made by others as long as the videos are relevant to your page.

With a plugin like Smash Balloon, it’s easy to add a YouTube feed or embed standalone videos anywhere on your WordPress site:

Here’s a short video that tells you how you can use Smash Balloon to create a beautiful YouTube feed using Smash Balloon’s YouTube feed:

5. Run a Comment Contest

Contests are fun and super engaging. With contests, you can gamify the user experience to make people spend more time on your page. Here’s how:

Let’s say you announce a comment contest where people have to leave a blog comment at the end of an article for a chance to win the contest.

But to leave a comment (and to enter the contest), readers will first need to read the post:

how to improve average time on page

It’s a clever way to improve your average time on page while incentivizing your readers to read your content.

RafflePress makes it easy to track and confirm comment entries in WordPress. You can then pick the winner with a click of a button:

spread online awareness on social media

6. Add a Quiz

Just like online contests, quizzes are another interactive element you can use to boost engagement and even generate leads.

Thanks to the Zeigarnik effect, most people will want to finish a quiz once they start.

You can create lead generation quizzes with tools like Interact or Typeform, then embed your quiz in an OptinMonster campaign.

Here’s an example. GoPro uses an online quiz on its website to understand how its customers plan to use its product. Once the quiz is over, GoPro requires people to sign up with their email addresses to see the results:

why average time on page matters

If you can create quizzes that offer personalized feedback or results based on the users’ choices, it’ll motivate them to complete the quiz. Furthermore, you can also lead them to other content pieces on your site related to their outcome.

And the best part? Well-designed quizzes have a virality quotient in them. People who take them are likely to share it with their friends on social media networks, inviting more website traffic and more users interested in taking the quiz.

This, naturally, will help you attract more people to your site and improve your average time on page.

7. Use Gated Content

Gated content is a type of content piece that you can offer to your website visitors. The use of gated content requires people to share their email addresses in exchange for the content piece.

Gated content comes in various formats like ebooks, white papers, reports, webinars, or exclusive videos.

Here’s an example of a gated content piece that we use at OptinMonster:

tips to use social media to grow email subscribers

It might seem counter-intuitive to use gated content to increase the average time on page because it restricts access to the full content.

However, there are ways gated content can achieve this if you use them strategically:

  • Highlight Value: Provide compelling previews or summaries of the gated content. This builds curiosity and entices users to invest their information for the full value.
  • Focus on Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits users will gain by accessing the gated content. This could be exclusive insights, in-depth analysis, or valuable resources.
  • Deliver on Promises: The gated content itself should deliver on the promised value proposition. High-quality, engaging content justifies the user’s information and keeps them engaged for longer durations.
  • Focus on Problem-Solving: Frame the preview to highlight a common pain point your target audience faces. Then, position the gated content as the solution with specific benefits it offers (e.g., “How To Increase Blog Traffic: 25 Proven Strategies“).
  • Complementary Content: Consider offering ungated content alongside the gated piece, such as a short blog, outline, or testimonial video. This gives users a taste of your expertise and entices them to access the full-length gated content.

Plus it’s a great way to build your email list with interested leads. Learn more with our ultimate guide to gated content marketing.

8. Add a Chatbot or Live Chat Popup

Chatbots and live chat are the perfect ways to keep visitors on your page because you are helping them make a decision that will benefit them.

You can use chatbots or live chat services to answer presale and support questions, recommend products or services, and resolve any problems quickly.

OptinMonster comes with a chatbot block built in, and you can also create a floating live chat popup with OptinMonster:

what is average time on page

Here are some ways to use a chatbot to increase the average time on a page:

  • Proactive Support and Assistance: Train the chatbot to offer proactive support or assistance to users throughout their browsing journey. For instance, it can suggest relevant content, offer help with finding specific information, or provide a friendly presence.
  • Go Beyond Simple FAQs: Instead of just answering the most frequently asked questions (FAQs), train your chatbot to have engaging conversations. It can ask follow-up questions, provide interesting facts related to the topic, or even offer lighthearted banter. This keeps users interacting with the chatbot for longer.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Based on user queries or browsing history, the chatbot can recommend relevant content, products, or other blogs on your site. This personal touch encourages users to explore further and discover new content pieces.
  • Interactive Tutorials and Guides: You can use the chatbots to deliver interactive tutorials or guides on specific topics. This can break down complex information into smaller, more manageable steps, keeping users engaged as they learn.
  • Gamification Elements: Integrate gamification elements like quizzes, polls, or challenges within the chatbot interaction. This adds a fun layer to the user experience and motivates them to spend more time engaging with the chatbot.

9. Improve Page Load Time

If you want to boost engagement, figuring out your page load times is a crucial first step. Freelancers and business owners, and everyone in between, should know just how big of an impact speed can have on the average user experience and their overall marketing strategy.

Poor loading times can affect how people find and interact with your website. When a site takes too long to load, there’s a very good chance visitors will leave without taking action.

Alternatively, fast-loading pages means more opportunities to connect with your audience and boost conversions.

So it makes sense that decreasing load time will reduce your bounce rate and increase your average time on page.

Most leading eCommerce websites have some of the best and fastest page loading times. Take, for example, Gymshark:

average time on page vs bounce rate

Want to check your site’s loading speed? Here are some free websites you can use to test your website’s page loading time:

If you’re using WordPress, check out this ultimate guide to improving load time.

10. Optimize Your Site For Mobile

Statistics show that 60% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. That means a significant majority of visitors will likely bounce off your site if it’s not optimized for these devices.

That’s why it’s important to make sure that your site is mobile-friendly.

Optimizing for mobile means your website is easy to navigate, read, and interact with on smaller screens. This creates a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience for users who will want to stay on your site longer.

A positive user experience on mobile usually leads to better engagement metrics, such as lower bounce rates and longer average session duration.

Search engines like Google consider these metrics when ranking websites, which gives your site an SEO edge.

We’ve got a complete guide to mobile SEO that you can use to get started.

If you want to check your website’s mobile-friendliness, here are 2 free websites that you can use:

  • Google Lighthouse: This is an open-source tool from Google itself. Simply download its Chrome extension and analyze any website you want to test to generate audit reports.
  • Mobile Friendly Tester by BrowserStack: This tool allows you to see how your website looks on different mobile devices and browsers. It also offers a free plan with limited testing options.
  • Small SEO Tools: This free online tool lets you check your website’s mobile responsiveness for free. It provides a basic report on mobile-friendliness and highlights potential issues.
  • Responsive Design Checker: This tool allows you to resize your browser window to see how your website adapts to different screen sizes. It’ll give you a general idea of its mobile-friendliness.

Here’s a look at how well OptinMonster’s website fares when I entered its URL address into the Small SEO Tools’ mobile-friendly test:

average time on page vs average session duration

Ready To Apply These Tips To Your Site?

Those were some of the best and easiest strategies that you can use to boost your website’s average time on page.

By implementing these ideas and continually refining your approach, you can create a website that not only captures user attention but also offers a delightful user experience.

And if you liked this article, you might also be interested in the following resources:

Ready to keep users on your site longer? Get started with OptinMonster today!

The post What Is Average Time on Page, Why You Need It, and How To Improve It appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
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What Is Gated Content and How to Create It (Examples & Best Practices) https://optinmonster.com/gated-content-marketing-strategy/ https://optinmonster.com/gated-content-marketing-strategy/#respond Sun, 23 Jun 2024 16:00:12 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=115133 Did you know that gated content could be the ultimate key to getting more email subscribers and customers on your website? When you require sign-up or sign-in to see some of your best content, you create a fantastic incentive for your website visitors. A gated content marketing strategy helps you boost your lead generation efforts …

The post What Is Gated Content and How to Create It (Examples & Best Practices) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Did you know that gated content could be the ultimate key to getting more email subscribers and customers on your website?

When you require sign-up or sign-in to see some of your best content, you create a fantastic incentive for your website visitors. A gated content marketing strategy helps you boost your lead generation efforts and grow your email list.

In fact, our client Photowebo increased their conversions 3806% by using gated content!

Do you want to learn how to get results like this?

In this detailed guide, I’ll walk you through the ins and outs of content gating, so you can effectively engage your audience and generate high-quality leads.

Quick links:

  1. What Is Gated Content?
  2. Gated vs. Ungated Content
  3. When Should You Gate Content?
  4. Gated Content Examples
  5. Gated Content Best Practices
  6. How To Create Gated Content
  7. Which Content Gating Tool Should You Use?

What Is Gated Content?

Gated content is online material, such as articles, videos, infographics, or downloadable resources, that you can only access after taking a specific action.

Usually, this action involves the user sharing information, like their email address or name. It’s basically an exchange: users provide some details and get access to premium content in return.

As we’ll discuss later, gating content has pros and cons. But when done right, it can

  • make your content more appealing
  • help you to engage with your target audience
  • result in better leads

OptinMonster is the most robust lead-generation software on the market, and our content-locking feature lets you implement a gated content strategy in minutes. Our clients have seen excellent results from content gating, including one website that got 11,000 new subscribers monthly with a simple content upgrade.

Case Study See how one digital agency used gated content to boost conversion rates by 62% and 2x their email list.

For more details, keep reading!

Gated vs. Ungated Content

Now that you know the basic meaning of gated content, let’s talk about the difference between gated and ungated content. Picture two paths in a garden:

  1. Gated Content: This path is like a VIP entrance. When you go down the gated path, you agree to provide some personal information, like your email or zip code. In return, you can access more in-depth, valuable, or exclusive content. Think of it as a way for websites to get to know you better and offer you something special in return.
  2. Ungated Content: Conversely, the ungated path is like a stroll in the park. You can enjoy the content without sharing any personal information. It’s a lot like watching a movie trailer. You get a taste of what’s inside but don’t have to give anything in return.

In essence, gated content is a secret club where you exchange a small piece of information to access premium content. In contrast, ungated content is freely available for anyone to enjoy without any strings attached.

When Should You Gate Content?

Let’s explore when you should consider gating your content.

1) When It’s Extra Special

Like you save your favorite treats for special occasions, consider gating your most exceptional, high-content. Do you have a post or guide packed with insights, solutions, or secrets? One that has information your audience can’t easily find elsewhere? It might be a good candidate for gating.

2) For In-Depth Guides and Resources

Long-form pieces are also excellent candidates for gated content. Gating content like comprehensive guides, ebooks, or webinars that dive deep into a topic can be a great idea. People are more willing to share their info for valuable, in-depth resources. Often, these are offered as downloadable lead magnets.

3) For Exclusive Events and Experiences

You can also think of content gating as a lot like handing out VIP passes to an exclusive party. Locking content can create excitement and exclusivity if you’re offering something unique, like a live webinar with an industry expert or early access to a product launch.

4) For Valuable Tools and Templates

Imagine you’re giving someone a toolbox filled with handy gadgets. One smart gated content strategy is to offer practical tools, templates, or checklists. These should be resources that your target audience can use to solve real problems. People are often willing to trade information for tools that make their lives easier.

5) When Building Your Email List Matters

Any great email marketing strategy starts with a strong list of highly-interested leads. Just like you’d collect keys to open different doors, gating content can help you build a list of interested people. If growing your email list or capturing leads is a priority, gating certain content pieces can be an effective way to achieve that.

6) For Advanced Learning

Imagine you’re sharing advanced secrets with those who are ready to learn. You can deliver true value to your users by gating content that caters to a more experienced or specialized audience. The leads you gain with this strategy are likely to become some of your most engaged users and customers.

7) When You’re Testing Waters

Think of gating content as trying a new recipe. You want to see if people like what you’re making before making a big batch. If you’re experimenting with new ideas, products, or offerings, gating the content can help gauge interest and gather feedback.

8) Balancing Gated and Free Content

Imagine you have a buffet with some special dishes behind the counter. If customers have to ask for every dish that they’re interested in, they’ll likely just go somewhere else.

That’s why it’s essential to strike a balance between gated and free content. Gating everything might turn people away, but offering a mix of both can help you provide value to different types of audiences.

You must make sure that you have a wide variety of high-quality content that website visitors can read for free. Once they trust your expertise, they’ll be more likely to sign up when they come across locked content.

Ultimately, the decision to gate content boils down to the value you’re providing, as well as your goals. Just like protecting precious items, gating content adds a layer of exclusivity, making your audience feel like they’re part of something special.

Understanding when and why to use gated content can create a strategy that enhances engagement, builds relationships, and opens doors to exciting opportunities.

Gated Content Examples

Here are some real-life examples of gated content that companies and organizations have used to engage their audiences and generate leads:

1) HubSpot’s Marketing Resources

HubSpot's Marketing Resources - Gated Content

HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing platform, offers a variety of gated content resources such as ebooks, templates, and guides. Users can access these valuable materials by providing their contact information, which helps HubSpot build their email list and nurture leads.

2) Neil Patel’s Advanced Marketing Guides

Neil Patel's Advanced Marketing Guides - Gated Content

A prominent digital marketing expert, Neil Patel, provides in-depth guides and courses on topics like SEO, content marketing, and social media. Access to these advanced guides often requires users to opt in with their email addresses and other information.

Due to the advanced nature of his content, Patel asks for a lot more information than you’d usually want to require. Neil Patel also has established authority in his field, which makes it more likely for users to be willing to fill out so many fields. With the information he gains from this form, he’ll have the data he needs to segment his leads and personalize his marketing strategy.

However, for most websites, your initial optin forms should just ask for an email address and first name.

3) Moz’s Whitepapers and Webinars

Moz's Whitepapers and Webinars - Gated Content

Moz, a well-known SEO software company, offers whitepapers and webinars on topics related to search engine optimization. Users can access these resources by filling out a form, allowing Moz to capture leads and provide valuable insights to their audience.

4) Salesforce’s Reports and Surveys

Salesforce's Reports and Surveys - Gated Content

Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, publishes industry reports and surveys that provide valuable insights into trends and best practices. These reports are often gated, requiring users to provide their information before accessing the data.

5) DigitalMarketer’s Training Videos

DigitalMarketer's Training Videos - Gated Content

DigitalMarketer, a platform focused on digital marketing education, offers training videos on various marketing strategies. Users may need to sign up and provide their email addresses to watch these videos.

6) The New York Times (News Publishing)

The New York Times (News Publishing) - Gated Content

The New York Times offers non-subscribers a limited number of free articles each month while gating the rest of their premium content behind a paywall for subscribers.

7) Medium (Content Publishing Platform)

Medium (Content Publishing Platform) - Gated Content

Medium offers a membership program where subscribers can access premium articles, curated content, and exclusive features created by a community of writers. As a major publication, they’re able to offer account creation through Google, Facebook, or manually with an email address.

The examples above illustrate how companies leverage gated content to offer valuable resources, insights, and education in exchange for user information.

Gated Content Best Practices

Now that we’ve thoroughly examined content gating, let’s look at some best practices.

1) Know Your Audience Inside Out

Before you create gated content, gaining a deep understanding of your target audience is crucial. It would be best if you answered the following questions:

  • Who are they?
  • What challenges do they face?
  • What information are they hungry for?

Tailor your gated content to address their needs, pain points, and aspirations, ensuring it offers real value and resonates with their interest along the buyer’s journey.

2) Choose the Right Format

Gated content comes in various shapes and sizes. From ebooks and webinars to templates and case studies. Select the format that aligns best with your audience’s preferences and the nature of the information you’re sharing.

A well-chosen format enhances engagement and encourages users to provide their information willingly.

Bonus content: What is a Lead Magnet? Proven Lead Magnet Ideas and Examples

3) Craft Irresistible Headlines and CTA

A compelling headline and call to action button are your golden ticket to capturing interest in the digital age of short attention spans. Craft headlines that promise a clear benefit or solution, sparking curiosity as we move along the customer’s journey.

A well-crafted headline is the first step toward convincing users that your gated content is worth their time and information.

Bonus content: 130+ Proven Opt-in Headline Ideas to Get More Email Subscribers (Cheat Sheet)

4) Deliver Value Beyond Expectations

Gated content should surpass your audience’s expectations. Offer insights, knowledge, or solutions they can’t easily find elsewhere. Strive to provide actionable takeaways that empower your audience to apply what they’ve learned in their own endeavors.

5) Design User-Friendly Landing Pages

A seamless user experience is essential. Design landing pages that are clean and intuitive, guiding users through accessing your gated content. Keep forms concise, asking for only the necessary information, and assure users of the value they’ll receive in return.

Bonus content: Expert Tips for Writing Landing Page Copy That Converts  & Anatomy of the Perfect Optin Landing Page (Tips & Best Practices)

6) Promote Strategically

Gated content is a treasure waiting to be discovered. Promote it across your marketing channels – from social media and email campaigns to your website and partnerships. Leverage teasers, snippets, and compelling visuals to create anticipation and drive interest.

7) Leverage Social Proof

Incorporate social proof, such as testimonials and user reviews, to boost credibility and increase conversions. When seeing others benefit from your gated content, people are more likely to provide information.

8) Decide How Visitors Will Access the Content

Knowing how you’ll give new subscribers access to the content you’ve gated is important. Some of the options include:

  • Unlock on-page content immediately. This is easy to do with the instructions we’re about to share for content-locking campaigns.
  • Sending the content by email, which I always recommend for downloadable content.
  • Providing an immediate download link.
  • Opening the content in a new window or redirecting subscribers to a page where they can access the content.

You can use any of these options in any OptinMonster campaign by customizing the success view.

The next section will show you how to gate content with OptinMonster.

How To Create Gated Content

Now, I’ll show you how to gate content by creating an inline form campaign for a particular page with OptinMonster. This type of campaign locks access to a particular blog post or page. Users must then sign up for your email list to access your content.

This tutorial assumes that you’ve already installed OptinMonster on your WordPress site or any other type of site. You’ll also need to integrate your email marketing software.

Step 1: Create Your Content Gating Campaign

First, click Create New Campaign from your OptinMonster dashboard.

Create new OptinMonster campaign button

You’ll asked whether you want to use one of OptinMonster’s Playbooks or Templates, or if you want to design your own campaign from scratch using our Canvas designer.

For our purposes, we suggest choosing Template:

Choosing the "Template" option under "Start Creating Your Campaign"

Next, you’ll need to choose a campaign type.

OptinMonster offers different campaign types, including:

  • Lightbox Popup
  • Floating bar
  • Fullscreen
  • Slide-in
  • Inline

We’ll need to select an Inline Campaign to create a content lock campaign and choose a template.

OptinMonster offers 65+ templates, and all work beautifully across all devices.

In the search bar, type in “gated content” to easily find the Unlock Gated Content template.

Selecting the "Unlock Gated Content" template in OptinMonster

Once you click Use Template, you’ll be prompted to name your campaign and choose the website you want to display it on.

Step 2: Activate the Content Lock

First, we’ll activate the content lock feature.

Choose the Display Rules tab at the top of your campaign design screen.

The Display Rules tab is at the top of the screen when designing your gated content campaign

Next, select the Actions tab at the bottom of the screen and click the Enable Content Locking toggle so it turns blue. In the dropdown menu, you’ll be able to choose whether you want to blur your locked content or remove it completely.

Enabling content locking in OptinMonster

Now, we’re ready to customize our content lock campaign.

Step 3: Design Your Content Lock Campaign

Changing anything about your content lock campaign form is easy in the OptinMonster drag-and-drop builder and editor. Go back to the Design tab to return to the editor.

All you need to do is click on any part of the campaign to change it.

To edit the text, click on it or highlight the text. This will bring up the editing tools, and you’ll be able to change the text, as well as the font, color, and alignment.

Editing a content locking campaign in OptinMonster

You can also change the images and button colors, or add or remove blocks.

Be sure to use the tabs at the bottom of the page to also edit the Success View. That’s the message users will see after signing up for your email list, informing them that the post will now be unlocked.

Step 4. Choose Your Display Rules and Publish Your Campaign

Next, go to Display Rules. Here, you’ll be able to precisely control who sees your gated content campaign and when.

Here we’ve set the optin to display when the content URL path exactly matches the URL of the page where we want the campaign to display. This allows you to choose which blog post you want to turn into gated content


More display rule options include:

  • How long a user has been on a page
  • How many pages the user has viewed on your website
  • The geographic location of the user
  • and much more

For more on OptinMonster’s Display Rules, check out our documentation:
How to Use Display Rules to Customize When a Campaign Will Appear

When you have everything set the way you want it save your campaign and choose the Publish tab at the top of the page. Change the Publish Status to Publish and follow any instructions based on your website platform.

Which Content Gating Tool Should You Use?

OptinMonster is the best content gating tool. It’s built-in content locking feature is proven to get results. Remember those stats I mentioned earlier?

You can deliver your gated content immediately with OptinMonster’s success themes.

OptinMonster also integrates with all the major email marketing platforms and content management systems, so you can use it for gating content on any site.

Want to learn more about gated content before you get started? Here are a few helpful resources:

Once you’re ready to start skyrocketing your leads with gated content, sign up for OptinMonster! Choose the Plus plan or higher to access our Content Locking features.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!
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How to Collect Phone Numbers With Popups (Step-by-Step Guide) https://optinmonster.com/how-to-collect-phone-numbers-using-popup/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-collect-phone-numbers-using-popup/#comments Tue, 18 Jun 2024 13:34:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=146793 Do you want to learn how to collect phone numbers with popups on your website? With a well-designed popup, you can offer an incentive for website visitors to sign up for promotional texts from you. Then, you’ll have a strong SMS list to promote your sales, new products, and other offers. By the end of …

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Do you want to learn how to collect phone numbers with popups on your website?

With a well-designed popup, you can offer an incentive for website visitors to sign up for promotional texts from you. Then, you’ll have a strong SMS list to promote your sales, new products, and other offers.

By the end of this article, you’ll learn exactly how to use popups to get mobile phone numbers for your SMS marketing campaigns.

Why Should You Collect Phone Numbers on Your Website?

The #1 reason you should collect phone numbers on your website is to engage in SMS marketing. SMS marketing is a strategy that allows businesses to send messages to customers via text. Businesses can send text messages to prospects and customers to increase brand awareness, boost engagement, and generate sales.

If you’re new to SMS marketing or want to improve your strategy, check out our guide below!

If you want a successful SMS marketing strategy, you need to build an SMS list full of engaged leads.

OptinMonster is the best lead generation tool for your website. Whether you want to collect phone numbers or build an email list, OptinMonster makes it easy to do so.

You can use our popups, floating bars, and other onsite campaigns to offer enticing incentives in exchange for visitors’ phone numbers or email addresses.

Add Phone Number Popup

OptinMonster includes tons of different targeting options, so you can personalize your offer based on the user’s intent, the source traffic, geographical location, and so on.

Using OptinMonster, Biddyco tripled their conversions in just 30 days!

And it’s just so easy to use. You can create stunning popups in minutes, without any coding or design experience.

Don’t have an OptinMonster account yet? Get your OptinMonster account here. It’s risk-free with our 14-day money-back guarantee.

Now, we’ll build a popup in OptinMonster that collects phone numbers on your website.

How to Collect Phone Numbers With Popups

Before I dive into my step-by-step instructions, here’s a video overview of the process:

Today, we’re going to create this campaign to show you how to collect phone numbers with a popup:

We’ll build our popup based on these popup best practices:

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Create a Campaign to Collect Phone Numbers

After you’ve signed up for OptinMonster, log into your OptinMonster dashboard and choose Create New Campaign.

Click Create New Campaign

With OptinMonster’s 700+ pre-built templates, there’s no need to design a popup from scratch. So in the Create New Campaign box, I’m going to click Templates.

Select Template

I’ll make sure the templates are filtered by the Popup campaign type, which should be the default. You’ll see a search box where you can search for particular types of templates.

Under Select a Campaign Type, "Popup" is selected. Below on the left side of the page, there's a "Search Templates" search box.

There are lots of ways to filter and search through our templates based on type, season/holiday, goal, and more. I know the exact template I want to use for my phone number popup, so I’ll search for Tech Discount and then click Use Template on the search result of the same name.

The search box to the left has "tech discount" typed into it. The first result is the "Tech Discount" template.

After selecting the template, I’ll give my new campaign a name and click Start Building

A text field says" What do you want to call your popup campaign?" A "Start building" button is below.

Step 2: Design a Popup to Collect Phone Numbers

Now, you’ll be in the campaign builder, where you can customize your popup. The Tech Discount template has space for an image, an attention-grabbing headline, and our offer. As you’ll see in a moment, we’ll be able to add a phone number field in seconds.

The Tech Discount template in the OptinMonster campaign builder. It includes a photo of a laptop on the left. The heading says "Looking for a tech bargain?" Paragraph text says "We'll send you a sweet 50% discount coupon you can use on any order." Button says "Shop & Save Now!"

In our drag-and-drop builder, you have absolute freedom to customize the design. These options give you the power to create popups that reflect your brand and speak to your customers.

That said, we won’t go into too much detail about customizing every aspect of your campaign. There are too many options to cover in just one post.

If you’re just getting started with OptinMonster, check out this guide on how to create and design your first OptinMonster campaign.

For today’s tutorial, you only need to know the basic principles of customizing your template.

By default, many of our templates are 2-step optins that start with a Yes/No view. There are many benefits to 2-step optins. However, I want the popup I’m creating today to immediately show the text fields for entering an email address and phone number.

To do that, click the arrow by the Yes/No tab at the bottom of the page and click Disable Yes/No View.

A Yes/No tab is expanded to show a popup that says "Disable Yes/No View?"

Then click the Optin tab at the bottom to start editing.

OptinMonster campaigns are built with design elements called blocks. To change an element, all you need to do is click on the block in your editor. Then, you’ll see the editing tools appear on the left side of the editor.

If you want to change the image, click on the image in the campaign, and you’ll see the image settings in the editing panel on the left:

The laptop photo in the popup is selected, and you see the same photo under "Image" in the left settings panel.

Click on the image in the left panel to upload any image you’d like to replace it. You can also search our Unsplash integration to find stock images to use.

An "Image Selection" popup has 2 tabs: "Your Images" and "Unsplash." Unsplash is selected, and there is a search bar and selection of images below.

Once you’ve selected the image you want, it will now show up in your campaign.

Editing text is even easier. When you click into a text box, you can change the text within the box itself. Highlight some text, and a formatting toolbar will also display.

There is now a photo of food being prepared in cookware on the left of the popup campaign. Some of the heading text is highlighted, and there is a toolbar displayed with text formatting options.

After changing the image and text, I’m going to add a phone number field.

Click on the email field in the campaign to open the field settings in the left panel.

Scroll down and click Add New Field.

In the Add New Field window, select Phone to add a phone number field to your popup campaign.

Now, I’ll change the text in the button. With the email and phone number field box still selected, scroll down in the left panel until you see Submit Button. Click the pencil icon to expand your options. Change the text in the Button Text field.

Note: I’m leaving the button color as-is, but you can change it under the Advanced tab.

Let’s change the background color of our popup so it looks better with the photo we’ve chosen. Click the background of your popup campaign, and you’ll see View Styling settings in the left panel.

Change the style from Gradient to Solid. Then, click the color square beside Background Color to change the color.

Now, the Optin view of your popup is ready to go! We’ll just need to take a moment to edit the Success View. That’s what your visitors will see after they submit their email address and phone number.

Click the Success tab at the bottom of the screen to view the Success View.

Then, just follow the same steps as before to edit the image and text.

Step 3: Set Your Display Rules

Next, you’ll need to decide where and when you want to display your campaign.

OptinMonster offers several ways to display your campaigns. Our targeting rules are designed to show the right offer to the right person at the right time.

Our targeting rules let you display campaigns based on:

We’re going to keep it simple for our phone number popup and focus on Exit-Intent®. Our popup will show up anytime a visitor starts to exit our website.

Click the Display Rules tab at the top of the screen.

Change the Display Rules for your phone number popup.

By default, you’ll see 2 display rules:

  1. Time on page is at least 5 seconds
  2. Current URL path is any page
Default display rules in OptinMonster.

We’ll leave #2 as is, but we’re going to edit the first rule.

Click the dropdown arrow beside time on page. Then select Exit Intent®.

When you click on the arrow beside "time on page," you'll see options including "Exit Intent" for your phone number popup.

You’ll be able to select the level of sensitivity for the exit intention, and I’m going to leave mine at Medium.

With your campaign designed and your display rules now set, click Save.

Exit-Intent Sensitivity options are Low, Medium, and High. The Save button is in the upper right corner.

Step 4: Integrating With an SMS Marketing Tool

Before you publish your campaign, you’ll need to integrate OptinMonster with the platform you use for email and SMS marketing.

Select the Integrations tab at the top of the screen and then click Add a New Integration.

Click Add a New Integration button in OptinMonster

Then, search for your software, select it, and follow the integration instructions.

woocommerce checkout page popup

You’ll need the API key from your email and SMS platform in order to complete your integration.

Save your campaign.

Step 5. Publish Your Phone Number Popup Campaign

All that you need to do now is Publish your campaign.

Click the Publish tab at the top of the page. Under Publish Status, select Publish.

The "Publish" tab at the top of the page is selected. Under "Publish Status," there are 3 options: Draft, Publish, and Schedule.

That’s it! You’re on your way to collecting phone numbers using a popup on your website.

For more practical strategies to build your subscriber list, we recommend checking out the following articles:

Ready to create popups to get more subscribers for your SMS and email marketing? Get your OptinMonster account today.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!
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How To Create An Email Newsletter in 7 Easy Steps https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-an-email-newsletter/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-an-email-newsletter/#comments Tue, 18 Jun 2024 12:23:19 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=133379 Do you know how to create an email newsletter that will keep your subscribers engaged and turn them into loyal customers? Email newsletters are a vital part of your business’s growth. They give you direct access to your target audience and allow you to keep in touch with all of your leads. At OptinMonster, we …

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Do you know how to create an email newsletter that will keep your subscribers engaged and turn them into loyal customers?

Email newsletters are a vital part of your business’s growth. They give you direct access to your target audience and allow you to keep in touch with all of your leads.

At OptinMonster, we have poured a lot of hard work into building an email list of over 235,000 people who subscribe to our email newsletter:

how to create an email newsletter

Thanks to the newsletter, we have been able to build strong customer relationships, cut down our marketing costs, and drive measurable results.

If you are considering starting an email newsletter, you don’t really have to spend hours every week setting them up. Most email service providers (ESP) allow you to automate these campaigns.

That means you can grow your contact list and send personalized emails that generate more revenue while you’re sleeping.

That’s why, in today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create an email newsletter in just 7 easy steps.

Here’s everything I’ll cover in this blog:

Before we get into the weeds of how to start a newsletter, let’s first discuss why you need one.

Why Do You Need an Email Newsletter?

An email newsletter is a type of email that shares content such as product news, announcements, blog posts, tips, and other resources that are valuable for the subscribers.

The newsletter subscribers are usually existing customers or leads who have opted in for the email. They have expressed interest in receiving marketing communications from a company or individual.

But more than anything else, you need to know why email newsletters are so important for growing your business.

Email newsletters have many advantages. They allow you to:

  • Build long-term relationships: Newsletters help you stay connected with your core audience and build stronger relationships. You can share valuable content, industry insights, and exclusive offers to keep your subscribers engaged.
  • Run cost-effective campaigns: Compared to other marketing channels like paid ads, email newsletters are extremely cost-effective. For example, you can use the same newsletter template to send thousands of emails.
  • Communicate directly with your audience: Newsletters go straight to your subscribers’ inboxes, putting your message right in front of an audience group that is interested in buying from you.
  • Sharpen your targeted reach: You can segment your email list and send targeted and personalized content to different groups of subscribers based on their interests or demographics. This increases the relevance of your message and improves engagement.
  • Increase brand awareness: Every time a subscriber shares the content of your newsletter in their network, it triggers word-of-mouth marketing for your brand. This helps you boost your brand awareness and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Drive website traffic: Newsletters are a great way to drive traffic to your website. You can include links to your latest blog posts, product pages, or landing pages in your newsletter.
  • Boost sales: Newsletters can be used to promote your products or services, offer discounts, and drive sales, especially during the holiday sales season such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  • Drive measurable results: With email marketing tools, you can track the open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics of your newsletter campaigns. This data helps you understand what’s working and what’s not, so you can improve your future newsletters.

At the end of the day, email newsletters will help you get what you’re really after: higher conversions.

Woodside Community, a South Carolina-based private living community, used OptinMonster to grow its newsletter subscription. Within 2 months of starting the campaign, they generated over $294,435 in revenue!

Read more about it in our case study: How Woodside Communities Made $294,435 in 2 months with OptinMonster.

That’s the power of a well-crafted email newsletter strategy. Woodside did it all with this basic popup campaign:

how to make an email newsletter

Now that you understand what a newsletter is and why it’s so important, let’s learn how to make an email newsletter.

How to Create an Email Newsletter

In this section, I’ll take you through the step-by-step tutorial on how to create an email newsletter.

You can jump to whichever section interests you most:

We’ll start by selecting the right ESP. That way, you can get started on the right foot and build an automated process that lasts you for years to come.

Step 1: Choose the Right Email Service Provider

The first thing you need to do is determine which ESP you’ll work with.

Look for a tool that allows you to scale so you don’t need to change platforms as your requirements grow.

Here are some must-have features that you should prioritize when you are shortlisting an ESP:

  • List Management: Make sure the ESP lets you easily manage your contact list, segment lists, rearrange groups, and send and track customized messages. Good list management is the foundation for successful email automation. It helps you reach the right audience, with the right content, and at the right time.
  • Easy-to-Use Editor: Choose an ESP that’s user-friendly and readily integrates with your lead generation tools. You don’t want to spend hours wrestling with complex software that requires you to manually connect with other tools in your tech stack.
  • Email Automation: A good ESP will allow you to set up automated email sequences to welcome new subscribers, recover abandoned carts, or other marketing campaigns.
  • In-Depth Reporting: Choose a tool that lets you use a data-driven approach to email marketing. Having access to your campaign performance can help you refine your campaign strategy for better impact.
  • Compliance: Most commercial email marketing software will already be compliant with email laws like CAN-SPAM and GDPR. But it’s best to check the laws specific to your country.

If you already are using an ESP that checks all the boxes, that’s great!

You can click here to skip directly to Step #2.

At OptinMonster, we have used a wide variety of ESPs along different stages of our company’s growth. If you want advice on the best ESPs, here are some of our favorites that you can consider:

1. Constant Contact

tips to create email newsletter

Constant Contact offers an easy-to-use, lightweight interface and is great for both big and small businesses. As one of the largest email marketing services in the world, Constant Contact offers great deliverability rates and highly-rated support with every plan.

You can use their drag-and-drop editor and ready-to-use email newsletter templates to create and send professional emails.

These newsletter template emails are designed to work with a wide range of email clients and apps such as OutlookGmail, or Apple Mail. You can even send automated emails to new subscribers.

Plus, the emails are responsive, so they look great on mobile devices and desktops.

Constant Contact is one of our favorites because it’s the most beginner-friendly and the easiest to use, but it doesn’t skimp on the features.

With Constant Contact, you get an email marketing platform that’s easy to use and includes powerful marketing tools like a free image library, Facebook ads integration, eCommerce integration for Shopify stores, built-in social media sharing tools, and list segmentation.

Get started with Constant Contact today!

2. HubSpot

how to create email newsletter

HubSpot Email Marketing offers some of the most powerful analytics along with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for non-tech users.

Start by creating beautiful, on-brand emails with the drag-and-drop editor. You can customize your emails by adding call-to-action (CTA) buttons, colors, images, social icons, and text while ensuring they are responsive on all devices.

You can also segment your email lists to target specific viewers, like returning customers or new customers. Or, you can schedule emails to optimize your open and click-through rate.

With OptinMonster, you get access to detailed analytics on how your campaigns perform and the option to carry out A/B testing to optimize your newsletters further.

Get started with HubSpot today!

3. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

how to create an email newsletter

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is a powerful email marketing tool with minimal startup costs that gives free users an unlimited number of contacts.

It comes with great features like automation workflows, autoresponder campaigns, segmentation tools, and A/B testing.

Brevo also includes in-depth reporting and real-time stats, so you know how your campaigns are doing.

You can create email newsletters that are stunning and optimized to look great on every device.

Get started with Brevo today!

4. Drip

how to start an email newsletter

Drip is another excellent email service provider that you can choose from.

You can keep your contact list stored with Drip and create email campaigns. When new users sign up, you can tag, segment, or add the new user groups to an automated email series.

Over time, you can refine your email marketing strategy and put everything on autopilot. As new leads come in, they’ll get new emails that nurture the relationship until they become customers.

DripGet started with Drip today!

Alternatives: MailchimpMailerLiteConvertKit

Once you have selected your email service provider, you are ready to create your first newsletter. To do that, let’s set up your email list.

For this tutorial, we’ll be using Constant Contact.

Step 2: Choose the Right Email Newsletter Template

All of the ESPs that I have recommended earlier come with plenty of email newsletter templates for you to build your email campaigns. You should choose a template based on your audience’s preferences, your brand style, and your newsletter’s theme.

Consider the following tips when you are choosing an email newsletter template:

Consider Your Audience and Goals

Be clear about what your audience prefers. For instance, a template for a tech company might not resonate with a yoga studio’s audience. No matter which template you choose, tailor its design to align it with your audience’s interests.

Also, think about what you expect out of your audience. What is it that you want them to do? Will you be offering tips to grow your customers’ businesses, sharing industry news, or offering occasional discounts?

The template should guide them toward that action.

Focus on Functionality and Design

Research shows that over 60% of email opens are from mobile devices.

That means your email newsletter templates should be mobile-friendly and compatible with Android, iOS, and other mobile operating systems.

Also, make sure that the template is eye-catching and scannable. Most people skim through emails. Use clear sections, fonts, headings, and bullet points to break up text.

Think About Content and CTAs

Any template you choose should allow you to add or delete text, images, videos, and CTA buttons as per your requirements.

Yes, you should prioritize keeping your newsletter design as simple as possible. But the email newsletter templates you choose should also be flexible to adapt to your changing needs.

Finally, test and iterate. You can send test emails to yourself or your colleagues to see how the template renders on different devices. And then you can make tweaks based on what works best.

Step 3: Create an Email List

In this step, I’ll show you how you can send your first email newsletter using Constant Contact. If you don’t already have an account, you’ll need to sign up.

An email list is just what it sounds like: a directory of all the subscribers who sign up to receive your email newsletter.

When people enter their email addresses into an email subscription form, their names are added to your email list. So let’s make sure those names have somewhere to go!

First, log into Constant Contact.

Click on Contacts in the top menu and make sure you’re on the Lists tab. Click the Create List button on the far right:

how to start email newsletter

Next, enter a name for your list in the popup that appears.

Subscribers won’t see this name, but make sure it’s something you can easily recognize, such as, ‘Holiday Promotions List’ or ‘Lead Magnet Subscribers.’

Click Save once you are done.

create newsletter

You’ll need to add at least one contact to start using this email list. You can add your own email address to test that your newsletters are sending properly.

To add email addresses, click on the Add Contacts button on the top-right of the screen:

how to create a newsletter

Choose how you want to add your contacts. I’ll go with the Create a new contact option:

how to create an email newsletter

Enter your email address and click Continue:

email newsletter tips

On the next screen, add any other contact details you need. I recommend putting at least a first and last name. Make sure to double-check the email list you just created:

beginner's guide to email newsletter

And that’s it! You just created your 1st email list in Constant Contact.

Next, let’s go over how to craft the perfect email content to pull your subscribers in and get them to convert.

Step 4: Be Aware of the Legal Compliances

If you breach data privacy laws in regions where your business operates, it might lead to hefty fines, damaged reputation, and even lawsuits.

Eyewear retailer Luxottica owns global brands like Oakley and Sunglass Hut. In April 2024, the company had to pay a $1,512,500 fine for sending more than 200,000 marketing messages in violation of Australian spam laws.

There are a few key legal compliances to consider before hitting send on your email newsletter. These will primarily focus on subscriber consent, transparency, and giving users control over their information.

Here’s a quick breakdown of such compliances:

  1. Ask for consent: Make sure you have explicit optin consent from recipients to receive your emails. Avoid pre-checked boxes or bundling signups with other services.
  2. Maintain full transparency: Accurately identify your business. This is to ensure that the sender’s information is explicitly clear. Also, clearly label the email newsletter as a marketing communication for full disclosure. Finally, Include your valid physical postal address in the email content to comply with industry rules.
  3. Offer easy unsubscribe Options: Make it easy for people to unsubscribe or change their email preferences. Yes, it’s not easy to see your subscribers go. But it’s better to make that process easy than to have annoyed subscribers reporting you for spam.

These are general guidelines, but specific regulations may vary depending on your location. Here are some prominent ones to consider:

  • CAN-SPAM (US): The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act sets compliance standards for commercial emails in the United States.
  • CASL (Canada): Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation outlines similar rules for email marketing with a focus on transparency and opt-out options.
  • GDPR (EU): The General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union sets stricter data protection standards, including obtaining explicit consent for data use.

If you want more information on how to make your newsletter legally compliant, I strongly recommend you consult with a legal professional. They are familiar with email marketing regulations in your region.

Step 5: Write Your Email Newsletter Content

Content is the most important part of an email newsletter. Even if you have a beautiful email newsletter template, your subscribers will unsubscribe if you send them boring, irrelevant, or overly promotional content.

Here are some pointers on how to craft the perfect content for your email newsletter:

  • Identify the main purpose of your newsletter as well as your overall email marketing strategy. Are you trying to get new clients? Share affiliate links? Sell new products? What you write will depend on what your purpose is.
  • Get to the point clearly and quickly. From the email subject line to the headers in the email content, every sentence should have a purpose. Each of them should deliver value to your audience, tell them what to expect, or call them to take action.
  • Help the readers meet their goals. Readers don’t subscribe because they want to help you meet your goals. They want your help meeting their goals. In an ideal world, you can meet your own goals by helping them meet theirs. Create informational content that helps people solve their problems while encouraging them to take the action you want.
  • Pick 1 main CTA. What do you want readers to do after they read your newsletter? Maybe you want them to click a link to a sales page or your social media accounts. Or maybe you want them to write a response back to you. Don’t be shy about asking them to take this step!

Here are some of the best email newsletter examples you can look at for inspiration. Once you have your newsletter content written, you can send your newsletter.

Step 6: Send Your First Email Newsletter

To send your newsletter, you’ll once again need to go back to Constant Contact since that’s where you have stored your campaign details and email addresses.

Log into Constant Contact. Then click on the Marketing tab and select Create an email from the dropdown:

create email newsletter from scratch

With this, you’ll now have the option to choose from several ready-to-use newsletter template emails:

email newsletter tips

You can search for the right kind of templates and hover over the one you like and click Select:

how to create a newsletter from start

Once you’re in the email builder, editing your newsletter is simple.

You can change the text directly in the campaign. Or you can add new features to your email using the Block elements on the left-hand side menu:

step by step email newsletter guide

Then you can simply drag and drop them into place.

The best part? There’s zero coding, zero tech skills, and zero headaches involved.

Once you’re done designing the template to your liking, click on the Continue button on the top-right:

tips to grow email newsletter

From there, you’ll just need to configure other details about your campaign, such as:

  • Subject line
  • Audience
  • Sender info
email newsletter tutorial

Check it over for typos and that your email design looks the way you want it. Now your email newsletter will be ready to send!

If you need help writing more persuasive email copy, don’t worry.

I have got you covered.

Check out our 17 tips on how to write email copy that converts.

Once your newsletter is sent, you can see updated metrics such as open rates, click rates, and unsubscribes. Use this data to improve your newsletter strategy.

Did you get a great conversion rate on a specific piece of content? Send another newsletter next time with a similar topic or format.

You can also experiment with sending email subscribers to different landing pages and see how your conversion rates change as a result.

Finally, let’s go over how you can get more subscribers for your newsletter.

Related Content: 5 Best WordPress Newsletter Plugins for More Engagement

Step 7: Build an Email List Using OptinMonster

Most successful email marketing campaigns start with a list full of qualified leads interested in what you have to offer.

After all, even the best email copy on the planet won’t convert if it doesn’t get seen.

So what you, as an online marketer, are supposed to do exactly to taste success with your email campaigns repeatedly?

That’s where OptinMonster comes into play:

email newsletter

OptinMonster is the world’s #1 lead generation software. That means we’re the best at growing your email list through highly-targeted optin campaigns, like:

And many more.

These campaigns help you grow your email list fast. Here’s an example of what a simple lightbox popup might look like:

email newsletter

OptinMonster also comes with over 100 pre-made templates that help save you time and energy in the campaign creation process:

email newsletters guide

You can modify these campaign templates with an easy drag-and-drop visual builder.

This allows you to modify any text in your optin campaign or add new elements, such as:

  • Videos
  • Images
  • Dividers
  • Icons
  • HTML
  • And much more

And, again, everything can be done with just a few clicks:

email newsletter

But creating the campaign is only half the battle.

From there, you’ll need to target your special offers to the right people, in the right places, and at just the right times in their customer journey.

Some of OptinMonster’s most powerful targeting rules include:

  • Exit-Intent® Technology: Recover abandoning visitors when they are about to leave your website.
  • OnSite Retargeting®: Keep users engaged by displaying fresh campaigns to returning visitors.
  • Geolocation Targeting: Personalize UX by targeting visitors by their physical locations.
  • MonsterLinks™: Boost conversions by turning any link into a clickable email newsletter signup form.

These rules have gotten massive results for our clients. Just look at these case studies from OptinMonster customers:

But here’s the best part: OptinMonster seamlessly integrates with any email service provider on the market:

create an email newsletter

That means you can quickly sync your ESP and have new leads sent directly to the right contact list.

Then you can have your newsletters automatically sent to your new leads to convert them into happy (and paying) customers.

Ready to get started? Click below to sign up for your risk-free OptinMonster account today:

Grow Your Email List Today

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

Ready to Send Your First Newsletter?

An email newsletter is a powerful tool to nurture relationships with your audience. It keeps you on their mind, drives traffic to your website, and can even boost sales. And don’t forget, it’s one of the most cost-effective marketing channels to engage with your customers.

If you found this guide on how to make an email newsletter helpful, you might also like the following posts:

Ready to grow your newsletter subscription?

Get started with OptinMonster today!

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How To Easily Create a WooCommerce Checkout Page Popup https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-woocommerce-checkout-page-popup/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-woocommerce-checkout-page-popup/#respond Thu, 06 Jun 2024 23:25:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=154107 Do you want to improve your customer’s checkout experience on your website? Want to know how to create a popup on your WooCommerce checkout page to boost sales? A lot of WooCommerce website owners trigger a popup on their payment gateways to reduce cart abandonment and increase revenue. But these popups only work if they are customized …

The post How To Easily Create a WooCommerce Checkout Page Popup appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Do you want to improve your customer’s checkout experience on your website? Want to know how to create a popup on your WooCommerce checkout page to boost sales?

A lot of WooCommerce website owners trigger a popup on their payment gateways to reduce cart abandonment and increase revenue.

But these popups only work if they are customized and targeted at the right customers at just the right time.

And that’s exactly what I’ll cover in this blog. By the end of this article, you’ll know how to customize a WooCommerce popup to offer a better user experience (UX), optimize their checkout page, and improve your website conversions.

Here’s everything you’ll learn in this post:

Why To Customize WooCommerce Checkout Page

Before we get into the step-by-step tutorial, let’s first look at what a WooCommerce checkout page popup is.

You have likely seen such popups before. It’s a lightbox that appears in your browser and darkens the content behind it. Here’s an example of how a lightbox modal popup looks like:

woocommerce popup

On your WooCommerce website, you can customize the popup’s targeting to appear only on the checkout page.

The goal of such a popup is to grab your customers’ attention and convince them to complete the purchase.

Checkout page popups work because they respond to the most common reasons people abandon their WooCommerce carts.

In other words, they get to the heart of why your WooCommerce store is leaking sales.

More often than not, customers abandon their shopping carts when:

  • A product’s cost is too high.
  • They aren’t ready to buy.
  • Their purchase doesn’t qualify for free shipping.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to address these concerns, you need to create and customize the right kind of popup for your WooCommerce checkout process.

Today, I’ll show you how to build a WooCommerce checkout page popup like this within just 5 minutes:

woocommerce popup page

Ready? Let’s get to it right away!

Related Content: How to Create a Popup Form With CSS and JavaScript

How To Create and Customize a WooCommerce Checkout Page Popup

The easiest way to add a popup to your default WooCommerce checkout page is with OptinMonster:

woocommerce checkout popup

OptinMonster allows you to create a WooCommerce checkout page popup using a drag-and-drop builder. OptinMonster also comes with 100+ ready-to-use templates that you can use to:

  • Increase sales with limited offer discounts.
  • Boost cross-sells with relevant product recommendations.
  • Grow your email list to let your customers know about promotions.

Plus, it has advanced targeting features just for WooCommerce sites. These targeting rules let you control when and where a popup appears on your website, and who can see it.

In OptinMonster, you’ll find these targeting functionalities under the Display Rules settings. They let you show your popups based on various triggers and user behavior such as:

  • The product your customer is viewing.
  • The total order value in the cart.
  • The number of items in the cart.

And more.

customize woocommerce checkout page popup

Scott Wyden Imagery used OptinMonster’s targeting features to recover 21% of abandoned carts and grew his email list by 3x:

woocommerce checkout page popup

Do you want the same results for your WooCommerce store?

Sign up for OptinMonster below. It’s 100% risk-free with our 14-day money-back guarantee.

Get Started With a WooCommerce Popup Today!

Next, let’s go through the step-by-step tutorial for creating and customizing a popup for the WooCommerce checkout page.

Step 1: Create Your Campaign

First, you need to log in to your OptinMonster account. Once you are in, click on Create New Campaign from your dashboard:

woocommerce page popup

The next step is to choose your campaign type.

OptinMonster comes with multiple campaign options, such as:

And more.

woo commerce popup

For this tutorial, I’ll go with Popup:

woocommerce page popup

Next, you’ll need to select the campaign template.

OptinMonster has 100+ ready-to-use templates that work across all devices.

If you are confused, you can filter by eCommerce templates only. Just enter ‘eCommerce’ in the search box to add new templates that match your needs.

I’ll choose the Get a Discount Code template:

woocommerce popup page

In the next screen, give your campaign a name and assign it to one of your websites:

woocommerce page popup

Once you’re done, click on Start Building. With this, you are now ready to customize your popup.

Step 2: Customize Your WooCommerce Checkout Popup

Editing your WooCommerce checkout page popup is really easy, thanks to OptinMonster’s drag-and-drop builder.

Simply click on any part of your popup to change it.

For instance, you can click on the header to change the text directly in the editor:

woocommerce checkout page popup tutorial

You can also change the fonts, background colors, and buttons.

To add your own image, just click on the image. You’ll see editing options on the left side of the screen that you can use to change or delete the image:

woocommerce checkout page

I’ll leave the image as it is since it’s perfect for this tutorial.

You can also add things like countdown timers and video clips to your WooCommerce popup.

To do that, click on the home icon on the top-left of the screen:

woocommerce checkout page

From the Blocks menu, drag and drop the block element you want to your campaign editor:

woo commerce payment page

Depending on your campaign’s need, you can add a wide range of elements to your campaigns, such as:

  • Button
  • ChatBot
  • Embedded forms
  • Form fields
  • Divider
  • Text
  • HTML elements

And a lot more.

Here’s how my WooCommerce page popup looks after I made a few changes to it:

woocommerce payment gateway

Next, I’ll show you how to set the display rules for the campaign so that you can control when and where the popup appears on your website.

Step 3: Set the Display Rules

In addition to OptinMonster’s special WooCommerce targeting rules, you can also show popups based on:

  • Visitor’s physical location.
  • Time spent on space.
  • Number of page views.

Today, we’ll look at 2 of OptinMonster’s display rules that are most common with online stores:

Exit Intent®

Exit intent popups appear when buyers on your website are about to leave your WooCommerce site.

OptinMonster’s Exit-Intent® Technology can detect when the site visitors move their mouse cursors to the top of the browser window to close the tab or switch to another tab:

woocommerce checkout page

Showing an exit intent popup with a targeted offer can encourage your shopper to complete their purchase.

It helped Shockbyte more than double its sales conversion rate with popups like this:

woocommerce checkout page popup

To apply the exit intent targeting rule to your popup, go to the Display Rules tab:

woocommerce checkout page

Click on the time on page rule that appears there by default. Select Where from the dropdown and click on the Page Targeting option:

woocommerce checkout page

Select the current URL path as contains:

woocommerce checkout page

In the 3rd box, enter the URL slug of your WooCommerce website’s checkout page.

For instance, if your WooCommerce checkout page contains the slug ‘www.mywebsite.com/jeans/checkout,’ you’ll need to enter ‘checkout’ as the operator in the box:

woocommerce checkout page

Once that’s set, go to the next rule right below the first. Select When from the dropdown. Choose Exit Intent® from the options on the right:

woocommerce checkout page

Next, choose the device if you want to enable this rule only on desktop, mobile, or both. You can also choose the Exit-Intent® sensitivity as low, medium, or high:

woocommerce checkout page

And that’s it! Your popup will now appear to people when they try to exit the WooCommerce checkout page.

For more exit popup tips, check out this article: 40 Exit Popup Hacks That Will Grow Your Subscribers and Revenue


Let’s face it, several customers start having second thoughts about buying after landing on your checkout page.

Using InactivitySensor™, you can trigger a targeted sales popup to encourage such ‘fence-sitters’ to complete their checkout.

OptinMonster’s InactivitySensor™ detects the lack of activity and triggers a popup.

Skates.co.uk used this InactivitySensor™ popup to convert abandoning visitors into paying customers:

woocommerce checkout page

For your WooCommerce store, you can trigger a similar popup offering them a special coupon code or extend live chat help to complete the transaction.

To apply the InactivitySensorTM on your popup, go to the Display Rules tab:

woocommerce checkout page

Click on When from the dropdown and select InactivitySensor™ (Seconds of Inactivity):

woocommerce checkout page

By default, the popup is set to trigger if a visitor is inactive on your product page or during the checkout flow for at least 60 seconds:

woocommerce checkout page

I’ll change that time to 30 seconds to make matters more urgent:

woocommerce checkout page

Next, I’ll show you how to connect the campaign to your email service provider (ESP) so that you can manage your leads in one place.

Step 4: Integrate With an Email Service Provider

OptinMonster has over 30 native integrations with the most popular ESPs on the market. This makes it incredibly easy to grow your email list.

When you connect OptinMonster with your ESP, the email addresses you collect from the campaigns are automatically added to your list.

You can also segment your new leads directly from your OptinMonster account to offer a personalized customer experience.

To make this happen, go to the Integrations at the top of your dashboard:

wordpress checkout page

Type in the email marketing software you want in the search box:

woocommerce checkout page popup

For this tutorial, I’ll choose Constant Contact since that’s what I use for my website:

woocommerce checkout page

From there, the exact steps to connect OptinMonster with your ESP depend on which email marketing automation software you are using. For the most part, it involves copy-pasting your email account’s API key.

For more specific instructions, read our detailed guide on how to connect your email service provider with OptinMonster.

Pro-tip: Don’t see your ESP listed? You can get started with Monster Leads.

Monster Leads is OptinMonster’s internal lead storage tool. It lets you store your lead data, export it, and send individual emails from your existing email client.

Step 5: Save and Publish Your Campaign

The final step is to publish your WooCommerce checkout page popup.

First, go to the top-right of the page and click on the Save button. This will help you save changes you have made so far in your campaign:

woocommerce checkout page

Click on the Publish tab at the top of your editor:

woocommerce checkout page

Change the status to Publish:

woocommerce checkout page

And that’s it! There’s just one small thing left for you to do.

You’ll need to configure the WooCommerce settings to make sure the OptinMonster campaign appears on your website.

First, you’ll have to make sure your OptinMonster and WooCommerce plugins are installed on your website.

Here’s a simple guide for you to learn How To Install a WordPress Plugin (Step-by-Step Tutorial for Beginners).

After you have activated both addons, you’ll need to connect OptinMonster with your WooCommerce store.

Head over to your WordPress site dashboard and select OptinMonster:

woocommerce checkout page

Click on WooCommerce from the OptinMonster dashboard:

woocommerce checkout page

Click on the Auto-Generate Keys + Connect WooCommerce button:

woocommerce checkout page

Your WooCommerce site will now be connected with OptinMonster:

woocommerce checkout page

Your Checkout Page Popup Is Live

That’s it. Now your popup will appear to your shoppers on your checkout page.

OptinMonster is the best tool for creating a stunning WooCommerce checkout popup. Build an eye-catching popup using OptinMonster’s special eCommerce templates. Make sure it matches your site using the visual drag-and-drop builder.

Get Started With a WooCommerce Popup Today!

If you enjoyed this article, you might find these eCommerce articles helpful:

Ready to boost sales with a WooCommerce popup? Get started with OptinMonster today.

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WordPress Coming Soon Page Examples and How To Make One https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-coming-soon-page-in-wordpress/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-coming-soon-page-in-wordpress/#respond Tue, 04 Jun 2024 22:35:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=130332 Are you planning to create a ‘Coming Soon’ page for your online business? Do you want Coming Soon page examples from real-life brands for inspiration? Coming Soon pages can be a valuable asset to your content marketing strategy. They allow you to generate new leads before your page is up and improve user experience (UX) by keeping visitors …

The post WordPress Coming Soon Page Examples and How To Make One appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Are you planning to create a ‘Coming Soon’ page for your online business? Do you want Coming Soon page examples from real-life brands for inspiration?

Coming Soon pages can be a valuable asset to your content marketing strategy. They allow you to generate new leads before your page is up and improve user experience (UX) by keeping visitors informed about your new site.

That’s why, in today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you 5 Coming Soon page examples. I’ll also walk you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a Coming Soon page in just a few minutes.

But before I show you the Coming Soon page examples, let’s first discuss why you need a Coming Soon page.

Here’s everything that I’ll cover in this article:

Why You Need a Coming Soon Page

Coming Soon pages are often written off as placeholders or filler pages. While Coming Soon pages do serve that purpose, they also do much more than that.

A Coming Soon landing page is an effective lead generation tool. You can use it in many ways to kick off your marketing campaign before an official product launch, startup, or blog site.

Here are a few great ways I have seen OptinMonster customers effectively use their own Coming Soon launch page:

  • Lead Generation: You can collect emails from prospective customers who visit your site before it’s ready.
  • Gauge User Interest: Learn how your current marketing channels are driving traffic to your site by tracking how many users land on your Coming Soon page.
  • Generate Buzz: Effective Coming Soon pages are persuasive landing pages that get people talking about your product. You can use this to get a headstart in your marketing, launch a pre-sale, or start generating revenue before the launch.
  • Improve SEO: You can use a Coming Soon page to rank for the right keywords that will attract the right audience. This is a neat way to improve your search engine optimization (SEO).

In short, Coming Soon pages are great for getting people pumped.

You can use them to give early access, sneak peeks, and tease new product releases. Or, you can create one to invite beta testers, collect pre-orders, or roll out discounts.

Now that we know why you would want a Coming Soon page, let’s look at a step-by-step tutorial on how to make one.

How To Create a Coming Soon Page

Since this tutorial is focused on creating pages for WordPress sites, you’ll need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin.

SeedProd is the world’s best landing page builder that allows you to create beautiful Coming Soon pages in minutes:

coming soon page

SeedProd offers tons of templated options to build your Coming Soon page fast. It also has a drag-and-drop editor so you can add custom features to your site’s Coming Soon page.

SeedProd works with all popular WordPress themes and is loaded with features for site owners, marketers, bloggers, or freelancers to make the most of their Coming Soon page.

And since it’s a plugin, getting started couldn’t be easier. Simply download and activate SeedProd to get started:

coming soon page example

Never downloaded a plugin before? No worries. For step-by-step instructions, check out this WPBeginner post about how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once you activate the plugin, go to SeedProd » Settings to enter your license key.

coming soon page examples

You can find your license key in your account on the SeedProd website.

Copy the key and paste it in the License Key field:

coming soon page tutorial

Then, click on Verify Key.

Next, head to SeedProd » Pages from the WordPress dashboard and click on the Set up a Coming Soon Page button:

how to create coming soon

Next, you’ll need to choose a template.

Like I mentioned earlier, SeedProd offers 350+ professionally designed landing page templates you can use. You can find responsive templates for all kinds of pages, such as:

  • Homepage
  • Pricing Page
  • Webinar
  • 404 Error Page
  • Sales Page

If you can’t find a specific template design that fits your needs, you can use SeedProd’s free landing page template to create custom landing pages within just a few clicks.

Back to our tutorial, you can select one from one of the Coming Soon page templates to get started.

Hover over any template you like and click on the check icon to use it:

how to add coming soon page

After you choose a template, you’ll land on SeedProd’s drag-and-drop page builder where you can customize your Coming Soon page.

On the left panel, you can see all of the landing page blocks you can add to your page. And on the right side, you can see a live preview of how your Coming Soon page looks:

tips to create coming soon page

You can click on any existing element on the template to edit it. For example, if you want to change the headline, click on the Get Ready text and write your copy:

coming soon pages

You can also change the text size, alignment, font, and more.

To add new elements to your Coming Soon page, you can drag one of the pre-built landing page blocks from the left and drop it in place on the right.

SeedProd has a ton of ready-to-use blocks to help you boost conversions on your Coming Soon page including:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Giveaways
  • Countdown timers
  • Optin forms
  • Social media profiles
  • WooCommerce blocks

I suggest you add a countdown timer to your Coming Soon page to let visitors know when your site will be live:

coming soon page tutorial

I also recommend adding a signup form so you can start building your email list early on.

Once you are done designing your Coming Soon page, go to the Connect tab to connect your optin form to your email marketing service provider:

coming soon step by step

SeedProd integrates with all of the top email marketing platforms including MailchimpDripActiveCampaign, and GetResponse.

I’ll use Constant Contact for this tutorial since it has plenty of beginner-friendly features that you can scale based on your growing needs.

Back to the integration, click on Constant Contact and click on the Connect to Constant Contact button.

Follow the prompts to log in to your Constant Contact account. For instance, copy the API key and paste it into SeedProd:

coming soon page tutorial

When you are done, click Connect.

Now when visitors provide their email address through your Coming Soon page, they’ll automatically be added to your email list.

Next, it’s time to publish your Coming Soon page.

In the top right corner, click on the Save button to save your progress. Then, click the Publish button from the dropdown menu to make your Coming Soon page publicly available:

coming soon page

After your Coming Soon page is published, exit the builder by clicking on the close button.

Finally, you can enable the Coming Soon mode on your site. This will make people visiting your site will only see the Coming Soon page you just created.

To do this, go to SeedProd » Pages and switch the toggle under the Coming Soon Mode section from Inactive to Active:

coming soon page example

And that’s it!

Your Coming Soon website is now live to the world!

This page will now hide your under-construction or pre-launch page and at the same time get subscribers and potential customers:

launching soon page

Now that you know how to create a Coming Soon page, I’ll share a couple of advanced functionalities that SeedProd offers for you to make the most of the tool:

  • How To Add a Maintenance Mode Page
  • Advanced Settings for Coming Soon Page

Adding a Maintenance Mode Page

If your under-construction or Coming Soon website is due for scheduled maintenance or server downtimes, it’s better to create a ‘Maintenance Mode’ page.

The Maintenance Mode page notifies search engines that the site is unavailable. It will return a 503 header status as recommended by Google and will tell search engines to return in a day.

It’s really simple to show a maintenance mode page instead of a Coming Soon page in SeedProd. Here’s how to do it:

From SeedProd » Pages, you’ll just need to select Set up a Maintenance Mode Page instead of Coming Soon Mode:

coming soon page examples

From there, you can follow the same steps that I mentioned above to make changes to your page.

Advanced Settings for Coming Soon Pages

We love SeedProd because it’s such a powerful plugin that’s easy enough for beginners. But it also has advanced features that make it stand out from the other Coming Soon mode plugins out there.

Let me list them out for you:

  1. SEO Tools
  2. Manually Include or Exclude URLs
  3. Access Control

1. SEO Tools

SeedProd makes it easy to add custom site titles and a meta description for your Coming Soon page. This means that your site can be indexed using the same title and description that you’ll use once it’s live. This will prevent you from confusing Google once the page goes live.

Learn how to write a high-converting meta description to really kick your rankings into high gear and get you started on the right foot.

And if you’re using an SEO plugin like All in One SEO, you can use SeedProd’s SEO settings page as a shortcut to its optimization settings:

coming soon

2. Manually Include or Exclude URLs

What if you have had a blog for years, but you are finally ready to take the plunge and monetize? You may decide that you want to leave your blog open and only hide the parts of your site that will be part of the new eCommerce site.

With SeedProd, you can easily do that:

coming soon page

3. Access Controls

If you work on client sites you can give them a secret URL where they can bypass the Coming Soon page and see a live version of their site:

coming soon pages

What If You Don’t Use WordPress?

There are tons of website builders out there and many of them will let you add a Coming Soon page for your online store.

If you have checked the support for your web builder and they don’t make it easy to create a Coming Soon page, consider switching over to WordPress.

Or you can give Wix a try. You’ll find tons of website templates and Coming Soon page designs for your site.

For more help with Wix, check out this helpful resource: Wix Email Capture: 5 Ways to Grow Your Mailing List.

5 Coming Soon Page Examples

Here are 5 Coming Soon page examples for you to take inspiration from when you are ready to build your own Coming Soon website:

  1. SeedProd Demo Coming Soon Template
  2. BackPacker Travel 2.0
  3. Fixers
  4. Les Mains dans les Cambouis
  5. Maria Mentiras

1. SeedProd Demo Coming Soon Template

coming soon examples

This is a demo Coming Soon page that we created with SeedProd, it’s the best landing page builder with built-in Coming Soon mode.

The under-construction page includes a video, which is an engaging way to teach visitors more about your product or service. Or even give them a teaser or trailer to build hype and show them what they can expect.

It also has a countdown clock to let visitors know when the site will be live. This kind of value proposition is perfect for building excitement and drawing traffic right from the site launch date.

Finally, there’s an optin form to collect email addresses and social media icons to redirect users to the site’s social profiles for even more exposure.

2. Backpacker Travel 2.0

best coming soon page examples

This is a perfect Coming Soon page example for many reasons. It has a sleek image in the background, an email signup form, and icons that link to the company’s social media accounts.

Notice the clever play of words in the CTA copy. Instead of saying something simple like ‘sign up’ or ‘subscribe now,’ the CTA promises to send people notifications once they sign up. This makes it look like the user is at the center of this offer, not the other way around.

In the end, it’s easy to see how this imagery and copy would appeal to the site’s target audience.

3. Fixers

top coming soon page examples

Again, the image here is awesome. They even modified the CTA (call to action) button to be more unique than the generic options. For instance, opting into Take Me Away is much more enticing than Subscribe Now.

The only thing I might change on this Coming Soon page is the text under the headline. The smaller subject colors clash with the bike rider’s white shirt, which is a bit hard on the eyes.

A good way around this is to put a black square background behind the text to make it stand out a bit more. You can modify the background’s opacity to make sure the image still shines through.

You can see that our previous Coming Soon page example, by Backpacker Travel 2.0, did this with their entire campaign. This helps the website design but also makes it easier for visitors to read the text.

Otherwise, this is an awesome example of a website Coming Soon page.

4. Les Mains dans les Cambouis

coming soon examples

The French company, Les Mains dans les Cambouis uses a simple and clear Coming Soon page design that contrasts the text and background images nicely.

What really stands out here is the white logo of the company with the fun font family. This leads your visitors’ eyes down toward the CTA button where they can enter their email address.

Also, props to them for adding social sharing buttons so that users can spread the word about the new site launch organically in their online circles.

5. Maria Mentiras

brand examples coming soon pages

This is a great example that sometimes less is more. It doesn’t have over-the-top headline copy, extravagant design, or long contact forms for people to fill in.

The design is simple but eye-catching and looks like it was taken from a high-quality camera of the restaurant itself. Then the image was darkened to make the main text stand out.

Finally, the wording is straight to the point: Coming Soon.

While we would recommend coming up with something a bit more powerful, this Coming Soon page example shows that you don’t need to be an expert copywriter to put up professional Coming Soon pages in minutes.

And that’s it for today! Now you know how to create a lead-generating Coming Soon page for your WordPress site. And you know where to turn if you’re not a WordPress user.

Use Coming Soon Pages for a Successful Launch

With a compelling coming soon page, you can build anticipation, capture leads, and ensure a smooth launch. So get creative, and start generating excitement for what’s to come!

I hope you found this article helpful. If you did, you might also want to check out the following resources:

These posts will have everything you need to improve your online presence, grow your list, and get higher conversions today.

Once your new website is launched, you’ll also need a lead generation tool to add even more subscribers to your contact list.

For that, sign up 100% risk-free to OptinMonster, the world’s #1 lead generation tool.

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How To Create a Mailchimp Popup To Grow Your Email List https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-shopify-mailchimp-signup-form/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-shopify-mailchimp-signup-form/#respond Tue, 04 Jun 2024 20:35:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=116163 Do you want to create a Mailchimp popup to grow your email list? Whether you are running an online store or simply monetizing a blog, getting more subscribers can be tough. When you have a robust email list, you can build a long-lasting relationship with your subscribers and grow your business. For instance, you can use the …

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Do you want to create a Mailchimp popup to grow your email list?

Whether you are running an online store or simply monetizing a blog, getting more subscribers can be tough.

When you have a robust email list, you can build a long-lasting relationship with your subscribers and grow your business. For instance, you can use the mailing list to send them personalized emails, encourage them to visit your site often, and increase your sales.

A simple email series can help you attract repeat customers to your online store or blog.

But where do you keep your growing contact list? One of the most popular options is Mailchimp.

Mailchimp is one of the leading email marketing tools that lets you segment your contact lists into distinct groups.

mailchimp wordpress popup

It’s a good tool for beginner marketers, business owners, and bloggers to send personalized emails that convert.

That’s why, today, I’m going to teach you how to add a Mailchimp popup to your website to grow your email list. I’ll use 2 methods: one for your Shopify store and the other for your WordPress site.

Here’s a more specific breakdown of what I’ll cover in this post:

What Is a Mailchimp Popup?

A Mailchimp popup is a marketing campaign on your website that gathers new leads and sends them directly to your Mailchimp account.

That way, you can organize new email addresses into segmented contact lists. Then you can send personalized email campaigns to your audience to boost your conversions.

Here’s a closer look at how this works.

When your customer lands on your website, you’ll display an email subscriber form that looks like this:

mailchimp popup shopify

I used OptinMonster to build this MailChimp popup. It took me less than 10 minutes to create it.

If you are making a popup like this, make sure it has some kind of offer that’s hard for people to refuse. This could be a promotional deal, an eBook, or anything else you think your audience would find valuable.

We call these special offers lead magnets.

Since your lead magnet is enticing for customers, they are willing to enter their email addresses to receive the offer. That email address goes straight to a specific contact list in your Mailchimp account.

As your list grows, you’ll have more opportunities to reach out to these contact lists with follow-up promotions. This will bring customers back to your store or blog and increase your overall profits.

But where does OptinMonster fit into all this? Does Mailchimp allow its users to create subscriber popups too?

Let me answer these questions in the next section.

Why Use OptinMonster for Your Mailchimp Popup

OptinMonster is the best popup builder for growing your email subscribers, increasing conversion rates, and driving more sales from your website.

mailchimp popup shopify

OptinMonster not only gives you the ability to create visually appealing popups that convert, but also facilitates campaigns that offer a good user experience.

But how?

With targeted optin campaigns.

Optin campaigns are small messages that you show to your site’s traffic when you want them to take a specific action.

These campaigns can be in the form of popupswelcome gatesslide-in scroll boxes, and other optin forms that help you improve your lead generation.

OptinMonster also integrates with popular form builders, such as WPForms so that you can embed an HTML form into your OptinMonster campaign.

Related Content: 9 Best WordPress Form Plugins To Capture New Leads in 2024

OptinMonster’s popup plugin helps you achieve your marketing goals no matter if it’s getting more page views, more newsletter signups, or more sales. Whatever the case may be, OptinMonster is the best tool to meet your goals.

And it’s a lot better than Mailchimp. Here’s why.

Mailchimp is primarily an email service provider (ESP) that offers a few optin campaigns on the side, such as popups and landing pages. The popup campaigns they provide are basic and limited in terms of what they can do.

For example, here is how one of their popup form designs look like:

mailchimp wordpress popup

There’s some text, a call to action (CTA) button, an email form field, and an image box. Mailchimp offers 5 layouts in total, each involving these same elements.

Then for their display settings, you have the following options:

  • Immediately
  • After 5 seconds
  • After 20 seconds
  • Scroll to the middle or end of the page
  • On exit
mailchimp wordpress popups

This works for some website owners. However, your personalization options are highly limited.

So, how does this compare with OptinMonster?

To begin with, OptinMonster isn’t an ESP. You can use it to create an email newsletter or schedule it. Instead, OptinMonster specializes in helping you generate leads.

To understand the nuances between the 2 software, read our comparison article on OptinMonster vs. Mailchimp: Which Is Better for Lead Generation?

Since generating leads is what OptinMonster specializes in, we’ve made sure we’re the best at it.

OptinMonster offers more campaign types to reach your audience and more ways to target them. With OptinMonster, you can send the right campaigns to the right people at just the right time in their customer journey.

To give you a quick comparison, here’s a snapshot of OptinMonster’s display rules:

mailchimp popup shopify

Each of these display options offers further choices and lets you control where and where the campaign appears, or who can see it.

More on that later.

Finally, OptinMonster syncs with any ESP on the market, Mailchimp included. So if you ever decide to change your ESP as you grow, you’ll never feel locked into a software you don’t want anymore.

You can still use OptinMonster to grow your lists and have the freedom of sending your email campaigns with whatever ESP you like.

Want to get started? Sign up for OptinMonster today risk-free with our 14-day money-back guarantee.

Coming back to our tutorial today, there are 2 reasons why you might want to add a Mailchimp signup form to your site:

  • To grow your Shopify business.
  • To increase subscribers for your WordPress site or blog.

Let’s go through the step-by-step process of how you can create a popup for each scenario.

Method 1: Create a Mailchimp Popup for Shopify

In this tutorial, I’ll create a Mailchimp signup popup for your Shopify store.

Shopify is one of the biggest eCommerce platforms in the world. It’s popular because of how easy it is to use and how many features come locked and loaded with its basic package.

In short, it’s a great platform for new businesses and entrepreneurs who want to make money with Shopify. But to create an email signup form in Shopify, you’ll need OptinMonster.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do that:

Step 1: Connect OptinMonster With Your Shopify Store

To get started, log into your Shopify account:

mailchimp shopify popup

Next, head over to OptinMonster’s app in the Shopify store and click Install:

mailchimp wordpress popup

Allow OptinMonster the necessary permissions and proceed to install the app:

mailchimp popups shopify

And you’re all set! You’ve just connected your Shopify account with OptinMonster. You’ll see this message in your OptinMonster dashboard:

mailchimp popup for shopify

With this, your Mailchimp Shopify popup is nearly complete.

We just need to build your popup campaign with OptinMonster.

Step 2: Create Your Popup Campaign

First, you need to log into your OptinMonster dashboard and click Create New Campaign:

mailchimp popup for wordpress

Select your campaign type. For this tutorial, I’ll use Popup:

wordpress popup mailchimp

From there, you’ll need to choose your campaign’s template.

OptinMonster has over 700 pre-built templates. That means you can build beautiful campaigns in a matter of minutes. This saves you both time and headaches along the way.

how to add mailchimp popup in wordpress

And if you want a truly custom popup for your site, you can build one from scratch with our Canvas template:

how to add mailchimp popup in shopify

This will give you a blank template that you can design with our drag-and-drop editor. No coding required.

For this tutorial, I’ll choose the Shopping Coupon Discount template:

ways to add mailchimp popup in wordpress

This template is perfect for eCommerce. It gives you plenty of space to showcase your products on the left and enough room to write compelling copy on the right.

Next, name your campaign. I’ll name mine MailChimp Popup Shopify. Now assign it to your Shopify site, and click on Start Building:

wordpress mailchimp popup

Then you’re ready to start configuring your popup design to match your brand style.

Step 3: Design Your Popup

This is how the default template looks like in the editor:

shopify mailchimp popup

In this tutorial, I won’t get into too much detail about how to design your campaign because there are too many customization options to choose from in one post.

If this is your first time working with OptinMonster, I recommend watching this video:

Editing your popup is easy with our drag-and-drop builder even if you have never done it before.

You can change any element of your campaign by clicking on it in the editor. Then the editing tools will appear on the left-hand side menu.

To change the header copy, for example, just click on the text in the image and edit the text directly in the editor:

how to add mailchimp popup in shopify

You can also change the image by clicking on it and using the editing tools that appear on the left-hand side:

Mailchimp popup shopify

For instance, you can upload a new image or use one from a previous campaign:

wordpress mailchimp popup

Finally, if you want to add anything to your popup campaign, you can do that, too. Just go to the left-hand menu panel and look for the right elements in the search box under Blocks:

shopify mailchimp popups

You’ll see many options that you can add to your Mailchimp Popup Shopify campaign, including:

  • Button
  • ChatBot
  • Countdown Timer
  • Divider
  • Text
  • Image
  • Video

To move these blocks into your campaign, drag and drop them on the editor:

mailchimp popup shopify tutorial

And the best part? You can easily map any field to your Mailchimp popup.

Here’s the design I created for the Mailchimp Popup Shopify campaign:

mailchimp popup shopify

Again, this took less than 10 minutes to create!

Next, I’ll show you how you can use OptinMonster’s targeting features to control where and when to show the MailChimp Popup Shopify campaign.

Step 4: Set Your Display Rules

There are many ways you can choose to display your campaign. OptinMonster has a ton of targets and trigger options to make sure you’re reaching the right audience at the right time.

Today, I’ll focus on 2 powerful popup triggers:

  • Exit-Intent®
  • MonsterLinks™

Triggers are rules that track your site’s user behavior to determine if a popup should appear. This includes events such as when users are about to leave your webpage if they click a link or button, or how far down the browser page they scroll.

Let’s look at how these 2 triggers can be set up for your Mailchimp popup and briefly talk about why they are so powerful.


This trigger shows a popup whenever someone tries to leave your website. It’s a great way for eCommerce websites to recover abandoned shopping carts and convert them into sales.

Setting up an exit intent trigger is easy with OptinMonster.

First, head over to the Display Rules tab:

woocommerce checkout page

Click on the time on page condition. Next, click When from the dropdown and choose Exit Intent® from the available options:

wordpress popup mailchimp

Then choose which devices you want to use your exit intent rule for. You can choose between desktop-only, mobile-only, or both:

step by step shopify wordpress popup mailchimp

You can also set the sensitivity level for your Mailchimp exit intent popup:

wordpress mailchimp popup examples

Keep in mind that the sensitivity level you choose will have a direct impact on your mobile popup. That’s because Low and Medium sensitivity creates a scroll-up trigger, but High sensitivity creates a back button trigger.

Read this article to learn more about these 2 types of mobile exit intent triggers.

Exit-Intent® Technology is incredibly powerful. As an example, Crossrope used this feature to grow its email list by 900%.

But there’s another popular trigger that we’ll look at in this tutorial, too.


MonsterLinks™ is the perfect solution if you want a Mailchimp popup on click. That means whenever your visitors click on a specific link in your content, they’ll see your popup campaign.

MonsterLinks™ is how Bulkly was able to increase free trial signups by 134%. It’s a great way of making your popup campaigns more accessible to your readers.

And setting them up is easy. Once you are on the Display Rules page, click on time on page. Click on When from the dropdown and choose MonsterLinksTM (On Click) from the options:

wordpress mailchimp popup tutorial

Next, click on the Copy MonsterLink™ Code link:

how to add mailchimp popup to wordpress

You can now embed this link anywhere in your content. With this, your popup campaign will appear when a user clicks on the MonsterLink™.

But here’s an important question: Where do the details go when visitors enter their email addresses to sign up for your offer?

For that, you have to integrate Mailchimp (or any other email automation software) with your OptinMonster account.

Let me walk you through how that’s done in the next section.

Step 5: Integrate Mailchimp With OptinMonster

Integrating your favorite email marketing software with OptinMonster is incredibly simple.

If you don’t use Mailchimp, or you are thinking about changing providers, read this resource on how to connect your email service provider in OptinMonster.

For today, I’ll show you how to connect OptinMonster to Mailchimp.

To get started, click on the Integrations tab:

wordpress mailchimp popup tutorial

OptinMonster integrates natively with over 30 of the most popular ESPs on the market.

This integration functionality allows you to automate your lead generation so you can add new leads from your marketing campaigns to your ESP.

Type the name of your ESP or scroll through the page to find it manually:

shopify wordpress popup examples

I’ll choose MailChimp since that’s what we are covering in this tutorial:

wordpress mailchimp popups

Here, you’ll need 2 things:

  • Your Mailchimp account label
  • Mailchimp API key

Your account label won’t be seen by others. This just keeps you organized.

You can label your Mailchimp integrations however you want it. You can also stick to something generic like My Mailchimp Integration.

But now you need your API key from Mailchimp. For that, go to your Mailchimp dashboard and click Account in the dropdown menu by your username in the top right-hand corner:

shopify mailchimp popup tutorial

In your account dashboard, go to API keys within Extras:

shopify mailchimp popups example

Copy your most recent API key from your Mailchimp dashboard:

shopify mailchimp popup tutorial

Here, you can also create a new API key if you need it. Now go back to your OptinMonster Integration page and paste the API key. When you are done, click on the Connect to MailChimp button:

shopify mailchimp popup example

And that’s it! Your Mailchimp account is now synced to your popup. You can even decide which contact list you would like to send your new leads to straight from your OptinMonster dashboard.

Pro-tip: Don’t see your ESP listed? You can get started with Monster LeadsMonster Leads is OptinMonster’s internal lead storage tool. It lets you store your lead data, export it, and send individual emails from your existing email client.

All that’s left to do now is save and publish.

Step 6: Save and Publish Your Campaign

Click on the Save button on the top-right corner of your screen:

woocommerce checkout page

Next, go to the Publish tab:

woocommerce checkout page

Under the Publish Status, click on Publish:

wordpress mailchimp popup

What if you don’t have a Shopify store? What if you want a Mailchimp popup for your WordPress website?

That’s what I’ll cover in the next method.

Method 2: Create a Mailchimp WordPress Popup With OptinMonster

In some cases, you may not have an online store. Instead, you might be making money online through affiliate marketing and running a blog. Still, you need a robust email list.

Connecting OptinMonster to your WordPress site is really easy. Here’s how you do it:

Step 1: Connect OptinMonster to WordPress

Most businesses need a subscription form on their WordPress sites to build an email list.

It’s incredibly easy to add MailChimp popups to your WordPress site once you’ve created your OptinMonster account.

Head to your WordPress dashboard. Go to Plugins from the menu and click on Add New Plugin:

wordpress mailchimp popup

Search for the OptinMonster plugin and click Install Now:

mailchimp wordpress popup

Next, click on the Activate button in the widget:

shopify popup mailchimp

If you’ve never done this before, check out this helpful article that gives you 3 methods to install a plugin.

In your OptinMonster plugin dashboard, you’ll have 2 options:

  • Create a free account
  • Connect to your existing account
shopify mailchimp popup

Click Connect an Existing Account if you’ve already signed up for OptinMonster. On the next page, click Connect To WordPress:

wordpress mailchimp popup

Now you can create and manage your campaigns from your WordPress dashboard. If this is a new account, you likely won’t have any campaigns yet:

mailchimp popup for wordpress sites

After this tutorial, your Mailchimp WordPress popup will appear in your OptinMonster’s campaigns dashboard.

The OptinMonster WordPress plugin is a great option because it doesn’t require you to know where to put your Mailchimp popup code in WordPress. Instead, everything happens automatically for you.

If you aren’t super technical, this is a huge advantage.

Now all that’s left is creating your WordPress popup to increase new subscribers for your website.

Step 2: Create Your Mailchimp WordPress Popup

This is the easy part. Now, you just need to repeat steps #2–5 which I covered earlier in the previous section!

If you need a refresher, click here to jump back to step #2 for creating your Mailchimp popup.

Grow Your Email List With a MailChimp Popup

Since you want to grow your email list, that means you’re probably interested in learning how to monetize your email campaigns.

Here are a few resources to help you with that:

Ready to grow your list and generate more revenue? Sign up for OptinMonster risk-free today!

The post How To Create a Mailchimp Popup To Grow Your Email List appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
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How To Hide Popups From Your Existing Subscribers (4 Methods) https://optinmonster.com/how-to-hide-pop-ups-from-your-existing-subscribers-4-methods/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-hide-pop-ups-from-your-existing-subscribers-4-methods/#respond Tue, 04 Jun 2024 19:14:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=98099 Do you want to make popups less annoying to your website visitors? Want to learn how to hide popups from visitors who have already subscribed to your email list? Popups can be annoying to your visitors who have already opted into (or rejected) your offer. Showing people the same popup they have already interacted with can …

The post How To Hide Popups From Your Existing Subscribers (4 Methods) appeared first on OptinMonster.]]>
Do you want to make popups less annoying to your website visitors? Want to learn how to hide popups from visitors who have already subscribed to your email list?

Popups can be annoying to your visitors who have already opted into (or rejected) your offer. Showing people the same popup they have already interacted with can negatively impact your bounce ratewebsite conversions, and sales.

In this post, I’ll share 4 step-by-step methods that will teach you how to hide popups from existing subscribers. Here’s everything that I’ll cover today:

Why Should You Turn Off Popups for Subscribers?

People get annoyed when popups are irrelevant or interrupt the user experience (UX). Like popup ads and cookie consent notifications, your site visitors grow conditioned to ignore popups entirely when they become annoying. This is known as popup blindness.

On the other hand, the best popups use great design principles and precise targeting to match the customers’ expectations.

For example, you can trigger a popup with a discount offer to buyers who are about to abandon their shopping carts without buying anything.

Or, you can show relevant popups to buyers based on their past behavior on your website, their location, or the pages they visit on your site.

OptinMonster allows you to create highly effective popupswelcome gatesslide-in scroll boxes, and other optin forms that help you improve your lead generation. And our users love us for that!

It’s why OptinMonster has more than 1,213,437 customers across the globe who rate OptinMonster 5 stars in review sites like G2Capterra, and the WordPress Plugins store.

Here’s one such review from an OptinMonster customer in G2:

hide popups

A common request that we often get from our users is the ability to hide popups from existing subscribers.

All OptinMonster campaigns come with advanced targeting rules that you can configure to make sure you don’t trigger the same popups again to a specified group of website visitors.

At OptinMonster, we give our customers not just the ability to create visually appealing popups that convert. We also facilitate campaigns that facilitate a good customer experience.

But what if you have people who already subscribed to your email list before you started using OptinMonster? Or, what if you have multiple campaigns running simultaneously?

If you haven’t configured your popups to trigger for the right audience on the right pages, they will show up regardless of whether the visitor has already opted in or not.

And even your long-time newsletter subscribers will see them for the umpteenth time, creating a bad customer experience for them.

It’s similar to if you owned a restaurant, but you can never remember who your regulars were. That doesn’t sound like a great dining experience, right?

Contrast that with a restaurateur who greets their regulars by their first names and remembers their ‘usual’ order.

With OptinMonster, you can be that friendly restaurateur.

You can replace those pesky popups with smart popups that appear to the right people at the right time. And don’t appear to everyone and everywhere.

If you are a fast-growing brand, you might probably be sending out a weekly, or even a daily, email newsletter to your subscribers with links to your blogs.

To ensure a positive user experience for those warm leads and customers, it’s important to hide popups from existing blog subscribers or popups that visitors have already interacted with.

How To Hide Popups: 4 Methods

If you are an OptinMonster user, there are 4 different methods that you can use to hide popups from existing subscribers.

Let me take you through each of them in detail:

Method #1: Set Global Success or Interaction Cookies

The 1st method requires you to add a global cookie. With this, all of your popups will stop appearing once a visitor interacts with a popup, either by opting in or exiting out of it.

Cookies are text files that are stored in your browser containing information about a specific site visit.

You can set these cookies to be stored in your visitor’s browser whenever they interact with one of your popups. This way, your popups will display (or not display) the next time the same users visit your site.

To set your global cookie settings, go to your OptinMonster dashboard and click on your profile picture. Click on Sites from the dropdown menu:

how to hide popups

Next, go to the site you want to configure and click on the Edit button:

tips to hide popups

Here, you can set the global success cookie and/or the global interaction cookie:

how to hide a popup

For context: the Global Interaction Cookie is the number of days that all optins will be prevented from loading after the visitor has closed out any optin.

The Global Success Cookie is the number of days that all optins will be prevented from loading after the visitor has successfully opted into any optin.

Enter your preferred number of days in one or both form fields and click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page once you’re done:

tips to hide a popup

If you want a quick and easy way to automatically hide popups from existing subscribers, this is the best way to do that.

There are only 2 downsides to using this method alone:

  1. It does not cover existing subscribers who opted in before you installed OptinMonster.
  2. Since this method relies on browser cookies, it doesn’t work if your subscribers view your site from a different device than the one they opted in with.

But don’t worry. Method #2 will cover how to hide popups from existing subscribers, no matter what device they are using.

You can also exclude users who were on your list before you started using OptinMonster.

Method #2: Use a Specific URL Parameter in Your Email Campaigns

This method doesn’t rely on cookies. Therefore, it works across desktop, laptop, and mobile devices that the subscriber uses to view your site.

To apply this method, all you have to do is create a specific URL parameter that you’ll use when you don’t want to show a popup.

There are 2 ways you can accomplish this. The 1st way is to use our built-in parameter ?omhide=true.

If you add it at the end of any URL, it’ll hide all OptinMonster campaigns on that page.

Example: yoursite.com/blog-post/?omhide=true

The 2nd way involves creating a custom URL parameter and adding it to OptinMonster’s Display Rules.

To set your URL parameter so that it prevents your page from loading a popup, simply go to the Display Rules tab within a campaign:

hide popup from website

Click on the default condition and select Where from the dropdown options. From the menu, select Query Targeting:

don't show popup

Next, enter the query strings you wish to use:

hide popups from users

Click Save in the top-right corner of the screen when you’re done:

don't show popups to subscribers

With this display rule, you can choose to only show a popup when a user has or doesn’t have a specific parameter.

You can use this URL parameter in your email campaigns too. That means whenever you link a blog post or any webpage in your newsletter, you can append your query string to include the link. This will keep the popup from showing to your existing email subscribers.

The only downside to this method is that it only works when your subscribers are accessing your site via a specific link.

If you want to hide the popup from users regardless of which link they use, go with method #1 which makes use of the Global Interaction Cookies. Or, you can consider the other methods I’ll cover below.

Method #3: Display a Different Popup With Campaign-Specific Cookies

The 3rd method is slightly different from the 2 methods I covered so far. That’s because it involves displaying a different popup to those who have already opted into one of your offers.

For instance, you might be offering different lead magnets to your site visitors depending on which blog posts they are reading.

While you want to prevent your visitors from seeing the same popup again, you might still want them to optin to another one of your lead magnets or content upgrades.

So once they optin or exit a popup, you can show them a new popup the next time they visit your site.

Another benefit of applying this method is that it helps you create a ‘popup funnel’ to move your visitors further along the sales process.

For example, the 1st popup can be an optin form. Once they have successfully opted in, they can see a different popup that offers a discount code.

And once they have successfully grabbed the discount code, you can show them a popup reminding them to finish their checkout process.

This is very similar to how a tripwire funnel works.

For this tutorial, let’s say you want to display Popup B after someone opts into Popup A. Then after someone opts into Popup B, you want to display Popup C.

Here’s a visual representation of how this works:

hide popups from specific users

To make this work, you’ll need to add a campaign-specific cookie to your popups.

Start by going to your OptinMonster dashboard and create Popup B with a discount offer.

If you need help, read our guide on how to Create Your First Campaign.

From there, click on the Display Rules tab within the campaign:

hide popup from website

Click on the 1st condition and select OnSite Retargeting from the dropdown. Then click on Has Converted from the right-hand side:

don't show popups to existing subscribers

Next, choose a campaign from the dropdown list:

hide popups from specific people

In our case, you should select Popup A (optin campaign) for this to work. Once you’re done, save the campaign:

hide popups online

Next, create Popup C (reminding customers to finish their checkout) and go to the Display Rules tab within the campaign:

hide popup from website

Once again, go to the OnSite Retargeting option and select Has Converted:

don't show popups to existing subscribers

When it comes to choosing the campaign, make sure you choose Popup B:

hide popups

And that’s it! You now have a dynamic popup campaign that you can use in so many ways:

  • To hide specific popups from existing subscribers
  • To enhance the user experience
  • Move your visitors further along your funnel

Method #4: Prevent Popups With Your Own Cookie

The last method I’m going to show you includes using your own specific cookie to prevent popups from showing. This gives you more control over displaying popups than other methods I covered earlier.

First, go to the Display Rules tab within your campaign:

hide popup from website

Delete the 1st condition since we don’t need it:

how to hide popups

Click on the current URL path option in the 2nd condition and select Who from the dropdown. Then choose Cookie Targeting from the options:

how to hide a popup

Here, you’ll have 2 options:

ways to hide a popup

Click on the default options in the corresponding Key and Value boxes and choose does not contain in both places. Next, enter your cookie key and value:

hiding a popup

Click on Save once you are done:

how to hide popup tutorial

With this, you will prevent popups from appearing based on any cookie that you want. The possibilities are endless!

The only downside to this method is that you may need to hire a web developer to help you create the cookie.

If that’s not a possibility for you, you can go with the other 3 methods that I shared earlier. After all, you now know how to hide popups in 4 different ways!

Do More Than Just Hiding Popups

If you noticed, each of the methods has its merits and shortcomings. There is no single catch-all method that will help you hide popups from your existing subscribers.

However, if you use a combination of these methods, you can cover multiple scenarios to fulfill your requirements.

What’s even more exciting, however, is the possibilities that these methods offer you to enhance the user experience on your site. You can use these methods not just to hide popups from existing subscribers, but to display more targeted popups for specific visitors to make their buying journey more personalized and contextual.

And the best part? You can use these methods to create popups that work like a sales funnel!

If you enjoyed this post, you might also like the following blogs:

Want to try one of the 4 methods we discussed earlier in this post?

Get started with OptinMonster today!

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How to Redirect a WordPress Page to Another URL (& Keep Your SEO Strong) https://optinmonster.com/how-to-redirect-a-wordpress-page-to-other-url/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-redirect-a-wordpress-page-to-other-url/#respond Tue, 04 Jun 2024 13:04:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=171284 If you run a WordPress website, you’ll occasionally need to redirect a page to a different URL. Whether you’re updating outdated links, reorganizing your site, or switching domains, WordPress redirects help maintain a seamless user experience and preserve your SEO rankings. I work on the content team here at OptinMonster. As part of my job, …

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If you run a WordPress website, you’ll occasionally need to redirect a page to a different URL. Whether you’re updating outdated links, reorganizing your site, or switching domains, WordPress redirects help maintain a seamless user experience and preserve your SEO rankings.

I work on the content team here at OptinMonster. As part of my job, I identify when blog posts need to be redirected to a different URL. I’m going to share what I’ve learned about both the technical and strategic aspects of WordPress redirects.

In this guide, I’ll explore the different types of redirects, explain when and why to use them, and provide step-by-step instructions on setting up redirects using the AIOSEO plugin. Let’s dive into how you can effectively manage redirects to keep your site running smoothly.

What Is a WordPress Page Redirect?

A WordPress page redirect is a method for forwarding visitors and search engines from one URL to another. In other words, redirection tells the browser that the requested URL has moved to another place. It prevents visitors from landing on a 404 error page and instead forwards them to the page you want them to see.

When you set up the right redirects on your WordPress site, you can ensure that users reach the intended content even if the original URL has changed, preventing broken links and maintaining SEO value.

Types of URL Redirects

There are several types of redirects, each serving a specific purpose:

301 Redirects

A 301 Redirect (Permanent) signifies that a page has permanently moved to a new URL. It is by far the most commonly used redirect.

Example: Let’s say I have an old blog post on a topic that’s now irrelevant. I decide to redirect any traffic coming to that post to a different post that focuses on a related topic that’s still useful. For instance, I might have written a review of a piece of software that no longer exists. I could redirect that URL to a post about a current piece of software that has similar functionality.

To accomplish this, I can set up a 301 redirect from “old-page.html” to “new-page.html.” The 301 will tell both users and search engines that the old page now forwards to a new location. Not only does the 301 send visitors to a better post, but it also preserves SEO value, user bookmarks, and the validity of any links to the original post.

302 Redirects

A 302 Redirect (Temporary) indicates a temporary move to a different URL. 302s are useful for website maintenance, seasonal promotions, or other short-term changes when you need to redirect URLs temporarily.

Example: If you create a special page for a holiday sale, you can use a 302 to temporarily redirect certain pages to your holiday sale page. For instance, you might want to redirect “featured-products.html” and “promotions.html” to “holiday-sale.html.” With a 302, visitors are temporarily directed to the new page, but search engines know that the original pages will return.

307 Redirects

A 307 Redirect (Temporary) is similar to a 302 redirect but is used specifically for HTTP/1.1 protocol.

For a more thorough explanation of the technical difference, see AIOSEO’s definition of 307 temporary redirects.

Meta Refresh

A Meta Refresh is a client-level, as opposed to server-level, redirect with a delay. It usually refreshes the page or redirects after a short wait. This method can be slow and disorienting for users and isn’t ideal for SEO.

Example: You’ve probably seen a meta refresh in action. It’s when you visit a website and see a message like, “This page has moved. You will be redirected in 5 seconds…”

HTTP to HTTPS Redirects

An HTTP to HTTPS Redirect ensures all traffic is directed to the secure HTTPS version of a website.

Example: Redirecting “http://example.com” to “https://example.com” enhances site security, builds user trust, and can improve search engine rankings by ensuring secure connections.

When and Why to Use Redirects

So far, I’ve covered the technical basics of what redirects are and how they work. But how can you know when you need to set up a redirect?

Here are a few scenarios where you’ll likely want to forward a WordPress page to a different URL:

  • Replacing Outdated Content: As a content writer, I encounter this scenario the most often. Our OptinMonster blog has been publishing for nearly 10 years, so some of our oldest posts just aren’t relevant anymore. With a 301 permanent redirect, I can forward users to a recent post on a more timely topic.
  • Removing Pages: Avoid 404 errors by redirecting outdated pages. For instance, you might have pages for products you no longer offer or for events that have already occurred. Redirect those pages to URLS for similar products, upcoming events, or simply your homepage.
  • Changing Website Structure: You sometimes need to restructure the pages on your WordPress website, especially if your site has grown significantly in scope. For instance, you might adjust your content categories or create subdomains. Redirects help you make sure all your visitors end up on the right pages.
  • Changing Permalinks/URLS: You might change a page’s permalink for SEO purposes or to describe the content more accurately. If you want to change a page’s URL, a redirect can make sure everyone ends up at the new destination URL.
  • Changing Domain Names: What if your company rebrands or is bought by another company? A 301 lets you forward all visitors to your new domain. That way, everyone lands on your new site rather than seeing an error.
  • Consolidating Multiple Domains: Similarly, what if you need to merge multiple websites? You can set up 301 redirects to forward all of the websites to the primary domain.
  • Fixing Broken Links in Campaigns: We all make mistakes sometimes. In my 15 years working in email marketing and social media, I’ve definitely put the wrong link in a campaign before. With a quick redirect, no one will ever have to know. And your campaign will still funnel leads to the right page. Plus, when you’re conscientious about redirecting all old pages, you can make sure no one gets a 404 when clicking a link in an older campaign.

How to Redirect a WordPress Page

The easiest way to create a redirect is to use a WordPress plugin. Many plugins are available for setting up a URL redirection and even entire website redirects.

In this tutorial, we’ll use the All in One SEO plugin for creating easy URL redirects without writing a single line of code.

All in One SEO

Homepage for AIOSEO - the best tool to redirect WordPress pages to a different URL

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the #1 WordPress SEO plugin with over 3 million active installations. It offers advanced SEO features and settings to make your website search engine friendly.

With AIOSEO’s Redirect feature, you can redirect your posts and pages to another URL in just a few seconds.

But before we jump into the actual steps, let’s have a quick look at AIOSEO’s amazing features:

  • TruSEO: All in One TruSEO lets you easily optimize your posts or pages. After adding the target keyword, you can follow a simple checklist of SEO suggestions and improve the overall SEO performance of your content.
  • Local SEO: Local SEO helps you add your business name, address, and contact details that appear in the top local pack search results.
  • Link Assistant: With the Link Assistant feature, you can quickly get insights into your website’s internal and external links. A good analysis of this data can help you improve the internal links.
  • Schema Markup: You can assign schema types to posts, products, and other essential pages on your website. This way, search engines can understand your content better and help you rank higher in search engine results.

And many more.

Let’s start with our steps for redirecting your pages to another URL.

Step 1: Install the All in One SEO Plugin

Our first step is to install the All in One SEO plugin. To use the Redirection feature, you’ll need the plugin’s Pro plan or higher. I went ahead with the Elite plan.

Once you’ve completed your purchase, click View License Key, Details, and Downloads.

Copy the License Key and save it for later. Click Download AIOSEO.

Log into your WordPress Dashboard. Navigate to Plugin > Add New Plugin. Click the Upload Plugin button and upload the AIOSEO zip file that you just downloaded. Click Install Now. Once AIOSEO is installed, click Activate Now.

Now, you’ll see All in One SEO listed in the left panel of your WordPress dashboard.

Hover over All in One SEO and click Add License Key.

Scroll down the page until you find the License Key. Paste in the AIOSEO license key you copied earlier and click Connect.

Now, you have AIOSEO fully installed and activated on your website.

Step 2: Activate Redirection Manager

Next, navigate to All in One SEO > Redirects from your WordPress dashboard.

You’ll be prompted to activate the Redirect Manager feature by clicking the Activate Redirects button. You may have to scroll down a bit to see this button.

Step 3: Add Redirect

Now, setting up a redirect is a breeze. In fact, you can set up a redirect in under 1 minute

In the Redirects section, you’ll see Add New Redirection. This is where you’ll enter both your old and new URLs for your redirect.

In the Source URL field, enter the relative URL for the WordPress page or post that you want to redirect to a different URL. The relative URL is what comes after your domain.

In the Target URL field, enter the relative or complete URL for the web page you want to redirect to. You’ll need the complete URL if you’re redirecting to a different domain.

For my example, I’m redirecting the URL path “/9-tips-to-improve-content-marketing” to “/content-marketing-guide.”

Scroll down to choose your Redirect Type. The default is 301 Moved Permanently, but you can change it using the dropdown menu.

Once you’ve selected your redirect type, scroll back up and click Add URL

Now, your redirect is active! You’ll see it listed in the table near the bottom of the Redirects page:

Here, you can monitor the number of visitors who have been redirected under the Hits column. You can also choose to disable the redirect at any time.

Now that you have everything installed and activated, you’ll only need to repeat Step 3 to set up more redirects for your WordPress site.

Alternative Plugin: If AIOSEO isn’t in your budget right now, you can try the Redirection plugin for WordPress. It’s free to install and use, but it also limits you to only 301 redirects. It also doesn’t include any SEO features.


1. Can I set up redirects without using a plugin?
Yes, you can manually set up redirects by editing the .htaccess file in your site’s root directory. However, this method is more technical and requires careful handling to avoid breaking your site.

2: How do I check if my redirects are working correctly?
You can test your redirects by entering the old URL in your browser and verifying it redirects to the new page’s URL. Additionally, tools like AIOSEO and Redirection provide logs to monitor redirect activity.

3: Will setting up redirects affect my site’s performance?
Redirects can have a minor impact on site performance as they introduce an additional step in loading a page. Using a reliable plugin and minimizing the number of redirects can help mitigate performance issues.

4: Are there any SEO considerations when setting up redirects?
Yes, using 301 redirects helps preserve SEO value by transferring link equity from the old URL to the new one. It’s important to ensure that redirects are set up correctly to avoid issues with search engine indexing.

5. Can I redirect multiple URLs to a single URL?
Yes, you can redirect multiple old URLs to a single new URL. This is often done to consolidate content or direct traffic from outdated pages to a more relevant one. Using a plugin like AIOSEO makes managing these redirects easier.

Manage Your WordPress Site Traffic with Page Redirects

I hope this article helped you better understand what redirects are and how you can set them up in WordPress. I recommend the All in One SEO plugin for your WP redirects. In addition to its easy-to-use redirect manager, it lets you optimize your pages for search right in your WordPress dashboard.

Want to learn more about AIOSEO, redirect plugins, and SEO? Check out these resources:

Now that you’re directing all your visitors to the right pages, it’s time to convert that traffic into revenue. With OptinMonster’s onsite marketing campaigns, you can grow your email list and encourage more purchases. How? By showing your most enticing offers to the right people at just the right time.

Get started with OptinMonster today!

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How to Create a Popup Form With CSS and JavaScript https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-popup-form-with-css-and-javascript/ https://optinmonster.com/how-to-create-a-popup-form-with-css-and-javascript/#respond Sat, 01 Jun 2024 13:00:00 +0000 https://optinmonster.com/?p=150736 Do you want to create highly-customizable popups for your website? Want to learn how to create a custom CSS and Javascript popup form but don’t know where to start? When done correctly, popups can be an excellent addition to your site. They can help you grow your email list, prevent cart abandonments, and boost sales. …

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Do you want to create highly-customizable popups for your website? Want to learn how to create a custom CSS and Javascript popup form but don’t know where to start?

When done correctly, popups can be an excellent addition to your site. They can help you grow your email list, prevent cart abandonments, and boost sales.

But done shoddily, popups or modal windows can be a major turnoff to your site’s visitors.

In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you 2 methods for creating a popup on your website using CSS and JavaScript codes.

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s talk about why to use popups on your site in the first place.

Why Use Popups on Your Site

Using popups on your website can be tricky. Popups can be pretty annoying if they interrupt the user experience (UX). Like online ads and cookie consent notifications, people develop a ‘blindness’ to popups that annoy them.

And yet, when it comes to getting users to take action on your website, one thing is clear:

Popups work.

On average, popups convert anywhere between 1-8%. Some OptinMonster customers who used popups have improved their conversions by up to 600%.

So why do some popups hurt UX while others engage users and boost conversion rates? It comes down to 2 main factors. High-converting popups or dialog boxes are:

  • Visually appealing
  • Personalized to the users

When you show generic, shoddy popups across your site that aren’t personalized for your visitors, you’re definitely going to annoy people.

But when you configure popups that are built to get people’s attention, you’ll improve your website’s conversion rates.

Take this simple popup box from Crossrope, for example:

create javascript popup form

This popup offers customers a tangible value (10% discount) while they’re on the website. It’s also visually appealing and customized to match the site’s design.

This popup helped Crossrope grow its email list by 900% and recovered 7.65% of abandoning buyers.

Like I said, popups can work wonders when they are designed well.

And that’s exactly why OptinMonster gives online business owners the tools to create highly-targeted popups the right way.

how to create javascript popup

OptinMonster is the world’s #1 lead generation software. It helps you design highly-customizable popup campaigns and convert your website visitors through ‘optin campaigns.’

Optin campaigns are messages that appear on your site, usually in the form of a popup, fullscreen campaign, floating bar, or a website notification bar.

With OptinMonster, you can build stunning popups within a few minutes even if you don’t know anything about web development. Here’s one of the popups we’ll build today using OptinMonster:

how to create popup with javascript

This popup took me less than 5 minutes to build. I also added targeting rules to make the popup more personalized for site visitors in their customer journey. And I integrated the campaign with an email service provider (ESP) so that I can organize all lead data in one place.

Now, let’s look at the 2 ways you can build a custom JavaScript popup form for your website.

How to Create a CSS and JavaScript Popup Form

OptinMonster allows you to use custom CSS and JavaScript codes to create high-quality, customizable campaigns that match your brand’s style.

For instance, using custom JavaScript codes in OptinMonster lets you:

  • Load custom fonts.
  • Set custom cookies.
  • Create custom login forms.
  • Add additional resources, like custom animation libraries.
  • Include language translation based on location.
  • Add support for 3rd-party tools.
  • Load custom Google Analytics events for in-depth tracking.

Similarly, you can use custom CSS to control how HTML elements will be displayed.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the following 2 methods:

Method #1 is more useful for users who know CSS and JavaScript to make a functional popup.

However, with OptinMonster, you can use its ready-to-use templates or use custom codes to customize a popup to your liking. This allows you to build the perfect campaign for your brand even if you have zero knowledge of programming languages.

And that’s what we’ll cover in method #2. Let’s first get the 1st method out of the way.

Method #1: Code Your CSS and JavaScript Popup

For this part of the tutorial, I’ll create a very simple popup that appears when your users click a button. This needs 3 things:

  • HTML: Stands for ‘HyperText Markup Language’ and is one of the building blocks for designing web pages. It essentially tells your browser how to structure a web page content.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language that you can use to style your web pages. This includes visual aspects like font, color, page layouts, margin-bottom, and so on.
  • JavaScript: It’s a programming language that’s mostly used to make web pages interactive.

Since we aren’t creating a web page, we don’t need a website-building platform to add these codes. Instead, we’ll just use a few lines of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes available online to customize our popup in OptinMonster.

Let’s dive in!

Note: The following popup is based on code created by Darshan Rajadhyaksha. You can check out his CodePen profile here.

Step 1: Select Your Campaign Type and Template

Before you start, you first need to sign up with OptinMonster or log in to your account.

Once you’re in, click on the Create New Campaign button:

javascript popup tutorial

Select your campaign type. OptinMonster has multiple campaign types to choose from, such as:

  • Popup
  • Floating Bar
  • Fullscreen
  • Slide-in Scroll Box
  • And many more

For today’s example, I’ll choose Popup:

css popup tutorial

Next, select your template. OptinMonster offers over 100 pre-built templates, all of which look great across desktop, tablet, and mobile:

tips to create popup with javascript

For today’s tutorial, I’ll choose the Canvas template:

create javascript popup

Although you can add HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes to any OptinMonster templates, Canvas is the best option when building a popup from scratch.

The good news is that you don’t always need any coding skills to create a beautiful campaign.

OptinMonster’s intuitive drag-and-drop designer allows even beginners to create a JavaScript popup form.

Step 2: Add the HTML Element

Go to the Blocks menu on the left. Locate the HTML element from the options.

how to create a popup with HTML CSS

Next, drag and drop the HTML block in the campaign builder.

use javascript to create a popup

Once it’s in the campaign builder, you’ll see the HTML editor appear in the left-hand menu.

build popup with javascript

Delete the placeholder code from the editor. Copy and paste the following code:

You can change the popup content directly in the HTML editor if you want:

how to use javascript to build popup

Next, I’ll add a bit of CSS to style the popup’s content and button appearance.

Step 2: Add the CSS Code

Go to the gear icon at the bottom-left of the dashboard.

create javascript popup form

Click on the Advanced tab at the top of the menu bar.

create javascript popup

You’ll see the Custom CSS and Custom JavaScript options towards the bottom of the menu.

how to design a popup with javascript

Click on the Custom CSS option to open the CSS editor.

help with javascript popup form

Copy the following CSS code and paste it into the editor to style your popup button and content:

With this code, you can change the visual appearance of your popup button and content. That includes font, font size, color, and more.

You can also change the background color in the ‘background’ or the text alignment under ‘text-align’ fields. These visual aspects are optional, and you should only modify these aspects if you know CSS.

how to use css to build popup

Here’s how the popup appears in the campaign builder after I added the CSS code.

javascript popup step by step tutorial

And now comes the last step: adding a bit of JavaScript.

Step 3: Add JavaScript Code

Like I mentioned earlier, JavaScript is a programming language that’s mostly used to make web pages interactive. Here, adding the JavaScript code below will allow your popup to open when users click on it.

First, click on the Custom JavaScript option right under the Custom CSS menu to expand the JavaScript editor.

use javascript to create interactive popup

Copy and paste the following JavaScript snippet in the editor:

And that’s it! You have designed a simple popup for your site that opens with the click of a button.

Now let’s set the display rules to make sure the popups appear meaningful to site visitors in their customer journey.

Step 4: Set Your Display Rules

When you’re coding your own JavaScript code to create a popup form, it can be difficult for you to set up specific rules that target customers at the right time.

But it’s really simple with OptinMonster.

OptinMonster has 2 types of display rules that allow you to personalize your campaign to specific segments of your audience:

  • Triggers
  • Targets

Triggers rely on user behavior to determine whether or not a user will see your campaign.

This can include showing an Exit-Intent® popup when users are leaving their browser tab. Or you can trigger a popup when people scroll past a certain percentage of a web page. You can also show a popup based on the time people spend on a specific page.

For a deeper understanding of OptinMonster’s targeting rules, you can go through our guide: how to use display rules to customize when a campaign will appear.

Targets use characteristics of your customer profile to make your campaign appear.

This would include features like Geo-Location targeting which lets you show a popup based on your visitor’s geographical location. Similarly, you can set your popup to appear based on the device they’re using or how they’ve interacted with your site in the past.

You can also use Smart Tags to make a dynamic popup that refers to your visitor’s name or location. That would look something like this:

use java to create popups

And with our OnSite Follow Up Campaigns®, you can build drip campaigns. That means you can display popups depending on how your users have interacted with the campaigns they’ve already seen.

For more information on OptinMonster’s user behavior targeting, read how Page-Level Targeting can help you attract more leads.

Ok. So all these features are pretty cool. But what do they do for you at a practical level?

OptinMonster’s targeting rules allow you to quickly and easily personalize how you communicate with your audience. The more targeted your campaigns are, the higher conversion rates you can expect.

That means more growth for your business in a fraction of the time.

In fact, these personalization techniques are how Expat.com was able to grow its contact list with over 30,000 new members each month.

You can have similar success by targeting your popups to the right audience without writing a single line of code.

Back in the editor, I’ll set a simple rule for the popup we’re designing. To do this, go to the Display Rules tab and click on Edit.

javascript popup guide

By default, the time on page is set to is at least 5 seconds. This is good, but I want to make sure site visitors spend a bit more time on the page before I show them the popup message. So I’ll change the 5 seconds to 15 seconds.

javascript popup

And because I want the popup to be contextual to site visitors, I want the popup to appear only on specific pages. For that, I’ll change the is any page to is the homepage.

can i use javascript to create a popup

This way, people will now see the popup when they land on the homepage and spend at least 15 seconds there.

This is much better than showing the popup as soon as visitors land on your website, or when they navigate to a different page on your site.

Next, let’s look at how to connect your campaign with your choice of email service provider so that you can manage your lead data easily.

Note: You can apply the same technique to set display rules for the popup that we’ll design in method #2.

Step 5: Integrate With Your Email Service Provider

If you’re using email marketing to communicate with your audience and boost sales, OptinMonster can help you grow the list further and seamlessly add new contacts to your list.

You can also segment your new leads directly from your OptinMonster account to offer a personalized customer experience.

In other words, you can use OptinMonster to put your email marketing strategy on auto-pilot. That saves you more time and energy to focus on other areas of your business growth.

OptinMonster has over 30 native integrations with the most popular email service providers on the market.

javascript popup form

Here’s how to integrate your OptinMonster campaigns with an ESP. Go to the Integrations tab at the top.

how to use javascript

Type the name of your email service provider or scroll through the page to find it manually.

I’ll choose Constant Contact since that’s the ESP I use for my website.

create a javascript popup form

From there on, the exact steps to connect OptinMonster with your ESP depend on which email marketing automation software you’re using. For the most part, it involves copy-pasting your email account’s API key.

For more specific instructions, read our detailed guide on how to connect your email service provider with OptinMonster.

Pro-tip: Don’t see your ESP listed? You can get started with Monster Leads.

Monster Leads is OptinMonster’s internal lead storage tool. It lets you store your lead data, export it, and send individual emails from your existing email client.

Note: Once again, you can apply the same technique to integrate your email marketing software to the campaign that we’ll design in method #2.

Step 6: Save and Publish Your Campaign

Click on the Save button at the top-right of your screen to make sure you don’t lose the changes you’ve made so far.

create a javascript form

Next, go to the Publish tab.

use js to create popup

Under the Publish Status section, click on Publish.

step by step guide to create js popup

And that’s done!

For validation, you can enter one of your connected websites under the Live Site Inspector to check how the popup appears. Or, you can preview the popup by clicking the Preview button in the Websites section.

create javascript popup

Here’s how the popup window looks on the live site.

javascript popup

And when you click on the button, here’s how it appears.

javascript popup

Now, let’s go through another method to create a CSS or JavaScript popup form without coding the popup manually.

Method #2: Create a High-Conversion ‘No-Code’ Popup

Step 1: Select Your Campaign Type and Template

Follow the same process that we covered in method #1 to choose a campaign type. When it comes to choosing the template, choose the Subscribe to Newsletter from the available options:

javascript popup

This is an excellent choice for beginners as it’s minimalistic in design but leaves plenty of room for adding a compelling copy.

Here’s what the campaign template looks like after you select the campaign template and click on Start Building:

javascript popup form

Next, it’s time to design the popup.

Step 2: Design Your Popup

There are hundreds of ways to design your popup campaign in OptinMonster. In this tutorial, I won’t get into all the details of how to design your campaign.

You can learn more about how to build an aesthetically pleasing campaign in our guide: creating your first campaign.

For today, all pre-built OptinMonster templates are made up of ‘blocks.’ You can click and drag any block from the left-hand menu to the editor, like we did with the HTML block earlier.

javascript popup form

Making changes to these blocks is super simple. To edit your text block, for example, you just need to click on the text and type directly in the campaign builder:

javascript popup tutorial

To change other block elements, click on them in your campaign builder, and the editing tools will appear on the left-hand side:

design javascript popup

I’ll go ahead and change the background color to make the popup stand out:

javascript popup box

Here’s the best part: you can still add custom HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to any of the campaigns.

To add HTML, you’d simply drag and drop the HTML block into your popup:

use javascript to create a popup

Or you can add custom CSS and JavaScript to your popup, like we did earlier in method #1. Simply click on the gear icon at the bottom-left corner of the dashboard.

create javascript popup form

Click on the CSS or JavaScript menu:

how to design a popup with javascript

Add the CSS code in the field box:

help with javascript popup form

Do the same with your custom JavaScript:

javascript popup

This means that you can customize your OptinMonster campaigns with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

But since we chose a ready-to-use template for this method, there’s no need to add any custom CSS, JavaScript, or HTML codes to our campaign. So I’ll leave the campaign as it is.

Once you’ve designed the right popup for your site, it’s time to set a few display rules.

Step 3: Set Your Display Rules, Add ESP, and Publish

We’ll not go through these steps again since we already covered them in the first half of the tutorial. For your ease, I’ll add links that’ll take you back to the respective steps:

And that’s it!

Create High-Converting Popups Now!

Which Method Will You Choose?

Some developers love to get their hands dirty and build everything from scratch. But most business owners don’t have the time, energy, or resources to do so.

OptinMonster is the perfect solution if you’re:

  • A business owner or a busy marketer with no coding experience.
  • A new developer who wants custom CSS and JavaScript popup forms but doesn’t want to spend days building them from scratch.
  • An experienced developer who would rather spend more time building their website or products than coding all of their marketing tools.

So why not try it out for yourself by signing up for your risk-free account today? Get started with OptinMonster!

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