29 Impressive Content Marketing Examples You Can Use in 2024

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Are you looking for the best content marketing examples?

In today’s digital marketing age, creative content has become crucial to any successful marketing strategy. It involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

Through content marketing, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

There’s just one problem: creative content marketing can be challenging work.

If you’re running content marketing campaigns day in, day out, it can be difficult to consistently come up with new ideas and keep the momentum going.

That’s why we’ve written this article. From blogging and social media to video and visual marketing, we’ve got a great collection of B2C and B2B content marketing examples to inspire you.

These content marketing examples from the business world will help you find new ways to get creative and inspire you to produce winning content marketing campaigns.

Here’s a table of contents to help you jump to the content marketing examples you most want to see.

But before diving into the list of our 29 content marketing examples, let’s clarify what content marketing is in the first place.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is creating and curating content to attract new prospects and nurture them into leads.

It includes any form of messaging to attract, educate, inform, persuade, and inspire a prospect to move them closer to becoming a customer.

The goal of content marketing is more than immediate sales but rather lead generation combined with strong brand recognition.

This type of marketing may be delivered via blogs, newsletters, e-books, forums/discussion boards, case studies, videos (businesses are creating more and more webinars), social media channels, and many other platforms.

In short, content marketing is about creating high-quality content to attract prospects and customers and to convert them into engaged followers who will spread the word about your products and services.

Content marketing also has several advantages and can help you increase the following:

  • Traffic: You’ll drive traffic from search engines, social media, and people following links in email or article-sharing sites.
  • Sales: Content marketing is often a great way not just to drive traffic but to drive the right traffic (people who are more likely to become customers).
  • Email Subscribers: If you are writing articles, you will be able to drive people to opt-in on your signup page (this is the best place for them to do that—don’t try and get it out of them elsewhere)

Now that we know what content marketing is and why it benefits your business let’s look at our 29 content marketing examples.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Recommended Reading: 130+ Blog Ideas: The Ultimate List of Blog Post Ideas for Every Niche

Blogging Content Marketing Examples

When most people think of types of content marketing, they think of blogging as a starting point.

Blogging helps you get visitors’ attention with helpful information and provides content to flesh out your social media presence and fuel your SEO efforts.

Here are a few examples of companies getting it right.

1) OptinMonster

OptinMonster Blog Content Marketing Example

Since we’re writing a blog post on content marketing examples, OptinMonster’s blog would be the most appropriate place to start.

OptinMonster’s blog is a valuable resource for current customers (looking to use OptinMonster in new ways) and prospective customers.

OptinMonster has become an authoritative resource on lead generation tips, tools, and strategies through its blog.

For people who want to grow email subscribers, increase conversions, and drive more sales, the OptinMonster blog is an excellent tab to bookmark.

It’s also how OptinMonster attracted more than 1,213,437 websites that use its services.

2) Buffer

Buffer Blog Cotent Marketing Examples

Buffer’s one of our favorite content marketing examples due to its three-pronged content marketing strategy.

The company used guest blogging to fuel its initial growth, writing a few times daily and publishing content on high-visibility sites. That growth hacking strategy helped Buffer attract its first 100,000 users.

On Buffer’s blog, the company initially concentrated on writing for the people who influenced their customers, producing high-quality and highly shareable content.

Buffer now has four blogs, including the Transparency blog and Open blog, where they have shared business ups and downs over the years.

And they share their best content via regular email marketing.

The results speak for themselves: Buffer is a highly recognized and trusted brand, with almost 400,000 users and around a million followers across multiple social media sites.

3) HubSpot

HubSpot Blog Content Marketing Example

Regarding examples of content marketing done right, HubSpot’s always on the list. In addition to creating a free tool as a growth hacking strategy, HubSpot has used content marketing by:

  • Writing in-depth blog posts about the issues their visitors care about
  • Adding content upgrades such as ebooks to their blog posts
  • Creating an educational and content-sharing hub, Inbound.org (which gets 321,000 visitors each month) and provides an excellent opportunity to promote its certification and partnership programs
  • Creating videos for Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and using LinkedIn to send traffic to those videos

It must be working because HubSpot’s growth and reputation speak for itself.

4) Rip Curl

RIP Curl Blog Content Marketing Example

Rip Curl bills itself as the “ultimate surfing company”. One way it shows dedication is via an online publication called The Search.

The Search chronicles surfers’ search for the best waves and the ultimate surfing lifestyle and features excellent photography and stories told by surfers for surfers.

With over 100,000 YouTube subscribers and a whopping two million-plus Facebook followers, this is a great example of matching content to your target audience to grow your business and make it profitable.

Are you trying to level up your YouTube game? Check out this helpful post: 13 Steps to Get Your First 100 YouTube Subscribers.

Social Media Content Marketing Examples

As we mentioned in our guide to social media and SEO, social shares can help indirectly with search ranking, which helps with lead generation.

So it’s no surprise that many companies have focused on content creation on social media to “WOW” their audiences.

5) GE


GE is a great place to start when you’re looking for inspiring B2B content marketing examples.

We’re not talking about washer-dryers and vacuum cleaners but about the company’s other business: wind turbines, jet engines, locomotives, and so on.

GE’s long been known for taking what some might see as a dull business and bringing it to life, and this Instagram content marketing campaign is a perfect example.

GE combined the campaign with influencer marketing, getting six Instagram influencers and several super fans to do the #GEInstaWalk.

That meant touring their manufacturing facilities and taking, uploading, and hashtagging pictures. The results were spectacular:

  • 8 million views of GE’s Instagram account
  • 3 million reaches per tour
  • 3,000 new followers

And it was done without any paid advertising.

Want to learn more about how you can grow your business with Instagram? Just check out this helpful resource: How to Make Money on Instagram (Without 10K Followers)

6) RafflePress

rafflepress content marketing example with a testimonial on facebook

RafflePress is the best online giveaway plugin for WordPress. It’s also been working to build a strong presence on Facebook, as the platform is a great way to increase page views for its blog.

And as a side bonus, they also get customer testimonials posted in the comments section of their posts:

This is free social proof that helps other people either go to the RafflePress blog or head to their website to try the product.

Ultimately, even something as simple as resharing blog posts on social media can be an excellent content marketing strategy as your business grows.

7) Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Social Media Content Marketing Example

Intrepid Travel is about small groups, big adventures, and responsibly traveling. It supports that with a content hub called The Journal.

In The Journal, you’ll find stories from real travelers sharing their experiences, which helps the company connect more with its core audience.

But another facet of Intrepid’s content marketing strategy is posting aspirational travel images from travelers on its social media interspersing that with its own content.

That’s given the company 301K+ Instagram followers and strong communities on other social media sites.

8) Superdrug

superdrug sophia vergara endorsement

Our next content marketing example uses both publishing placements and social media to get the audience’s attention.

Superdrug wanted to raise awareness around body image issues.

To do this, the company asked 18 graphic designers around the world to edit a photo of a model in Photoshop to bring it in line with their own country’s beauty norms.

The company published the results on Buzzfeed and Huffington Post, resulting in:

  • International news coverage, and placements with major publications like the New York Times, The Telegraph, and Business Insider
  • Celebrity endorsements of the campaign, like the one from Sofia Vergara below
  • 3 million views of the original study
  • Around 1 million social shares

Plus the company got more than 1,000,000 page views to their site within a five-day period.

Tried-and-True Content Marketing Examples

Next, we’ve got a couple of content marketing examples that don’t rely on social media promotion.

9) John Deere

the furrow is one of the world's oldest content marketing examples

Anyone who’s read up on content marketing has probably heard of The Furrow, one of the first examples of content marketing.

First published by John Deere in 1895, this publication aimed to help the company’s customers with the issues they faced and show the company’s expertise at the same time.

Sounds familiar.

The fantastic thing is that more than 120 years later, the publication’s still going and is now available online.

10) AARP

what is content marketing - check out aarp's magazine

Here’s another content marketing example that underlines the importance of knowing your audience and delivering the content they want.

The AARP The Magazine has won awards for its content, design, and photography quality, but there’s nothing mysterious about its success.

They listen to their readers, who reach them by email, letter, and social media, and use that information to determine the topics that will resonate with them most.

It’s America’s biggest consumer magazine, going to 22 million households. In addition, more than half of its 37 million readers have read three of the last four issues.

Visual Content Marketing Examples

Images are the lifeblood of social media. They easily connect you with your audience and give potential leads an engaging way to interact with your brand.

Need some proof that visual content marketing works? Check out this helpful resource: 24 Content Marketing Statistics to Make You a Marketing Genius.

Now let’s look at some visual content marketing strategies that have worked.

11) Zomato


Zomato is a restaurant finder mobile app available in 24 countries.

The company uses humor in its marketing strategy. In particular, it creates and shares images referencing popular culture, as this recent example spoofing an Oscar-nominated film shows.

They are simple, creative, and entertaining, proving that a minimalist approach can do the trick.

It must be working because the company’s got 1.5 million followers on Twitter, 1.9 million on Facebook, and the app’s been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times.

12. Shutterstock

shutterstock Content Marketing Example

Shutterstock’s in the business of images and used its expertise to make a resource that everyone can use: a creative trends report. This capitalizes on the fact that people love reliable data, and this type of resource gets widely shared.

Last year’s infographic attracted thousands of social shares and attracted more than 6 billion site visits, according to the Content Marketing Institute.

Shutterstock has made the resource interactive, including images, video, and music. It’s been shared more than 10,000 times.

13) Rolex

rolex's content marketing on instagram

Just because you’re an iconic brand doesn’t mean you can’t rock content marketing.

Rolex proves this by conveying its brand’s quality and timelessness through excellent photography that radiates quality.

And the fans love it: Rolex has over 14.2 million Instagram followers and around 7.7 million on Facebook.

Video Content Marketing Examples

Video marketing drives brand awareness, leads, and sales, so it’s no surprise that many content marketing examples include videos.

14. Blendtec

Let’s start with Blendtec, whose viral videos prove there’s no such thing as a boring industry if you can tap into what hooks your audience.

Blenders might sound boring, but they become a heck of a lot more so when you put weird stuff in them.

The Will It Blend video series put the company on the map and resulted in a 700% sales increase in three years.

Today, Blendtec’s YouTube channel has more than 850,000 subscribers, and the campaign’s still going strong, with videos regularly attracting hundreds of thousands of views.

15) Hootsuite

When you’re launching your content marketing strategy, it always helps to tap into popular culture and one of the most popular shows in recent years has been Game of Thrones.

Hootsuite used this as a jumping-off point to tell a relatable story about their brand via a video titled A Game of Social Thrones.

This video has over 1.3 million views and is their most successful branded content.

16. Zendesk

This Is Zendesk Alternative

Here’s one of the coolest content marketing examples from the business world.

It’s an example where Zendesk jumped on something that could have gone against them and showed their brand values and personality at the same time.

Whenever you offer a product or service, there’s someone searching for an alternative. When Zendesk realized people were searching for Zendesk alternatives, they basically hijacked the keyword phrase, creating a mini-site and video optimized around it.

The result? A page-one spot for that keyword phrase and a heck of a lot of goodwill!

17) Old Spice

For a brand that’s been around since 1937, Old Spice is doing great at staying in touch with its market.

It wasn’t always this way.

Several years ago, the brand was losing ground to its competitors when someone had a fantastic idea: scrap the old world image in favor of something – or someone – new, young, and hot.

It worked. In a series of videos and ads delivering humor and, in some cases never mentioning the brand, Old Spice changed its image to become relevant for a new generation.

The original ad has had more than 59 million views, and Old Spice is still using this approach with a new series of promotions.

18) JetBlue

JetBlue is one of the world’s leading airlines, and it’s always been bold with content marketing. In particular, it uses video to inspire its audience and show off its brand values and personality.

Some examples of content marketing include the Reach Across the Aisle campaign, which encourages people to find out what united them, a series on flying with infants, and the quirky Flight Etiquette video series.

Video views on YouTube range from tens of thousands to millions, while the perception of the brand remains overwhelmingly positive.

19) WPBeginner

wpbeginner content marketing example

WPBeginner uses its video content marketing strategy to educate its audience more than anything else. That means providing in-depth tutorial guides as a counterpart to their blog.

As a result, users can visit WPBeginner’s YouTube channel to learn how to solve their WordPress troubles:

This has led to WPBeginner becoming an authority in the WordPress space. It has helped countless WordPress customers and has led to over 288k subscribers..

20) Squatty-Potty

You may remember a few years back when a video was released for the “Squatty-Potty.” The product’s design makes it easier and healthier for people to use the restroom.

We know… not exactly the most entertaining of topics. And yet, Squatty-Potty produced a funny and entertaining video that quickly went viral.

This video has been viewed nearly 40 million times over the past few years and remains one of the best video content marketing examples around.

Ebooks Content Marketing Examples

As we saw earlier with HubSpot, ebooks and resources are a great way to raise awareness of your brand. Here are a couple more examples of content marketing in this category.

21) LinkedIn


If you want to learn how to use LinkedIn effectively, nobody will be more expert than LinkedIn itself. That’s why the company’s ebook on its own approach to marketing with LinkedIn is such a winner.

The landing page whets customers’ appetites with a series of tips and stats, and most LinkedIn users will want to opt-in immediately.

LinkedIn has continued to use this content strategy by producing more marketing guides, so it’s a sure bet it’s working for them.

Not sure if LinkedIn is for your business? Check out how (and why) you should create a LinkedIn business page.

22) OptinMonster

optinmonsterebookexample updated with border

We’ve already covered OptinMonster’s blog, but we’re far from a one-trick pony.

In fact, we pride ourselves on having a comprehensive (and wildly effective) content marketing strategy. One of the ways we were able to grow an email list so quickly was through our eBook.

This optin campaign offered the eBook and is one of the reasons why our current email list has over 200,000 subscribers.

23) Simply Business


One of the best B2B content marketing examples is from Simply Business, a UK insurance firm known for producing valuable tips and guides.

It’s yet another example showing that so-called “boring sectors” can still wow their audience. Their customer education guides have attracted thousands of links and shares, as well as raised their profile.

You may also be interested in this article for more B2B lead generation strategies or this helpful post on 5 B2B email best practices you need to try.

Other Content Marketing Examples

Finally, here are some different content marketing examples from the business world.

24) Coca-Cola


Coke used personalization to get everybody talking about their brand.

They kicked off their Share a Coke campaign in Australia by putting the 150 most common names on bottles. Then they encouraged people to share a Coke with people with those names.

That user generated content campaign went viral, resulting in sales of 250 million bottles and cans across the summer, or equivalent to just over 10 for every person in Australia.

Unsurprisingly the campaign soon rolled out to other locations. You can now customize your own bottle, as we did here.

25) Grant Thornton

21 grant thornton access granted

Data analytics is another area that could be seen as dry, but when Grant Thornton ran their Access Granted campaign, it was anything but.

The company took people behind the scenes at the Tony Awards, showing exclusive content on YouTube and Twitter. That resulted in 3.7 million Twitter impressions, increased Facebook reach, and beating their goals for YouTube goals by 115%.

26) Charmin

charmin content marketing example

This content marketing example from Charmin is perfect for its customers. The brand’s always had a sense of humor in its TV ads, and that’s carried through to the Sit or Squat app.

This app aims to help people find clean bathrooms when needed, so it’s also practical. So far, the app’s been downloaded more than 100,000 times, and nobody will forget the brand.

27) Burberry

burberry kisses is one of the famous content marketing examples

Burberry’s most outstanding content marketing campaign was Burberry Kisses, blending mobile technology with the human wish to connect with others.

Users could press their lips to the screen via an app and send a digital kiss to anyone. The campaign also allowed people to use Google Street View and Google Maps to see those digital kisses’ journey.

28) Buzzstream

Buzzstream Content Marketing Example

Buzzstream combined several content types (research-heavy guest content, evergreen blog content, and gated content) to position itself as a thought leader within its industry.

The nine-month content campaign was hugely successful, resulting in a record-breaking number of new signups.

29) The Joe Rogan Experience

JRE Content Marketing Examples

The Joe Rogan Experience has become one of the most widely listened-to podcasts in the world, with over 14.7 million subscribers.

And whether you love him or hate him, you must admit that he has a marketing team full of geniuses.

That’s because Joe Rogan doesn’t just do an audible version of the podcast; he streams each recording, too.

That means he can promote two pieces of content with a single shot. He also has a video to share on YouTube for every podcast he produces.

Since December 2020, the podcast has been exclusively available on Spotify, with highlights uploaded onto the main Joe Rogan Experience YouTube channel.

With this audience, he’s able to promote upcoming comedy shows, new guests, affiliate products, and more.

But there’s one final thing to remember. There’s no point building an audience if they don’t convert.

That’s where OptinMonster comes in.

How OptinMonster Can Help Your Content Convert

OptinMonster is a crucial part of any successful content marketing strategy:

optinmonster homepage

That’s because OptinMonster is the world’s best lead generation software. With this tool, you can deliver any content to the right users to increase conversions across your site.

It allows you to create various optin campaigns like popups, floating bars, fullscreen welcome mats, gamified spin wheels, and more.

And the best part is that you don’t need to be a professional coder to make it happen!

Here’s how it works:

Everything starts with selecting one of OptinMonster’s 100+ pre-built templates:

optinmonster templates

These are fully responsive and look great across all devices. They were designed to save you time, energy, and headaches during campaign creation.

And once you’ve selected the right template to reach your marketing goals, you can use the code less drag-and-drop builder.

This lets you customize your optin campaign to match your brand’s voice, style, and message.

To modify any text, for example, you can do so with the inline text editor. Just click what you want to change, and start typing:

Edit with drag and drop builder

Or, if you want to add new features to your campaign (like images, videos, custom HTML, icons, and more), you can do so with a drag and a drop:

OptinMonster add new block

This makes it easy for anyone to create professional and high-converting campaigns in minutes.

Plus, you can use OptinMonster’s advanced targeting rules to get the right content pieces to the right part of your site’s traffic.

Some of the more popular targeting rules include:

  • Exit-Intent® Technology: Recover abandoning visitors as they’re actively leaving your website.
  • OnSite Retargeting®: Keep users engaged by showing fresh content to returning visitors.
  • Geolocation: Personalize the user journey by targeting people by their physical location.
  • MonsterLinks™: Boost conversions by making your campaigns appear at the click of a button or link.

These are just a few of OptinMonster’s most popular targeting rules, though there are many others.

Once your campaigns are set up, you can integrate your email service provider (ESP) with OptinMonster.

This allows you to set your content marketing strategy on autopilot. Once you’ve gotten new leads, you’ll send them directly to your organized contact lists.

This lets you send automated email series to increase engagement and sales from your audience.

Not sure if OptinMonster will work for you? Just check out how Crossrope was able to explode their list by 900%.

Or how Shotkit uses OptinMonster to get 40+ NEW leads every single day.

You can get similar results by click below and starting your 100% risk-free OptinMonster account today:

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And that’s all for today! These have been 29 content marketing examples you can use for inspiration right now.

More on Content Marketing:

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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